

張真誠講座教授,國際電子電機工程師學會會士(IEEE Fellow)、英國電機工程師學會會士(IET Fellow)、中華民國電腦學會會士(CS Fellow)與亞太人工智能學會會士(AAIA Fellow),並獲選為歐洲科學院(英國)院士和歐洲科學與藝術研究院(奧地利)院士。先後就讀於清華大學和交通大學計算機工程研究所,並以兩年時間榮獲全國首位計算機工程領域國家工學博士,並獲頒國立中正大學名譽工學博士。曾任交通大學副教授,中興大學教授,清華大學教授,中正大學講座教授、工學院院長、教務長、代理校長和教育部顧問室主任等職,並獲邀擔任日本東京大學客座研究員、京都大學客座科學家。

張教授對資訊安全、密碼學與多媒體圖像處理等領域有卓越貢獻,發表學術論文千餘篇、專著40冊,取得美中台專利36項,主持研究計畫百餘項。根據Google Scholar的統計,截至2024年十月共獲引用49,194次, H影響因子為101。2017年8月Guide2Research發布的全球計算機科學學術影響力排名,在一千名頂級科學家,張教授位列全台第一。2021年10月,美國史丹佛大學發佈全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單,張教授在人工智慧與影像處理領域25萬5千餘名科學家中生涯影響力名列全球第189名。張教授曾獲第一屆十大傑出資訊人才獎、資訊榮譽獎章、青年獎章、龍騰十傑獎、傑出工程教授獎、兩屆中山學術著作獎、連續五屆國科會傑出研究獎、東元科技獎、李遠哲傑出人才講座、潘文淵研究傑出獎、美國Journal of Systems and Software期刊全球前十五名頂尖學者獎、美國Pattern Recognition Letters期刊最佳引文獎、國科會傑出特約研究獎、英國IET學會首屆傑出研究獎、2012亞洲資訊安全終身成就獎等。



  • 1980-09-01 ~ 1982-06-30 國立交通大學 計算機工程學系 博士
  • 1977-09-01 ~ 1979-06-30 國立清華大學 計算機管理決策研究所 碩士
  • 1973-09-01 ~ 1977-06-30 國立清華大學 應用數學系 學士


  • 資料庫設計
    Database Design
  • 電子商務安全
    E-Business Security
  • 電子多媒體影像技術
    Electronic Imaging Techniques
  • 電腦密碼學
    Computer Cryptography
  • 圖像與信號處理
    Image and Signal Processing
  • 信息取證與安全
    Information Forensics and Security
  • 深度學習
    Deep Learning


  • 董事會 何宜武先生學術講座
  • 資訊工程學系 教授


  • 2024-08-01 ~ 2025-07-31 國立東華大學 資訊工程學系 合聘教授
  • 2024-08-01 ~ 2027-07-31 國立中興大學 智慧資安科技講座教授
  • 2018-08-01 ~ 迄今 朝陽科技大學 資訊系 榮譽特聘講座教授
  • 2018-02-01 ~ 迄今 國立金門大學 兼任講座教授
  • 2016-11-01 ~ 迄今 國立東華大學 資工系 榮譽教授
  • 2010-08-01 ~ 迄今 中國醫藥大學 講座教授
  • 2009-02-01 ~ 迄今 國立中興大學 資訊安全講座教授
  • 2007-08-01 ~ 迄今 亞洲大學 資訊工程學系 講座教授
  • 2006-03-01 ~ 2012-03-31 Journal of Computers 總編輯
  • 2006-02-01 ~ 迄今 東海大學 兼任榮譽講座教授
  • 2005-02-01 ~ 迄今 國立中正大學 榮譽教授
  • 2004-08-01 ~ 迄今 國立中正大學 合聘教授
  • 2003-01-01 ~ 2005-01-31 國立中正大學 講座教授
  • 2002-08-01 ~ 迄今 國立清華大學 合聘教授
  • 2002-08-01 ~ 2005-07-31 靜宜大學 兼任講座教授
  • 1999-03-01 ~ 迄今 教育部 學術審議委員會 委員
  • 1998-07-01 ~ 2000-06-30 教育部 顧問室 主任
  • 1997-11-01 ~ 迄今 交通部 電信總局電信技術諮詢委員會 委員
  • 1997-09-01 ~ 迄今 考試院 考選部 典試委員
  • 1997-08-01 ~ 2001-07-31 經濟部 工業局技術審查委員會 委員
  • 1997-08-01 ~ 1998-06-30 朝陽科技大學 兼任講座教授
  • 1997-07-01 ~ 迄今 行政院 研考會 諮詢委員
  • 1996-09-01 ~ 1997-10-31 國立中正大學 代理校長
  • 1996-09-01 ~ 迄今 中華民國 斐陶斐榮譽學會 常務理事
  • 1996-09-01 ~ 1997-04-30 中華民國 大專院校第二十八屆運動會籌委會 主任委員
  • 1995-08-01 ~ 1997-10-31 國立中正大學 教務長/共同科主任
  • 1995-01-01 ~ 1999-12-31 教育部 科學教育指導委員會 諮詢委員
  • 1994-05-01 ~ 1997-05-31 中華民國 資訊安全學會 創會理事長
  • 1994-01-01 ~ 1997-12-31 美國 Information Sciences 國際期刊 編輯委員
  • 1993-08-01 ~ 1995-07-31 國立中正大學 自動化研究中心 主任
  • 1992-08-01 ~ 1995-07-31 國立中正大學 工學院 院長
  • 1991-09-01 ~ 迄今 國科會 工程處 諮議委員及評議委員
  • 1991-04-01 ~ 1994-03-31 中央研究院 資訊科學研究所學術諮詢委員會 委員
  • 1990-12-01 ~ 1994-01-31 中國工程學刊 編委會計算機組 總召集人
  • 1990-08-01 ~ 1992-07-31 國立中正大學 自動化研究中心 主任
  • 1989-08-01 ~ 1990-01-31 國立中正大學 電算中心 代主任
  • 1989-08-01 ~ 1992-07-31 國立中正大學 資訊工程研究所 所長
  • 1989-08-01 ~ 1992-07-31 國立中正大學 資訊工程研究所 教授
  • 1987-10-01 ~ 2003-08-31 資訊教育雜誌 總編輯
  • 1986-04-01 ~ 1993-01-31 中央研究院 Journal of Information Science and Engineering 編輯委員
  • 1985-08-01 ~ 1989-07-31 國立中興大學 應用數學研究所 教授
  • 1983-08-01 ~ 1985-07-31 國立中興大學 應用數學研究所 副教授
  • 1982-08-01 ~ 1983-07-31 國立交通大學 計算機工程研究所 副教授
  • 1980-08-01 ~ 1982-07-31 國立交通大學 計算機工程學系 講師
  • 1980-02-01 ~ 1980-07-31 國立中興大學 應用數學系 講師
  • 1979-08-01 ~ 1980-07-31 淡江文理學院 電子計算機科學系 講師
  • 1979-06-01 ~ 1980-01-31 財團法人資訊工業策進會 系統諮詢工程師
  • 1978-12-01 ~ 1979-05-31 美商惠普電腦公司 系統工程師


  1. Chang, Y. C., Liu, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Texture-image-oriented Coverless Data Hiding based on Two-dimentional Fractional Brownian Motion," Accepted byElectronics, ., 2024-10. (SCIE)
  2. Lin, Y., Liu, J. C., Chang C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Lossless Recompression of Vector Quantization Index Table for Texture Images based on Adaptive Huffman Coding through Multi-type Processing," Accepted bySymmetry, ., 2024-10. (SCIE)
  3. Xu, S., Horng, J. H., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Images with Polynomial Secret Sharing for IoT Security," Accepted byIEEE Internet of Things Journal, ., 2024-10. (SCIE)
  4. Chen, S., Liu, J. C.*, Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C.*, "Lossless Data Hiding in VQ Compressed Images using Adaptive Prediction Difference Coding," Accepted byElectronics, ., 2024-09. (SCIE)
  5. Chang, C. C., Xu, S., Gao, K. and Chang, C. C., "Cryptanalysis of Dual-Stage Permutation Encryption Using Large-Kernel Convolutional Neural Network and Known Plaintext Attack," Accepted byCryptography, ., 2024-09. (SCIE)
  6. Fang, G., Wang, F., Zhao, C., Chang, C. C. and Lyu, W. L., "Reversible Data Hiding based on Chinese Remainder Theorem for Polynomials and Secret Sharing," Accepted byInternational Journal of Networks Security, ., 2024-09. (EI)
  7. Lin, Y., Lin, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "An IoT-based Electronic Health Protection Mechanism with AMBTC Compressed Images," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, ., 2024-09. (SCIE)
  8. Gao, K., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Key-free Image Encryption Algorithm based on Self-triggered Gaussian Noise Sampling," Accepted byIEEE Access, ., 2024-08. (SCIE)
  9. Guo, C., Hwang, F. J., Chen, C. H., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Dynamic Spatiotemporal Straight-Flow Network for Efficient Learning and Accurate Forecasting in Traffic," Accepted byIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ., 2024-08. (SCIE)
  10. Lin, Y., Liu, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Innovative Recompression Scheme for VQ Index Tables," Accepted byFuture Internet, ., 2024-08. (SCIE)
  11. Cui, M., Han, D., Liu, H., Li, K. C., Tang, M., Chang, C. C., Ayaz, F., Sheng, Z. and Guan, Y. L., "Secure Data Sharing for Consortium Blockchain-enabled Vehicular Social Networks," Accepted byIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, ., 2024-08. (SCIE)
  12. Lin, J., Horng, J. H. and Chang, C. C., "Secret Image Sharing with Distinct Cover based on Improved Cycling-XOR," Accepted byJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representaion, ., 2024-08. (SCIE)
  13. Xu, S., Liu, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Covert Communication for Dual Images with Two-Tier Bits Flipping," Accepted byMathematics, ., 2024-07. (SCIE)
  14. Zhou, Y., Luo, T., He, Z., Jiang, G., Xu,, H. and Chang, C. C., "CAISFormer: Channel-wise Attention Transformer for Image Steganography," Accepted byNeural Computing, .., 2024-07. (SCIE)
  15. Xie, T., Wang, B., Huang, E., Du, Y., Zhang, L, Liu, M., Chang, C. C. and Sun, Y., "Establishment abd Application of Recursive Digital Processing Algorithm with Difference Anlysis-based Parameter Setting and Difference Feedback," Accepted byElectronics, ., 2024-07. (SCIE)
  16. Lu, H. W., Liu, J. C.*, Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "Reversible Data Hiding in Crypto-space Images with Polynomial Secret Sharing over Galois Field," Accepted byElectronics, https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13142860., 2024-07. (SCIE)
  17. Yuan, L., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Visual Quality-enhanced Reversible Data Hiding Scheme based on Interpolation and Variant Sudoku Matrics," Accepted byMultimedia Tools and Applications, ., 2024-06. (SCIE)
  18. Wang, X., Liu, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted 3D Mesh Models based on Multi-Group Partition and Closest Pair Prediction," Accepted byFuture Internet, ., 2024-06. (SCIE)
  19. Liu, J. C., Lin, Y., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Side Match Oriented Data Hiding Based on Absolute Moment Block Truncation Encoding Mechanism with Reversibility," Accepted byMultimedia Tools and Applications, ., 2024-06. (SCIE)
  20. Lin, C. C., Chen, E. and Chang, C. C., "A High-capacity HE Interpolation-based Reversible Data Hiding Method using Difference Interval-based Substitution," Accepted byJournal of Internet Technology, ., 2024-06. (SCIE)
  21. Tian, W., Li, S., Li, J., Zhao, L., Ye, Y. and Chang, C. C., "FSelectMix: Regularization Strategy of Convolutional Neural Networks with Attention," Accepted byJournal of Internet Technology, ., 2024-06. (SCIE)
  22. Zhan, C., Leng, L., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "Reversible Image Fragile Watermarking with Dual-temper Detection," Accepted byElectronics, ., 2024-05. (SCIE)
  23. Chi, H., Liu, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "A Simple and Efficient Data Hiding Method with Error Detection and Correction," Accepted byElectronics, ., 2024-05. (SCIE)
  24. Lin, I. C., Yeh, I. L., Chang, C. C., Liu, J. C. and Chang, C. C.*, "Designing a Secure and Scalable Data Sharing Mechanism Using Decentralized Identifiers," Accepted byComputer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, ., 2024-05. (SCIE)
  25. Lin, Y., Liu, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C.*, "Emebdding Secret Data in a Vector Quantization Codebook using a Novel Thresholding Scheme," Accepted byMathematics, ., 2024-04. (SCIE)
  26. Gao, K., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. C.*, "Multiple Perspective of Multipredictor Mechanism and Multihistogram Modification for High-Fidelity Reversible Data Hiding," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, ., 2024-04. (SCIE)
  27. Xu, S., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H.*, "Data Hiding with Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption for Cloud Medical Images," Multimedia Tools and Applications, ., 2024-04. (SCIE)
  28. Wang, R., Liang, J., Wang, S. and Chang, C. C., "A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Privacy-Preserving High-Dimensional Big Data Release," Accepted byJournal of Information Security and Applications, ., 2024-04. (SCIE)
  29. Chen, S., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "Reversible Data Hiding using Prediction Neural Network and Adaptive Modulation Mapping," Accepted byMultimedia Tools and Applications, ., 2024-04. (SCIE)
  30. Luo, T., Wu, J., He, Z., Xu, H., Jiang, G. and Chang, C. C., "WFormer: A Transformer-based Soft Fusion Model for Robust Image Watermarking," Accepted byIEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, ., 2024-04. (SCIE)
  31. Chen, Y., Duan, H., Wang, D., Liu, Y. and Chang C. C., "SERDA: Secure Enhanced and Robust Data Aggregation Scheme for Smart Grid," Accepted byInternational Journal of Network Security, ., 2024-04. (EI)
  32. Wu, H., Lin,C. C., Chang, C. C. and Wang, X., "Hybrid Representative Coding Scheme for AMBTC Compressed Images," Accepted byInternational Journal of Internet Technology, ., 2024-04. (SCIE)
  33. Gan, Q. W., Yau, W. C., Gan, Y. S., Salam, I., Guo, S.*, Chang, C. C., Wu, Y. and Zhou, L., "DSteganoM: Deep Steganography for Motion Capture Data," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 238, 2024-04. (SCIE)
  34. Chang, C. C., Xu, S., Liu, J. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Crypto-attacking Scheme for a (t, n)-threshold Image Encryption Method," Accepted byJournal of Internet Technology, ., 2024-03. (SCIE)
  35. Chen, C., Han, D. and Chang, C. C., "MPCCT: Multimodal vision-language learning paradigm with context-based compact Transformer," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 147, pp. 110084, 2024-03. (SCIE)
  36. Yang, J., Cai, X., Liu, Y., Chen, M. and Chang, C. C., "Taking LM as the Brain: A Novel Approach Intergrating Language Model and Generative Agent for Intelligent Decision Systems," Accepted byInternational Journal of Network Security, ., 2024-02. (EI)
  37. Gao, K., Chang, C. C., and Horng, J. H.*, "Dual Mode Data Hiding in Fully Encrypted Images with Pixel-shuffling for Cloud Applications," Displays, ., 2024-01. (SCIE)
  38. Ye, W.*, Cai, Y., Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C., "Joint Learning of Fuzzy Clustering and Spectral Clustering with Anchor Graph," Accepted byMultimedia Tools and Applications, ., 2024-01. (SCIE)
  39. Liu, J. C., Chi, H., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Innovative Information Hiding Scheme based on Block-wise Pixel Reordering," Future Internet, ., 2024-01. (SCIE)
  40. Yao, Y., Zhang, Y., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Dual-image Reversible Data Hiding based on Sudoku Block Mapping and Adaptive Embedding," Accepted byJournal of Internet Technology, ., 2024-01. (SCIE)
  41. Lin, I. C., Kuo, Y. H., Chang, C. C., Liu, J. C. and Chang, C. C., "Symmetry in Blockchain-powered Secure Decentralized Data Storage: Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Confidentiality," Symmetry, Vol. 16, No, 2, pp. 147, 2024-01. (SCIE)
  42. Lin, Y., Lin, C. C., Liu, J. and Chang, C. C.*, "Verifiable (t,n) Secrect Image Sharing Scheme based on Slim Turtle Shell Matrix," Accepted byJournal of Information Security and Applications, ., 2023-12. (SCIE)
  43. Huang, Z., Wang F., Chang, C. C. and Chen, X., "A New Authentication Scheme for Dynamic Charging System of Electric Vehicles in Fog Environment," Accepted bySecurity and Privacy, ., 2023-12. (SCIE)
  44. Lyu, H., Li, J.*, Ye. Y. and Chang, C. C., "A Ranking Information based Network for Facial Beauty Prediction," Accepted byIEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, ., 2023-12. (SCIE)
  45. Liu, J., Chang, C. C., Lin, Y., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "A Matrix Coding Oriented Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Dual Digital Images," Accepted byMathematics, ., 2023-12. (SCIE)
  46. Chang, C. C., Liu, J. and Gao, K., "Cryptanalysis of Iterative Encryption and Image Sharing Scheme Based on the VQ Attack," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, ., 2023-12. (SCIE)
  47. Su, G. D., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Chang, C. C., "Towards Properties-Preserving JPEG Encryption with Structured Permutation and Adaptive Group Differentiation," The Visual Computer, ., 2023-12. (SCIE)
  48. Ji, Z., Song, X., Feng, B., Wang, H., Chen, C. H. and Chang, C. C., "RSG-Net: A Recurrent Similarity Network with Ghost Convolution for Wheelset Laser Stripe Image Inpainting," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ., 2023-11. (SCIE)
  49. Liu, L., Li, J., Wu, Y., Chang, C. C. and Wang, A., "High-imperceptibility Data Hiding Scheme for JPEG Images based on Direction Modification," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 1415-1432, 2023-11. (SCIE)
  50. Guo, C., Chen, C. H., Hwang, F. J.*, Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Multi-View Spatiotemporal Learning for Traffic Forecasting," Accepted byInformation Sciences, ., 2023-11. (SCIE)
  51. Tian, H.*, Ye, W., Wang, J, Quan, H. and Chang, C. C., "Certificateless Public Auditing for Cloud-based Medical Data in Healthcare Industry 4.0," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, ., 2023-11. (SCIE)
  52. Fang, H., Chen, C. H., Hwang, F. J., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Metro Station Functional Clustering and Dual-View Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network for Metro Passenger Flow Prediction," Accepted byExpert Systems with Applications, ., 2023-11. (SCIE)
  53. Gao, K., Horng, J. H. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted 3D Mesh Models with Secret Sharing over Galois Field," Accepted byIEEE Transactions on Multimedia, ., 2023-11. (SCIE)
  54. Chi, H., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Data Hiding Methods using Voting Strategy and Mapping Table," Accepted byJournal of Internet Technology, ., 2023-10. (SCIE)
  55. Liu, J. C., Chang, C. C., Chang, C. C.* and Xu, S., "High-Capacity Imperceptible Data Hiding Using Permutation-Based Embedding Process for IoT Security," Electronics, ., 2023-10. (SCIE)
  56. Lin, J. Y., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "Crypto-space Image Steganography based on Blind Flipping," Journal of Information Security and Applications, ., 2023-10. (SCIE)
  57. Sun, C., Tian, H., Mazurczyk, W., Chang, C. C., Quan, H. and Chen, Y., "Steganalysis of Adaptive Multi-rate Speech with Unknown Embedding Rates Using Clustering and Ensemble Learning," Computers and Electrical Engineering, ., 2023-10. (SCIE)
  58. Xu, S., Horng, J. H.*, Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding with Hierarchical Block Variable Length Coding for Cloud Security," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, ., 2023-09. (SCIE)
  59. Chen, Y., Ye, W.*, Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C., "The High-Performance Design of a General Spiking Convolution Computation Unit for Supporting Neuromorphic Hardware Acceleration," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs, ., 2023-09. (SCIE)
  60. Xu, S., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "Image Covert Communication with Block Regulation," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, ., 2023-09. (SCIE)
  61. Huang, J., Luo, T., Li, L.*, Yang, G., Xu, H. and Chang, C. C., "ARWGAN: Attention-Guided Robust Image Watermarking Model Based on GAN," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Vol. 72, pp. 5018417, 2023-06. (SCIE)
  62. Ye, W.*, Tan, R., Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C, "The Comparison of Attention Mechanisms with Different Embedding Modes for Performance Improvement of Fine-grained Classification," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 590-600, 2023-05. (SCIE)
  63. Li, H., Han, D.*, Chen, C., Chang, C. C., Li, K. C. and Li, D., "A Visual Question Answering Network Merging High- and Low-Level Semantic Information," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 581-589, 2023-05. (SCIE)
  64. Su, G. D., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "An Effective Compressed Image Authentication Scheme Based on N-Variant AMBTC," Multimedia Tools and Applications, ., 2023-05. (SCIE)
  65. Qiu, Y., Tian, H.*, Li, H., Chang, C. C. and Vasilakos, A. V., "Separable Convolution Network with Dual-Stream Pyramid Enhanced Strategy for Speech Steganalysis," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, ., 2023-04. (SCIE)
  66. Tian, H.*, Peng, F., Quan, H. and Chang, C. C., "Identity-Based Public Auditing for Cloud Storage of Internet-of-Vehicles Data," ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 88:1-24, 2023-03. (SCIE)
  67. Wang, X., Liu, J. C. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for VQ Codebooks," Security and Privacy, ., 2023-03. (EI)
  68. Kang, H., Leng, L.* and Chang, C. C., "Overlapped (7.4) Hamming Code for Large-capacity and Low-loss Data Hiding," Multimedia Tools and Applications, ., 2023-02. (SCIE)
  69. Feng, Q., Leng, L.*, Chang, C. C., Horng, J. H. and Wu, M., "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images with Extended Parametric Binary Tree Labeling," Applied Science, ., 2023-02. (SCIE)
  70. Xu, S., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H.*, "A Steganography Based on Optimal Multi-Threshold Block Labeling," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 721-739, 2023-01. (SCIE)
  71. Gao, K., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. C.*, "Cryptanalysis of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on the VQ Attack," Symmetry, ., 2023-01. (SCIE)
  72. Lee, C. H., Sun, K. S., Horng, J. W.* and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel CDMA-based Secret Message Multiplexing Scheme by Image Data Hiding," Mathematics, ., 2023-01. (SCIE)
  73. Chen, C., Han, D.* and Chang, C. C., "CAAN: Context-Aware Attention Network for Visual Question Answering," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 132, pp. 108980, 2022-12. (SCIE)
  74. Lin, I. C., Chang, C. C.* and Chiang, H. C., "A Novel e-Cash Payment System with Divisibility Based on Proxy Blind Signature in Web of Things," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E105-D, No. 12, pp. 2092-2103, 2022-12. (SCIE)
  75. Tian, H.*, Wu, J., Quan, H. and Chang, C. C., "Detecting Multiple Steganography Methods in Speech Streams Using Multi-Encoder Network," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 29, pp. 2462 - 2466, 2022-12. (SCIE)
  76. Ye, W., Lao, J., Liu, Y.*, Chang, C. C.*, Zhang, Z., Li, H. and Zhou, H., "Pine Pest Detection using Remote Sensing Satellite Images Combined with a Multi-scale Attention-UNet Model," Ecological Informatics, Vol. 72, pp. 101906, 2022-12. (SCIE)
  77. Guo, C., Chen, C.-H.*, Hwang, F.-J., Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Fast Spatiotemporal Learning Framework for Traffic Flow Forecasting," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ., 2022-11. (SCIE)
  78. Xie, X., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding Based on Bidirectional Generalized Integer Transform," Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 。, 2022-11. (EI)
  79. Liu, H., Wu, A., Wei, M. and Chang, C. C., "SKDStream: A Dynamic Clustering Algorithm on Time-Decaying Data Stream," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2022, Article number: 102, 2022-10. (SCIE)
  80. Cao, C., Chen, C. H.*, Chang, C. C., Hwang, F. J. and Chang, C. C., "De-Correlation Neural Network for Synchronous Implementation of Estimation and Secrecy," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 165-169, 2022-10. (SCIE)
  81. Chi, H., Horng, J. H., Chang, C. C.* and Li, Y. H, "Embedding Biometric Information in Interpolated Medical Images with A Reversible and Adaptive Strategy," Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 20, pp. 7942, 2022-10. (SCIE)
  82. Chi, H., Chang, C. C.*, Wang, X. and Lin, C. C.*, "Hiding and Extracting Important Information in Encrypted Images by Using the Transformation of All Possible Permutations and VQ Codebook," Electronics, Vol. 11, No. 21, pp. 3475, 2022-10. (SCIE)
  83. Lv, X., Han, D.*, Li, D.*, Xiao, L. and Chang, C. C., "Network Abnormal Traffic Detection Method based on Fusion of Chord Similarity and Multiple Loss Encoder," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2022, No. 0, pp. Article number: 105, 2022-10. (SCIE)
  84. Chen, S. and Chang, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Block-based Adaptive MSB Prediction," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 69, pp. 103297, 2022-09. (SCIE)
  85. Sun, C., Tian, H.*, Mazurczyk, W., Chang, C. C., Cai, Y. and Chen, Y., "Towards Blind Detection of Steganography in Low‐Bit‐Rate Speech Streams," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 12085-12112, 2022-09. (SCIE)
  86. Mei, X., Han, D.*, Saeed, N., Wu, H., Chang, C. C., Han, B., Ma, T. and Xian, J., "Trajectory Optimization of Autonomous Surface Vehicles with Outliers for Underwater Target Localization," Remote Sensing, Vol. 14, No. 17, pp. 4343, 2022-09. (SCIE)
  87. Zhai, M., Han, D., Chang, C. C. and Sun, Z., "A Consortium Blockchain-based Information Management System for Unmanned Vehicle Logistics," Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 935-955, 2022-09. (SCIE)
  88. Chen, Y., Han, D., Cui, M., Wu, Z. and Chang, C. C., "ABOS: An Attention-Based One-Stage Framework for Person Search," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2022, Article number: 75, 2022-09. (SCIE)
  89. Bai, R., Li, L.*, Zhang, S., Lu, J. and Chang, C. C., "SSDeN: Framework for Screen-Shooting Resilient Watermarking via Deep Networks in the Frequency Domain," Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 19, pp. 9780, 2022-09. (SCIE)
  90. Zhang, T., Hou, T., Weng, S.*, Zou, F., Zhang, H. and Chang, C. C., "Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement based on Multi-histogram Modification," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 5041-5054, 2022-08. (SCIE)
  91. Qiu, Y., Tian, H.*, Tang, L., Mazurczyk, W. and Chang, C. C., "Steganalysis of Adaptive Multi-rate Speech Streams with Distributed Representations of Codewords," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 68, pp. 103250, 2022-08. (SCIE)
  92. Wang, X., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "On the Multi-Level Embedding of Crypto-Image Reversible Data Hiding," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 87, pp. 103556, 2022-08. (SCIE)
  93. Qin, C., Jiang, C., Mo, Q., Yan, H.* and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Sharing Based on GF(p) and GF(2^8)," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 1928-2941, 2022-04. (SCIE)
  94. Shen, X, Han, D., Chang, C. C. and ZHong, L., "Dual Self-guided Attention with Sparse Question Networks for Visual Question Answering," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E105-D, No.4, pp.785-796, 2022-04. (SCIE)
  95. Li, M., Han, D., Li, D., Liu, H. and Chang, C. C., "MFVT: An Anomaly Traffic Detection Method Merging Feature Fusion Network and Vision Transformer Architecture," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2022, No. 2022, pp. 39, 2022-04. (SCIE)
  96. Sun, Z., Han, D., Li, D.*, Wang, X., Chang, C. C. and Wu, Z., "A Blockchain-based Secure Storage Scheme for Medical Information," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 40, pp. 1-25, 2022-04. (SCIE)
  97. Chen, S. and Chang, C. C.*, "Privacy-Preserving Data Hiding with Robustness based on Selective Encryption and Matrix Embedding," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 81, No. 23, pp. 33397–33417, 2022-04. (SCIE)
  98. Lin, J., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "Asymmetric Orientation Combination for Reversible and Authenticable Data Hiding of Dual Stego-images," Symmetry, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 819, 2022-04. (SCIE)
  99. Gao, K, Horng, J. H.* and Chang, C. C., "High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Adaptive Block Encoding," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 84, pp. 103481, 2022-04. (SCIE)
  100. Ye, W., Zeng, Q., Peng, Y., Liu, Y.* and Chang, C. C., "A Two-stage Detection Method for Copy-move Forgery based on Parallel Feature Fusion," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2022, No. 1, pp. 30, 2022-04. (SCIE)
  101. Lin, J. Y., Horng, J. H. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Reversible and Authenticable Secret Sharing Scheme Using Dual Images," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 81, No. 13, pp. 17527-17545, 2022-03. (SCIE)
  102. Nguyen, T. S.*, Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C., "High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme based on AMBTC for Encrypted Images," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 255-266, 2022-03. (SCIE,EI)
  103. Putri, W. R., Liu, S. H., Aslam, M. S., Li, Y. H., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, J., "Self-Supervised Learning Framework Toward State-of-the-Art Iris Image Segmentation," Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 2133, 2022-03. (SCIE)
  104. Zhao, L., Li, J., Li, J.*, Wu, Y. Cheng, S., Tang, Z., Hui, G. and Chang, C. C., "Learning Stereo Disparity with Feature Consistency and Confidence," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 39, Nos. 1-2, pp. 83-92, 2022-02. (EI)
  105. Yang, Z., Chang, H., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y. and Chang, C. C., "Real-Time Steganalysis for Streaming Media Based on Multi-Channel Convolutional Sliding Windows," Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 237, pp. 107561, 2022-02. (SCIE)
  106. Li, X. W., Han, D. Z.* and Chang, C. C., "Pre-training Model Based on Parallel Cross-Modality Fusion Layer," Plos One, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. e0260784, 2022-02. (SCIE)
  107. Horng, J. H., Chen, S.* and Chang, C. C.*, "A (k,n)-Threshold Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Non-Full Rank Linear Model," Mathematics, Vol. 10, No. 3,. pp. 524, 2022-02. (SCIE)
  108. Chang, C. C.*, Su, G. D., Lin, C. C.* and Li, Y. H., "Position-Aware Guided Hiding Data Scheme with Reversibility and Adaptivity for Dual Images," Symmetry, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp 509, 2022-02. (SCIE)
  109. Lee, W. K., Chen, L.*, Chang, C. C. and Yao, Z., "Post-quantum Blockchain for Secure Communication in IoT based Smart Home Services," International Journal of Embedded Systems, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 509-524, 2022-01. (EI)
  110. Ye, W., Zhu, X., Xu, Z., Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C., "A Comprehensive Framework of Multiple Semantics Preservation in Neural Style Transfer," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 82, pp. 103378, 2022-01. (SCIE)
  111. Lin, I. C., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, Y. S., "Data Security and Preservation Mechanisms for Industrial Control Network using IOTA," Symmetry, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 237, 2022-01. (SCIE)
  112. Wang, X., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Chang, C. C., "Reversal of Pixel Rotation: A Reversible Data Hiding System towards Cybersecurity in Encrypted Images," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 82, pp. 103421, 2022-01. (SCIE)
  113. Lin, C. C.*, Chang, C. C.*, Kao, W. J. and Chang, J. F., "Efficient Electronic Patient Information Hiding Scheme with Tamper Detection Function for Medical Images," IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 18470-18485, 2022-01. (SCIE)
  114. Cai, S., Han, D., Yin, X., Li, D. and Chang, C. C., "A Hybrid Parallel Deep Learning Model for Efficient Intrusion Detection Based On Metric Learning," Connection Science, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 551-577, 2022-01. (SCIE)
  115. Lin, W., Zhu, X., Ye, W.*, Chang, C. C.*, Liu, Y. and Liu, C., "An Improved Image Steganography Framework based on Y Channel Information for Neural Style Transfer," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2022, Article ID 2641615, 2022-01. (SCIE)
  116. Xie, X. Z. and Chang, C. C.*, "Hiding Data in Dual Images Based on Turtle Shell Matrix with High Embedding Capacity and Reversibility," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 30, pp. 36567–36584, 2021-12. (SCIE)
  117. Zhang, S., Su, S., Li, L., Lu, J., Zhou, Q. and Chang, C. C., "CSST-Net: An Arbitrary Image Style Transfer Network of Coverless Steganography," The Visual Computer, ., 2021-12. (SCIE)
  118. Lin, J., Chang, C. C. and Horng, J. H., "Asymmetric Data Hiding for Compressed Images with High Payload and Reversibility," Symmetry, Vol. 13. No. 12, pp. 2355, 2021-12. (SCIE)
  119. Xie, X., Chang, C. C.* and Horng, J. H.*, "An EMD-based Data Hiding Scheme for JPEG Images," Connection Science, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 515-531, 2021-11. (SCIE)
  120. Lin, J. Y., Horng, J. H.* and Chang, C. C., "A Novel (2, 3)-Threshold Reversible Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Optimized Crystal-Lattice Matrix," Symmetry, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 2063, 2021-11. (SCIE)
  121. Lin, C. C.*, Nguyen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "LRW-CRDB: Lossless Robust Watermarking Scheme for Categorical Relational Databases," Symmetry, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 2191, 2021-11. (SCIE)
  122. Lin, C. C.*, Nguyen, T. S., Chang, C. C. and Chang, W. C., "Efficient Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for AMBTC-Compressed Images," Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 15, pp. 6741, 2021-11. (SCIE)
  123. Chi, H., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, Y., "An SMVQ Compressed Data Hiding Scheme Based on Multiple Linear Regression Prediction," Connection Science, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 495-514, 2021-10. (SCIE)
  124. Chang, C. C., Wang, X. and Lin, C. C., "An Efficient Dual Prediction-based Reversible Data Hiding and Reduced Code Method for AMBTC," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 24, pp. 33157–33176, 2021-10. (SCIE)
  125. Chen, S., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Homomorphism and Block-based Congruence Transformation," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, Nos. 21-23, pp. 33115–33138, 2021-10. (SCIE)
  126. Zhang, X., Han, D.* and Chang, C. C., "RDMMFET: Representation of Dense Multi-Modality Fusion Encoder Based on Transformer," Mobile Information Systems, Special Issue on Machine Learning, Vol. 2021, Article ID 2662064, 2021-10. (SCIE)
  127. Xia, T. T., Lin, J., Chang, C. C.* and Lu, T. C., "A Novel Adjustable Reversible Data Hiding Method for AMBTC-Compressed Codes using Hamming Distance," International Journal of Embedded Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 313, 2021-09. (EI)
  128. Gao, K., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, Y., "Predicting Missing Data for Data Integrity Based on the Linear Regression Model," International Journal of Embedded Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 355-362, 2021-09. (EI)
  129. Horng, J. H., Chang, C. C.* and Sun, K. S., "A Two-Layer Steganography for Mosaic Image," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 3298-3321, 2021-09. (SCIE)
  130. Wu, H., Horng, J. H. and Chang, C. C.*, "Adaptive Data Hiding Scheme based on Magic Matrix of Flexible Dimension," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 3348-3364, 2021-09. (SCIE)
  131. Li, L., Bai, R., Zhang, S., Chang, C. C.* and Shi, M., "Screen-Shooting Resilient Watermarking Scheme via Learned Invariant Keypoints and QT," Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 19, pp. 6554, 2021-09. (SCIE)
  132. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C.*, Wang, Z. H. and Di, Y. F., "A High Robust and Blind Image Watermarking Using Arnold Transform Mapping in the DCT Domain of YCbCr Color Space," Journal of Network Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 624-636, 2021-08. (EI)
  133. Wang, X., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. C., "High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Prediction Error and Block Classification," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 19, pp. 29915–29937, 2021-08. (SCIE)
  134. Chang, C. C., Chang, J. F., Kao, W. J. and Horng, J. H., "Two-Layer Reversible Data Hiding for VQ-Compressed Images Based on De-Clustering and Indicator-Free Search-Order Coding," Future Internet, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 215, 2021-08. (SCIE)
  135. Tian, H., Li, X., Quan, H., Chang, C. C. and Thar, B., "A Lightweight Attribute -based Access Control Scheme for Intelligent Transportation System with Full Privacy Protection," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, No. 14, pp. 15793-15806, 2021-07. (SCIE)
  136. Su, G. D., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "Privacy-Preserving Reversible Data Hiding for Medical Images Employing Local Rotation," Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Vol. 2021, Article ID 5709513, 2021-07. (SCIE)
  137. Chi, H., Horng, J W.* and Chang, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding Based on Pixel-Value-Ordering and Prediction-Error Triplet Expansion," Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 14, pp. 1703, 2021-07. (SCIE)
  138. Li, L., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on (7, 4) Hamming Code and UnitSmooth Detection," Entropy, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 790, 2021-06. (SCIE)
  139. Wang, X., Chang, C. C.*, Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Privacy-Preserving Reversible Data Hiding Based on Quad-Tree Block encoding and Integer Wavelet Transform," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 79, pp. 10320, 2021-06. (SCIE)
  140. Lin, C. C.*, He, S. and Chang, C. C., "Pixel-based Fragile Image Watermarking Based on Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 19, pp. 29497-29518, 2021-06. (SCIE)
  141. Huang, P., Chang, C. C.*, Li, Y. H. and Liu, Y., "Enhanced (n,n)-threshold QR Code Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Error Correction Mechanism," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 58. pp. 102719, 2021-05. (SCIE)
  142. Chen, K. M. and Chang, C. C*, "High-Capacity Separable Reversible Data-Hiding Method in Encrypted Images Based on Block-Level Encryption and Huffman Compression Coding," Connection Science, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 975-994, 2021-05. (SCIE)
  143. Meng, K., Miao, F.*, Ning, Y., Huang, W., Xiong, Y. and Chang, C. C., "A Proactive Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem," Frontiers of Computer Science, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 152801, 2021-04. (SCIE)
  144. Xu, S., Horng, J. H.* and Chang, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on VQ Prediction and Adaptive Parametric Binary Tree Labeling for Encrypted Images," IEEE Access, Vol. 9, No. 1, Apr. 2021, pp. 55191-55204, 2021-04. (SCIE)
  145. Xu, S., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, Y., "A High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Encrypted Images Employing Vector Quantization Prediction," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 13, pp. 20307–20325, 2021-03. (SCIE)
  146. Chang, C. C, Horng, J. H.*, Shi, C. S. and Wang, X., "VQ-Oriented Data Hiding based on Adjustable Error Compensation Strategy," Connection Science, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 835-853, 2021-03. (SCIE)
  147. Chang, C. C., Horng, J. H.* and Gao, W. J., "A Secure Extended LBP Data Hiding Scheme based on Octagon-shaped Shell," International Journal of Embedded Systems, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 497-508, 2021-03. (EI)
  148. Qiu, G. H., Lee, C. F. and Chang, C. C.*, "Turtle-shell Data Embedding Method with High Image Fidelity," International Journal of Embedded Systems, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 149-159, 2021-03. (EI)
  149. Lin, J. Y., Chen, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Hu, Y. C., "An Efficient Lossless Dual Images Secret Sharing Scheme Using Turtle Shell Reference Matrix," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 195-204, 2021-03. (EI)
  150. Lu, R., Xu, Y., Wu, Z., Zheng, Y., Ren, L., Ding, F., Li, J.* and Chang, C. C.*, "Correction of Slanted Text Pictures Based on Modified Opencv," Journal of Network Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 238-246, 2021-03. (EI)
  151. Su, G. D., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, C. C., "A Hybrid-Sudoku based Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Image Tampering Detection," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 12881–12903, 2021-03. (SCIE)
  152. Chen, Y., Xu, W., Hong, Z. H., Zhu, M. M., Li, B., Li, J.* and Chang, C. C.*, "Smart Meter Fault Prediction Based on One-dimensional Convolution Neural Network Integrated Model," Journal of Network Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 178-188, 2021-03. (EI)
  153. Liu, Y., Feng, G., Qin, C., Lu, H. and Chang, C. C.*, "High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Hierarchical Quad-tree Coding and Multi-MSB Prediction," Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 664, 2021-03. (SCIE)
  154. Miao, F., Yu, Y., Meng, K.*, Xiong, Y. and Chang, C. C., "Grouped Secret Sharing Schemes Based on Lagrange Interpolation Polynomials and Chinese Remainder Theorem," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2021, Article ID 6678345, 2021-03. (SCIE)
  155. Meng, K., Miao, F.*, Xiong, Y. and Chang, C. C., "A Reversible Extended Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 95, pp. 116221, 2021-03. (SCIE)
  156. Gao, K., Horng, J. H.* and Chang, C. C.*, "An Authenticatable (2,3) Secret Sharing Scheme Using Meaningful Share Images Based on Hybrid Fractal Matrix," IEEE Access, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 50112-50125, 2021-03. (SCIE)
  157. Xu Wang , Li-Yao Li, Ching-Chun Chang , and Chih-Cheng Chen, "High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Prediction Error Compression and Block Selection," Security and Communication Networks, Volume 2021, Article ID 9606116, 12 pages, 2021-03. (SCIE)
  158. Liu, L., Wang, L. and Chang, C. C.*, "Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Flexible Preservation of the Differences," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 5, pp. 6639–6659, 2021-02. (SCIE)
  159. Lu, J.*, Ni, J., Li, L., Luo, T., and Chang, C. C., "A Coverless Information Hiding Method Based on Constructing a Complete Grouped Basis with Unsupervised Learning," Journal of Network Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 29-39, 2021-02. (EI)
  160. Chen, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Chen, K.*, "High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Huffman Coding and Differences of High Nibbles of Pixels," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 76, pp. 103060, 2021-02. (SCIE)
  161. Chen, S. and Chang, C. C, "Reversible Data Hiding Based on Three Shadow Images Using Rhombus Magic Matrix," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 76, pp. 103064, 2021-02. (SCIE)
  162. Lin, C. C.*, He, S. L. and Chang, C. C., "Pixel P Air-wise Fragile Image Watermarking based on HC-based Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding," Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 690, 2021-02. (SCIE)
  163. Wang, X., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images with Block-based Adaptive MSB Encoding," Information Sciences, Vol. 567, pp. 375-394, 2021-02. (SCIE)
  164. Yan, C., Zhang, G.*, Wang, A., Liu, L. and Chang, C. C., "Visible 3D-model Watermarking Algorithm for 3D-Printing Based on Bitmap Fonts," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 172-179, 2021-01. (EI)
  165. Xu, S., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, Y., "A Novel Image Compression Technology Based on Vector Quantization and Linear Regression Prediction," Connection Science, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 219-236, 2021-01. (SCIE)
  166. Lin, J., Horng, J. H., Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Anisotropic Reference Matrix for Image Steganography," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 74, pp. 102969, 2021-01. (SCIE)
  167. Chen, Y. H., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Wang, Z. M., "An Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme using AMBTC and Quantization Level Difference," Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 635, 2021-01. (SCIE)
  168. Chang, Y. C. and Chang, C. C.*, "Using an Optimization Algorithm to Detect Hidden Waveforms of Signals," Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 588, 2021-01. (SCIE)
  169. Lin, C. C.*, Lin, J. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding for AMBTC Compressed Images Based on Matrix and Hamming Coding," Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 281, 2021-01. (SCIE)
  170. Cui, M., Han, D.*, Wang, J., Li, K. C. and Chang, C. C., "ARFV: An Efficient Shared Data Auditing Scheme Supporting Revocation for Fog-Assisted Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 69, No. 12, pp. 15815-15827, 2020-12. (SCIE)
  171. Wu, X., Guo, S., Xing, G.*, Liao, M., Chang, C. C. and Chuen, Y., "Information Hiding in Motion Data of Virtual Characters," Expert Systems and Applications, Vol. 159, pp. 113516, 2020-11. (SCIE)
  172. Su, G. D., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Yao, Z., "Secure High Capacity Tetris-Based Scheme for Data Hiding," IET Image Processing, Vol. 14, No. 17, pp. 4633-464, 2020-11. (SCIE)
  173. Lin, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Zheng, Y. Z., "A Ring Signature Based Anonymity Authentication Scheme for Group Medical Consultation," Symmetry, Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 2009, 2020-11. (SCIE)
  174. Horng, J. H., Lin, J., Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "3D Multilayered Turtle Shell Models for Image Steganography," Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Vol. 125, No. 2, pp. 879-906, 2020-10. (SCIE)
  175. Qiu, G. H., Lee, C. F. and Chang, C. C.*, "Greedy Algorithm for Image Quality Optimization Based on Turtle-Shell Steganography," International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 50-62, 2020-10. (EI)
  176. Chen, Y. Q., Sun, W. J., Li, L. Y., Chang, C. C. and Wang, X., "An Efficient General Data Hiding Scheme Based on Image Interpolation," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 54, pp. 102584, 2020-10. (SCIE)
  177. Chen, S. and Chang, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Reversible Integer Transformation and Quadtree-based Partition," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 184199-184209, 2020-10. (SCIE)
  178. Lin, C. C.*, Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Zheng, Y. Z., "A Fair and Secure Reverse Auction for Government Procurement," Sustainability, Vol 12, No. 20, pp. 8567, 2020-10. (SCIE)
  179. Su, G. D., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "Effective Self-recovery and Tampering Localization Fragile Watermarking for Medical Images," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 160840-160857, 2020-09. (SCIE)
  180. Gao, K., Horng, J. H.* and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel (2, 3) Reversible Secret Image Sharing Based on Fractal Matrix," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 174325-174341, 2020-09. (SCIE)
  181. Wu, H. L., Chang, C. C.*, Zheng, Y. Z., Chen, L. S.* and Chen, C. C., "A Secure IoT-based Authentication Scheme in Cloud Computing Environment," Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 19, pp. 5604, 2020-09. (SCIE)
  182. Wu, H. L., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, L. S., "Secure and Anonymous Authentication Scheme for the Internet of Things with Pairing," Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 67, pp. 101177, 2020-09. (SCIE)
  183. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C. and Huang, P. C.*, "One-Code-Pass User Authentication Based on QR Code and Secret Sharing," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 752-762, 2020-09. (EI)
  184. Chang, C. C. Su, G. D.*, and Lin, C. C., "An Improved Sudoku-based Data Hiding Scheme Using Greedy Method," International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 10-21, 2020-09. (EI)
  185. Xie, X. Z., Chang, C. C.* and Hu, Y. C., "An Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Prediction Error Histogram Shifting by Exploiting Signed-Digit Representation," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 79, No. 33-34, pp. 24329-24346, 2020-08. (SCIE)
  186. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Su, G. D., "An Effective Image Self-Recovery based Fragile Watermarking using Self-Adaptive Weight-based Compressed AMBTC," Multimedia Tools and Apllications, Vol. 79, No. 33-34, pp. 24795-24824, 2020-08. (SCIE)
  187. Chen, L., Zhang, N., Sun, H. M., Chang, C. C., Yu, S. and Choo, K. K. R., "Secure Search for Encrypted Personal Health Records from Big Data NoSQL Databases in Cloud," Computing, Vol. 102, No. 6, pp. 1521–1545, 2020-08. (SCIE)
  188. Xia, Z., Liu, Y., Hsu, C. F. and Chang, C. C., "Cryptanalysis and Improvement of A Group Authentication Scheme with Multiple Trials and Multiple Authentications," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2020, Article ID 618386, 2020-07. (SCIE)
  189. Li, X., Chen, H., Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "Unordered Multi-secret Sharing Based on Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2020, No. 0, pp. Article ID 6073721, 2020-07. (SCIE)
  190. Tu, S., Waqas, M., Meng, Y.*, Rehman, S., Ahmed I., Koubaa, A., Halim, Z., Hanif, M., Chang, C. C. and Shi, C., "Mobile Fog Computing Security: A User-Oriented Smart Attack Defense Strategy Based on DQL," Computer Communications, Vol. 160, pp. 790-798, 2020-07. (SCIE)
  191. Chang, C. C., Horng, J. H.*, Shih, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "A Maze Matrix-Based Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Cheater Detection," Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 13, pp. 3802, 2020-07. (SCIE)
  192. Horng, J. H., Chang, C. C. and Li, G. L., "Steganography using Quotient Value Differencing and LSB Substitution for AMBTC Compressed Images," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 129347-129358, 2020-07. (SCIE)
  193. Chang, C. C., Chen, J. Y., Chen, Y. H. and Liu, Y.*, "A Reversible Data Hiding Method for SMVQ Indices Based on Improved Locally Adaptive Coding," International Journal of Network Security, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 575-583, 2020-07. (EI)
  194. Chen, Y., Lin, J. Y., Chang, C. C.* and Hu, Y. C., "Sharing a Secret Image in the Cloud Using Two Shadows," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 551-560, 2020-07. (EI)
  195. Gao, K., Horng, J. H.*, Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Reversible Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Stick Insect Matrix," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp .130405-130416, 2020-07. (SCIE)
  196. Horng, J. H., Xie, X. Z.* and Chang, C. C., "The Analysis of Stego Image Visual Quality for a Data Hiding Scheme Based on Two-Layer Turtle Shell Matrix," International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 336-340, 2020-07. (EI)
  197. Lv, M., Zhou, S.*, Chen, G., Chen, L., Liu, J. and Chang, C. C., "On Reliability of Multiprocessor System Based on Star Graph," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 715-724, 2020-06. (SCIE)
  198. Lin, J. Y., Chen, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Hu, Y. C., "A Novel High Capacity Turtle Shell-based Data Hiding with Location Table Free," International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 22. No. 1, pp. 135-145, 2020-05. (EI)
  199. Horng, J. H., Xu, S.*, Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. C, "An Efficient Data Hiding Scheme Based on Multi-Dimensional Mini-Sudoku," Sensors, Vol. 20, pp. 2739, 2020-05. (SCIE)
  200. Mou, Z.*, Ye, W., Chang, C. C. and Mao, Y., "The Application Analysis of Neural Network Techniques on Lexical Tone Rehabilitation of Mandarin-speaking Patients with Post-stroke Dysarthria," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 90709-90717, 2020-05. (SCIE)
  201. Gao, D. W., Chen, H.* and Chang, C. C., "Plaintext Aware Encryption in the Standard Model under the Linear Diffie-Hellman Knowledge Assumption," International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 22, Nos. 2-3, pp. 270-279, 2020-05. (EI)
  202. Tian, H.*, Wang, J., Chang, C. C. and Quan, H., "Public Auditing of Log Integrity for Shared Cloud Storage Systems via Blockchain," Accepted byWireless Networks, ., 2020-05. (Academic Search Index)
  203. Chen, W., Chang, C. C.*, Weng, S.* and Ou, B, "Multi-layer Mini-Sudoku Based High-Capacity Data Hiding Method," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 69256-69267, 2020-04. (SCIE)
  204. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C.* and Li, G. L., "A Data Hiding Scheme Based on Turtle-shell for AMBTC Compressed Images," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 2554-2575, 2020-04. (SCIE)
  205. Huang, P., Chang, C. C.*, Li, Y. H. and Liu, Y., "Efficient QR Code Secret Embedding Mechanism Based on Hamming Code," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 86706-86714, 2020-04. (SCIE)
  206. Chen, Y., Lin, J. Y., Chang, C. C.* and Hu, Y. C., "Reversibly Hiding Data Using Dual Images Scheme Based on EMD Data Hiding Method," International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 583-592, 2020-04. (EI)
  207. Chen, Y., Lin, J. Y., Chang, C. C.* and Hu, Y. C., "Low-computation-cost Data Hiding Scheme Based on Turtle Shell," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 296-305, 2020-03. (EI)
  208. Liu, M., Tu, S.*, Xiao, C., Waqas, M., Rehman, S. U., Aamir, M. and Chang, C. C., "The Allocation and Reuse Scheme of Physical Cell Identifications Based on Maximum Degree First Coloring Algorithm," IEEE Systems Journal, Vol 14, No. 1, pp. 582-591, 2020-03. (SCIE)
  209. Wang, R., Zhu, Y.*, Chang, C. C. and Peng, Q., "Privacy-preserving High-dimensional Data Publishing for Classification," Computers & Security, Vol. 93, pp. 101785, 2020-03. (SCIE)
  210. Tu, S.*, Waqas, M*., Lin, Q.*, Rehman, S. U.*, Hanif, M., Xiao, C., Butt, M. M.* and Chang, C. C., "Tracking Area List Allocation Scheme Based on Overlapping Community Algorithm," Computer Networks, Vol. 173, pp. 107182, 2020-03. (SCIE)
  211. Xie, X. Z., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, K. M., "A High Embedding Efficiency RDH in Encrypted Image Combining MSB Prediction and Matrix Encoding for Non-volatile Memory-Based Cloud Service," IEEE Access, Vol .8, No. 1, pp. 52028-52040, 2020-03. (SCIE)
  212. Xia, T. T., Lin, J., Chang, C. C.* and Lu, T. C., "Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on the AMBTC Compression Technique and Huffman Coding," International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 383–393, 2020-03. (EI)
  213. Sun, C., Tian, H.*, Chang, C. C., Chen, Y., Cai, Y., Du, Y., Chen, Y. H. and Chen, C. C.*, "Steganalysis of Adaptive Multi-rate Speech Based on Extreme Gradient Boosting," Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 522, 2020-03. (SCIE)
  214. Wang, X., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C*, "Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for AMBTC Compressed Images," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 79, No. 9, pp. 6547–656, 2020-03. (SCIE)
  215. Su, G. D., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "A High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted AMBTC-compressed Images," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 26984-27000, 2020-02. (SCIE)
  216. Yu, Z., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "ABMC-DH: An Adaptive Bit-plane Data Hiding Method Based on Matrix Coding," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 27634-27648, 2020-02. (SCIE)
  217. Lin, J., Weng, S.*, Zhang, T., Ou, B. and Chang, C. C., "Two-layer Reversible Data Hiding based on AMBTC Image with (7, 4) Hamming Code," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 21534-21548, 2020-02. (SCIE)
  218. Chen, S., Chang, C. C.* and Liao, Q. Y., "Fidelity Preserved Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Homomorphism and Matrix Embedding," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 22345-22356, 2020-02. (SCIE)
  219. Li, Y., Chang, C. C.* and He, M., "High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding for VQ-compressed Images Based on Difference Transformation and Mapping Technique," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 32226-32245, 2020-02. (SCIE)
  220. Liu, L.*, Wang, A. and Chang, C. C., "Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With High Capacity Based on Median-Edge Detector Prediction," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 29639-29647, 2020-02. (SCIE)
  221. Chen, H., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, K. M., "Reversible Data Hiding Schemes in Encrypted Images Based on the Paillier Cryptosystem," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 521-531, 2020-02. (EI)
  222. Tseng, K. K., He, X., An, X., Chang, C. C.*, Wang, C. and Guo, X., "Packet Watermarking With ECG Biological Feature," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 1-11, 2020-01. (EI)
  223. Tian, H.*, Zhu, Z., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y., Wang, T., Chen, Y. and Cai, Y., "StegoNote: Steganography in Guitar Music Using Note Modulation," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 68-79, 2020-01. (EI)
  224. Li, X. S., Chang, C. C.*, He, M. X. and Lin, C. C., "A Lightweight Authenticable Visual Secret Sharing Scheme based on Turtle Shell Structure Matrix," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp 453-476, 2020-01. (SCIE)
  225. Zheng, W., Chang, C. C.*, and Weng, S. W.*, "A Novel Adjustable RDH Method for AMBTC-Compressed Codes Using One-to-many Map," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 13105-13118, 2020-01. (SCIE)
  226. Tian, H.*, Liu, J., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y, and Cai, Y., "Detecting Steganography in Inactive Voice-over-IP Frames Based on Statistic Characteristics of Fundamental Frequency," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 6117 - 6129, 2020-01. (SCIE)
  227. Xie, X. Z., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. C., "A Hybrid Reversible Data Hiding for Multiple Images with High Embedding Capacity," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 37 - 52, 2020-01. (SCIE)
  228. Li, L., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, H., "An Improved Bidirectional Shift-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Double-Way Prediction Strategy," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2019, Dec. 2019, pp. 3031506:1-17, 2019-12. (SCIE)
  229. Chen, K. M. and Chang, C. C.*, "Error-free Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Linear Regression and Prediction Error Map," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 22, pp. 31441–31465, 2019-11. (SCIE)
  230. Chen, L., Chen, Z., Choo, K. K. R.*, Chang, C. C. and Sun, H. M,, "Memory Leakage-resilient Dynamic and Verifiable Multi-keyword Ranked Search on Encrypted Smart Body Sensor Network Data," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, no. 19, pp. 8468-8478, 2019-10. (SCIE)
  231. Li, X. S., Chang, C. C., He, M. X. and Lin, C. C.*, "Secure High Capacity Data Hiding Scheme based on Reference Matrix," International Journal of Network Security, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 918-929, 2019-10. (EI)
  232. Chen, H., Wu, H. L., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, L. S., "Light Repository Blockchain System with Multisecret Sharing for Industrial Big Data," Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2019, pp. 1-7, 2019-10. (SCIE)
  233. Su, G. D., Liu, Y.* and Chang, C. C., "A Square Lattice Oriented Reversible Information Hiding Scheme with Reversibility and Adaptivity for Dual Images," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 64, pp. 102618, 2019-10. (SCIE)
  234. Chen, C. C., Chang, C. C.*, Lin, C. C.* and Su, G. D., "TSIA: A Novel Image Authentication Scheme for AMBTC-Based Compressed Images Using Turtle Shell Based Reference Matrix," IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 149515-149526, 2019-10. (SCIE)
  235. Li, J. J., Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C.*, Lin, J. Y. and Wu, Y. H., "Reversible Data Hiding Scheme based on Quad-tree and Pixel Value Ordering," IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 142947-142962, 2019-10. (SCIE)
  236. Yu, Z., Lin, C. C.*, Chang, C. C. and Su, G. D., "HBF-DH: An Enhanced Payload Hybrid Data Hiding Method Based on A Hybrid Strategy and Block Features," IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 148439-148452, 2019-10. (SCIE)
  237. Lin, J., Lin, C. C.* and Chang, C. C.*, "Reversible Steganographic Scheme for AMBTC-Compressed Image Based on (7, 4) Hamming Code," Symmetry, vol. 11, pp. 1236, 2019-10. (SCIE)
  238. Chang, C. C., Wang, X.*, and Horng, J. H., "A Hybrid Data Hiding Method for Strict AMBTC Format Images with High-Fidelity," Symmetry, Vol. 11, No. 10, pp. 1314, 2019-10. (SCIE)
  239. Huang, P. C., Li, Y. H., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, Y., "Efficient QR Code Authentication Mechanism Based on Sudoku," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 18, pp. 26023–26045, 2019-09. (SCIE)
  240. Lin, J. Y., Chen, Y., Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C.*, "Dual-Image-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme with Integrity Verification Using Exploiting Modification Direction," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 18, pp. 25855-25872., 2019-09. (SCIE)
  241. Zhang, S., Su, S., Li, L.*, Zhou, Q., Lu, J. and Chang, C. C., "An Image Style Transfer Network using Multilevel Noise Encoding and Its Application in Coverless Steganography," Symmetry, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 1152, 2019-09. (SCIE)
  242. Tian, H.*, Liu, J., Chang, C. C., Chen, C. C. and Huang, Y., "Steganalysis of AMR Speech Based on Multiple Classifiers Combination," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 140957-140968, 2019-09. (SCIE)
  243. He, M. Z., Liu, Y.*, Chang, C. C. and He, M., "A Mini-Sudoku Matrix-Based Data Embedding Scheme with High Payload," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 141414-141425, 2019-09. (SCIE)
  244. Tian, H.*, Huang, M., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y., Lu, J. and Du, Y., "Steganalysis of Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Using Statistical Characteristics of Pitch Delay," Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1131-1150., 2019-09. (SCIE)
  245. Li, L., He, M., Zhang, S.*, Luo, T. and Chang, C. C., "AMBTC based High Payload Data Hiding with Modulo-2 Operation and Hamming Code," Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 7934-7949, 2019-08. (SCIE)
  246. Lin, Q., Tu, S.*, Waqas, M., Rehman, S. and Chang, C. C., "Tracking Areas Planning Based on Spectral Clustering in Small Cell Networks," IET Communications, Vol. 13, No. 13, pp. 1921-1927, 2019-08. (SCIE)
  247. Huang, P. C., Chang, C. C.*, Li, Y. H. and Liu, Y., "High-payload Secret Hiding Mechanism for QR Codes," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 16, pp. 22331-22350, 2019-08. (SCIE)
  248. Ye, W., Chen, H., Zhang, Z., Liu, Y.*, Weng, S. and Chang, C. C., "Hybrid Scheme of Image’s Regional Colorization Using Mask R-CNN and Poisson Editing," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 115901-115913, 2019-08. (SCIE)
  249. Li, X., Liu, Y.*, Chen, H. and Chang, C. C., "A Secret Image Restoring Scheme Using Threshold Pairs of Unordered Image Shares," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 118249-118258, 2019-08. (SCIE)
  250. Nguyen, N. T. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Biometric-based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for User-to-user Communications in Mobile Satellite Networks," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 107, No. 4, pp. 1727-1758, 2019-08. (SCIE)
  251. Su, G. D., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "High-precision Authentication Scheme Based on Matrix Encoding for AMBTC-compressed Images," Symmetry, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 996, 2019-08. (SCIE)
  252. Xie, X. Z., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Lin, J. L., "A Turtle Shell based RDH Scheme with Two-Dimensional Histogram Shifting," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 14, pp. 19413-19436, 2019-07. (SCIE)
  253. Xie, X. Z., Liu, Y.* and Chang, C. C., "Extended Squared Magic Matrix for Embedding Secret Information with Large Payload," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 14, pp. 19045-19059, 2019-07. (SCIE)
  254. Li, L.*, He, M., Yu, J., Lu, J., Zhou, Q., Feng, X. and Chang, C. C., "Aesthetic QR Code Authentication Based on Directed Periodic Texture Pattern," Accepted byJournal of Computers, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 263-275, 2019-07. (EI)
  255. Li, X., Liu, Y.*, Chen, H. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Secret Sharing Scheme Using Multiple Share Images," Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 6350-6366, 2019-07. (SCIE)
  256. Xie, X. Z., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. C., "Reversibility-oriented Secret Image Sharing Mechanism with Steganography and Authentication Based on Code Division Multiplexing," IET Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1411-1420, 2019-07. (SCIE)
  257. Tian, H., Chen, Z., Chang, C. C., Huang Y., Wang, T.*, Huang, Z., Cai, Y. and Chen, Y., "Public Audit for Operation Behavior Logs with Error Locating in Cloud Storage," Soft Computing, Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 3779-3792, 2019-06. (SCIE)
  258. Lin, J. Y., Liu, Y.* and Chang, C. C., "A Real-Time Dual-Image-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Turtle Shells," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Special Issue on Real-Time Image Watermarking and Forensics in Cloud Computing, Vol. 16, No. 3, Jun. 2019, pp. 673-684, 2019-06. (SCIE)
  259. Chang, C. C.*, Lee, W. K., Liu, Y., Goi, B. M. and Phan, R. C. W., "Signature Gateway: Offloading Signature Generation to IoT Gateway Accelerated by GPU," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Special Issue on Emerging Computing Offloading for IoTs: Architectures, Technologies, a, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 4448 - 4461, 2019-06. (SCIE)
  260. Chen, L., Lee, W. K., Chang, C. C., Choo, K. K. R.* and Zhang, N., "Blockchain based Searchable Encryption for Electronic Health Record Sharing," Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 95, pp. 420-429, 2019-06. (SCIE)
  261. Xie, X. Z., Lin, C. C.* and Chang, C. C., "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for JPEG Images by Doubling Small Quantized AC Coefficients," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 9, pp. 11443-11462, 2019-05. (SCIE)
  262. Shiu, P. F., Tai, W. L.*, Jan, J. K., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "An Interpolative AMBTC-based High-Payload RDH Scheme for Encrypted Images," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 74, pp. 64-77, 2019-05. (SCIE)
  263. Chen, K. and Chang, C. C.*, "High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Two-phase Histogram Shifting," Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Special Issue on Security and Privacy Protection for Multimedia Information Pr, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 3947-3964, 2019-05. (SCIE)
  264. Zhang, S., Guo, X., Xu, X., Li, L.* and Chang, C. C., "A Video Watermark Algorithm Based on Tensor Decomposition," Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 3435-3449, 2019-04. (SCIE)
  265. Liu, L.*, Wang, L.* and Chang, C. C.*, "Data Embedding Scheme Based on Multi-Matrix Structure of Turtle Shell to Avoid Human Eye Perception," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 8, pp. 10473-10490, 2019-04. (SCIE)
  266. Liu, Y., Xu, Z., Ye, W.*, Zhang, Z., Weng, S., Chang, C. C. and Tang, H., "Image Neural Style Transfer with Preserving the Salient Regions," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 40027-40037, 2019-04. (SCIE)
  267. Huang, P. C., Chang, C. C., Li, Y. H.* and Liu, Y., "Efficient Secret Sharing Scheme with Cheater Identification Based on QR Code," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 5144-5160, 2019-04. (SCIE)
  268. Hu, H., Lin, C.*, Chang, C. C. and Chen, L., "Enhanced Secure Data Backup Scheme Using Multi-factor Authentication," IET Information Security, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 649-658, 2019-04. (SCIE)
  269. Li, L., Wang, B., Lu, J.*, Zhang, S. and Chang, C. C., "A New Aesthetic QR Code Algorithm based on Salient Region Detection and SPBVM," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 935-946, 2019-03. (SCIE)
  270. Lin, J. Y., Chen, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Hu, Y. C., "Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Bit-plane Block Embedding," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 408-421, 2019-03. (.)
  271. Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Cloud-assisted Passenger Authentication Scheme for Japan Rail Pass Based on Image Morphing," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 211-220, 2019-03. (EI)
  272. Tang, X.*, Huang, Y., Chang, C. C. and Zhou, L., "Efficient Real-time Integrity Auditing with Privacy-preserving Arbitration for Images in Cloud Storage System," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 33009-33023, 2019-03. (SCIE)
  273. Guo, C., Zhuang, R., Chang, C. C.* and Yuan, Q., "Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Based on Bloom Filter over Encrypted Cloud Data," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 35826-35837, 2019-03. (SCIE)
  274. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Huang, P. C., "Security Protection Using Two Different Image Shadows with Authentication," Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 1914-1932, 2019-03. (SCIE)
  275. Weng, S.*, Chen, Y., Ou, B., Chang, C. C. and Zhang, C., "Improved K-pass Pixel Value Ordering Based Data Hiding," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 34570-34582, 2019-03. (SCIE)
  276. Chen, H. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel (t,n) Secret Sharing Scheme Based Upon Euler's Theorem," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2019, pp. 1-7, 2019-03. (SCIE)
  277. Tian, H.*, Nan, F., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y., Lu, J. and Du, Y., "Privacy-preserving Public Auditing for Secure Data Storage in Fog-to-Cloud Computing," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 127, No. 3, pp. 59-69, 2019-02. (SCIE)
  278. Tian, H.*, Nan, F., Jiang, H., Chang, C. C., Ning, J. and Huang, Y., "Public Auditing for Shared Cloud Data with Efficient and Secure Group Management," Information Sciences, Vol. 472, pp. 107-125, 2019-01. (SCIE)
  279. Guo, C., Tian, P. and Chang, C. C.*, "Privacy Preserving Weighted Similarity Search Scheme for Encrypted Data," IET Image Processing, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 61-69, 2019-01. (SCIE)
  280. Chen, K. M. and Chang, C. C.*, "High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Extended Run-Length Coding and Block-based MSB Plane Rearrangement," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 58, pp. 334-344, 2019-01. (SCIE)
  281. Chen, Y. H., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Hsu, C. Y., "Content-based Color Image Retrieval Using Block Truncation Coding Based on Binary Ant Colony Optimization," Symmetry, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 21, 2019-01. (SCIE)
  282. Chen, K. and Chang, C. C.*, "Real-Time Error-Free Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using (7, 4) Hamming Code and Most Significant Bit Prediction," Symmetry, Special Issue on Emerging Data Hiding Systems in Image Communication, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. article number: 51., 2019-01. (SCIE)
  283. Xia, Z., Liu, Y.*, Hsu, C. F. and Chang, C. C., "An Information Theoretically Secure E-lottery Scheme Based on Symmetric Bivariate Polynomials," Symmetry, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-12, 2019-01. (SCIE)
  284. Liu, L.*, Wang, L., Shi, Y. Q. and Chang, C. C., "Separable Data-Hiding Scheme for Encrypted Image to Protect Privacy of User in Cloud," Symmetry, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 85, 2019-01. (SCIE)
  285. Li, L., Lin, C. C.* and Chang, C. C.*, "Using Two Meaningful Shadows to Share Secret Messages with Reversibility," Symmetry, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 79, 2019-01. (SCIE)
  286. Weng, S.*, Chen, Y., Hong, W., Pan, J. S., Chang, C. C. and Liu, Y., "An Improved Integer Transform Combining with an Irregular Block Partition," Symmetry, vol. 11, no.1, pp. 49, 2019-01. (SCIE)
  287. Liu, J., Tian, H.*, Chang, C. C., Wang, T., Chen, Y. and Cai, Y., "Steganalysis of Inactive Voice-over-IP Frames Based on Poker Test," Symmetry, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. article number: 336., 2018-12. (SCIE)
  288. Qin, C., Zhang, W., Cao, F., Zhang, X. and Chang, C. C.*, "Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images via Adaptive Embedding Strategy with Block Selection," Signal Processing, Vol. 153, pp. 109-122, 2018-12. (SCIE,EI)
  289. Lin, C.*, Hu, H., Chang, C. C. and Tang, S., "A Publicly Verifiable Multi-secret Sharing Scheme with Outsourcing Secret Reconstruction," IEEE Access, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 70666-70673., 2018-12. (SCIE)
  290. Tu, S., Waqas, M.*, Rehman, S. R., Aamir, M., Rehman, O. U., Zhang, J. and Chang, C. C., "Security in Fog Computing: A Novel Technique to Tackle an Impersonation Attack," IEEE Access, vol 6, no. 0, pp. 74993-75001, 2018-11. (SCIE)
  291. Wang, R., Zhu, Y.*, Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "Privacy-Preserving Algorithms for Multiple Sensitive Attributes Satisfying t-Closeness," Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1231-1242, 2018-10. (SCIE)
  292. Lu, J., Cheng, W., Zhang, S., Li, L.*, Yang, Z. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Aesthetic QR Code Algorithm Based on Hybrid Basis Vector Matrices," Symmetry, Vol. 10, No. 11, article number: 543, 2018-10. (SCIE)
  293. Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Turtle Shell-based Visual Secret Sharing Scheme with Reversibility and Authentication," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 19, pp. 25295-25310, 2018-10. (SCIE,EI)
  294. Huang, P. C., Chang, C. C.* and Li, Y. H., "Sudoku-based Secret Sharing Approach With Cheater Prevention Using QR Code," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 19, pp. 25275-25294, 2018-10. (SCIE,EI)
  295. Nguyen, T. S.*, Chang, C. C. and Shih, T.H., "Effective Reversible Image Steganography Based on Rhombus Prediction and Local Complexity," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 20, pp. 26449-26467, 2018-10. (SCIE)
  296. Chen, W., Tian, H.*, Chang, C. C., Nan, F. and Lu, J., "Adjacency-Hash-Table based Public Auditing for Data Integrity in Mobile Cloud Computing," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2018, pp. article id 3471312, 2018-09. (SCIE)
  297. Nguyen, N. T. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Biometric-based Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme for Session Initiation Protocol in IP-based Multimedia Networks," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 18, pp. 23909-23947., 2018-09. (SCIE,EI)
  298. Xia, B., Wang, A., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, L., "Reversible Data Hiding for VQ Indices using Hierarchical State Codebook Mapping," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 16, pp. 20519-20533., 2018-08. (SCIE,EI)
  299. Wang, R., Zhu, Y.*, Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "An Authentication Method Based on the Turtle Shell Algorithm for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining," The Computer Journal, Vol. 61, No. 8, pp. 1123-1132, 2018-08. (SCIE,EI)
  300. Nguyen, D. C., Nguyen T. S.*, Chang, C. C., Hsueh, H. S., and Hsu, F. R., "High Embedding Capacity Data Hiding Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Sequences without Intraframe Distortion Drift," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2018, pp. article id 2029869, 2018-08. (SCIE)
  301. Chang, C. C., Chiu, Y. P., Lin, C. C*. and Chen, Y. H., "Distortion Free Progressive BTC based Secret Image Sharing," Journal of Network Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 195-213, 2018-08, 2018-08. (.)
  302. Xia, Z.*, Tong, Z., Xiao, M. and Chang, C. C., "Framework for Practical and Receipt-free Remote Voting," IET Information Security, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 326-331, 2018-07. (SCIE,EI)
  303. Zhu, Z., Tian, H.*, Chang, C. C., Chen, Y., Wang, T. and Cai, Y., "StegTab: Steganography in Guitar Tablatures," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 904-917., 2018-07. (EI)
  304. Qin, C., Ji, P., Chang, C. C., Dong, J. and Sun, X., "Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BTC for Image Tampering Recovery," IEEE Multimedia, Special Issue on Cyber Security for Cyber-Enabled Multimedia Applications, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 36-48, 2018-07. (SCIE)
  305. Li, L.*, Li, H., Yuan, W., Feng, X., Lu, J. and Chang, C. C., "A Watermarking Mechanism With High Capacity for Three-Dimensional Mesh Objects Using Integer Planning," IEEE Multimedia, Special Issue on Cyber Security for Cyber-Enabled Multimedia Applications, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 49-64, 2018-07. (SCIE)
  306. Tan, J., Zhu, Y.*, Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "Imbalanced Image Classification Approach Based on Convolution Neural Network and Cost-sensitivity," Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 1862-1865,1871, 2018-07. (.)
  307. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C.*, Xie, X. Z., Mao, K. and Shi, R. H., "An Adaptive High-Fidelity Steganographic Scheme Using Edge Detection and Hybrid Hamming Codes," Displays, Vol. 53, pp. 30-39, 2018-07. (SCIE,EI)
  308. Li, J., Yu, J., Xu, L., Xue, X., Chang, C. C.*, Mao, X. and Hu, J., "A Cascaded Algorithm for Image Quality Assessment and Image Denoising Based on CNN for Image Security and Authorization," Security and Communication Networks, Special Issue on Security and Privacy for Smart, Connected, and Mobile IoT Devices, Vol. 2018, pp. article id 8176984, 2018-07. (SCIE,EI)
  309. Yang, Z. L., Peng, X. S., Huang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel Method of Speech Information Hiding Based on 3D-Magic Matrix," Accepted byJournal of Internet Technology, 2018-07. (SCIE,EI)
  310. Tian, H.*, Sun, J., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y. and Chen, Y., "Detecting Bitrate Modulation-Based Covert Voice-Over-IP Communication," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1196-1199, 2018-06. (SCIE)
  311. Lu, J., Xu, X., Li, X., Li, L.*, Chang, C. C., Feng, X. and Zhang, S., "Detection of Bird‘s Nest in High Power Lines in the Vicinity of Remote Campus Based on Combination Features and Cascade Classifier," IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp. 39063 - 39071, 2018-06. (SCIE)
  312. Li, J.*, Peng, K. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Efficient Object Detection Algorithm Based on Compressed Networks," Symmetry, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. article number: 235, 2018-06. (SCIE)
  313. Li, J., Wang, C., Chen, X., Tang, Z., Hui, G. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Selective Encryption Scheme of CABAC based on Video Context in High Efficiency Video Coding," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 10, pp. 12837-12851, 2018-05. (SCIE,EI)
  314. Huang, P. C., Li, Y. H., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, Y., "Efficient Scheme for Secret Hiding in QR Code by Improving Exploiting Modification Direction," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 2348-2365., 2018-05. (SCIE,EI)
  315. Yao, Y., Yu, C. X.*, Yang, L., Chang, C. C., "Computer-Aided Annotation for Video Tampering Dataset of Foyensic Research," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 768-774, 2018-05. (EI)
  316. Nguyen, N. T. and Chang, C. C.*, "Untraceable Biometric-Based Three-Party Authenticated Key Exchange for Dynamic Systems," Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 644-663, 2018-05. (SCIE)
  317. Chang, C. C., Huynh, N. T., Wang, Y. K. and Liu, Y.*, "An Improved Data Hiding Method Based on Lempel-Ziv-Welch Compression Codes," International Journal of Network Security, Vol.20, No.3, pp..478-488, 2018-05. (EI)
  318. Rehman, S., Tu, S.*, Rehman, O., Huang, Y., Magurawalage, C. and Chang, C. C., "Optimization of CNN through Novel Training Strategy for Visual Classification Problems," Entropy, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. article number: 290, 2018-04. (SCIE)
  319. Li, J., Wang, N., Wang, Z. H.*, Li, H., Chang, C. C. and Wang, H., "New Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Faster R-CNNs Image Retrieval," IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp. 49348-49357, 2018-04. (SCIE)
  320. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S., Wang, Y. K. and Liu, Y.*, "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Compression Using Exclusive OR Operator," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 7, pp. 9039-9053, 2018-04. (SCIE,EI)
  321. Huynh, N. T., Bharanitharan, K., Chang, C. C. and Liu, Y.*, "Minima-Maxima Preserving Data Hiding Algorithm for Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Compressed Images," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 5767-5783, 2018-03. (SCIE,EI)
  322. Li, F., Mao, Q. and Chang, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on the Haar Discrete Wavelet Transform and Interleaving Prediction Method," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 5149-5168, 2018-03. (SCIE,EI)
  323. Guo, C., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "A Secure and Efficient Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Smart Cards for Wireless Communication," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 323-331, 2018-03. (EI)
  324. Huang, P. C., Chang, C. C.*, Li, Y. H. and Liu, Y.,, "Efficient Access Control System Based on Aesthetic QR Code," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing , Special Issue on Advanced Technology for Smart Home Automation and Entertainment, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 81-91, 2018-02. (SCIE)
  325. Xie, X. Z., Lin, C. C.* and Chang, C. C., "Data Hiding Based on A Two-layer Turtle Shell Matrix," Symmetry, Special Issue on Emerging Data Hiding Systems in Image Communications, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. article number: 47., 2018-02. (SCIE)
  326. Zhang, S., Wu, T.*, Xu, X., Cheng, Z., Pu. S. and Chang, C. C, "No-Reference Image Blur Assessment Based on SIFT and DCT," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 219-231, 2018-01. (EI)
  327. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C.*, Zhu, Z. H and Tian, H., "An Effective Authentication Scheme Using DCT for Mobile Devices," Symmetry, Special Issue on Emerging Data Hiding Systems in Image Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1, article number: 13, 2018-01. (SCIE)
  328. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.*, Huang, P. C. and Hsu, C. Y., "Efficient Information Hiding Based on Theory of Numbers," Symmetry, Special Issue on Emerging Data Hiding Systems in Image Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1, article number: 19, 2018-01. (SCIE)
  329. Qin, C., Sun, M. and Chang, C. C*, "Perceptual Hashing for Color Images Based on Hybrid Extraction of Structural Features," Signal Processing, Vol. 142, pp. 194-205., 2018-01. (SCIE,EI)
  330. Wang, J. Q., Zhu, Y.*, Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "Optimum Feature Selection Based on Genetic Algorithm Under Web Spam Detection," Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 295-299., 2018-01. (.)
  331. Chang, C. C., Tang, R., Lin, C. C. and Lyu, W. L., "High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Method for JPEG Images," Journal of Software, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-17, 2018-01. (.)
  332. Liu, Y.* and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images Employing All Quantized Non-Zero AC Coefficients," Displays, Vol. 51, pp. 51-56, 2018-01. (SCIE,EI)
  333. Wu, H. L. and Chang, C. C.*, "Attacks on "A Provably Secure and Efficient Authentication Scheme for Access Control in Mobile Pay-TV Systems"," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 2, pp. 1525-1535., 2018-01. (SCIE,EI)
  334. Zhuang, X., Zhu, Y.*, Chang, C. C.* and Peng, Q., "Security Issues in Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocols," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 98, No. 1, pp. 779-814, 2018-01. (SCIE)
  335. Li, J. J., Wu, Y. H., Lee, C. F. and Chang, C. C.*, "Generalized PVO-K Embedding Technique for Reversible Data Hiding," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 65-77., 2018-01. (EI)
  336. Li, J., Xu, L., Wang, Z. and Chang, C. C.*, "No-reference Image Quality Assessment for Multiple Distortions Using Saliency Map Based on A Dual-convolutional Neural Networks," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 1701-1710, 2017-12. (SCIE,EI)
  337. Zhuang, X.*, Zhu, Y., Chang, C. C., Peng, Q. and Faisal, M., "A Unified Score Propagation Model for Web Spam Demotion Algorithm," Information Retrieval Journal, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 547-574, 2017-12. (SCIE,EI)
  338. Tang, R., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "A High-capacity Data Hiding Method Based on Sudoku Games," Accepted byJournal of Software, 2017-11. (EI)
  339. Bai, J., Chang, C. C. and Zhu, C.*, "A Lossless Data Hiding Scheme Based on VQ Index Frequency," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 1297-1310., 2017-11. (SCIE,EI)
  340. Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "A One-Card-Pass User Authentication Scheme Using Image Morphing," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, No. 20, pp 21247-21264, 2017-10. (SCIE,EI)
  341. Liu, L., Wang, L. F. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Semantic Compression Scheme for Digital Images Based on Vector Quantization and Data Hiding," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, 、No. 20, pp 20833-20846, 2017-10. (SCIE)
  342. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S. and Wu, J. S., "An Energy Conservation Authentication Scheme in Wireless Body Area Network,," Communications of the CCISA, Special Issue on The New Research Trend on the Multimedia and Network Securit, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 37-54, 2017-10. (.)
  343. Lin, Z.*, Zhu, Y., Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "Pouncing on Web Spam Using a Random Forest-Based Tree Structure Ensemble Learning Method," Accepted byApplication Research of Computers, 2017-10.
  344. Huang, Y*, Tao, H., Xiao, B. and Chang, C. C., "Steganography in Low Bit-rate Speech Streams of VoIP Based on Quantization Index Modulation Controlled by Keys," Science China Technological Sciences, Vol. 60, No. 10, pp. 1585-1596, 2017-10. (SCIE)
  345. Jin, Q., Xiang, Y., Sun, G.,Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C., "Cybersecurity for Cyber-Enabled Multimedia Applications," IEEE MultiMedia, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 10-13., 2017-10. (SCIE)
  346. Jiang, Z., Zhang, Z., Wang, L.*, Chang, C. C. and Liu, L., "Load Balance Strategy of Data Routing Algorithm Using Semantics for Deduplication Clusters," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 277-282, 2017-09. (SCOPUS)
  347. Tian, H.*, Chen, Y., Chang, C. C., Jiang, H., Huang, Y., Chen, Y. H. and Liu, J., "Dynamic-Hash-Table Based Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 701-714, 2017-09. (SCIE,EI)
  348. Mao, K., Lee, C. F.*, Chang, C. C. and Shi, R. H., "Study of Difference-Expansion Embedding Schemes," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Special Issue on Information Security and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 211-216, 2017-09. (EI)
  349. Chang, C. C.*, Nguyen, T. S. and Chien, T. Y., "An Efficient Steganography Scheme Based on Edge Detection for High Payload," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 967-979, 2017-09. (EI)
  350. Cheng, T. F., Chang, C. C.* and Lo, Y. Y., "Smart Card-Based Password Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Using Chaotic Maps," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 1-15., 2017-08. (SCIE,EI)
  351. Wang, F., Chang, C. C.* and Wu, H. L., "Secure CAS-based Authentication Scheme for Mobile Pay-TV Systems," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 1-12., 2017-07. (SCIE,EI)
  352. Chang, C. C.*, Pai, P. Y., Tsai, M. H. and Chan, Y. K., "Vessel Detection in Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane Image," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 784-797., 2017-07. (EI)
  353. Wang, L. M., Xie, Q. Q., Jiang, T. and Chang, C. C.*, "ShortHC: Self-Regenerated Short Hash Chain for Resource-Constrained System," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 847-860, 2017-07. (EI)
  354. Chang, C. C.*, Wu, H. L. and Sun, C. Y., "Notes on "Secure Authentication Scheme for IoT and Cloud Servers"," Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 38, pp. 275-278., 2017-07. (SCIE)
  355. Wu, H. L., Chang, C. C. and Nguyen, T. S., "Reversible Data Hiding Using Pixel Order Exchange," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 72-75, 2017-06. (EI)
  356. Liu, L., Wang, A. Chang, C. C.* and Li, Z., "A Secret Image Sharing with Deep-steganography and Two-stage Authentication Based on Matrix Encoding," International Journal of Network Security, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 327-334, 2017-05. (EI)
  357. Tian, H.*, Qin, J., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y. and Chen, Y. H., "Improved Wet Paper Code Using Simplified Hamming Parity-Check Matrix and Its Application in Voice-over-IP Steganography," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 551-559, 2017-05. (SCIE,EI)
  358. Tian, H.*, Wu, Y., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, T., Cai, Y. and Liu, J., "Steganalysis of Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Using Statistical Characteristics of Pulse Pairs," Signal Processing, Vol. 134, pp. 9-22, 2017-05. (SCIE,EI)
  359. Chu, W.*, Wang, L., Jiang, Z. and Chang, C. C., "Protecting User Privacy in a Multi-path Information-Centric-Network Using Multiple Random-Caches," Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 585-598, 2017-05. (SCIE)
  360. Chang, C. C.*, Huang, Y. H. and Lu, T. C., "A Difference Expansion Based Reversible Information Hiding Scheme with High Stego Image Visual Quality," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, No. 10, pp. 12659-12681, 2017-05. (SCIE)
  361. Liu, L., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, A., "Data Hiding Based on Extended Turtle Shell Matrix Construction Method," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, No. 10, pp. 12233-12250, 2017-05. (SCIE,EI)
  362. Tian, H.*, Chen, Z., Chang, C. C., Kuribayashi, M., Huang, Y., Cai, Y., Chen, Y. and Wang, T., "Enabling Public Auditability for Operation Behaviors in Cloud Storage," Soft Computing, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 2175-218, 2017-04. (SCIE)
  363. Tian, H.*, Sun, J., Chang, C. C., Qin, J. and Chen, Y., "Hiding Information into Voice-over-IP Streams Using Adaptive Bitrate Modulation," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 1-4, 2017-04. (SCIE)
  364. Liu, Y.*, Zhong, Q., Shen, J. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Image Protection Scheme using Bit-plane compression and Secret Sharing," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 161-169, 2017-03. (SCIE)
  365. Liu, Y. N., Liu, G. and Chang, C. C.*, "Lottery Protocol Using Oblivious Transfer Based on ECC," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp.279-285, 2017-03. (SCIE,EI)
  366. Lu, J., Yang, Z., Li, L., Yuan, W., Li, L. and Chang, C. C.*, "Multiple Schemes for Mobile Payment Authentication Using QR Code and Visual Cryptography," Mobile Information Systems, Vol. 2017, Article ID 4356038, 12 pages, 2017-03. (SCIE,EI)
  367. Zhuang, X.*, Zhu, Y., Chang, C. C. and Peng, Q., "Feature Bundling in Decision Tree Algorithm," Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 371-383, 2017-03. (SCIE)
  368. Mao, Q. and Chang, C. C.*, "Turbo Unequal Error Protection Codes with Multiple Protection Levels," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 205-216, 2017-03. (EI)
  369. Zhong, H., Liu, H., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "A Novel Lossless Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Authentication," Accepted byMathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017-03. (SCIE)
  370. Li, J.*, Fan, S., Wang, Z., Li, H. and Chang, C. C., "An Optimized CLBP Descriptor Based on a Scalable Block Size for Texture Classification," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 288-301, 2017-01. (SCIE,EI)
  371. Yu, F.*, Chang, C. C., Shu, J., Ahmad, I., Zhang, J. and Fuentes, J. M., "Recent Advances in Security and Privacy for Wireless Sensor Networks 2016," Journal of Sensors, Vol. 2017, Article ID 3057534, 2017-01. (SCIE)
  372. Bai, J., Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S., Zhu, C. and Liu, Y.*, "A High Payload Steganographic Algorithm Based on Edge Detection," Displays, Vol. 46, pp. 42-51, 2017-01. (SCIE,EI)
  373. Jin, Q., Li, Z., Chang, C. C.*, Wang, A. and Liu, L., "Minimizing Turtle-Shell Matrix Based Stego Image Distortion Using Particle Swarm Optimization," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 154-162, 2017-01. (EI)
  374. Qin, C., Ji, P., Wang, J. and Chang, C. C.*, "Fragile Image Watermarking Scheme Based on VQ Index Sharing and Self-embedding," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. 2267-2287, 2017-01. (SCIE,EI)
  375. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "An Efficient and Secure Smart Card Based Password Authentication Scheme," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 1-10, 2017-01. (EI)
  376. Kuo, W. C.*, Chang, S. Y., Wang, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Secure Multi-group Data Hiding Based on GEMD Map," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. 1901-1919, 2017-01. (SCIE,EI)
  377. Zhao, Q. Y., Liu, Y. N., Liu, G. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel Micropayment Scheme with Variable Denomination," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 85-90, 2017-01. (EI)
  378. Li, F., Bharanitharan, K., Chang, C. C.* and Mao, Q., "Bi-Stretch Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm for Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Compressed Images," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, No. 23, pp. 16153-16171, 2016-12. (SCIE,EI)
  379. Di, Y. F., Lee, C. F., Wang, Z. H.*, Chang, C. C. and Li, J. J., "A Robust and Removable Watermarking Scheme Using Singular Value Decomposition," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 5268-5285, 2016-12. (SCIE,EI)
  380. Liu, X. L., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Yuan, S. M., "A High-Payload, Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Histogram Modification in JPEG Bitstream," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 7, pp. 364-373, 2016-12. (SCIE)
  381. Hsieh, S. H.*, Li, Y. H., Tien, C. H. and Chang, C. C., "Extending the Capture Volume of an Iris Recognition System Using Wavefront Coding and Super-Resolution," IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol. 46, No. 12, pp. 3342-3350, 2016-12. (SCIE,EI)
  382. Chang, C. C.*, Hsueh, W. Y. and Cheng, T. F., "An Advanced Anonymous and Biometrics-based Multi-server Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 1010-1021., 2016-11. (EI)
  383. Mao, Q., Bharanitharan, K. and Chang, C. C.*, "Novel Lossless Morphing Algorithm for Secret Sharing via Meaningful Images," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1168-1184, 2016-11. (EI)
  384. Liu, X. L., Lin, C. C.*, Chang, C. C. and Yuan, S. M., "A Survey of Fragile Watermarking-based Image Authentication Techniques," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1282-1292, 2016-11. (EI)
  385. Bai, J. and Chang, C. C.*, "A High Payload Steganographic Scheme for Compressed Images with Hamming Code," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 1122-1129., 2016-11. (EI)
  386. Chang, C. C.*, Tseng, W. T. and Tsai, H. C., "A Universal Authentication Scheme with Anonymity for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1384-1394, 2016-11. (EI)
  387. Wang, Z. H., Di, Y. F., Li, J. J.*, Chang, C. C. and Liu, H., "Progressive Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Meaningful Shadows," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 9, No. 17, pp. 4075-4088., 2016-11. (SCIE,EI)
  388. Chang, C. C.* and Nguyen, N. T., "An Untraceable Biometric-based Multi-server Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol with Revocation," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 90, No. 4, pp. 1695-1715, 2016-10. (SCIE)
  389. Tian, H.*, Wu, Y., Chang, C. C., Huang, Y., Liu, J., Wang, T., Chen, Y. and Cai, Y., "Steganalysis of Analysis-by-synthesis Speech Exploiting Pulse-position Distribution Characteristics," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 9, No. 15, pp. 2934-2944, 2016-10. (SCIE,EI)
  390. Chang, C. C.*, Chang, S. C. and Wu, Y. C., "Novel Electronic Check Mechanism Using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem," Journal of Computers, Vol. 27, No. 3, oct. 2016, pp. 111-122, 2016-10. (EI)
  391. Lu, J., Xu, X., Li, L., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, Q., "A Robust Image Copy Detection Method Based on Feature Extraction Algorithm," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 1136-1146, 2016-09. (EI)
  392. Xie, Q. Q., Jiang, S. R, Wang, L. M and Chang, C. C.*, "Composable Secure Roaming Authentication Protocol for Cloud-assisted Body Sensor Networks," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 816-831, 2016-09. (EI)
  393. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Sun, C. Y., "Notes on "An anonymous multi-server authenticated key agreement scheme based on trust computing using smart card and biometrics"," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 997-1000, 2016-09. (EI)
  394. Liu, L., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, A., "Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Histogram Shifting of n-bit Planes," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, No. 18, pp. 11311-11326, 2016-09. (SCIE,EI)
  395. Li, Z, Jin, Q., Chang, C. C.*, Wang, A. and Liu, L., "A Novel Pixel Grouping Scheme for AMBTC Based on Particle Swarm Optimization," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 970-982, September 2016., 2016-09. (EI)
  396. Luo, Y. B.*, Huang, Y. F., Li, F. F. and Chang, C. C., "Text Steganography Based on Ci-poetry Generation Using Markov Chain Model," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 4568-4584., 2016-09. (SCIE,EI)
  397. Wang, F., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "Robust Off-line E-cash Scheme with Recoverability and Anonymity Revocation," Security and Communication Networks, Vol 9, No. 14, pp. 2412–2421, 2016-09. (SCIE,EI)
  398. Chang, C. C.*, Chen, W. Y. and Chang, S. C., "A Highly Efficient and Secure Electronic Cash System Based on Secure Sharing in Cloud Environment," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 9, No. 14, pp. 2476-2483, 2016-09. (SCIE,EI)
  399. Nguyen, T. S., Chang, C. C.* and Yang, X. Q., "A Reversible Image Authentication Scheme Based on Fragile Watermarking in Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain," International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 70, No. 8, pp. 1055-1061, 2016-08. (SCIE,EI)
  400. Wu, H. L., Chang, C. C.* and Sun, C. Y., "A Secure Authentication Scheme with Provable Correctness for Pay-TV Systems," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 1577-1588, 2016-07. (SCIE,EI)
  401. Bharanitharan, K., Chang, C. C.*, Yang, H. R. and Wang, Z. H., "Efficient Pixel Prediction Algorithm for Reversible Data Hiding," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 750-757., 2016-07. (EI)
  402. Li, L., Zheng, D., Lu, J.*, Mao, X. and Chang, C. C., "An Effective Mobile Visual Searching Algorithm Based on the Bag-of-Words Method for Furniture Images," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 754-770, 2016-07. (EI)
  403. Chang, C. C.*, Hsueh, W. Y. and Cheng, T. F., "A Dynamic User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks," Wireless Personal Communication, Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 447-465, 2016-07. (SCIE)
  404. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Sun, C. Y., "A Novel Three-party Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Based on Secret Sharing," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 741-753, 2016-07. (EI)
  405. Xia, B., Wang, A., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, L., "An Image Steganography Scheme Using 3D-Sudoku," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 836-845, 2016-07. (EI)
  406. Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Integratable Verifiable Secret Sharing Mechanism," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 617-624., 2016-07. (EI)
  407. Nguyen, T. S., Chang, C. C.* and Hsueh, H. S., "High Capacity Data Hiding For Binary Image Based on Block Classification," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, No. 14, pp. 8513-8526, 2016-07. (SCIE,EI)
  408. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C. and Sun, C. Y., "Notes on An anonymous multi-server authenticated key agreement scheme based on trust computing using smart cards and biometrics," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 5, Sep. 2016, pp. 997-1000, 2016-06.
  409. Li, L., Qiu, J., Lu, J. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Aesthetic QR Code Solution Based on Error Correction Mechanism," Journal of Systems and Software, Special Issue on JSS 35th Anniversary, Vol. 116, pp. 85-94, 2016-06. (SCIE)
  410. Xia, B., Wang, A., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, L., "A Fast Image Coding Algorithm Using Indirect-index Codebook Based on SMVQ," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 183-190, 2016-06. (EI)
  411. Li, F., Mao, Q. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on IWT and the Sudoku Method," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 410-419, 2016-05. (EI)
  412. Zhong, H., Li, S., Cheng, T. F. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Efficient Electronic English Auction System with a Secure On-shelf Mechanism and Privacy Preserving," Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Special Issue on Innovations in Communications Security, Vol. 2016, Article ID 6567146, May 2016, pp. 14 pages., 2016-05.
  413. Wang, F., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. L., "Security Analysis on "Secure Untraceable Off-line Electronic Cash System"," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 454-458, 2016-05. (EI)
  414. Li, Z., Jin, Q., Chang, C. C.*, Wang, A. and Liu, L., "A Common Bitmap Block Truncation Coding for Color Images Based on Binary Ant Colony Optimization," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 10, No.5, pp. 2326-2345, 2016-05. (SCIE)
  415. Lyu, W. L., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, F., "Image Authentication and Self-Recovery Scheme Based on the Rehashing Model," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 460-474., 2016-05. (EI)
  416. Xu, W. L., Chang, C. C.*, Chen, T. S. and Wang, L. M., "An Improved Least-Significant-Bit Substitution Method Using the Modulo Three Strategy," Displays, Vol. 42, pp. 36-42, 2016-04. (SCIE)
  417. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S., Lin, M. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "A Novel Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme Based on Block Classification of SMVQ indices," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 51, pp. 142-155., 2016-04. (SCIE,EI)
  418. Chang, C. C.*, Sun, C. Y. and Chang, S. C., "A Strong RSA-based and Certificateless-based Signature Scheme," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 201-208, 2016-03. (EI)
  419. Chang, C. C.*, Lu, T. C., Horng, G. and Huang, Y. H., "Very Efficient Variable-length Codes for the Lossless Compression of VQ Indices," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, No. 6, pp. 3537-3552, 2016-03. (SCIE,EI)
  420. Qin, C.*, Ren, H., Chang, C. C. and Chen, Q., "Novel Occlusion Object Removal with Inter-frame Editing and Texture Synthesis," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 386-398, 2016-03. (EI)
  421. Nguyen, N. T., Le, H. D. and Chang, C. C.*, "Provably Secure and Efficient Three-Factor Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme with Untraceability," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 335-344, 2016-03. (EI)
  422. Zhong, H., Liu, H. Q., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.*, "A Novel Fragile Watermark-based Image Authentication Scheme for AMBTC-compressed Images," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 362-375, 2016-03. (EI)
  423. Wu, Q., Zhu, C., Li, J. J.*, Chang, C. C. and Wang, Z. H., "A Magic Cube Based Information Hiding Scheme of Large Payload," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 26, pp. 1-7., 2016-02. (EI)
  424. Wang, F., Chang, C. C.*, Lin, C. L. and Chang, S. C., "Secure and Efficient Identity-Based Proxy Multi-Signature Using Cubic Residues," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 90-98, 2016-01. (EI)
  425. Chang, C. C.* and Le, H. D., "A Provably Secure, Efficient and Flexible Authentication Scheme for Ad hoc Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 357-366., 2016-01. (SCIE,EI)
  426. Le, H. D., Xu, X., Wang, Q., Li, L. and Chang, C. C.*, "Zero-watermarking for Face Image Protection in Database," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 129-135, 2016-01. (SCIE,EI)
  427. Lyu, W. L. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Image Compression Method Based on Block Truncation Coding and Linear Regression," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 198-215., 2016-01. (EI)
  428. Nguyen, T. S., Chang, C. C.* and Shih, T. H., "A High-Quality Reversible Image Authentication Scheme Based on Adaptive PEE for Digital Images," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 395-413, 2016-01. (SCIE)
  429. Nguyen, T. S., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, W. C., "High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Encrypted Images," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 44, pp. 84-91, 2016-01. (SCIE,EI)
  430. Liu, Y. N., Cheng, C., Jiang, T. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Practical Lottery Using Oblivious Transfer," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 277-282, 2016-01. (SCIE,EI)
  431. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C.*, "A New Distortion-Free Data Embedding Scheme for High-Dynamic Range Images," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 145-163, 2016-01. (SCIE,EI)
  432. Chang, C. C.*, Cheng, T. F. and Hsueh, W. Y., "A Robust and Efficient Dynamic Identity Based Multi-Server Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 290-306, 2016-01. (SCIE,EI)
  433. Wang, Z. H., Zhuang, X., Chang, C. C.*, Qin, C. and Yan, Z., "Reversible Data Hiding Based on Geometric Structure of Pixel Groups," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 52-59, 2016-01. (EI)
  434. Wang, Z. H., Chen, K. N., Chang, C. C.* and Qin, C., "Sharing a Large Secret Image Using Meaningful Shadows Based on VQ and Inpainting," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 5170-5188., 2015-12. (SCIE)
  435. Chang, C. C.*, Wu, H. L. and Sun, C. Y., "Notes on “Secure Authentication Scheme for IoT and Cloud Servers”," Accepted byPervasive and Mobile Computing, 2015-12. (SCIE,EI)
  436. Wang, F., Chang, C. C.* and Lyu, W. L., "The Credit Card Visual Authentication Scheme Based on GF(2^8) Field," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 24, pp. 11451-11465., 2015-12. (SCIE,EI)
  437. Mao, Q., Bharanitharan, K. and Chang, C. C.*, "Multi-Round Dynamic Swap Optimization for Table Based Steganograph," IET Image Processing, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 1073-1082, 2015-12. (SCIE,EI)
  438. Chang, C. C., Yang, J. H.* and Wu, Y. C., "An Efficient and Practical Authenticated Communication Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 702-707, 2015-11. (EI)
  439. Nguyen, T. S., Chang, C. C.* and Huynh, N. T., "A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 33, pp. 389-397, 2015-11. (SCIE,EI)
  440. Chang, C. C., Wu, C. C. and Lin, I. C.*, "A Multi-Purpose Key Agreement Scheme in Ubiquitous Computing Environments," Mobile Information Systems, Vol. 2015, Article ID: 934716, 7 pages. doi: 10.1155/2015/934716, 2015-11. (SCIE)
  441. Hou, Q., Dai, J., Li, L., Lu, J. and Chang, C. C.*, "Scanned Binary Image Watermarking Based On Additive Model and Sampling," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 21, pp. 9407-9426, 2015-11. (SCIE,EI)
  442. Mao, Q., Li, F. and Chang, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding with Oriented and Minimized Distortions Using Cascading Trellis Coding," Information Sciences, Vol. 317, pp. 170-180, 2015-10. (SCIE,EI)
  443. Nguyen, T. S. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on the Sudoku Technique," Displays, Vol. 39, pp. 109-116, 2015-10. (SCIE)
  444. Zhai, S., Li, F., Chang, C. C.* and Mao, Q., "A Meaningful Scheme for Sharing Secret Images Using Mosaic Images," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 643-649, 2015-09. (EI)
  445. Chang, C. C.*, Lin, M. C. and Cheng, T. F., "Dynamic Selective Information Hiding Based on Search Order Coding with Low Bit Rate," The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 63, No. 7, pp. 378-388, 2015-09. (SCIE)
  446. Liu, W., Wang, A., Chang, C. C.*, Li, Z. and Liu, L., "A Grouped-scalable Secret Image Sharing Scheme," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 17, pp. 7095-7109, 2015-09. (SCIE,EI)
  447. Lee, C. F., Pai, P. Y., Chang, C. C*. and Liu, C. M., "Adjustment Hiding Method Based on Exploiting Modification Direction," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 607-618, 2015-09. (EI)
  448. Chang, C. C.*, Lu, T. C., Horng, G., Huang, Y. H. and Hsu, T. J., "Dual-Histograms Reversible Data Hiding Capable of Avoiding Underflow/Overflow Problems," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 956-967, 2015-09. (EI)
  449. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Hsu, T. J., "Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Exploiting Modification Direction with Two Steganographic Images," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 15, pp. 5861-5872, 2015-07. (SCIE,EI)
  450. Tang, J., Jiang, B., Luo, B. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Outlier Detection Method for Feature Point Matching Problem," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 728-739, 2015-07. (EI)
  451. Wang, Z. H., Huang, Y. H., Chang, C. C.*, Yang, H. R., "Reversible Data Hiding for High Quality Using Secret Data Transformation Strategy," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 629-638, 2015-07. (EI)
  452. Wang, Z. H., Wu, Q., Luo, Z. C. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel Information Hiding Scheme Based on Line Segments," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 674-685, 2015-07. (EI)
  453. Huang, Y. H., Chang, C. C.*, Lin, M. C. and Horng, G., "Very Effective Multi-Layer Reversible Embedding Method Using Low Distortion Modification," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 760-770, 2015-07. (EI)
  454. Lyu, W. L., Chang, C. C.*, Chou, Y. C. and Lin, C. C., "Hybrid Color Image Steganography Method Used for Copyright Protection and Content Authentication," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 686-696, 2015-07. (EI)
  455. Kuo, W. C., Kao, M. C. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Generalization of Fully Exploiting Modification Directions Data Hiding Scheme," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 4 , pp. 718-727, 2015-07. (EI)
  456. Liu, C., Chang, C. C.*, Wu, Z. P. and Ye, S. L., "A Study of Relationship between RSA Public Key Cryptosystem and Goldbach’s Conjecture Properties," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 445-453, 2015-07. (EI)
  457. Le, H. D., Chang, C. C.* and Chou, Y. C., "A Novel Untraceable Authentication Scheme for Mobile Roaming in GLOMONET," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 395-404., 2015-07. (EI)
  458. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C.*, Huang, Y. H., Yang, H. R. and Horng, G., "Embedding Information in Chinese Calligraphy Images," Journal of Computers-Special Issue on Mobile Computing in Digital Forensics, Security and Privacy, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 11-18, 2015-07. (EI)
  459. Qin, C., Chang, C. C., Horng, G., Huang, Y. H. and Chen, Y. C., "Reversible Data Embedding for VQ-Compressed Images Using Search-Order Coding and Index Parity Matching," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 899-906, 2015-04, 2015-06.
  460. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Sun, C. Y., "A Novel and Practical Scheme based on Secret-sharing for Laptop Data Protection," IET Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 100-107, 2015-03, 2015-06.
  461. Mao, Q., Bharanitharan, K. and Chang, C. C*., "Multi-round Dynamic Swap Optimisation for Table-based Steganography," IET Image Processing, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 1073-1082, 2015-06. (SCIE,EI)
  462. Mao, Q., Chang, C. C.*, Harn, L. and Chang, S. C., "An Image-Based Key Agreement Protocol Using the Morphing Technique," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 9, pp. 3207-3229, 2015-05. (SCIE,EI)
  463. Liu, Y., Harn, L. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel Verifiable Secret Sharing Mechanism Using Theory of Numbers and a Method for Sharing Secrets," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 1282-1292, 2015-05. (SCIE,EI)
  464. Liu, L., Wang, A. H.*, Chang, C. C.*, Jin, Q. and Xia, B. B., "Tree-Structured Vector Quantization with Flexible Multipath Searching Method Based on Side Match Prediction," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 568-576., 2015-05. (EI)
  465. Chang, C. C.* and Le, H. D., "A Provably Secure Smart-card-based Authenticated Group Key Exchange Protocol," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 1602-1607, 2015-05. (SCIE,EI)
  466. Lyu, W. L., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, F., "Color PNG Image Authentication Scheme Based on Rehashing and Secret Sharing Method," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 523-533, 2015-05. (EI)
  467. Lu, J., Wang, M., Dai, J., Huang, Q., Li, L. and Chang, C. C.*, "Multiple Watermark Scheme based on DWT-DCT Quantization for Medical Images," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 458-47, 2015-05. (EI)
  468. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Sun, C. Y., "A Secure and Efficient Scheme for Digital Gift Certificates," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp 416-429, 2015-05. (EI)
  469. Lee, J. S.*, Chang, C. C., Huynh, N. T. and Tsai, H. Y., "Preserving User-Friendly Shadow and High-Contrast Quality for Multiple Visual Secret Sharing Technique," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 40, pp. 131-139, 2015-05. (SCIE)
  470. Wang, X. T.*, Li, M. C., Wang, S. T. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding Exploiting High-Correlation Regulation for High-Quality Images," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 1408-1421, 2015-05. (SCIE,EI)
  471. Wang, D., Chang, C. C.*, Liu, Y. and Song, G., "Digital Image Scrambling Algorithm Based on Chaotic Sequence and Decomposition and Recombination of Pixel Values," International Journal of Network Security, Vol.17, No.3, pp. 322-327., 2015-05. (EI)
  472. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.*, Horng, G., Huang, Y. H. and Chen, Y. C., "Reversible Data Embedding for Vector Quantization Compressed Images Using Search-Order Coding and Index Parity Matching," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 899-906, 2015-04. (SCIE,EI)
  473. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C.*, "A Reversible Compression Code Hiding Using SOC and SMVQ Indices," Information Sciences, Vol. 300, pp. 85-99, 2015-04. (SCIE,EI)
  474. Yin, Z. X., Chang, C. C.*, Xu, Q. and Luo, B., "Second-Order Steganographic Method Based on Adaptive Reference Matrix," IET Image Processing, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 300-305, 2015-04. (SCIE,EI)
  475. Huynh, N. T., Bharanitharan, K. and Chang, C. C.*, "Quadri-Directional Searching Algorithm for Secret Image Sharing Using Meaningful Shadows," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 28, pp. 105-112., 2015-04. (SCIE,EI)
  476. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.*, and Lin C. C., "An Adaptive Reversible Steganographic Scheme Based on the Just Noticeable Distortion," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 6, pp. 1983-1995, 2015-03. (SCIE,EI)
  477. Chang, C. C.*, Sun, C. Y. and Cheng, T. F., "A Dependable Storage Service System in Cloud Environment," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 574-588, 2015-03. (SCIE,EI)
  478. Chang, C. C.*, Chou, Y. C. and Sun, C. Y., "Novel and Practical Scheme based on Secret Sharing for Laptop Data Protection," IET Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 100-107, 2015-03. (SCIE,EI)
  479. Jia, X. D., Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, L. M., "A Critique of a Lightweight Identity Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Networks," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 183-188., 2015-03. (EI)
  480. Liu, L., Wang, A. H., Chang, C. C.*, li, Z. H. and Liu, J. B., "A Lossy Secret Color Image Sharing Scheme with Small Shadows and Error-resilient Capability," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 246-253., 2015-03. (EI)
  481. Guo, C. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel Threshold Conference-Key Agreement Protocol Based on Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 165-173, 2015-03. (EI)
  482. Wu, H. L. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Robust Image Encryption Scheme Based on RSA and Secret Sharing for Cloud Storage Systems," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 288-296., 2015-03. (EI)
  483. Wang, F., Chang, C. C.* and Chou, Y. C., "Group Authentication and Group Key Distribution for Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal of Network Security, Vol.17, No.2, pp. 199-207, 2015-03. (EI)
  484. Li, Z. Q., Huang, R., Peng, B. L., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, Q. Z., "A Divide-conquer Heuristic Search Algorithm for Cutting Surplus Steel Plates of Steel & Iron Companies," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-14., 2015-02. (EI)
  485. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C.*, Pai, P. Y. and Liu, C. M., "An Adjustable and Reversible Data Hiding Method Based on Multiple-base Notational System without Location Map," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-28, 2015-01. (EI)
  486. Lin, C. L., Li, Y., Lv, K. and Chang, C. C.*, "Ciphertext-Auditable Identity-Based Encryption," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 17, No.1, pp. 23-28., 2015-01. (EI)
  487. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "A Group Key Distribution System Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem for Enterprise Digital Rights Management," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 140-153., 2015-01. (EI)
  488. Li, Li, Dong, Z., Lu, J., Dai, J., Huang, Q., Chang, C. C.* and Wu, T., "An H.264/AVC HDTV Watermarking Algorithm Robust to Camcorder Recording," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 26, pp. 1-8, 2015-01. (SCIE,EI)
  489. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Lin, C. Y., "Compressing Vector Quantization Index Table Using Side Match State Codebook," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 47-58, 2015-01. (EI)
  490. Zhuang, X., Zhu, Y.* and Chang, C. C., "A New Ultralightweight RFID Protocol for Low-Cost Tags: R2AP," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 1787-1802, 2014-12. (SCIE)
  491. Chang, C. C.* and Nguyen, T. S., "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for SMVQ Indices," Informatica, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 523-540, 2014-12. (SCIE,EI)
  492. Chen, X., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. L., "The Design of Dynamic Access Control for Hierarchical Sensor Networks with Key-lock-pair Mechanism," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 17, No. 2/3, pp. 162-173, 2014-11. (SCIE,EI)
  493. Wang, Z. H., Jin, H., Wang, X. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Adaptable (n, n) Secret Image Sharing Mechanism Based on Boolean Operation," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, No. 6 , pp. 483-489, 2014-11. (EI)
  494. Wang, F., Chang, C. C.* and Harn, L., "Simulatable and Secure Certificate-based Threshold Signature without Pairings," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 2094-2103, 2014-11. (SCIE,EI)
  495. Liu, Y., Harn, L. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Authenticated Group Key Distribution Mechanism Using Theory of Numbers," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 3502-3512., 2014-11. (SCIE,EI)
  496. Li, L., Hou, Q., Lu, J., Xu, Q., Dai, J., Mao, X. and Chang, C. C.*, "A New Pixels Flipping Method for Huge Watermarking Capacity of the Invoice Font Image," The Scientific World Journal, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Machine Learning Theory and Applications, Vol. 2014, 2014-11. (SCIE,EI)
  497. Chang, C. C.*, Cheng, T. F. and Wu, H. L., "An Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Satellite Communications," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 27, No. 10, pp. 1994-2006, 2014-10. (SCIE,EI)
  498. Chang, C. C.* and Cheng, T. F., "A Provably Secure t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Mechanism Based on Blind Signature," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-12, 2014-10. (EI)
  499. Chang, C. C.*, Pai, P. Y., Tsai, M. H. and Liu, C. M., "A Novel Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane Image Vessel Detection Detector Based on Statistic Color Distribution," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 789-805, 2014-10. (EI)
  500. Guo, C., Chang, C. C.* and Qin, C., "A Novel (n, t, n) Secret Image Sharing Scheme without a Trusted Third Party," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 72, No. 3, pp. 2195-2209., 2014-10. (SCIE,EI)
  501. Chang, C. C.* and Cheng, T. F., "A Secure Diverse Ticket-sale System in a Distributed Cloud Environment," The Computer Journal, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 1441-1459, 2014-10. (SCIE,EI)
  502. Dai, J., Liu, Y., Lu, J., Xu, J., Chang, C. C. and Li, L.*, "Watermarking Marbled Image Based on Linear Enhancement Hologram," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 757-768., 2014-10. (EI)
  503. Lyu, W. L., Chang, C. C.*, Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C., "Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Scale-Invariant Feature Transform," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 3591-3606, 2014-10. (SCIE)
  504. Chang, C. C.*, Huynh, N. T. and Chung, T. F., "Efficient Searching Strategy for Secret Image Sharing with Meaningful Shadows," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 423-427., 2014-10. (EI)
  505. Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Database Encryption Scheme Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 603-613, 2014-10. (EI)
  506. Chang, C. C.*, Sun, C. Y. and Chang, S. C., "Practical Secure and High Efficient Authentication Scheme in Global Mobility Networks," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 1091-1100, 2014-10. (SCIE,EI)
  507. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C*., "Reversible data embedding for indices based on histogram analysis," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 1704-1716, 2014-10. (SCIE,EI)
  508. Liu, Y. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Secure Broadcasting Method Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 709-718, 2014-10. (EI)
  509. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C., "A Novel Compression Scheme based on SMVQ and Huffman Coding," International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1041-1050, 2014-10. (SCIE)
  510. Mao, Q., Bharanitharan, K. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Proxy User Authentication Protocol Using Source-Based Image Morphing," The Computer Journal, pp. 1-12, 2014-09. (SCIE,EI)
  511. Lu, T. C., Chang, C. C.* and Huang, Y. H., "High Capacity Reversible Hiding Scheme Based on Interpolation, Difference Expansion, and Histogram Shifting," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 417-435, 2014-09. (SCIE,EI)
  512. Liu, Y., Wu, H. L. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Fast and Secure Scheme for Data Outsourcing in the Cloud," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 2708-2721, 2014-08. (SCIE)
  513. Wang, Z. H., Yang, H. R., Chang, C. C.*, Horng, G. and Huang, Y. H., "Lossless VQ Indices Compression Based on the High Correlation of Adjacent Image Blocks," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 2913-2929, 2014-08. (SCIE)
  514. Wang, Z. H.*, Mao, Q., Chang, C. C., Wu, Q. and Li, J., "A Data Lossless Message Hiding Scheme without Extra Information," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 657-669, 2014-07. (SCIE,EI)
  515. Lin, C. H., Tharan, K.B. and Chang, C. C.*, "Comments and Proofs to Published Paper - A Novel Reversible Robust Watermarking Algorithm based on a Chaotic System," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 273-276, 2014-07. (EI)
  516. Chang, C. C.*, Harn, L. and Cheng, T. F., "Notes on "Polynomial-based Key Management for Secure Intra-group and Inter-group Communication"," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 405-410, 2014-07. (EI)
  517. Mao, Q., Chang, C. C.* and Chung, T. F., "A Reversible Steganography Suitable for Embedding Small Amounts of Data," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 304-312, 2014-07. (EI)
  518. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Wang, S. T., "A Novel Lossless Steganographic Scheme for Data Hiding in Traditional Chinese Text Files," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 534-540, 2014-07. (EI)
  519. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S., Lin, C. C.*, "Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for VQ Indices Based on Absolute Difference Trees," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 2572-2589, 2014-07. (SCIE)
  520. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H.* and Chuang, L. Y., "Meaningful Shadows for Image Secret Sharing with Steganography and Authentication Techniques," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 342-352, 2014-07. (EI)
  521. Nguyen, T. S., Chang, C. C.* and Chung, T. F., "A Tamper-Detection Scheme for BTC-Compressed Images with High-Quality Images," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 2005-2021, 2014-06. (SCIE)
  522. Huang, Y. H., Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. Y., "A DNA-based Data Hiding Technique with Low Modification Rates," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 1439-1451., 2014-06. (SCIE,EI)
  523. Chang, C. C.*, Huynh, N. T. and Le, H. D., "Lossless and Unlimited Multi-image Sharing Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem and Lagrange Interpolation," Signal Processing, Vol. 99, pp. 159-170, 2014-06. (SCIE,EI)
  524. Harn, L, Miao, F. and Chang, C. C.*, "Verifiable Secret Sharing Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 950-957, 2014-06. (SCIE,EI)
  525. Nguyen, T. S., Chang, C. C.*, Lin, M. C., "Adaptive Lossless Data Hiding Scheme for SMVQ-Compressed Images using SOC Coding," Smart Computing Review, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 230-245, 2014-06. (EBSCO)
  526. Chen, X., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Guo, C., "Generalized Secret Sharing with Linear Hierarchical Secrets," International Journal of Network Security, No. 3, pp. 220-228, 2014-05. (EI)
  527. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S., Lin, C. C.*, "Reversible Image Hiding for High Image Quality Based on Histogram Shifting and Local Complexity," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 201-213, 2014-05. (EI)
  528. Zhuang, X., Chang, C. C., Wang, Z. H. * and Zhu, Y., "A Simple Password Authentication Scheme Based on Geometric Hashing Function," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 237-243, 2014-05. (EI)
  529. Lee, J. S.*, Tsai, H. Y. and Chang, C. C., "A User-Friendly and Authenticatable Secret Image Sharing Scheme," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 433-440, 2014-05. (SCIE,EI)
  530. Wang, Z. H., Wu, Q., Chang, C. C.*, Chan, C. S. and Yu, X., "Optimizing Modification Direction Data Hiding Methods Using Dynamic Programming Strategy," Accepted byJournal of Networks, 2014-04. (EI)
  531. Lin, C. C., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, Y. H., "A Novel SVD-based watermarking Scheme for Protecting Rightful Ownership of Digital Images," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 124-143, 2014-04. (EI)
  532. Horng, G., Huang, Y. H., Chang, C. C.* and Liu, Y., "(k, n)-Image Reversible Data Hiding," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 2, Apr. 2014, pp. 152-164., 2014-04. (EI)
  533. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C*. and Chang, S. C., "A Secure and Efficient t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 223-233, 2014-04. (EI)
  534. Wang, Z. H., Wang, D., Yang, H. R. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel Mutually-Authenticable Information-Hiding Scheme for a CAPTCHA Binary Image," Accepted byKSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2014-03. (SCIE)
  535. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Chiu, Y. P., "A Novel Joint Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme Based on SMVQ and Image Inpainting," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 969-978, 2014-03. (SCIE,EI)
  536. Chang C. C.* and Cheng, T. F., "A Reliable Real-time Multicast Authentication Protocol with Provable Accuracy," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 167-186, 2014-03. (SCIE,EI)
  537. Wang, C. C., Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Lin, C. C.*, "A High Capacity Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images Based on Block Patterns," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 93 , pp. 152-162., 2014-02. (SCIE,EI)
  538. Guo, C. and Chang, C. C.*, "An Authenticated Group Key Distribution Protocol Based on the Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 27, No.1, pp. 126-134, 2014-01. (SCIE,EI)
  539. Wang, Z. H., Segalla Pizzolatti, M. and Chang, C. C*., "Efficient and Meaningful Multi-secret Image Sharing Based on Block Imitation," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 47-60, 2014-01. (EI)
  540. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "An Access Control Mechanism Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 58-64, 2014-01. (EI)
  541. Chang, C. C.*, Huang, Y. C. and Tsai, H. C., "Design and Analysis of Chameleon Hashing Based Handover Authentication Scheme for Wireless Networks," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 107-116, 2014-01. (EI)
  542. Liu, L., Wang, A.*, Chang, C. C. and Li, Z., "A Novel Real-time and Progressive Secret Image Sharing with Flexible Shadows Based on Compressive Sensing," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 128-134, 2014-01. (EI)
  543. Chang, C. C., Wu, H. L., Wang, Z. H.* and Mao, Q., "An Efficient Smart Card Based Authentication Scheme Using Image Encryption," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 1135-1150, 2013-11. (SCIE,EI)
  544. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Hsu, T. J., "Effective Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication with High-quality Recovery Capability," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 2941-2956, 2013-11. (SCIE)
  545. Wang, Z. H., Yang, H. R., Cheng, T. F. and Chang, C. C.*, "A High-performance Reversible Data-hiding Scheme for LZW Codes," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 86, No. 11, pp. 2771-2778, 2013-11. (SCIE,EI)
  546. Chang, C. C. and Yang, J. H.*, "A Group-oriented Digital Right Management Scheme with Reliable and Flexible Access Policies," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 15, No. 6 , pp. 471-477., 2013-11. (EI)
  547. Chang, C. C.*, Chou, Y. C. and Lin, C. Y., "An Indicator Elimination Method for Side-match Vector Quantization," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 233-249., 2013-10. (EI)
  548. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, Y. C., "Efficient Reversible Data Hiding for VQ-Compressed Images Based on Index Mapping Mechanism," Signal Processing, Vol. 93, No. 9, pp. 2687-2695, 2013-09. (SCIE,EI)
  549. Lee, J. S.*, Chang, C. C. and Wei, K. J., "Provably Secure Conference Key Distribution Mechanism Preserving the Forward and Backward Secrecy," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, No. 2 , pp. 405-410., 2013-09. (EI)
  550. Chang, C. C.*, Chang, S. C. and Yang, J. H., "A Practical Secure and Efficient Enterprise Digital Rights Management Mechanism Suitable for Mobile Environment," Security and Communications Networks, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 972-984, 2013-08. (SCIE,EI)
  551. Guo, C. and Chang, C. C.*, "ElGamal-Based Weighted Threshold Signature Scheme," Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 16, No. 8(B), pp. 6339-6348., 2013-08. (SCIE)
  552. Bharanitharan, K., Chen, B. W. and Chang, C. C.*, "Two Step Regionally Focused Algorithm for H.264/AVC Encoder," IETE Technical Review, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 280-285., 2013-08. (SCIE,EI)
  553. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, Y. C., "A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for VQ-Compressed Images Using Index Set Construction Strategy," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 2027-2041, 2013-08. (SCIE)
  554. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C.*, "A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases," The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2013, 2013, pp. 1-12., 2013-08. (SCIE,EI)
  555. Qin, C., Chang, C. C., Lee, W. B. and Zhang, X., "A Secure Image Delivery Scheme with Regional Protection Capability Using Image Inpainting and Editing," The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 509-517, 2013-07. (SCIE,EI)
  556. Chang, C. C.*, Chang, S. C. and Yang, J. H., "A Digital Rights Management Mechanism for Mobile Social Platforms," ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 1985-1990, 2013-07. (EI)
  557. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.*, Huang, Y. H. and Liao, L. T., "An Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Using Histogram Shifting Mechanism," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 1109-1118, 2013-07. (SCIE,EI)
  558. Chang, C. C.*, Le, H. D. and Chang, C. H., "Novel Untraceable Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Suitable for Mobile Communication," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 425-437, 2013-07. (SCIE,EI)
  559. Cheng, Z. Y., Liu, Y. Chang, C. C. and Liu, C. X., "A Novel Biometric-based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Quadratic Residues," Inte. J. of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 419-422, 2013-07. (EI)
  560. Tsai, H. C. and Chang, C. C.*, "Provably Secure Three Party Encrypted Key Exchange Scheme with Explicit Authentication," Information Sciences, Vol. 238, No. 20, pp. 242-249, 2013-07. (SCIE,EI)
  561. Zhuang, X., Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Zhu, Y., "Security Analysis of a new Ultra-lightweight RFID Protocol and Its Improvement," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 166-177, 2013-07. (EI)
  562. Chang, C. C.*, Lin, C. C. and Liao, L. T., "A DCT-based Dual Watermark Scheme for Image Authentication and Recovery," Advance in Information Science and Service Science, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 56-69., 2013-07.
  563. Harn, L., Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. L., "An Anonymous Multi-Receiver Encryption Based on RSA," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 307-312., 2013-07. (EI)
  564. Guo, C. and Chang, C. C., "Chaotic Maps-Based Password-Authenticated Key Agreement Using Smart Cards," Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 18, No. 6, June 2013, pp. 1433-1440, 2013-06. (SCIE,EI)
  565. Mao, Q., Chang, C. C.* and Wu, H. L., "An Image Encryption Scheme Based on Concatenated Torus Automorphisms," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1492-1511, 2013-06. (SCIE)
  566. Li, L.*, Ma, Y. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lu, J. F., "Analyzing and Removing SureSign Watermark," Signal Processing, Vol. 93, No. 5, pp. 1374-1378, 2013-05. (SCIE,EI)
  567. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "A Residual Number System Oriented Group Key Distribution Mechanism," Inter. J. of Information Processing and Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 146-155, 2013-05. (EI)
  568. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "An Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocol Using Residue Number System," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 212-218, 2013-05. (EI)
  569. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, K. N., "Adaptive Self-recovery for Tampered Images Based on VQ Indexing and Inpainting," Signal Processing, Vol. 93, No. 4, pp. 933-946, 2013-04. (SCIE,EI)
  570. Wang, Z. H., Pizzolatti, M. S. and Chang, C. C.*, "Reversible Visual Secret Sharing Based on Random Grids for Two-Image Encryption," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1691-1701, 2013-04. (EI)
  571. Guo, C., Chang, C. C.* and Sun, C. Y., "Chaotic Maps-Based Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement using Smart Cards for Wireless Communications," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 99-109, 2013-04. (EI)
  572. Lin, P. Y., Chen, Y. H., Chang, C. C.* and Lee, J. S., "Contrast-Adaptive Removable Visible Watermarking (CARVW) Mechanism," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 311-321, 2013-04. (SCIE,EI)
  573. Chang, C. C.*, Cheng, T. F. and Chen, W. Y., "A Novel Electronic English Auction System with a Secure On-shelf Mechanism," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 657-668, 2013-04. (SCIE,EI)
  574. Wang, Z. H., Chen, K. N., Chang, C. C.*, Chen, P. Y. and Lee, C. F., "A Lossless Information Hiding Scheme with Large Payload Using Prediction Error Composition," Accepted byKSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2013-04. (SCIE)
  575. Chang, C. C.*, Chen, K. N., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C., "Lossless Information Hiding in the VQ Index Table," Journal of Software, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 547-553, 2013-03. (EI)
  576. Chang, C. C. Wu, C. C. and Lin, I. C.*, "A Verifiable Key Management Scheme in Hierarchical Ad Hoc Networks," Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3(A), pp. 1929-1944, 2013-03. (SCIE)
  577. Wang, X. T., Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Li, M. C., "Reversible Data Hiding For High Quality Image Exploiting Interpolation and Direction Order Mechanism," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 569-577, 2013-03. (SCIE,EI)
  578. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Tsou, P. L., "Robust Image Hashing Using Non-Uniform Sampling in Discrete Fourier Domain," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 23, No.2, pp. 578-585, 2013-03. (SCIE,EI)
  579. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, T. Y., "An Efficient Information Hiding Scheme Based on Closest Paired Tree Structure Vector Quantization," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 15-19, 2013-03. (EI)
  580. Wang, Z. H., Guo, C. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Novel (n, n) Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Sudoku," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 11, NO. 1, pp. 44-50, 2013-03. (EI)
  581. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C., "Distortion-Free Data Embedding Scheme for High Dynamic Range Images," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 20-26, 2013-03. (EI)
  582. Chang, C. C.* and Lee, C. Y., "A Smart Card-based Authentication Scheme Using User Identify Cryptography," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 139-147, 2013-03. (EI)
  583. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Tsou, P. L., "Dictionary-Based Data Hiding Using Image Hashing Strategy," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 599-610, 2013-02. (EI)
  584. Mao, Q., Tharan, K.B. and Chang, C. C.*, "Edge Directed Automatic Control Point Selection Algorithm for Image Morphing," IETE Technical Review, 2013-02. (SCIE,EI)
  585. Chang, C. C.* and Yang, J. H., "A Division Algorithm Using Bisection Method in Residue Number System," International journal of Computer, Consumer and Control, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 59-66, 2013-02.
  586. Cheng, Z. Y., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C. and Chang, S. C., "A Practical Secure Chaos-Based Group Key Agreement Protocol Suitable for Distributed Network Environment," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 1-10, 2013-01. (EI)
  587. Cheng, Z. Y., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "Authenticated RFID Security Mechanism Based on Chaotic Maps," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 247-256, 2013-01. (SCIE,EI)
  588. Guo, C. and Chang, C. C.*, "A Construction for Secret Sharing Scheme with General Access Structure," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-8, 2013-01. (EI)
  589. Cheng, Z. Y., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Guo, C., "A Fault-tolerant Group Key Agreement Protocol Exploiting Dynamic Setting," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 259-275, 2013-01. (SCIE,EI)
  590. Cheng, Z. Y., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "Advanced Constantly Updated RFID Access Control Protocol Using Challenge-Response and Indefinite-Index," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 8341-8354, 2012-12. (EI)
  591. Qin, C., Chang C. C.* and Liao, L. T., "An Adaptive Prediction-Error Expansion Oriented Reversible Information Hiding Scheme," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 33, No. 16, pp. 2166-2172, 2012-12. (SCIE,EI)
  592. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Hsieh, Y. P., "Data Hiding for Vector Quantization Images Using Mixed-Base Notation and Dissimilar Patterns without Loss of Fidelity," Information Sciences, Vol. 201, pp. 70-79, 2012-10. (SCIE,EI)
  593. Chang, C. C.*, Chang, S. C. and Chen, Y. W., "Novel Efficient User Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using One-Way Hash Function," ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 2535-2540, 2012-10. (EI)
  594. Chan, C. S., Chang, C. C. and Hung, P. V., "A User-Friendly Image Sharing Scheme Using JPEG-LS Median Edge Predictor," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 340-351, 2012-10. (EI)
  595. Chang, C. C., Huang, Y. H., Tsai, H. Y. and Qin, C., "Prediction-Based Reversible Data Hiding with High Image Quality Using the Difference of Neighboring Pixels," International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 66, No.9, pp. 758-766, 2012-09. (SCIE,EI)
  596. Qin, C., Chang, C. C.* and Tsou, P. L., "Perceptual Image Hashing Based on the Error Diffusion Halftone Mechanism," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 6161-6172, 2012-09. (EI)
  597. Chen, K. N., Chen, C. H. and Chang, C. C., "Efficient Illumination Compensation Techniques for Text Images," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 726-733, 2012-09. (SCIE,EI)
  598. Guo, C., Chang, C. C. and Qin, C., "A Multi-threshold Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on MSP," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 33, No. 12, pp. 1594-1600, 2012-09. (SCIE,EI)
  599. Tang, J., Jiang, B., Chang C. C. and Bin, L., "Graph Structure Analysis Based on a Complex Network," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 713-725, 2012-09. (SCIE,EI)
  600. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C., "A Novel VQ-based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme by Using Hybrid Encoding Strategies," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 389-402, 2012-09. (SCIE,EI)
  601. Lin, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Chen, Y. H., "Reversible Data Embedding Scheme Using Relationships between Pixel-Values and Their Neighbors," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 238-249, 2012-09. (EI)
  602. Guo, C. and Chang, C. C.*, "Proactive Weighted Threshold Signature Based on Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 250-255, 2012-09. (EI)
  603. Cheng, Z. Y., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Chang, S. C., "A Smart Card Based Authentication Scheme for Remote User Login and Verification," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 5499-5511, 2012-08. (EI)
  604. Qin, C., Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Chen, K. N., "Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Image Inpainting," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 120, pp. 59-70, 2012-08. (SCIE,EI)
  605. Qin, C, Chang, C. C. and Guo, C., "Perceptual Robust Image Hashing Scheme Based on Secret Sharing," Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 1690-1698, 2012-08. (EI)
  606. Pai, P. Y., Chang, C. C., Chan, Y. K., Tsai, M. H. and Guo, S. W., "An Image Segmentation-Based Thresholding Method," Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 1-22., 2012-08. (SCIE)
  607. Pai, P. Y., Chang, C. C., Chan, Y. K. and Liu, C. M., "An ROI-Based Medical Image Hiding Method," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 1-13, 2012-07. (EI)
  608. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C.* and Pizzolatti, M. S, "A Novel Vector Quantization Technique Using Block Mining in Image Compression," Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 12,pp. 89-97., 2012-07. (EI)
  609. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Li, M. C., "Optimizing Least-significant-bit Substitution Using Cat Swarm Optimization Strategy," Information Sciences, Vol. 192, No. 1, pp. 98-108, 2012-06. (SCIE,EI)
  610. Wang, X. T., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Li, M. C., "A Novel Multi-group Exploiting Modification Direction Method Based on Switch Map," Signal Processing, Vol. 92, No. 6, pp. 1525-1535, 2012-06. (SCIE)
  611. Guo, C., Chang, C. C., Qin, C. and Li, M. C., "Encryption Scheme for Weighted Threshold Authentication," Journal of Applied Sciences - Elec. and Inf. Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 251-255, 2012-05. (EI)
  612. Liu, Y.*, Cheng, Z. Y., Chang, C. C. and Zhang, Z. J, "A Secure Dynamic Identity Based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Secret Sharing," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 463-470, 2012-05. (SCIE,EI)
  613. Qin, C., Chang, C. C. and Chen, P. Y., "Self-Embedding Fragile Watermarking with Restoration Capability Based on Adaptive Bit Allocation Mechanism," Signal Processing, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 1137-1150, 2012-04. (SCIE)
  614. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C., "A Low Computational-cost Electronic Payment Scheme for Mobile Commerce with Large-scale Mobile Users," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 83-99, 2012-03. (SCIE,EI)
  615. Guo, C., Chang, C. C. and Qin, C., "Multi-Threshold Visual Secret Sharing," Advance in Information Science and Service Science, Vol. 4, No. 4 pp. 195-201, 2012-03. (EI)
  616. Kieu, T. D. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Watermarking Schemes Based on Expansion Embedding Using Pixel Partition Strategies," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 60, pp. 112-124, 2012-02. (SCIE,EI)
  617. Chen, Y. H. and Chang, C. C., "Image Tamper Detection and Recovery Based on Dual Watermarks Sharing Strategy," Journal of Digital Information Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 39-49, 2012-02. (EI)
  618. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. Y., "A Secure Single Sign-on Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59, No. 1, PP. 629~637, 2012-01. (SCIE,EI)
  619. Guo, C., Chang, C. C. and Wang, Z. H., "A New Data Hiding Scheme Based on DNA Sequence," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 8, No. 1(A), pp. 139-149, 2012-01. (EI)
  620. Chang, C. C. and Hsieh, Y. P., "A Fast VQ Codebook Search with Initialization and Search Order," Information Sciences, Vol. 183, No. 1, pp. 132-139, 2012-01. (SCIE,EI)
  621. Cheng, Z. Y., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C. and Chang, S. C., "An Improved Protocol for Password Authentication Using Smart Cards," Journal of Computers, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 28-37, 2012-01. (EI)
  622. Cui, S. Y., Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Li, M. C., "A Data Hiding Scheme Based on Voronoi Diagram," Journal of Computers, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 47-58, 2012-01. (EI)
  623. Guo, C., Chang, C. C. and Qin, C., "A Hierarchical Threshold Secret Image Sharing," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 83-91, 2012-01. (SCIE,EI)
  624. Pai, P. Y., Chang, C. C. and Chan, Y. K., "Nucleus and Cytoplast Contour Detector from a Cervical Smear Image," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 154-161, 2012-01. (SCIE)
  625. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, Y. P. and Liao, C. C., "A Visual Secret Sharing Scheme for Progressively Restoring Secrets," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 325-331, 2011-12. (EI)
  626. Kieu, T. D. and Chang, C. C., "A Reversible Watermarking Scheme with High Payload and Good Visual Quality for Watermarked Images," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 6203-6218, 2011-11. (SCIE)
  627. Lee, C. Y., Wang, Z. H., Harn, L. and Chang, C. C., "Secure Key Transfer Protocol Based on Secret Sharing for Group Communications," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E94-D, No. 11, pp. 2069-2076, 2011-11. (SCIE,EI)
  628. Chen, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Hiding Secret Information in Lossless Compression Codes," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 5881-5892, 2011-10. (SCIE)
  629. Chang, C. C., Tsai, H. C. and Huang, Y. C., "Provably Secure High Entropy Three-party Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Network Environments," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 5619-5630, 2011-10. (SCIE)
  630. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C., "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for VQ Indices Using Locally Adaptive Coding," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 664-672, 2011-10. (SCIE,EI)
  631. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. Y., "A High Payload Multiple Embedding Scheme Based Reversible Data Hiding," Journal of Computers, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 78-94, 2011-10. (EI)
  632. Lee, C. F., Huang, Y. H., Chang, C. C. and Liu, T. C., "A Prediction-Based Adaptive Reversible Data Embedding Scheme," Journal of Software, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 1813-1820, 2011-09. (EI)
  633. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. Y., "A Secure E-mail Protocol for Mobile Devices," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp. 5353-5362, 2011-09. (SCIE)
  634. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N., Lee, C. F. and Liu, L. J., "A Secure Fragile Watermarking Scheme Based on Chaos-and-Hamming Code," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 84, No. 9, pp. 1462-1470, 2011-09. (SCIE,EI)
  635. Chang, C. C. and Cheng, T. F., "A Robust and Efficient Smart Card Based Remote Login Mechanism for Multi-Server Architecture," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 4589-4602, 2011-08. (SCIE)
  636. Guo, C., Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Qin, C., "A Secret Image Sharing Scheme with High Quality Shadows Based on Exploiting Modification Direction," Journal of Multimedia, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 341-348, 2011-08. (EI)
  637. Harn, L., Lee, C. Y., Lin, C. and Chang, C. C., "Fully Deniable Message Authentication Protocols Preserving Confidentiality," The Computer Journal, Vol. 54, No. 10, pp. 1688-1699, 2011-08. (SCIE,EI)
  638. Lin, P. Y., Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Protecting the Content Integrity of Digital Imagery with Fidelity Preservation," ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing Comm. and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 3, Article15:1-Article15:20, 2011-08. (SCIE)
  639. Li, L., Xu, H. and Chang, C. C., "Rotation Invariant Image Copy Detection Using DCT Domain," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 7(A), pp. 3633-3644, 2011-07. (SCIE)
  640. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Lin, H. C., "Novel Magic Matrices Generation Method for Secret Messages Embedding," Int. Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 235-241, 2011-07.
  641. Le, T. H. N., Lin, C. C., Chang, C. C.and Le, H. B., "A High Quality and Small Shadow Size Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Hybrid Strategy for Grayscale Images," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 734-745, 2011-07. (SCIE,EI)
  642. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Tu, H. N., "Safeguarding Visual Information Using (t,n) Verifiable Secret Shares," Journal of Computers, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 72-88, 2011-07. (EI)
  643. Lee, C. F., Chen, K. N., Chang, C. C. and Tsai, M. C., "A Hierarchical Fragile Watermarking with VQ Index Recovery," Journal of Multimedia, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 277-284, 2011-06. (EI)
  644. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Tu, H. N., "Lossless Secret Sharing Scheme with High Quality Shares Based on VQ-Compressed Images," Inter. J. of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 529-546, 2011-06. (SCIE,EI)
  645. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P., "An Adaptive Liner Regression Approach to Still Image Compression," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 3047-3057, 2011-06. (SCIE)
  646. Li, L., Yang, F. and Chang, C. C., "A Reversible Watermarking Algorithm Based on Four-Neighbors Context Prediction for Tongue Images," International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 22-28, 2011-06.
  647. Li, L., Wang, R. L. and Chang, C. C., "A Digital Watermark Algorithm for QR Code," International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 29-36, 2011-06.
  648. Lin, P. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Cheating Resistance and Reversibility Oriented Secret Sharing Mechanism," IET Information Security, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 81-92, 2011-06. (SCIE,EI)
  649. Cui, J., Huang, L., Zhong, H., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W., "An Improved AES S-box And Its Performance Analysis," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 5(A), pp. 2291-2302, 2011-05. (SCIE,EI)
  650. Pai, P. Y., Chang, C. C., Chan, Y. K. and Tsai, M. H., "An Adaptable Threshold Detector," Information Sciences, Vol. 181, No. 8, pp. 1463-1483, 2011-04. (SCIE,EI)
  651. Kieu, T. D. and Chang, C. C., "A Steganographic Scheme by Fully Exploiting Modification Directions," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 10648-10657, 2011-04. (SCIE)
  652. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Tsai, M. H., "Reversible Watermarking Using Two-passed Threshold Decision," Accepted byJournal of Multimedia, 2011-04. (EI)
  653. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., Li, M. C. and Lu, T. C., "A Simple Image Encoding Method with Data Lossless Information Hiding," Journal of Networks, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 400-407, 2011-03. (EI)
  654. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Fan, Y. H., "Reversible Steganography for BTC-compressed Images," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 109, No. 2, pp. 121-134, 2011-03. (SCIE,EI)
  655. Pai, P. Y., Chang, C. C., Chan, Y. K. and Liao, C. C., "Meaningful Shadow Based Multiple Gray Level Visual Cryptography without Size Expansion," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 1457-1465, 2011-03. (SCIE)
  656. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., Tu, H. N. and Li, M. C., "Reversible Data Hiding for VQ Indices Using Prediction Errors," Inter. J. of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 3, PP. 1375~1385, 2011-03. (SCIE)
  657. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H. and Wang, H. C., "Meaningful Secret Sharing Technique with Authentication and Remedy Abilities," Information Sciences, Vol. 181, No. 14, pp. 3073-3084, 2011-03. (SCIE,EI)
  658. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., Tu, H. N. and Li, M. C., "Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP. 78~90, 2011-01. (EI)
  659. Li, L., Xu, H. H., Chang, C. C. and Ma, Y. Y., "A Novel Image Watermarking in Redistributed Invariant Wavelet Domain," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 923-929, 2011-01. (SCIE,EI)
  660. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Tsai, P. Y., "Hiding Secret Data in an Image Using Codeword Imitation," Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, PP. 1~9, 2010-12.
  661. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, H. C., "An Anonymous and Self-verified Mobile Authentication with Authenticated Key Agreement for Large-scale Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 9, No. 11, PP. 3346~3353, 2010-11. (SCIE)
  662. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Li, M. C., "An Encoding Method for Both Image Compression and Data Lossless Information Hiding," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 83, No. 11, PP. 2073~2082, 2010-11. (SCIE,EI)
  663. Wang, C. C., Hwang, Y. T., Chang, C. C., and Jan, J. K., "Hiding Information in Binary Images with Complete Reversibility and High Embedding Capacity," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 11, PP. 5143~5161, 2010-11. (SCIE)
  664. Chan, Y. K., Pai, P. Y., Chen, R. C. and Chang, C. C., "A VQ Compression Method Based on the Variations of the Image Block Groups," Inter. J. of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 6, No. 10, PP. 4527~4537, 2010-10. (SCIE,EI)
  665. Lee, J. S., Lin, P. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Lightweight Secure Roaming Mechanism between GPRS/UMTS and Wireless LANs," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 52, No. 4, PP. 569~580, 2010-10. (SCIE,EI)
  666. Wu, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Digital Rights Management for Multimedia Content over 3G Mobile Networks," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, No. 10, PP. 6787~6797, 2010-10. (SCIE)
  667. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Li, K. M., "A Removable Visible Watermark for Digital Images," Journal of Computers, Vol. 21, No. 3, PP. 37~49, 2010-10. (EI)
  668. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Wang, Z. H., "Hiding Secret Information in Modified Locally Adaptive Data Compression Code," ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 4, No. 5(B), PP. 1887~1892, 2010-10. (EI)
  669. Chang, C. C., Chang, S. C. and Lai, Y. W., "An Improved Biometrics-based User Authentication Scheme without Concurrency System," International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 41-49, 2010-09.
  670. Lee, J. S., Lin, P. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Analysis of an Image Secret Sharing Scheme to Identify Cheaters," International Journal of Image Processing, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 287-292, 2010-09.
  671. Chang, C. C., Yang, J. H. Wang, D. W., "An Efficient and Reliable E-DRM Scheme for Mobile Environments," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, No. 9, PP. 6176~6181, 2010-09. (SCIE)
  672. Chang, C. C. and Kieu, T. D., "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Complementary Embedding Strategy," Information Sciences, Vol. 180, No. 16, PP. 3045~3058, 2010-08. (SCIE,EI)
  673. Chang, C. C., Li, B. and Lee, J. S., "Secret Sharing Using Visual Cryptography," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 4, PP. 289~299, 2010-08. (EI)
  674. Chang, C. C., Huang, Y. H. and Li, T. C., "Reversible Secret Sharing with Distortion Control Mechanism," ICIC Express Letters, Part B, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 163~167, 2010-07. (EI)
  675. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S. and Le, T. H. N., "Hybrid Wet Paper Coding Mechanism for Steganography Employing n-Indicator and Fuzzy Edge Detector," Digital Signal Processing, Vol.20, No. 4, PP. 1286~1307, 2010-07. (SCIE,EI)
  676. Chang, C. C. and Chang, S. C.,, "An Efficient Internet On-line Transaction Mechanism," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 7, PP. 3239~3245, 2010-07. (SCIE)
  677. Yin, Z. X., Chang, C. C. and Zhang, Y. P., "An Information Hiding Scheme Based on (7,4) Hamming Code Oriented Wet Paper Codes," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 7, PP. 3121~3130, 2010-07. (SCIE)
  678. Li, Y. C., Chang, C. C. and Yeh, C. M., "Data Hiding Based on the Similarity between Neighboring Pixels with Reversibility," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 20, No. 4, PP. 1116~1128, 2010-07. (SCIE)
  679. Xiong, N., Vasilakos, A. V., Yang, L. T., Wang, C. X., Kannan, R., Chang, C. C., Pan, Y., "A Novel Self-tuning Feedback Controller for Active Queue Management Supporting TCP Flows," Information Sciences, Vol. 180, No. 11, PP. 2249~2263, 2010-06. (SCIE,EI)
  680. Chang, C. C., Pai, P. Y., Yeh, C. M. and Chan, Y. K., "A High Payload Frequency Based Reversible Image Hiding Method," Information Sciences, Vol. 180, No. 11, PP. 2286~2298, 2010-06. (SCIE,EI)
  681. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. Y., Chen, C. C. and Wang, Z. H., "A Data-hiding Scheme Based on One-way Hash Function," Inter. Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security, Vol. 1, No. 3, PP. 285~297, 2010-06.
  682. Lin, C. N., Buehrer, D. J., Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C., "Using Quad Smoothness to Efficiently Control Capacity–distortion of Reversible Data Hiding," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 83, PP. 1805~1812, 2010-06. (SCIE,EI)
  683. Chang, C. C., Yeh, J. S. and Yang, J. H., "Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 4, PP. 1865~1871, 2010-04. (SCIE)
  684. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Payment Scheme by Using Electronic Bill of Lading," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 4, PP. 1773~1779, 2010-04. (SCIE)
  685. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C., Pai, P. Y. and Huang, W. H., "An Effective Demosaicing Algorithm for CFA Image," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 4, PP. 5485~5499, 2010-04. (SCIE)
  686. Chen, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Digital Image and Secret Messages Sharing Scheme Using Two Stego Images," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 4, PP. 5797~5807, 2010-04. (SCIE)
  687. Chen, W. J., Chang, C. C. and Le, T. H. N., "High Payload Steganography Mechanism Using Hybrid Edge Detector," Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA 2010), Vol. 37, No. 4, PP. 3292~3301, 2010-04. (SCIE)
  688. Chang, C. C., Tsai, H. C. and Hsieh, Y. P., "An Efficient and Fair Buyer-Seller Fingerprinting Scheme for Large Scale Networks," Computers & Security, Vol. 29, No. 2, PP. 269~277, 2010-03. (SCIE)
  689. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. Y. and Chiu, Y. C., "An Efficient E-mail Protocol Providing Perfect Forward Secrecy for Mobile Devices," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 23, PP. 1463~1473, 2010-03. (SCIE,EI)
  690. Chang, C. C. and Chang, S. C., "The Design of E-Traveler's Check with Efficiency and Mutual Authentication," Journal of Networks, Vol. 5, No. 3, PP. 275~282, 2010-03. (EI)
  691. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C.* and Huynh, N. T., "A Visual Secret Sharing Scheme with Verification Mechanism," Inte. J. of Computer Science and Engineering Systems, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2010-03.
  692. Chang, C. C., Lin, P. Y. and Chuang, J. C., "A Grayscale Image Steganography Based upon Discrete Cosine Transformation," Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM), Vol. 8, No. 2, PP. 88~94, 2010-02.
  693. Wu, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "3GPP SIM-based Authentication Schemes for Wireless Local Area Networks," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 2, PP. 461~474, 2010-02. (SCIE)
  694. Cheng, T. F., Chang, C. C. and Wang, Z. H., "A Secure Protocol for Three-Party Authenticated Key Exchange with Provable Belief," Inter. Journal of Info. Sciences and Computer Engineering, Vol.1, No.1, PP. 77~87, 2010-02.
  695. Lin, I. C., Chang, P. Y. and Chang, C. C., "A Key Management Scheme for Sensor Networks Using Bilinear Pairings and Gap Diffie-Hellman Group," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 6, No. 2, PP. 809~816, 2010-02. (SCIE)
  696. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H. and Kieu, T. D., "A Watermarking Technique Using Synonym Substitution for Integrity Protection of XML Documents," ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 4, No.1, PP. 89~94, 2010-02. (EI)
  697. Chang, C. C., Lai, Y. W. and Yang, J. H., "An Efficient Authenticated Encryption Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem for Broadcast Environments," ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 4, No.1, PP. 95~99, 2010-02. (EI)
  698. Chang, C. C. and Hsieh, Y. P., "A Chaotic Map Based Adaptive Variable-Size LSB Method with Pixel-Value Differencing and Modulus Function," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 58, No. 1, PP. 49~62, 2010-02. (SCIE,EI)
  699. Lee, C. F., Chen, K. N., Chang, C. C. and Tsai, M. C., "A Block Feature Correlation Based Image Watermarking for Tamper Detection Using Linear Equation," the special issue of J. of Info. Assurance and Security, Vol. 5, No. 1, PP. 187~195, 2010-02. (EI)
  700. Wang, Z. H., Kieu, T. D., Chang, C. C. and Li, M. C., "A Novel Information Concealing Method Based on Exploiting Modification Direction," J. of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 1, No. 1, PP. 1~9, 2010-01.
  701. Chang, C. C., Lin, P. Y., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C., "A Sudoku-based Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Reversibility," Journal of Communications, Vol. 5, No. 1, PP. 5~12, 2010-01. (EI)
  702. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Li, M. C., "A Modification of VQ Index Table for Data Embedding and Lossless Indices Recovery," Journal of Computers, Vol. 20, No. 4, PP. 42~52, 2010-01. (EI)
  703. Chen, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "High Capacity SMVQ-based Hiding Scheme Using Adaptive Index," Signal Processing, Vol. 90, No. 7, PP. 2141~2149, 2010-01. (SCIE)
  704. Chang, C. C. and Yang J. H., "A Parallel Computation Algorithm for Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem," Inter. Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Systems, Vol. 4, No. 1, PP. 61~67, 2010-01.
  705. Chang, C. C., Cheng, Y. F. and Lin, I. C., "A Noble Key Management Scheme for Scalable Multicast Communications," International Journal of Communications systems, Vol. 22, pp. 53-66, 2009-12. (SCIE,EI)
  706. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C., Le, T. H. N. and Le, H. B., "Self-Verifying Visual Secret Sharing Using Error Diffusion and Interpolation Techniques," IEEE Transations on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 4, No. 4, PP. 790~801, 2009-12. (SCIE,EI)
  707. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Li, M. C., "A Reversible Information Hiding Scheme Using Left-Right and Up-Down Chinese Character Representation," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 82, No. 8, PP. 1362~1369, 2009-12. (SCIE,EI)
  708. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Fair Electronic Payment System Based upon Non-Signature Authenticated Encryption Scheme," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 5, No. 11(A), PP. 3861~3873, 2009-11. (SCIE)
  709. Lin, C. C., Chen, Y. H. and Chang, C. C., "LSB-based High-Capacity Data Embedding Scheme for Digital Images," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 5, No. 11(B), PP. 4283~4289, 2009-11. (SCIE)
  710. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C., Le, T. H. N. and Le, H. B., "Sharing a Verifiable Secret Image Using Two Shadows," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 42, No. 11, PP. 3097~3114, 2009-11. (SCIE,EI)
  711. Lee, J. S., Chan, C. S., and Chang, C. C., "Non-Iterative Privacy Preservation for Online Lotteries," IET Information Security, Vol. 3, No. 4, PP. 139~147, 2009-11. (SCIE,EI)
  712. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P., "Modular Square-and-Multiply Operation for Quadratic Residue Bases," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 5, No. 10(A), PP. 3059~3069, 2009-10. (SCIE)
  713. Lee, C. F., Chen, K. N. and Chang, C. C., "A New Data Hiding Strategy with Restricted Region Protection," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 57, No. 5, PP. 235~249, 2009-10. (SCIE,EI)
  714. Kieu, T. D. and Chang, C. C., "A High Stego-image Quality Steganographic Scheme with Reversibility and High Payload Using Multiple Embedding Strategy," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 82, No. 10, PP. 1743~1752, 2009-10. (SCIE,EI)
  715. Lin, C. N., Chang, C. C. and Tsai, M. T., "An Image Copyright Protection Scheme Using DCT and a Table Look-up Technique," Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM), PP. 358~364, 2009-10.
  716. Wu, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "An Authenticated PayWord Scheme without Public Key Cryptosystems," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 5, No. 9, PP. 1~11, 2009-09. (SCIE)
  717. Chang, C. C., Chang, S. C. and Lee, J. S., "An On-line Electronic Check System with Mutual Authentication," Computers & Electrical Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 5, PP. 757~763, 2009-09. (SCIE,EI)
  718. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Three-party Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Mobile-commerce Environments," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 82, PP. 1497~1502, 2009-09. (SCIE,EI)
  719. Ge, M., Lam, K. Y., Gollmann, D., Chung, S. L. and Chang, C. C., "A Robust Certification Service for Highly Dynamic MANET in Emergency Tasks," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 29, No. 9, PP. 1177~1197, 2009-09. (SCIE,EI)
  720. Lin,P. Y., Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Dual Digital Watermarking for Internet Media Based on Hybrid Strategies," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 19, No. 8, PP. 1169~1171, 2009-08. (SCIE,EI)
  721. Kieu, T. D. and Chang, C. C., "An Image Authentication Based on Discrete Fourier Transform," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 97, No. 4, PP. 369~379, 2009-08. (SCIE,EI)
  722. Chang, C. C., Kieu, T. D. and Wu, W. C., "A Lossless Data Embedding Technique by Joint Neighboring Coding," Pattern Recognition, Vol, 42, PP. 1597~1603, 2009-07. (SCIE,EI)
  723. Chang, C. C. and Yang, J. H., "A Parallel Conversion Algorithm Based upon Aryabhata Remainder Theorem for Residue Number System," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 5, No. 7, PP. 2053~2060, 2009-07. (SCIE)
  724. Tai, W. L. and Chang, C. C., "Data Hiding Based on VQ Compressed Images Using Hamming Codes and Declustering," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 5, No. 7, PP. 8~18, 2009-07. (SCIE)
  725. Lu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Improved Full-Search Scheme for the Vector Quantization Algorithm Based on Triangle Inequality," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 5, No. 6, PP. 1625~1632, 2009-07. (SCIE)
  726. Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "A Secure Multicast Framework in Large and High-Mobility Network Groups," IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E92-B, No. 7, PP. 2365~2373, 2009-07. (SCIE)
  727. Lee, J. S., Chen, C. H. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Illumination-Balance Technique for Improving the Quality of Degraded Text-Photo Images," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 19, No. 6, PP. 900~905, 2009-06. (SCIE,EI)
  728. Chang, C. C. and Cheng, T. F., "An Efficient Proxy Raffle Protocol with Anonymity-Preserving," Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 31, No. 4, PP. 772~778, 2009-06. (SCIE,EI)
  729. Tai, W. L., Yeh, C. M. and Chang, C. C., "Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Pixel Differences," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 19, No. 6, PP. 906~910, 2009-06. (SCIE,EI)
  730. Chiou, C. W., Chang, C. C., Lee, C. Y., Hou, T. W. and Lin, J. M., "Concurrent Error Detection and Correction in Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplier over GF(2m)," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 58, No. 6, PP. 851~857, 2009-06. (SCIE,EI)
  731. Chang, C. C., Lin, P. Y. and Wang, H. C., "Distortion-Free Steganography Mechanism with Compression to VQ Indices," Inter. J. of Sig. Proc., Image Proc. and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 39~52, 2009-06.
  732. Chen, R. C., Pai, P. Y., Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C., "Lossless Image Compression Based on Multiple-Tables Arithmetic Coding," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2009, PP. 1~13, 2009-06. (SCIE)
  733. Chang, C. C., Chen, G. M. and Lin, C. C., "Lossless Compression Schemes of Vector Quantization Indices Using State Codebook," Journal of Computers, Vol. 4, No. 4, PP. 274~282, 2009-06.
  734. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C., "An ID-Based Remote Mutual Authentication with Key Agreement Scheme for Mobile Devices on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem," Computers and Security, Vol. 28, No.3-4, PP. 138~143, 2009-05. (SCIE,EI)
  735. Chang, C. C., Kuo, C. L. and Chen, C. C., "Three Improved Codebook Searching Algorithms for Image Compression Using Vector Quantizer," International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 31, No. 1, PP. 16~22, 2009-04. (EI)
  736. Kieu, T. D., Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Li, M. C., "A Sudoku Based Wet Paper Hiding Scheme," International Journal of Smart Home, Vol. 3, No. 2, PP. 1~12, 2009-04.
  737. Chang, C. C., Lin, P. Y. and Yeh, J. S., "Preserving Robustness and Removability for Digital Watermarks Using Subsampling and Difference Correlation," Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 13, PP. 2283~2293, 2009-04. (SCIE,EI)
  738. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. Y. and Chiu, Y. C., "Enhanced Authentication Scheme with Anonymity for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks," Computer Communications, Vol. 32, No. 4, PP. 611~618, 2009-03. (SCIE,EI)
  739. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. H. and Liu, L. J., "Preventing Cheating in Computational Visual Cryptography," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 92, PP. 1~16, 2009-03. (SCIE,EI)
  740. Chang, C. C., Wang, Y. Z. and Chan, C. S., "An Efficient Probability-based t out of n Secret Image Sharing Scheme," Inter. J. of Sig. Proc., Image Proc. and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP. 71~78, 2009-03. (EI)
  741. Chang, C. C. and Chou, H., "A New Public-key Oblivious Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication Using Discrete Cosine Transform," Inter. J. of Sig. Proc., Image Proc. and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP. 133~140, 2009-03.
  742. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C., "Lossless Information Hiding Scheme Based on Neighboring Correlation," Inter. J. of Sig. Proc., Image Proc. and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, No.1, PP. 49~56, 2009-03.
  743. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H. and Lin, C. C., "A Data Embedding Scheme for Color Images Based on Genetic Algorithm and Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding," Soft Computing, Vol. 13, No. 4, PP. 321~331, 2009-02. (SCIE)
  744. Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Design of Electronic t-out-of-n Lotteries on the Internet," Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 31, No. 2, PP. 395~400, 2009-02. (SCIE,EI)
  745. Tsai, H. C., Chang, C. C. and Chang, K. J., "Roaming Across Wireless Local Area Networks Using SIM-Based Authentication Protocol," Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 31, No. 2, PP. 381~389, 2009-02. (SCIE,EI)
  746. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Chen, Y. H., "Hiding Data in Color Palette Images with Hybrid Strategies," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 57, No. 1, PP. 19~29, 2009-02. (SCIE,EI)
  747. Wang, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Jan, J. K., "Novel Watermarking Authentication Schemes for Binary Images Based on Dual-Pair Block Pixel Patterns," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 90, No. 1-2, PP. 125~155, 2009-02. (SCIE,EI)
  748. Chang, C. C. and Chou, Y. C., "A Fragile Digital Image Authentication Scheme Inspired by Wet Paper Codes," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 90, No. 1-2, PP. 17~26, 2009-02. (SCIE,EI)
  749. Lu, T. C., Chang, C. C., and Liu, Y. L., "An Information-Hiding Scheme Based on Quantization-Based Embedding Technique," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 91, PP. 1~14, 2009-02. (SCIE,EI)
  750. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Hsieh, Y. P., "Search-Order Coding Method with Indicator-elimination Property," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 82, PP. 516~525, 2009-02. (SCIE,EI)
  751. Chang, C. C., Tsai, H. C. and Chiu, Y. C., "A Simple and Robust Authenticated Multiple Key Agreement Scheme," International Journal of Security & Its Applications (IJSIA), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2009-02. (EI)
  752. Chen, T. H., Chang, C. C., Wu, C. S. and Lou, D. C., "On the Security of A Copyright Protection Scheme Based on Visual Cryptography," Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 31, No. 1, PP. 1~5, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI)
  753. Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S., "Robust t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Mechanism Based on CRT," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 32, No. 1, PP. 226~235, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI)
  754. Chang, C. C., Kieu, T. D. and Chou, Y. C., "Reversible Information Hiding for VQ Indices Based on Locally Adaptive Coding," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 20, No. 1, PP. 57~64, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI)
  755. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. F. and Chuang, L. Y., "Embedding Secret Binary Message Using Locally Adaptive Data Compression Coding," Int. Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, PP. 55~61, 2009-01.
  756. Lin, P. Y., Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Distortion-Free Secret Image Sharing Mechanism Using Modulus Operator," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 42, No. 5, PP. 886~895, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI)
  757. Chang, C. C., Lin, P. Y. and Chuang, J. C., "Progressive Image Transmission Scheme for Lossless Images Using Prior Bitmap," Journal of Applied Sciences - Elec. and Inf. Engineering, PP. 44~50, 2009-01. (Vol. 27, No. 1)
  758. Lin, I. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Countable and Time-Bound Password-Based User Authentication Scheme for the Applications of Electronic Commerce," Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 9, PP. 1269~1277, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI)
  759. Chiou, C. W., Lee, C. Y., Lin, J. M., Hou, T. W. and Chang, C. C., "Concurrent Error Detection and Correction in Dual Basis Multiplier over GF(2m)," IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 3/1, PP. 22~40, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI)
  760. Chang, C. C. and Cheng, T. F., "An IC-Card-Based and Flexible t-out-of-n Electronic Voting Mechanism," Journal of Computers, Vol. 19, No. 4, PP. 41~50, 2009-01.
  761. Chang, C. C., Chen, C. H. and Lee, J. S., "A Hybrid Strategy for Improving Illumination-Balance of Degraded Text-Photo Images," Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 46, No. 5A, PP. 26~34, 2008-12.
  762. Lin, C. N., Chang, C. C. and Chan, Y. K., "Data Hiding on Two Stage VQ Compression Codes," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 56, No. 6, PP. 342~350, 2008-11. (SCIE,EI)
  763. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S. and Kuo, J. Y., "Time-bound Based Authentication Scheme for Multi-server Architecture," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 4, No. 11, PP. 2987~2996, 2008-11. (SCIE)
  764. Lin, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Chang, C. C., "Multilevel Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Difference Images," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, No. 12, PP. 3582~3591, 2008-11. (SCIE,EI)
  765. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C. and Wang, K. H., "An Improvement of EMD Embedding Method for Large Payloads by Pixel Segmentation Strategy," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 26, No. 12, PP. 1670~1676, 2008-11. (SCIE,EI)
  766. Hsieh, Y. P., Chang, C. C. and Liu, L. J., "A Two-Codebook Combination and Three-Phase Block Matching Based Image Hiding Scheme with High Embedding-Capacity," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, No. 10, PP. 3104~3113, 2008-10. (SCIE,EI)
  767. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, Y. P. and Lin, C. H., "Sharing Secrets in Stego Images with Authentication," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, No. 10, PP. 3130~3137, 2008-10. (SCIE,EI)
  768. Wu, M. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Embedding Technique Based upon Block Prediction," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 81, No. 9, PP. 1505~1516, 2008-09. (SCIE,EI)
  769. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. C. and Chen, Y. H., "Joint Coding and Embedding Techniques for Multimedia Images," Information Sciences, Vol. 178, No. 18, PP. 3543~3556, 2008-09. (SCIE,EI)
  770. Chang, C. C., Chen, C. H. and Lin, P. Y., "Improving Line-Based Light Balancing for Text Images," Journal of Applied Sciences - Elec. and Inf. Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 5, PP. 499~505, 2008-09.
  771. Lee, J.S., Chang, Y.F. and Chang, C.C., "Secure Authentication Protocols for Mobile Commerce Transactions," Int. Journal of Innovative Computing,Information and Control, vo. 4, no. 9, PP. 2305~2314, 2008-09. (SCIE,EI)
  772. Tsou, C. C. Hu, Y. C., and Chang, C. C., "Efficient Optimal Pixel Grouping Schemes for AMBTC," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 56, No. 4, PP. 217~231, 2008-08. (SCIE,EI)
  773. Lin, C. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Placing Chinese Phonetic Symbols on Mobile Phones Using Linear Programming," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 4, No. 8, PP. 2113~2126, 2008-08. (SCIE)
  774. Chou, Y. C., Chang, C. C. and Li, K. M., "A Large Payload Data Embedding Technique for Color Images," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 88, No. 1-2, PP. 47~61, 2008-08. (SCIE,EI)
  775. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C., Le, T. H. N. and Le, H. B., "A Probabilistic Visual Secret Sharing Scheme for Grayscale Images with Voting Strategy," International Journal of Intelligent Inf. Tech. Application, Vo. 1, No. 1, PP. 1~9, 2008-08.
  776. Chang, C. C. and Lin, P. Y., "Adaptive Watermark Mechanism for Rightful Ownership Protection," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 81, No. 7, PP. 1118~1129, 2008-07. (SCIE,EI)
  777. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Kieu, T. D., "High Capacity Data Hiding for Grayscale Images," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 86, No. 4, PP. 435~446, 2008-07. (SCIE,EI)
  778. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Fan, Y. H., "Lossless Data Hiding for Color Images Based on Block Truncation Coding," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, No. 7, PP. 2347~2357, 2008-07. (SCIE,EI)
  779. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. H., and Chen, Y. H., "A Novel Secret Image Sharing Scheme in Color Images Using Small Shadow Images," Information Sciences, Vol. 178, No. 11, PP. 2433~2447, 2008-06. (SCIE,EI)
  780. Chu, C. H., Lin, H. F., Chang, C. C.and Chen, C. Y., "A Multi-policy Threshold Signature Scheme with Traceable Participant Cosigners," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol.4, No.6, PP. 1347~1356, 2008-06. (SCIE)
  781. Lee, J. S., Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Authentication Protocol for Multi-server Architecture without Smart Cards," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 4, No. 6, PP. 1357~1364, 2008-06. (SCIE)
  782. Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Preserving Data Integrity in Mobile ad hoc Networks with Variant Diffie–Hellman Protocol," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 1, No. 4, PP. 277~286, 2008-06.
  783. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "Low-Computation Oblivious Transfer Scheme for Private Information Retrieval," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 4, No. 6, PP. 1365~1370, 2008-06. (SCIE)
  784. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Chen, Y. H., "Adaptive Data Embedding Scheme Based on Similar and Dissimilar Clustering Strategies," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 88, No. 1-2, PP. 23~45, 2008-06. (SCIE,EI)
  785. Chang, C. C., Cheng, Y. F. and Lin, I. C., "A Novel Key Management Scheme for Dynamic Multicast Communications," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 22, No. 1, PP. 53~66, 2008-06. (SCIE,EI)
  786. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Chen, Y. H., "Reversible Data-Embedding Scheme Using Differences Between Original and Predicted Pixel Values," IET Information Security, Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 35~46, 2008-06. (SCIE,EI)
  787. Chen, C. Y., Lin, H. F., and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Generalized Group-Oriented Signature Scheme," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol.4, No.6, PP. 1335~1345, 2008-06. (SCIE)
  788. Lin, C. N., Chang, C. C. and Chan, Y. K., "Data Hiding on Two-stage VQ Compression Codes," Imaging Science Journal (ISJ), Vol. 56, No. 6, Dec. 2008, pp. 342-350, 2008-06.
  789. Lin, C. C., Wu, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Digital Right Schemes for Limited Issue and Flexible Division," International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 8, No. 2, Feb. 2008, pp. 33-42, 2008-06.
  790. Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Preserving data integrity in mobile ad hoc networks with variant Diffie‐Hellman protocol," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 1, No. 4, Jun. 2008, pp. 277-286, 2008-06.
  791. Hsieh, Y. P., Chang, C. C. and Liu, L. J., "A Two-Codebook Combination and Three-Phase Block Matching Based Image-Hiding Scheme with High Embedding Capacity," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, No. 10, Oct. 2008, pp. 3104-3113, 2008-06.
  792. Lu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "Lossless Nibbled Data Embedding Scheme Based on Difference Expansion," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 26, No. 5, PP. 632~638, 2008-05. (SCIE,EI)
  793. Wu, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "New Sealed-bid Electronic Auction with Fairness, Security and Efficiency," Journal of computer science and technology, Vol. 23, No. 2, PP. 253~264, 2008-05. (SCIE)
  794. Chang, C. C., Kieu, T. D. and Chou, Y. C., "Reversible Data Embedding for Color Images," Journal of Digital Information Management, Vol. 6, No. 2, PP. 143~150, 2008-04.
  795. Chen, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "LSB-Based Steganography Using Reflected Gray Code," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E91-D, No. 4, PP. 1110~1116, 2008-04. (SCIE,EI)
  796. Wu, M. N. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel High Capacity Reversible Information Hiding Scheme Based on Side-Match Prediction and Shortest Spanning Path," Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 27, No. 2, PP. 137~153, 2008-04. (EI)
  797. Lin, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Wang, Y. C., "Reversible Steganographic Method with High Payload for JPEG Images," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E91-D, No. 3, PP. 836~845, 2008-03. (SCIE,EI)
  798. Chang, C. C., Li, Y. C. and Lin, C. H., "A Novel Method for Progressive Image Transmission Using Blocked Wavelets," International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 62, No. 2, PP. 159~162, 2008-03. (SCIE,EI)
  799. Chang, C. C. and Tseng, S. W., "Error Resilient Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Scheme with Perfect Hashing," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 4, No. 3, PP. 761~770, 2008-03. (SCIE)
  800. Chang, C. C., Fan, Y. H. and Tai, W. L., "Four-scanning Attack on Hierarchical Digital Watermarking Method for Image Tamper Detection and Recovery," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, No. 2, PP. 654~661, 2008-02. (SCIE,EI)
  801. Chen, C. Y., Hu, J. F. and Chang, C. C., "Using Dominance Searching to Speed up Temporal Join Operation," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP. 335~350, 2008-02. (SCIE)
  802. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Hsieh, Y. P., "Three-Phase Lossless Data Hiding Method for the VQ Index Table," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 8, No. 1-2, PP. 1~13, 2008-02. (SCIE,EI)
  803. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "Robust t-out-of-n Proxy Signature Based on RSA Cryptosystems," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP. 425~431, 2008-02. (SCIE)
  804. Lin, C. C., Wu, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Digital Right Schemes for Limited Issues and Flexible Division," Int. Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 8, No. 2, PP. 33~42, 2008-02.
  805. Chuang, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C., "Novel Colour Image-hiding Scheme Using Error Diffusion Technique," The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, PP. 11~22, 2008-02. (SCIE)
  806. Chuang, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C.*, "A Novel Color Image Hiding Scheme Using Error Diffusion Technique," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 11-22, 2008-02. (SCIE,EI)
  807. Chang, C. C., Su, Y. W. and Lee, C. Y., "Constructing a Conversation Key in Three-Party Communications Environment," Inter. Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, PP. 45~52, 2008-01.
  808. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. Y., "A Friendly Password Mutual Authentication Scheme for Remote-Login Network Systems," Inter. Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, PP. 59~64, 2008-01.
  809. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C., "An Extended Difference Expansion Algorithm for Reversible Watermarking," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 26, No. 8, PP. 1148~1153, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI)
  810. Chang, C. C. and Lin, P. Y., "A Color Image Authentication Method Using Partitioned Palette and Morphological Operations," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E91-D, No. 1, PP. 54~61, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI)
  811. Chen, H. B., Chen, T. H., Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Security Enhancement for a Three-Party Encrypted Key Exchange Protocol against Undetectable On-Line Password Guessing Attacks," Computer standards & Interfaces, Vol. 30, No. 1-2, PP. 95~99, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI)
  812. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme with ID-Based Access Control in a Hierarchy," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 84, No. 3-4, PP. 353~361, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI)
  813. Li, Y. C., Yeh, J. S., and Chang, C. C., "Isolated items discarding strategy for discovering high utility itemsets," Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 64, No. 1, PP. 198~217, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI)
  814. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C., "Efficient Residue Number System Iterative Modular Multiplication Algorithm for Fast Modular Exponentiation," IET Computers & Digital Techniques, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP. 1~5, 2008-01. (SCIE)
  815. Chang, C. C., Lin, I. C. and Lin, M. H., "A Novel Location Tracking Scheme for Reducing Location Updating Traffic in a Personal Communication System," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 44, No. 2, PP. 139~152, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI)
  816. Lee, C. Y., Chiou, C. W., Lin, J. M. and Chang, C. C., "Scalable and Systolic Montgomery Multiplier over GF(2^m) Generated by Trinomials," IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Vol. 1, No. 6, PP. 477~484, 2007-12. (EI)
  817. Lu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Progressive Image Transmission Technique Using Haar Wavelet Transformation," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 3, No. 6(A), PP. 1449~1461, 2007-12. (SCIE)
  818. Chen, Y. H., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C., "Adaptive Data Embedding Using VQ and Clustering," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 3, No. 6(A), PP. 1471~1485, 2007-11. (SCIE)
  819. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "Security Enhancement for Digital Signature Schemes with Fault Tolerance in RSA," Information Sciences, Vol. 177, No. 19, PP. 4031~4039, 2007-10. (SCIE,EI)
  820. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C. Chang, Y. F. and Lee, R. C. T., "Reversible Data Hiding Schemes for Deoxyribonucleic ACID (DNA) Medium," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 3, No. 5, PP. 1145~1160, 2007-10. (SCIE)
  821. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. Y. and Su, Y. W., "A Mutual Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme over Insecure Networks," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 10, No. 5, PP. 603~612, 2007-10.
  822. Chang, C. C., Tsai, H. C. and Chen, Y. H., "An Enhanced Password Authentication Scheme Providing Password Updating without Smart Cards," International Journal of Security & Its Applications (IJSIA), Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 33~40, 2007-10.
  823. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. H. and Chen, C. Y., "A Conference Key Distribution Scheme Using Interpolating Polynomials," International Journal of Security & Its Applications (IJSIA), Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 9~20, 2007-10.
  824. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. C. and Tsou, C. C., "Hiding Secret Information Using Adaptive Side-Match VQ," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E90-D, No. 10, PP. 1678~1686, 2007-10. (SCIE,EI)
  825. hang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Lin, P. Y., "A Concealed t-out-of-n Signer Ambiguous Signature Scheme with a Variety of Keys," Informatica, Vol. 18, No. 4, PP. 535~546, 2007-10. (SCIE,EI)
  826. Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Security Enhancement of Key Authentication Schemes Based on Discrete Logarithms," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 10, No. 3, PP. 351~358, 2007-09.
  827. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, Y. P. and Lin, C. Y., "Lossless Data Embedding with High Embedding Capacity Based on Declustering for VQ-Compressed Images," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 2, No. 3, PP. 341~349, 2007-09. (EI)
  828. Chang, C. C., Li, Y. C. and Huang, W. H.,, "TFRP: An Efficient Microaggregation Algorithm for Statistical Disclosure Control," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 80, PP. 1866~1878, 2007-09. (SCIE,EI)
  829. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Lin, C. Y., "Reversible Data Hiding in the VQ-Compressed Domain," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E90-D No.9, PP. 1422~1426, 2007-09. (SCIE,EI)
  830. Chang, C. C., Lin, P. Y. and Chuang, J. C., "Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Digital Image Authentication Using Pixel Difference," The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 55, No. 3, PP. 140~147, 2007-09. (SCIE)
  831. Yu, Y. H., Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "A New Steganographic Method for Color and Grayscale Image Hiding," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 107, No. 3, PP. 183~194, 2007-09. (SCIE,EI)
  832. Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Secure Communications for Cluster-based Ad Hoc Networks Using Node Identities," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 30, PP. 1377~1396, 2007-08. (SCIE,EI)
  833. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Lin, C. C., "A Novel Image Hiding Scheme Based on VQ and Hamming Distance," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 77, No. 3, PP. 217~228, 2007-07. (SCIE,EI)
  834. Wu, M. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Novel Image Copy Detection with Rotating Tolerance," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 80, No. 7, PP. 1057~1069, 2007-07. (SCIE,EI)
  835. Li,Y. C., Yeh,J. S. and Chang, C. C., "MICF: An Effective Sanitization Algorithm for Hiding Sensitive Patterns on Data Mining," Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol.21, PP. 269~280, 2007-07. (SCIE,EI)
  836. Lin, I. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Practical Electronic Payment System for Message Delivery Service in the Mobile Environment," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 42, No. 2, PP. 247~261, 2007-07. (SCIE)
  837. Chan, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "A Survey of Information Hiding Schemes for Digital Images," Int. Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, PP. 187~200, 2007-07.
  838. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Identity-Based Society Oriented Signature Scheme with Anonymous Signers," Applied Mathematics Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 32, PP. 1551~1562, 2007-07.
  839. Lee J.S., Chang, C. C. and Chang, P. Y., "Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Wireless Communications," International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 5, No. 5, PP. 590~601, 2007-06. (EI)
  840. Cheng, T. F., Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Security Enhancement of an IC-Card-Based Remote Login Mechanism," Computer Networks, Vol. 51, No. 9, PP. 2280~2287, 2007-06. (SCIE,EI)
  841. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Hu, Y. S., "An SVD Oriented Watermark Embedding Scheme with High Qualities for the Restored Images," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control, Vol. 3, No. 3, PP. 1~12, 2007-06. (SCIE)
  842. Chang, C. C. and Wu, W. C., "Fast Planar-Oriented Ripple Search Algorithm for Hyperspace VQ Codebook," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 16, No. 6,, PP. 1538~1547, 2007-06. (SCIE,EI)
  843. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. C. and Hu, Y. C., "Lossless Recovery of a VQ Index Table with Embedded Secret Data," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 18, No. 3, PP. 207~216, 2007-06. (SCIE,EI)
  844. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C., "Anti-Pseudo-Gray Coding for VQ Encoded Images over Noisy Channels," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 11, No. 5., PP. 443~445, 2007-05. (SCIE,EI)
  845. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Lin, K. C., "Simple Efficient Mutual Anonymity Protocols for Peer-to-Peer Network Based on Primitive Roots," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 30/2, PP. 662~676, 2007-04. (SCIE)
  846. Wu, H. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Image Retrieval Method Based on Color-Complexity and Spatial-Histogram Features," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol.76, No.4, PP. 481~493, 2007-04. (SCIE)
  847. Shen, J. J., Chang, C. C. and Li, Y. C., "Combined Association Rules for Dealing with Missing Values," Journal of Information Science, Vol. 33, No. 4, PP. 468~480, 2007-04. (SSCI,SCIE,EI)
  848. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. Y., "Reversible Steganographic Method Using SMVQ Approach Based on Declustering," Information Sciences, Vol. 177, No. 8, PP. 1796~1805, 2007-04. (SCIE,EI)
  849. Wu, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "Attacks on Provably Secure Proxy-protected Signature Schemes based on Factoring," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 10, No. 2, PP. 193~204, 2007-04.
  850. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Tseng, C. S., "Secret Image Hiding and Sharing Based on the (t, n)-Threshold," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 76, No. 4, PP. 399~411, 2007-04. (SCIE,EI)
  851. Yu, Y. H., Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C., "Novel Scheme for Hiding Data Using Multiple Codebooks," The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 55, No. 1, PP. 40~51, 2007-03. (SCIE)
  852. Chan, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "Scheme for hiding images by finding optimal one-to-two substitution table using dynamic programming strategy," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 55, No. 1,, PP. 13~22, 2007-03. (SCIE)
  853. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "A New t-out-n Oblivious Transfer with Low Bandwidth," Applied Mathematics Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 7, PP. 311~320, 2007-03.
  854. Yu, Y. H., Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C.*, "Novel Scheme for Data Hiding Using Multiple Codebooks," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 40-51, 2007-03. (SCIE,EI)
  855. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C., Tseng, C. S. and Tai, W. L., "Reversible Hiding in DCT-Based Compressed Images," Information Sciences, Vol. 177, PP. 2768~2786, 2007-02. (SCIE,EI)
  856. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Cheng, Y.F., "Robust Non-interactive t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Based on the RSA Cryptosystem," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Vol. 10, No. 1, PP. 93~109, 2007-02.
  857. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. C., "Full-Searching-Equivalent Vector Quantization Method Using Two-Bounds Triangle Inequality," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 76, No. 1-2, PP. 25~37, 2007-01. (SCIE,EI)
  858. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "An RSA-based (t, n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Freewill Identities," International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Vol. 1, No. 1/2, PP. 201~209, 2007-01.
  859. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "A New Forward-Secure Blind Signature Scheme," Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP. 230~235, 2007-01.
  860. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C. and Ya, J. B., "VQ Codebook Searching Algorithm Based on Correlation Property," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 76, No. 1-2, PP. 39~57, 2007-01. (SCIE)
  861. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "Tolerant Key Assignment for Enforcing Complicated Access Control Policies in a Hierarchy," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 76, No. 1-2, PP. 13~23, 2007-01. (SCIE)
  862. 呂慈純、張真誠, "適用於壓縮機制之資訊隱藏技術," 資訊安全通訊 (CCISA), 第十三卷、第一期, PP. 56~73, 2007-01.
  863. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. Y., "Reversible Steganography for VQ-compressed Images Using Side Matching and Relocation," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 1, No. 4, PP. 493~501, 2006-12. (EI)
  864. Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. C., "An Improvement of the Design of Integrating Subliminal Channel with Access Control," IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 32, No. 4, PP. 436~439, 2006-12.
  865. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. Y., "Reversible Data Embedding Based on Prediction Approach for VQ and SMVQ Compressed Images," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 74, No. 2/3, PP. 189~207, 2006-12. (SCIE,EI)
  866. Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S., "Security Enhancement of Yang-Li Hierarchical Access Control Mechanism," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 9, No. 3, PP. 573~582, 2006-12.
  867. Lin, J. L., Lin, H. F., Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C., "A Multiauthority Electronic Voting Protocol Based upon a Blind Multisignature Scheme," Int.Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 6, No. 12, PP. 266~274, 2006-12.
  868. Chang, C. C. and Yang, J. H., "An Efficient ID-Based User Identification Scheme for Mutual Authentication in Mobile Environments," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 9, No. 3, PP. 537~548, 2006-12.
  869. Chang, Y. C., Chang, C. C. and Kao, C. L., "Comments on WLT Attack on An Enhanced Timestamp-based Password Authentication Scheme," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 9, No. 3, PP. 549~555, 2006-12.
  870. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C.C. and Tai, W. L., "Comments on E-mail Protocols Providing Forward Secrecy," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Vol. 9, No. 3, PP. 591~597, 2006-12.
  871. Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C., "A Difference Expansion Oriented Data Hiding Scheme for Restoring the Original Host Images," The Journal of Systems and Software, 79, PP. 1754~1766, 2006-11. (SCIE,EI)
  872. Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Improved Deniable Authentication Protocol," International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, Vol. 6, No. 11, PP. 240~243, 2006-11.
  873. Chang, C. C., Yeh, J. S. and Li, Y. C., "Privacy-preserving mining of association rules on distributed databases," International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, Vol. 6, No. 11, PP. 259~266, 2006-11.
  874. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Lin, C. C., "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Side Match Vector Quantization," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 16, No. 10, PP. 1301~1308, 2006-10. (SCIE,EI)
  875. Chang, C. C. and Liao, C. T., "An Image Coding Scheme Using SMVQ and Support Vector Machines," Neurocomputing, Vol. 69, No. 16-18, PP. 2327~2335, 2006-10. (SCIE,EI)
  876. Chuang, J. C. and Chang, C. C., "Using a Simple and Fast Image Compression Algorithm to Hide Secret Information," International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 28, No. 4, PP. 329~333, 2006-10. (EI)
  877. Chang, C. C., Chou, H. and Lin, C. C., "Colour image-hiding scheme using human visual system," The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 54, No. 3, PP. 152~163, 2006-09. (SCIE)
  878. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Tseng, C. S., "Removing Blocking Effects Using An Artificial Neural Network," Signal Processing, Vol. 86, PP. 2381~2387, 2006-07. (SCIE)
  879. Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C., "Reversible Index-domain Information Hiding Scheme Based on Side-Match Vector Quantization," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 79, No. 8, PP. 1120~1129, 2006-07. (SCIE,EI)
  880. Chang, C. C., Li, Y. C. and Yeh, J. B., "Fast Codebook Search Algorithms Based on Tree-Structured Vector Quantization," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 27, No. 10, PP. 1077~1086, 2006-07. (SCIE,EI)
  881. Tseng, S. W. and Chang, C. C., "Error Resilient Locally Adaptive Data Compression," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 79, No. 8, PP. 1156~1160, 2006-07. (SCIE,EI)
  882. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Wang, Y. Z., "New Image Steganographic Methods Using Run-Length Approach," Information Sciences, Vol. 176, PP. 3393~3408, 2006-07. (SCIE,EI)
  883. Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Choosing t-out-of-n Secrets by Oblivious Transfer," Information & Security, Vol. 18, PP. 67~84, 2006-07.
  884. Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S., "An Efficient and Secure Remote Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards," Information & Security, Vol. 18, PP. 122~133, 2006-07.
  885. Lu, T. C., Chang, C.C. and Liu, Y. L., "A Content-based Image Authentication Scheme Based on Singular Value Decomposition," Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Advances in Mathemat, 16/3, PP. 506~522, 2006-07.
  886. Yu, Y. H. and Chang, C. C., "A New Edge Detection Approach Based on Image Context Analysis," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 24, PP. 1090~1102, 2006-07. (SCIE,EI)
  887. Lin, C. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Hiding Data in VQ-compressed Images Using Dissimilar Pairs," Journal of Computers, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 3-10, 2006-07. (EI)
  888. Wu, M. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Robust Content-Based Copy Detection Scheme," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 71, No. 2/3, PP. 351~366, 2006-06. (SCIE,EI)
  889. Chang, C. C., Chen, G. M., and Hu, Y. C., "A Novel Index Coding Scheme for Vector Quantization," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 71, No. 2/3, PP. 215~227, 2006-06. (SCIE,EI)
  890. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Fang, Y. H., "Image Hiding Scheme with Modulus Function and Dynamic Programming Strategy on Partitioned Pixels," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39, No. 6, PP. 1155~1167, 2006-06. (SCIE,EI)
  891. Wu, M. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Color Re-Indexing Scheme Using Genetic Algorithm," WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 5/6, PP. 1309~1314, 2006-06. (EI)
  892. Chang, Y. F., Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C., "Comments on the Electronic Voting Protocol for General Elections," GESTS Int. Trans. on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 1, PP. 174~182, 2006-06.
  893. Lin, C. C., Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Watermarking Scheme Based on Rehashing and Vector Quantization," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 71, No. 4, PP. 443~451, 2006-06. (SCIE,EI)
  894. Chan, C. S., Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C., "Image Hiding Scheme Using Modulus Function and Optimal Substitution Table," Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 16, No. 2, PP. 208~217, 2006-05.
  895. Lu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "Color Image Retrieval Technique Based on Color Features and Image Bitmap," Information Processing and Management, Vol.43, No. 2, PP. 461~472, 2006-05. (SCIE,EI)
  896. Chan, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Image Authentication Method Based on Hamming Code," Pattern Recognition, Vol.40, No. 2, PP. 681~690, 2006-05. (SCIE,EI)
  897. Chang, C. C., and Lee, J. S., "An Anonymous and Flexible t-out-of-n Electronic Voting Scheme," Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 9, No. 1, PP. 133~151, 2006-04.
  898. Chang, C. C., Hu, Y. S. and Lu, T. C., "A Watermarking-Based Image Ownership and Tampering Authentication Scheme," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 27, No. 5, PP. 439~446, 2006-04. (SCIE,EI)
  899. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient and Flexible Forward-Secure Signature Scheme," International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Vol. 6, No. 3B, PP. 211~219, 2006-03.
  900. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Efficient (t,n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme," Information Sciences, Vol. 176, No. 10, PP. 1338~1349, 2006-03. (SCIE,EI)
  901. Chang, C. C., Lin, I. C., and Liao, C. T., "An Access Control System with Time-constraint Using Support Vector Machines," International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 150~159, 2006-03.
  902. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S., and Tai, W. L., "Hiding a Halftone Secret Image in Two Camouflaged Halftone Images," Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 16, No. 3, PP. 486~496, 2006-03.
  903. Chang, Y. F., Lee, J. S., and Chang, C. C., "A Secure and Efficient Authentication Scheme for Mobile Users," International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 4, No. 5, PP. 581~594, 2006-03. (EI)
  904. Chang, C. C. and Wu, W. C., "Hiding Secret Data Adaptively in VQ Index Tables," IEE Proceedings on Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Vol.153, No. 5, PP. 589~597, 2006-03. (SCIE,EI)
  905. Chuang J. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Information Hiding Scheme Based Upon Block Truncation Coding," Accepted byInternational Journal of Computers and Applications, 2006-02. (EI)
  906. Lin, C. C. , Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Image Ownership Protection Scheme Based on Rehashing Concept and Vector Quantization," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 71, No. 4, PP. 443~451, 2006-02. (SCIE,EI)
  907. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C. and Hu, Y. C., "Spatial Domain Image Hiding Scheme Using Pixel-Values Differencing," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 70, No. 3, PP. 171~184, 2006-02. (SCIE)
  908. Hu, Y. C.and Chang, C. C., "An Improved Tree-Structured Codebook Search Algorithm for Grayscale Image Compression," Funamenta Informaticae, Vol. 70, No. 3, PP. 251~260, 2006-02. (SCIE)
  909. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y., Chou, H. C., "Perfect Hashing Schemes for Mining Traversal Patterns," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 70, No. 3, PP. 185~202, 2006-02. (SCIE)
  910. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "Efficient Multi-proxy Multi-signature Schemes Based on DLP," International Journal of Computer Science and Network Securi, Vol. 26, No. 2B, PP. 152~159, 2006-02.
  911. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P., "A Parallel Residue-to-Binary Conversion Algorithm Without Trial Division," Computers & Electrical Engineering, Vol.32, No. 6, PP. 454~467, 2006-02. (SCIE,EI)
  912. Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S., "An Anonymous Voting Mechanism Based on the Key Exchange Protocol," Computers and Security, 25, PP. 307~314, 2006-02. (SCIE,EI)
  913. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P., "A Division Algorithm for Residue Numbers," Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 172, No. 1, PP. 368~378, 2006-01. (SCIE)
  914. Chang, C. C., Wu, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "A Secure E-coupon System for Mobile Users," International Journal of Computer Science and Network Securi, Vol. 6, No. 1, PP. 273~278, 2006-01.
  915. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "A New Solution for Assigning Cryptographic Keys to Control Access in Mobile Agent Environments," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, No. 1, PP. 137~146, 2006-01.
  916. Lin, K. C. and Chang, C. C., "Securing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - Intrusion Prevention and Detection Systems," Communications of the Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2006, pp. 58-75, 2006-01. (EI)
  917. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Hsueh, C. C., "A Fast Modular Multiplication Algorithm Based on the Window Metho," Journal of I-Shou University, Vol. 12, pp. 35-52, 2006-01. (.)
  918. Yang, J. H., Chang, C. C., and Wang, C. H., "An Iterative Modular Multiplication Algorithm in RNS," Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 171, No. 1, PP. 637~645, 2005-12. (SCIE)
  919. Chang, C. C. and Chang Y. F., "Schemes for Digital Gift Certificates with Low Computation Complexity," Informatica, Vol. 16, No. 4, PP. 503~518, 2005-12. (SCIE,EI)
  920. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L., and Lin, C. C., "Hiding a Secret Color Image in Two Color Images," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4, PP. 229~240, 2005-12. (SCIE)
  921. Tsai, P. Y., Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Secure and Authentic Electronic Patient Records Transmission Scheme Based on Two-Based Number Conversion," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4, PP. 199~208, 2005-12. (SCIE)
  922. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C., Yu, Y. H. and Shih, K. J., "An Image Zooming Technique Based on Vector Quantization Approximation," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 23, No. 13, PP. 1214~1225, 2005-11. (SCIE,EI)
  923. Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S., "On the Design Weakness of Chen-Huang Dynamic Access Control Mechanism," Int. Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 5, No. 10, PP. 79~83, 2005-11.
  924. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "A Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization without Extra Look-up Table Using Declustered Sub-codebooks," IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Vol. 152, No. 5, PP. 513~519, 2005-10. (EI)
  925. Hwang, M. S., Hwang, K. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Time-Stamping Protocol for Digital Watermarking," Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 169, No. 2, PP. 1276~1284, 2005-10. (SCIE)
  926. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C., "Hiding Data in Halftone Images," Informatica, Vol. 16, No. 3, PP. 419~430, 2005-09. (SCIE,EI)
  927. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C., "A Very Low Bit Rate Image Compressor Using Transformed Classified Vector Quantization," Informatica, Vol. 29, No. 3, PP. 335~341, 2005-09. (SCIE,EI)
  928. Chang, C. C. and Wu, W. C., "A Steganographic Method for Hiding Secret Data Using Side Match Vector Quantization," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E88-D, No. 9, PP. 2159~2167, 2005-09. (SCIE,EI)
  929. Tsai, P. Y., Hu, Y. C., and Chang, C. C., "Novel Image Authentication Scheme Based on Quadtree Segmentation," Imaging Science Journal,, Vol. 53, No. 3, PP. 149~162, 2005-09. (SCIE)
  930. Wu, H. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Digital Image Watermarking Scheme Based on the Vector Quantization Technique," Computers & Security, Vol. 24, No. 6, PP. 460~471, 2005-09. (SCIE,EI)
  931. Chang, C. C., Chang, Y. F. and Lee, J. S., "Mobile Payment for Off-line Vender Machines," Int. Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 5, No. 9, PP. 119~126, 2005-09.
  932. Lin, I. C. and Chang, C. C., "A (t,n) Threshold Secret Sharing System with Efficient Identification of Cheaters," Computing and Informatics, Vol. 24, No. 5, 2005-09. (SCIE)
  933. Chan, C. S., Chang, C. C., and Hu, Y. C.*, "A Novel Image Authentication Scheme Based on Quadtree Segmentation," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 149-162, 2005-09. (SCIE)
  934. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "Authentication Schemes with No Verification Table," Applied Mathematics and Computations, Vol. 167, No. 2, PP. 820~832, 2005-08. (SCIE)
  935. Lin, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C., "A New Density-Based Scheme for Clustering Based on Genetic Algorithm," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 68, No. 4, PP. 315~331, 2005-08. (SCIE)
  936. Chan, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "An Image Hiding Scheme Based on Multi-bit-reference Substitution Table Using Dynamic Programming Strategy," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 65, No. 4, PP. 291~305, 2005-08. (SCIE)
  937. Lu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "Data Compressor for VQ Index Tables," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 65, No. 4, PP. 353~371, 2005-08. (SCIE)
  938. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. S., "An Inverse Halftoning Technique Using Modified Look-Up Tables," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 68, No. 3, PP. 207~302, 2005-08. (SCIE)
  939. Lin, I. C., Hwang, M. S., and Chang, C. C., "The General Pay-Word: A Micro-payment Scheme Based on n-dimension One-way Hash Chain," International Journal of Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, Vol. 36, No. 1, PP. 53~67, 2005-07. (EI)
  940. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C., "A Scheme for Threshold Multi-Secret Sharing," Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 166, No. 1, PP. 1~14, 2005-07. (SCIE)
  941. Chang, C. C., Tsai, P. Y., and Lin, M. H., "SVD-Based Digital Image Watermarking Scheme," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 26, No. 10, PP. 1577~1586, 2005-07. (SCIE,EI)
  942. Wu, H. C. and Chang, C. C., "Sharing Visual Multi-secrets Using Circle Shares," Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 28, No. 1, PP. 123~135, 2005-07. (SCIE,EI)
  943. Yu, Y. H., Chang, C. C., and Hu, Y. C., "A Genetic-Based Adaptive Threshold Selection Method for Dynamic Path Tree Structured Vector Quantization," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 23, No. 6, PP. 597~609, 2005-06. (SCIE,EI)
  944. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "Multisignatures with Distinguished Signing Authorities for Sequential and Broadcasting Architectures," Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 27, No. 2, Jan. 2005, pp 169-176, 2005-06.
  945. Chang, C. C., Lin, I. C. and Tsai, H. M., "A Dynamic Mechanism for Determining Relationships in a Partially Ordered User Hierarchy," International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, Vol. 3, No. 5/6, 2005, pp. 378-384, 2005-06.
  946. Yu, Y. H., Chang, C. C., and Hu, Y. C., "Hiding Secret Data in Images via Predictive Coding," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 38, No. 5, PP. 691~705, 2005-05. (SCIE,EI)
  947. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S., and Chang, Y. F., "Efficient Authentication Protocols of GSM," Computer Communications, Vol. 28, No. 8, PP. 921~928, 2005-05. (SCIE,EI)
  948. Wu, M. N., Lin, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Steganography Mechanism Using Evolutionary Approach for Color Images," GESTS International Transaction on Computer Science and Engi, Vol. 7, No. 1, PP. 63~74, 2005-05.
  949. Chang, C. C., Lin, I. C., and Lam, K. Y., "An ID-Based Multisignature Scheme without Reblocking and Predetermined signing Order," Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 27, No. 4, PP. 407~413, 2005-04. (SCIE,EI)
  950. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "Cryptanalysis of the Modified Remote Login Authentication Scheme Based on a Geometric Approach," Informatica, Vol. 16, No. 1, PP. 37~44, 2005-03. (SCIE,EI)
  951. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. Y., "Perfect Hashing Schemes for Mining Association Rules," The Computer Journal, Vol. 48, No. 2, PP. 168~179, 2005-03. (SCIE,EI)
  952. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C.*, and Yang, J. H., "An Efficient Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol for Imbalanced Wireless Networks," Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 27, No. 3, Mar. 2005, pp. 313-322, 2005-03.
  953. Hung, K. L, Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S., "A Side Match Reconstruction Method Using Tree-Structured VQ for Transmitting Images Progressively," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communica, , PP. 213~228, 2005-02. (SCIE,EI)
  954. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P., "A Fast Modular Square Computing Method Based on The Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem for Prime Module," Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 161, No. 1, PP. 181~194, 2005-02. (SCIE)
  955. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Huang, H. F., "Digital Signature with Message Recovery Using Self-certified Public Keys without Trustworthy System Authority," Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 161, No.1, PP. 211~227, 2005-02. (SCIE)
  956. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Authentication Protocol for Mobile Satellite Communication Systems," ACM Operating Systems Review, Vol. 39, No. 1, PP. 70~84, 2005-02. (EI)
  957. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. S., "Sharing a Secret Halftone Image in a Sequence of Cover Halftone Images," Communications of the Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 2-15, 2005-01. (EI)
  958. Chan, C. S., Chang, C. C., and Hu, Y. C.*, "A Color Image Hiding Scheme Using Image Differencing," Optical Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 1-9., 2005-01. (SCIE)
  959. Chang, C. C. and Chuang, J. C., "A Novel Data Hiding Scheme for Halftone Images," Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 14, No. 3, Sept. 2004, pp.380-393, 2004-06.
  960. Chang, C. C., Chen, G. M. and Lin, M. H., "Information Hiding Based on Search-Order Coding for VQ Indices," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 25, No.11, Aug. 2004, pp. 1253-1261, 2004-06.
  961. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Liu, Y. L., "Password Authentication without the Server Public Key," IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E87-B, No. 10, Oct. 2004, pp. 3088-3091, 2004-06.
  962. Yu, Y. H. and Chang, C. C., "Scenery Image Segmentation Using Support Vector Machines," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 61, No. 3-4, Oct. 2004, pp. 379-388, 2004-06.
  963. Chang, C. C. and Tseng, H. W., "A Steganographic Method for Digital Images Using Side Match," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 25, No. 12, Sept. 2004, pp. 1431-1437, 2004-06.
  964. Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S., "Improvement of Password Authentication Schemes without Adopting the Public-key Cryptosystem," International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jun. 2004, pp. 67-80, 2004-06.
  965. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Kao, C. L., "An Improvement on a Deniable Authentication Protocol," ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 38, No. 3, Jul. 2004, pp. 64-74, 2004-06.
  966. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Secure and Efficient Strong-password Authentication Protocol," ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 38, No. 3, Jul. 2004, pp. 79-90, 2004-06.
  967. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Kuo, J. Y., "A Secure One-time Password Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards without Limiting Login Times," ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 38, No. 4, Oct. 2004, pp. 80-90, 2004-06.
  968. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C., "A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the Construction of Reversible Variable Length Codes," The Computer Journal, Vol. 47, No. 6, Jan. 2004, pp. 701-707, 2004-06.
  969. Hung, K. L., Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "Lossless Compression-based Progressive Image Transmission Scheme," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2004, pp. 212-224, 2004-06.
  970. Tsai, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "A New Repeating Color Watermarking Scheme Based on Human Visual Model," EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 13, Dec. 2004, pp. 1965-1972, 2004-06.
  971. Chang, C. C., and Hwang, R. J., "A New Scheme to Protect Confidential Image," Journal of Interconnection Networks, Vol. 5, No. 3, Sept. 2004, pp. 221-232, 2004-06.
  972. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "An Improvement of Delegated Multi signature Scheme with Document Decomposition," ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 38, No. 4, Oct. 2004, pp. 52-57, 2004-06.
  973. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P., "A Convertible Group Signature Scheme," ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 38, No. 4, Oct. 2004, pp. 58-65, 2004-06.
  974. Chang, C. C., and Lin, I. C., "Remarks on Fingerprint-based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards," ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 38, No. 4, Oct. 2004, pp. 91-96, 2004-06.
  975. Changchien, S. W., Lu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Data Structure for Automatic Knowledge Discovery from Database," International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 2, Sept. 2004, pp. 143-171, 2004-06.
  976. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient and Practical Remote User Authentication Scheme," Information & Security, Vol. 15, No.1, 2004, pp. 75-88, 2004-06.
  977. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Lower Cost Crypto-scheme Based on the Theory of Sharing Secrets," Information & Security, Vol. 15, No. 1, Jul. 2004, pp. 89-109, 2004-06.
  978. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C., "A New Scheme for Server-Aided Secret Exponentiation Computation Based on Interpolating Polynomials," International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 2, Jul. 2004, pp. 131-142, 2004-06.
  979. Chang, C. C., Tsai, P. Y. and Lin, M. H., "An Adaptive Steganographic Scheme for Color Image," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 62, No. 3-4, Oct. 2004, pp. 275-289, 2004-06.
  980. Wu, H. C. and Chang, C. C., "Embedding Invisible Watermarks into Digital Images Based on Side-Match Vector Quantization," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 63, No. 1, Nov. 2004, pp. 89-106, 2004-06.
  981. Hwang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "A New Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme with Time-Constraint Access Control in a Hierarchy," Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2004, pp. 159-166, 2004-06.
  982. Chang, C. C. and Yu, Y. H., "An Efficient Approach for Face Detection and Facial Feature Location Using Prune-and-Search Technique," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 6, 2004, pp. 987-1005, 2004-06.
  983. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C. and Lai, Y. P., "Hiding Data in Multitone Images for Data Communications," IEE Proceedings-Vision, Images, and Signal Processing, Vol. 151, No. 2, 2004, pp. 137-145, 2004-06.
  984. Hwang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "A New Design of Efficient Partially Blind Signature Scheme," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 73, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 2004, pp. 397-403, 2004-06.
  985. Tsai, P. Y., Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Color Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Color Quantization," Signal Processing, Vol. 84, No. 4, Jan. 2004, pp. 95-106, 2004-06.
  986. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C. and Chung, C. Y., "Quadtree-Segmented Image Compression Method Using Vector Quantization and Cubic B-Spline Interpolation," The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2004, pp. 106-116, 2004-06.
  987. Tsai, P. Y., Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Progressive Secret Reveal System Based on SPIHT Image Transmission," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 19, 2004, pp. 285-297, 2004-06.
  988. Chang, C. C. and Tseng, H. W., "VQ-Based Image Watermarking Using Anti-Gray Coding," Informatica, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2004, pp. 147-160, 2004-06.
  989. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C., "High Capacity Data Hiding in JPEG-Compressed Images," Informatica, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2004, pp. 127-142, 2004-06.
  990. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C., "Block Image Retrieval Based on a Compressed Linear Quadtree," Image and Vision Computing Journal, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2004, pp. 391-397, 2004-06.
  991. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C., and Hu, Y. S., "Retrieving Digital Images from a JPEG Compressed Image Database," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2004, pp 471-484, 2004-06.
  992. Chang, C. C. and Chang, Y. F., "A Novel Three-party Encrypted Key Exchange Protocol," Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2004, pp 471-476, 2004-06.
  993. Chang, C. C. and Chen, G. I., "Fast Edge-Based Method for Image Magnification," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 52, No. 2, Jun. 2004, pp. 85-98, 2004-06.
  994. Chang, C. C. and Chang, Y. F., "Signing a Digital Signature without Using One-way Hash Functions and Message Redundancy Schemes," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 8, No. 8, Aug. 2004, pp. 485-487, 2004-06.
  995. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. L., and Hwang, M. S., "End-to-End Security Protocols for Mobile Communications with End-User Identification/Authentication," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2004, pp. 95-106, 2004-06.
  996. Lin, M. H, Chang, C. C., and Chen, Y. R., "A Fair and Secure Mobile Agent Environment Based on Blind Signature and Proxy Host," Computers & Security, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2004, pp. 199-212, 2004-06.
  997. Tsai P. Y., Lin, M. H. and Chang, C. C., "Side-match Prediction Encoding Scheme for Predefined Vector Quantization Approximation Rates," The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2004, pp 99-105, 2004-06.
  998. Tsai, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "A Pattern Mapping Based Digital Image Watermarking," Informatica, Vol. 28, No. 2, Jul. 2004, pp. 181-188, 2004-06.
  999. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. C. and Hu, Y. C., "Public-Key Inter-Block Dependence Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication Using Continued Fraction," Informatica, Vol. 28, No. 2, Jul. 2004, pp. 147-152, 2004-06.
  1000. Wang, C. T., Chang, C. C., and Lin, C. H., "Fast Cascade Exponentiation Schemes Based on String Compression Algorithm," Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 3, No. 9, 2004, pp. 731-738, 2004-06.
  1001. Lin, M. H. and Chang, C. C., "A Secure One-time Password Authentication Scheme with Low Computation for Mobile Communications," ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 38, No. 2, Apr. 2004, pp. 76-84, 2004-06.
  1002. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "Novel Full-Search Schemes for Speeding up Image Coding Using Vector Quantization," Real-Time Imaging, Vol. 10, No. 2, Apr. 2004, pp. 95-102, 2004-06.
  1003. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C. and Hu, Y. S., "Similar Image Retrieval Based on Wavelet Transformation," International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP), Vol. 2, No. 2, Jun. 2004, pp. 111-120, 2004-06.
  1004. Yang, J. H., Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "A High-Speed Division Algorithm in Residue Number System Using Parity-Checking Technique," International Journal of Computer Mathematics (IJCM), Vol. 81, No. 6, 2004, pp. 775-780, 2004-06.
  1005. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Lin, P. Y., "An Efficient Graph-Based Method for Parallel Mining Problems," Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (JIKM), Vol. 3, No. 2, Jun. 2004, pp. 143-154, 2004-06.
  1006. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C., "E-traveler’s Checks with Reciprocal Authentication," Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2004, pp. 128-135, 2004-06.
  1007. Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "Image Encryption and Camouflage Based upon Vector Quantization," The Journal of Computers, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 39-56, 2004-01. (EI)
  1008. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C., "Construction of Symmetrical Reversible Variable Length Codes Using Backtracking," The Computer Journal, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 100-105, 2003-06.
  1009. Chang, C. C. and Chung, C. Y., "An Efficient Protocol for Anonymous Multicast and Reception," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 85, pp. 99-103, 2003-06.
  1010. Hung, K. L. and Chang, C. C., "Error Prevention and Resilience of VQ Encoded Images," Signal Processing, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 431-437, 2003-06.
  1011. Chang, C. C., Hwang, K. F. and Lin, I. C., "Security Enhancement for a Modified Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol," International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-7, 2003-06.
  1012. Lin, I. C., Hwang, M. S. and Chang, C. C., "Security Enhancement for the Anonymous Secure E-Voting over a Network," Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 131-139, 2003-06.
  1013. Lin, I. C., Hwang, M. S. and Chang, C. C., "A New Key Assignment Scheme for Enforcing Complicated Access Control Policies in Hierarchy," Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 457-462, 2003-06.
  1014. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P., "A Flexible Date Attachment Scheme on E-Cash," Computers and Security, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 160-166, 2003-06.
  1015. Hwang, K. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Self-Encryption Mechanism for Authentication of Roaming and Teleconference Services," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 400-407, 2003-06.
  1016. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C., "A Fast and Simple Algorithm for the Construction of Asymmetrical Reversible Variable Length Codes," Journal of Real Time Imaging, Vol. 9, pp. 3-10, 2003-06.
  1017. Chang, C. C. and Chen, G. I., "Enhancement Algorithm for Nonlinear Context-Based Predictors," IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing, Vol. 150, No. 1, pp. 15-19, 2003-06.
  1018. Hung, K. L. and Chang, C. C., "New Irregular Sampling Coding Method for Transmitting Images Progressively," IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing, Vol. 150, No. 1, pp. 44-50, 2003-06.
  1019. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y. and Chan, C. S, "Finding Optimal Least-Significant-Bit Substitution in Image Hiding by Dynamic Programming Strategy," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 36, pp. 1583-1595, 2003-06.
  1020. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C., "The Strategy of Reducing the Location Update Traffic Using Forwarding Pointers in Virtual Layer Architecture," Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 501-513, 2003-06.
  1021. Chang, C. C., Shih, T. K. and Lin, I. C., "Guessing by Neighbors: An Efficient Reconstruction Method for Transmitting Image Progressively," Visual Computer, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 342-353, 2003-06.
  1022. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "Edge Detection Using Block Truncation Coding," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 951-966., 2003-06.
  1023. Chang, C. C. and Lee, W. B., "Taiwan: Focus on the Information Security Market," IT Professional Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 26-29, 2003-06.
  1024. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F., "Some Forgery Attacks on a Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards," Informatica, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2003, pp. 289-294, 2003-06.
  1025. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient and Practical (t, n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Known Signers," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 56, No. 3, 2003, pp. 243-253, 2003-06.
  1026. Chang, C. C. and Chang, Y. F., "Efficient Anonymous Auction Protocols with Freewheeling Bids," Computers & Security, Vol. 22, No. 8, 2003, pp. 728-734, 2003-06.
  1027. Lai, Y. P. and Chang, C. C., "Parallel Computational Algorithms for Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem," Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 8, 2003, pp. 801-811, 2003-06.
  1028. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. S., "A Watermarking Scheme Based on Principal Component Analysis Technique," Informatica, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2003, pp. 431-444, 2003-06.
  1029. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Effective Codebook Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization," Image Science Journal, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2003, pp. 221-233, 2003-06.
  1030. Lai, Y. P. and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Multi-Exponentiation Scheme Based on Modified Booth’s Method," International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 90, No. 3, 2003, pp. 221-233, 2003-06.
  1031. Tsai, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "A DWT-based Deblocking Technique Based on Edge Detection and Zero Masking for Blocking Effect," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 58, No. 2, 2003, pp. 179-188, 2003-06.
  1032. Wu, H. C. and Chang, C. C., "Hiding Digital Watermarks Using Fractal Compression Technique," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 58, No. 2, 2003, pp. 189-202, 2003-06.
  1033. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. C., Hu, Y. C. and Li, Y. C., "Hiding Digital Data in Music Scores Using Musical Features," Journal of Applied Systems Studies, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2003, 2003-06.
  1034. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C., "A New Channel for Image Hiding Based on Interpolating polynomials," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 58, No. 2, 2003, pp. 93-104, 2003-06.
  1035. Tsai, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "An Improvement to Image Segment Based on Human Visual System for Object-based Coding," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 58, No. 2, Dec. 2003, pp. 167-178, 2003-06.
  1036. Tsai, P. Y., Chang, C. C., Lin, M. H., and Hu, Y. C.*, "An Adaptive Bit Rate Encoding Mechanism Based on Irregular Sampling and Side-Match Vector Quantization," Image Science Journal, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 73-84., 2003-05. (SCIE)
  1037. Tsai, P. Y., Hu, Y. C.*, and Chang, C. C., "Using Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees to Authenticate Digital images," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 813-822., 2002-10. (SCIE,EI)
  1038. Lin, M. H., Hu, Y. C.*, and Chang, C. C., "Both Color and Gray Scale Secret Image Hiding in a Color Image," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 697-713, 2002-09. (SCIE,EI)
  1039. Tsai, P. Y., Chang, C. C., and Hu, Y. C.*, "A Novel Two-stage Edge Detection Scheme for Digital Color Images," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 8, pp. 329-343., 2002-08. (SCIE,EI)
  1040. Hung, K. L. and Chang, C. C., "An Improvement of a Technique for Color Quantization Using Reduction of Color Space Dimentionality," Informatica, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 11-16, 2002-06.
  1041. Tsai, P. Y., Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C., "An Adaptive Two-Stage Edge Detection Scheme for Digital Color Images," Journal of Real Time Imaging, Vol. 8, pp. 329-343, 2002-06.
  1042. Hung, K. L. and Chang, C. C., "Error Prevention and Concealment for Chinese Calligraphy Based on Block Truncation Coding," Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 101-113, 2002-06.
  1043. Chang, C. C., Chuang, L. Z. and Chen, T. S., "Recognition of Image Authenticity Using Significant DCT Coefficients Quantization," Informatica, Vol. 26, pp. 359-366, 2002-06.
  1044. Lin, M. H., Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "Both Color and Gray Scale Secret Images Hiding in a Color Image," International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 697-713, 2002-06.
  1045. Chang, C. C., Hwang, K. F. and Hwang, M. S., "Robust Authentication scheme for Protecting Copyrights of Images and Graphics," IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing, Vol. 149, No. 1, pp. 43-50, 2002-06.
  1046. Hwang, K. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Fast Pixel Mapping Algorithm Using Principal Component Analysis," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23, No. 14, 2002, pp. 1747 - 1753, 2002-06.
  1047. Hwang, M. S., Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F., "An Improved Authentication Protocol without Trusted Third Party," International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 407-412, 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1048. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y. and Yeh, J. C., "A Color Image Copyright Protection Scheme Based on Visual Cryptography and Discrete Cosine Transform," Image Science Journal, Vol. 50, pp. 133-140, 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1049. Chang, C. C., Hwang, K. F. and Hwang, M. S., "A Feature-Oriented Copyright Owner Proving Technique for Still Image," International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 317-330., 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1050. Chang, C. C. and Chuang, J. C., "An Image Intellectual Property Protection Scheme for Gray-Level Images Using Visual Secret Sharing Strategy," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 931-941, 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1051. Chang, C. C., Lin, M. H. and Hu, Y. C., "A Fast and Secure Image Hiding Scheme Based on LSB Substitution," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 399-416., 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1052. Tsai, C. S., Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S., "Sharing Multiple Secrets in Digital Images," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 163-170, 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1053. Wu, H. C. and Chang, C. C., "Detection and Restoration of Tampered JPEG Compressed Images," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 151-161, 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1054. Hwang, M. S., Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F., "An ELGamal-like Cryptosystem for Enciphering Large Messages," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 445-446., 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1055. Chang, C. C. and Yu, T. X., "Cryptanalysis of an Encryption Scheme for Binary Images," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23, No. 14, pp.1847-1852, 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1056. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Chung, L. Z., "A Steganographic Method Based upon JPEG and Quantization Table Modification," Information Science: an International Journal, Vol. 141, No. 1, pp. 123-138, 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1057. Chan, Y. K and Chang, C. C., "A Color Image Retrieval Method Based on Color Moment and Color Variance of Adjacent Pixels," International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 113-125, 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1058. Wang, C. T, Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H., "A New Micro-Payment System Using General Payword Chain," Electronic Commerce Research Journal, Vol. 2, pp. 159-168., 2002-05. (SCIE)
  1059. Chang, C. C. and Pan, Y. P., "An IC Card Based Remote Password Authentication Mechanism," Communications of IICM, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2002, pp.1-8, 2002-03. (.)
  1060. Wu, T. C., Lin, T. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Modifications of Elgamal’s Cryptoscheme with/without One-Way Hash Function," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electronical Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 55-58, 2002-01. (SCIE,EI)
  1061. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F., "An Information Hiding Technique for Halftone Images Based on Human Visual Effects," Journal of China Institute of Communications, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp.9-17, 2002-01. (SCIE)
  1062. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Hsiao, J. Y., "Sharing a Secret Image in a Sequence of Linear Ordered Images," Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association, Vol. 8, No. 1, Dec. 2001, pp. 93-103, 2001-12. (.)
  1063. Chang, C. C., Chen, L. L. and Chen, T. S., "A New Fast Search Algorithm of Block Motion Estimation Using Clustering Technique," Journal of Applied Systems Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2001, 2001-06.
  1064. Chen, T. S. and Chang, C.C., "New Method of Secret Image Sharing Based on Vector Quantization," Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2001, pp. 988-997, 2001-06.
  1065. Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. C., "IA Copyright Protection Scheme of Images Based on Visual Cryptography," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 14, pp. 141-150., 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1066. Chang, C. C. and Chen, G. I., "Bi-level Lossless Calligraphy Compression Using Location Propagation and Width Inheritance," Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 309-339, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1067. Hung, K. L. and Chang, C. C., "A Novel Progressive Image Transmission Technique for Chinese Calligraphy," Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 293-307, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1068. Hwang, K. F. and Chang, C. C., "Improved Nearest Codeword Search Scheme Using a Tighter Kick-out Condition," Optical Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 1749-1751, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1069. Hung, K. L., Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S., "Secure Discrete Cosine Transform based Technique for Recoverable Tamper Proofing," Optical Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 1950-1958, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1070. Tsai, C. S., Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S., "Image Steganography Using Vector Quantization and Discrete Cosine Transformation," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 205-215, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1071. Chang, C. C. and Kuo, Y. T., "Employ a Data Compression Scheme to Speed up the Computations on Elliptic Curves," International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-16, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1072. Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C., "Hiding a Picture in two Pictures," Optical Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 342-351, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1073. Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. C., "A Secure and Robust Digital Image Copyright Protection Scheme," Journal of Applied Systems Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1074. Chang, C. C., Chen, L. L. and Chen T. S., "A New Two-way Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation Estimation of Video Data," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 405-415, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1075. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "Image Coding Schemes Based on Subsampling Vector Quantization," Optical Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 108-114, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1076. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C., "Image Matching Using Run-Length Feature," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 22, pp. 447-455, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1077. Hwang, M. S., Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F., "An Efficient Threshold Decryption Scheme without Session Keys," Computer & Electrical Engineering, Vol. 27, pp. 29-35, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1078. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C., "Spatial Similarity Retrieval in Video Database," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 12, pp. 107-122, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1079. Wu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme for Hierarchical Access Control," International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 25-28, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1080. Chang, C. C., Hwang, M. S. and Chen, T. S., "New Encryption Algorithm for Image Cryptosystems," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 58, pp. 83-91, 2001-05. (SCIE)
  1081. Lee, C. F. and Chang, C. C., "A Breadth First Oriented Symbolic Picture Representation for Spatial Match Retrieval," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 11-23, 2000-05. (SCIE)
  1082. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C., "A Fast Filter of Spatial Video Retrieval," International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 157-171, 2000-05. (SCIE)
  1083. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. W., "Computing Lucas Functions Using Addition Chains," International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 173-188, 2000-05. (SCIE)
  1084. Hwang, M. S., Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F., "Digital Watermarking of Images Using Neural Networks," Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 9, No. 4, Oct. 2000, pp. 548-555, 2000-05.
  1085. Chang, C. C. and Kuo, Y. T., "Fast Modular Reduction and Multi-multiplication Method," International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 35-46, 2000-05.
  1086. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Chung, L. Z., "A Colour Image Compression Scheme Based on Two-Layer Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 53-62, 2000-05.
  1087. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "Quadtree-Segmented Image Coding Schemes Using Vector Quantization and Block Truncation Coding," Optical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 464-471, 2000-05.
  1088. Chang, C. C. and Lou, D. C., "An Efficient Divide-and-Conquer Technique for Parallel Computation of Modular Multi-Exponentiation," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 111-117, 2000-05.
  1089. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "User Identification and Key Distribution Maintaining Anonymity for Distributed Computer Networks," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 211-214, 2000-05.
  1090. Chang, C. C., Chou, J. S. and Chen, T. S., "An Efficient Computation of Euclidean Distance Using Approximated Look-Up Table," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 594-599, 2000-05.
  1091. Chang, C. C., Shine, F. C. and Chen, T. S., "Pattern-based Side Match Vector Quantization for Image Compression," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 63-76, 2000-05.
  1092. Hwang, S. J. and Chang, C. C., "A New Efficient Server-Aided RSA Secret Computation Protocol Against Active Attacks," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E83-A, No. 3, pp. 567-570, 2000-05.
  1093. Chang, C. C., Hwang, K. F. and Hwang, M.S., "A Digital Watermarking Scheme Using Human Visual Effects," Informatica, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 505-511, 2000-05.
  1094. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, C. S., "A Technique for Computing Watermarks from Digital Images," Informatica, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 391-396, 2000-05.
  1095. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Chung, P. F., "A Technique of Watermarking for Digital Images Using (t, n)-Threshold Scheme," Informatica, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 51-55, 2000-05.
  1096. Wang, C. T, Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H., "Generalization of Threshold Signature and Authenticated Encryption for Group Communications," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E83-A, No. 6, pp. 1228-1237, 2000-05.
  1097. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Predictive Subcodebook Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization," Optical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 1489-1496, 2000-05.
  1098. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "A New Lossless Compression Scheme Based on Huffman Coding for Image Compression," Signal Processing:Image Communication, Vol. 16, pp. 367-372, 2000-05.
  1099. Chang, C. C., Wang, C. T. and Lin, C. H., "Conference Key Distributions Using Self-Certified Public Keys," International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 327-337, 2000-05.
  1100. Chang, C. C. and Shen J. J., "A Multi-Channel Storage Arrangement Scheme of Pictorial Databases for Concurrent Spatial Match Retrieval," Computer and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 39, No. 5-6, pp. 239-248, 2000-05.
  1101. Chang, C. C., "Digital Watermarking of Images Using Neural Networks," Journal of Electronic Imaging, ., 2000-02. (.)
  1102. Chang, C. C. and Tsu, S. M., "An Improvement on Shimada’s Public-key Cryptosystem," Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 75-80, 2000-01. (EI)
  1103. Buehrer, D. J., Lu, C. S. and Chang, C. C., "A Shape Recognition Scheme Based on Real-valued Boundary Points," Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 55-74, 2000-01. (EI)
  1104. Jan, J. K., Lee, J. C., Lin, C. H. and Chang, C. C., "Reducing Space for Storing Keys in a Single Key Access Control System," Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 229-242, 2000-01. (EI)
  1105. Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C., "A Fast Modular Multiplication Algorithm for Calculating the Product AB Modulo N," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 72, pp. 77-81, 1999-05.
  1106. Hung, K. L., Chang, C. C. and Chen T. S., "Reconstruction of Lost Blocks Using Codeword Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 1190-1199, 1999-05.
  1107. Hwang, M. S., Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F., "A Watermarking Technique Based on One-way Hash Functions," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 286-294, 1999-05.
  1108. Wang, C. T., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H., "A Method for Computing Lucas Sequence," Computer and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 38, pp.187-196, 1999-05.
  1109. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, P. C. and Lee, W. B., "Conference Key Distribution Scheme for Portable Communication System," Computer Communications, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 1160-1164, 1999-05.
  1110. Jiang, J. H., Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S., "A Compact Sparse Matrix Representation Using Random Hash Functions," Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 32, pp. 29-49, 1999-05.
  1111. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C., "Variable Rate Vector Quantization Scheme Based on Quadtree Segmentation," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 310-317, 1999-05.
  1112. Hu, Y. C and Chang, C. C., "Low Complexity Index-Compressed Vector Quantization for Image Compression," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 1225-1233, 1999-05.
  1113. Jiang, J. H., Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S., "Calligraphy Compression Using Quadtree Decomposition and Pattern Matching," Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 341-358, 1999-05.
  1114. Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C., "Hybrid Image Compression Methods Based on Vector Quantization and Block Truncation Coding," Optical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 591-598, 1999-05.
  1115. Hwang, R. J., Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "A Concept of Designing Cheater Identification Methods for Secret Sharing," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 46, pp. 7-11, 1999-05.
  1116. Chang, C. C., Lee, T. F. and Leu, J. J., "Partition Search Filter and Its Performance Analysis," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 47, pp. 35-43, 1999-05.
  1117. Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C., "An Improved Threshold Scheme Based on Modular Arithmetic," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 691-699, 1999-05.
  1118. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "(t, n) Threshold Digital Signature with Traceability Property," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 669-678, 1999-05.
  1119. Chang, C. C.* and Hu, Y. C., "A Fast Codebook Training Algorithm for Vector Quantization," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 1201-1208, 1998-11. (SCIE)
  1120. Chang, C. C., Jau, J. J. and Chen, T. S., "A Fast Reconstruction Method for Transmitting Images Progressively," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 1225-1233, 1998-05.
  1121. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. F., "A Spatial Match Retrieval Mechanism for Symbolic Pictures," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 44, pp. 73-83, 1998-05.
  1122. Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C., "A Fast LBG Codebook Training Algorithm for Vector Quantization," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 1201-1208, 1998-05.
  1123. Chang, C. C., Chen, L. L. and Chen, T. S., "An Improvement of Bottom-Up Variable-Sized Block Matching Technique for Video Compression," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 1234-1242, 1998-05.
  1124. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Authenticity of Public Keys in Asymmetric Cryptosystems," Computer Communications, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 195-198, 1998-05.
  1125. Wang, C. T., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H., "Conference Key Supervision in a Level-Based Hierarchy," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E81-A, No. 10, pp. 2219-2227, 1998-05.
  1126. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Using RSA with Low Exponent in a Public Network," Computer Communications, Vol. 21, pp. 284-286, 1998-05.
  1127. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J., "A Simple Picture Hiding Scheme," Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 237-248, 1998-05.
  1128. Wang, C. T., Lin, C. H. and Chang, C. C., "Threshold Signature Schemes with Traceable Signers in Group Communications," Computer Communications, Vol. 21, pp. 771-776, 1998-05.
  1129. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J., "Sharing Secret Images Using Shadow Codebooks," Information Sciences, Vol. 111, No. 1-4, pp. 335-345, 1998-05.
  1130. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "A Dynamic Secret Sharing Scheme Based on the Factoring and Diffie-Hellman Problems," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E81-A, pp. 1733-1738, 1998-05.
  1131. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. F., "A Bin-Tree Oriented Iconic Indexing Scheme for Retrieving Symbolic Pictures," Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 121-133, 1998-05.
  1132. Chang, C. C., Lee, W. T. and Chen, T. S., "Two Improved Codebook Search Methods of Vector Quantization Based on Orthogonal Checking and Fixed Range Search," Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 357-366, 1998-05.
  1133. Chang, C. C., Chou, J. S. and Chen, T. S., "A Predictive Image Coding Scheme Using a Smaller Codebook," Image Communication, Vol. 12, pp. 23-32, 1998-05.
  1134. Chang, C. C., Wu, T. C. and Yeh, Y. S., "Broadcasting Secrets in Communication Networks," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 121-124, 1998-05.
  1135. Hwang, S. J., Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C., "An Encryption/Multisignature Scheme with Specified Receiving Groups," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 109-112, 1998-05.
  1136. Lou, D. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Fast Modular Multiplication Method," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 353-358, 1998-05.
  1137. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Efficient Group Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithm," IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 145, No. 1, pp. 15-18, 1998-05.
  1138. Lou, D. C. and Chang, C. C., "An Adaptive Exponentiation Method," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 42, pp. 59-69, 1998-05.
  1139. Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C., "An On-line Secret Sharing Scheme for Multi-secrets," Computer Communications, Vol. 21, No. 13, pp. 1170-1176, 1998-05.
  1140. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. F., "A Two-level Signature File Based on a Block-oriented Data Model for Spatial Match Retrieval," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 467-478, 1998-01. (SCIE)
  1141. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, H. M., "A Generalized Secret Sharing Scheme," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1997, pp. 267-272, 1997-06.
  1142. Chang, C. C. and Jiang, J. H., "Multiple Disk Allocation Based on Round-Robin Hilbert Curve for Spatial Data," International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 11-23, 1997-05.
  1143. Chang, C. C., Sung, C. H. and Chen, T. S., "A New Data Compression Scheme for Chinese Text Using Chinese Words and Multilist Structure," Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 145-158, 1997-05.
  1144. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Three ID-Based Information Security Functions," Computer Communications, Vol. 20, pp. 1301-1307, 1997-05.
  1145. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. F., "Spatial Match Retrieval Based on Direction Signatures Using Multiple Key Hashing Scheme," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 777-788, 1997-05.
  1146. Kuo, W. C., Laih, C. S., Gau, M. J. and Chang, C. C., "On the Number of Messages Cannot be Concealed in LUC," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E80-A, No. 11, pp. 2218-2224, 1997-05.
  1147. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Authenticated Encryption Schemes with Linkage between Message Blocks," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 63, pp. 247-250, 1997-05.
  1148. Lou, D. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Cost Optimal Search Technique for the Knapsack Problem," International Journal of High Speed Computing, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-12, 1997-05.
  1149. Chen, C. Y., Lin, H. F., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "Multidisk Smaller Sized MKH File Allocation for Partial Match Retrieval," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 125-141, 1997-05.
  1150. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, S. J., "A Simple Approach for Generating RSA Keys," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 63, pp. 19-21, 1997-05.
  1151. Chen, T. S., Chang, C. C. and Hwang, M. S., "A Virtual Image Cryptosystem Based on Vector Quantization," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 1485-1488, 1997-05.
  1152. Chang, C. C., Jiang, J. H. and Buehrer, D. J., "A New Method for Temporal Join Using a Priority Search Tree," International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1-13, 1997-05.
  1153. Chang, C. C. and Lou, D. C., "Parallel Computation of the Multi-Exponentiation for Cryptosystems," International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 63, No. 1-2, pp. 9-26, 1997-05.
  1154. Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "Diagonal Axes Method (DAM): A Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 555-559, 1997-05.
  1155. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "A Smart Card Oriented Password Authentication Scheme Based on Rabin’s Public Key Cryptosystem," International Journal on Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 63-73, 1997-05.
  1156. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J., "Efficient Cheater Identification Method for Threshold Schemes," IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 144, No. 1, pp. 23-27, 1997-05.
  1157. Chang, C. C., Lou, D. C. and Wu, T. C., "A Binary Access Control Method Using Prime Factorization," Information Sciences, Vol. 96, No. 1-2, pp. 15-26, 1997-05.
  1158. Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C., "A New Image Coding Algorithm Using Variable-Rate Side-Match Finite-State Vector Quantization," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp.1185-1187, 1997-05.
  1159. Chang, C. C., Lin, D. C. and Chen, T. S., "An Improved VQ Codebook Search Algorithm Using Principal Component Analysis," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 27-37, 1997-05.
  1160. Chang, C. C. and Wu, W. B., "A Secure Voting System on a Public Network," Networks, Vol. 29, 1997, pp. 81-87, 1997-05.
  1161. Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S., "New Tree-Structured Vector Quantization with Closest-Coupled Multipath Searching Method," Optical Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp.1713-1720, 1997-05.
  1162. Chen, C. Y., Lin, H. F., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "Optimal Bucket Allocation Design of K-ary MKH Files for Concurrent Partial Match Retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 148-160, 1997-05.
  1163. Chang, C. C. and Wang, C. H., "A Locally Adaptive Data Compression Strategy for Chinese-English Characters," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 167-179, 1997-05.
  1164. Chang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Kowng, H. C., "A Digital Signature Scheme Based upon Theory of Quadratic Residues," Cryptologia, Vol. XXI, No. 1, pp. 55-70, 1997-05.
  1165. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H., "A Generalized Secure Broadcasting Cryptosystem," Journal of Computers, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 13-18, 1996-12. (EI)
  1166. Chang, C. C. and Leu, J. J., "The Performance Analysis of Bloom and Random Filters," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 451-458, 1996-07. (SCIE)
  1167. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "Hybrid Method for Modular Exponentiation with Precomputation," IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 540-541, 1996-05.
  1168. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "Authenticated Encryption Schemes with Message Linkage," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 58, pp. 189-194, 1996-05.
  1169. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "On Key Changeable ID-Based Digital Signature Scheme," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 381-386, 1996-05.
  1170. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "Two Efficient Server-Aided RSA Secret Computation Protocols against Active Attacks," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E79-A, No. 9, pp. 1504-1511, 1996-05.
  1171. Lou, D. C. and Chang, C. C., "Fast Exponentiation Method Obtained by Folding the Exponent in Half," IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 984-985, 1996-05.
  1172. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "An Efficient Dynamic Threshold Scheme," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E79-D, No. 7, pp. 936-942, 1996-05.
  1173. Chang, C. C. and Leu, J. J., "Two 2D Search Filters and Their Performance Analyses," International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 60, No. 3-4, pp. 183-203, 1996-05.
  1174. Lou, D. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Parallel Two-list Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem," Parallel Computing, Vol. 22, pp. 1985-1996, 1996-05.
  1175. Chou, A. Y. H., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "Some Properties of Optimal Cartesian Product Files for Orthogonal Range Queries," Information Sciences, Vol. 90, No. 1-4, pp. 91-107, 1996-05.
  1176. Chang, C. C., Chang, R. F., Lee, W. T. and Kuo, C. L., "Fast Algorithms for Vector Quantization," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 593-602, 1996-05.
  1177. Wu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "Retrieving Chinese Characters with Similar Appearance from a Reorganized Chinese Dictionary," International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 31-43, 1996-05.
  1178. Chang, C. C. and Lin, D. C., "A Spatial Data Representation: An Adaptive 2D-H String," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 175-185, 1996-05.
  1179. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, M. S., "Parallel Computation of the Generating Keys for RSA Cryptosystems," IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 32, No. 15, pp. 1365-1366, 1996-05.
  1180. Chen, C. Y., Lin, H. F., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "Redundant MKH Files Design among Multiple Disks for Concurrent Partial Match Retrieval," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 199-207, 1996-05.
  1181. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "Cryptanalysis of the Secret Exponent of RSA," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, pp. 277-290, 1996-05.
  1182. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Integrating Authentication in Public Key Distribution System," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 57, pp. 49-52, 1996-05.
  1183. Chang, C. C., Kowng, H. C. and Buehrer, D. J., "An Improvement to Ziegler's Sparse Matrix Compression Algorithm," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 67-71, 1996-05.
  1184. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Cryptanalysis of an Improved Remote Password Authentication with Smart Card," International Journal of Information Management and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-5, 1996-05.
  1185. Chang, C. C. and Jiang, J. H., "A Spatial Filter for Similarity Retrieval," International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 711-730, 1996-05.
  1186. Hwang, T., Lee, N. Y., Li, C. M. and Chang, C. C., "On the Security of Chang and Wu's Broadcasting Cryptosystem for Computer Network," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 311-314, 1996-05.
  1187. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. F., "A Greedy Relaxed Generalized Disc Modulo Allocation Method for Multiple Key Hashing Files on Multi-Disc Systems," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 155-169, 1996-03. (SCIE)
  1188. Chang, C. C. and Chou, J. S., "A Fast Codeword Searching Mechanism for Quantization Strategy," Journal of Computers, Vol. 7, No. 3&4, pp. 10-16, 1995-12. (EI)
  1189. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "A New Subliminal Channel in RSA-Like Variant of the Fiat-Shamir Signature Scheme," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 867-872, 1995-11. (SCIE)
  1190. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "An Encryption/Signature Scheme with Low Message Expansion," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 591-595, 1995-07. (SCIE)
  1191. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. B. and Wu, T. C, "Cryptanalysis and Improvement on a Conference Key Distribution System," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 391-396, 1995-05. (SCIE)
  1192. Chang, C. C., Wu, T. C. and Laih, C. S., "Cryptanalysis of a Password Authentication Scheme Using Quadratic Residues," Computer Communications, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 45-47, 1995-05.
  1193. Chang, C. C. and Liang, J., "Dynamic Pictorial Databases Design for Similarity Retrieval," Information Sciences, Vol. 87, No. 1-3, pp. 29-46, 1995-05.
  1194. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Comment on Digital Signature with (t, n) Shared Verification Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 176-177, 1995-05.
  1195. Chang, C. C., Tsu, S. M. and Chen, C. Y., "Remote Scheme for Password Authentication Based on Theory of Quadratic Residues," Computer Communications, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 936-942, 1995-05.
  1196. Chang, C. C. and Tsu, S. M., "Arithmetic Operations on Encrypted Data," International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 56, No. 1-2, pp. 1-10, 1995-05.
  1197. Chen, Y. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "Parallel Computation of the Modular Cascade Exponentiation," Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 7, pp. 29-42, 1995-05.
  1198. Tsai, H. M. and Chang, C. C., "A Cryptographic Implementation for Dynamic Access Control in a User Hierarchy," Computers and Security, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 159-166, 1995-05.
  1199. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C., "Authenticated Encryption Scheme without Using a One Way Function," IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 19, pp. 1656-1657, 1995-05.
  1200. Lee, W. B., Chang, C. C. and Jan, J. K., "Cryptanalysis of a Cryptosystem Based upon Continuned Fraction," International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1-11, 1995-05.
  1201. Chen, Y. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "The Shortest Weighted Length Addition Chains," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 295-305, 1995-05.
  1202. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "A Near Pattern-matching Scheme Based upon Principal Component Analysis," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 339-345, 1995-05.
  1203. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "An Exact Match Retrieval Scheme Based upon Principal Component Analysis," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 465-470, 1995-05.
  1204. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. F., "Relative Coordinates Oriented Symbolic String for Spatial Relationship Retrieval," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 563-570, 1995-05.
  1205. Chou, A. Y. H., Yang, W. P. and Chang, C. C., "Optimal Two-Dimensional Cartesian Product Files for Orthogonal Range Queries," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 625-647, 1995-05.
  1206. Chang, C. C., Horng, W. J. and Buehrer, D. J., "A Cascade Exponentiation Evaluation Scheme Based on the Lempel-Ziv-Welch Compression Algorithm," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 417-431, 1995-05.
  1207. Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "A New Public-key Cipher System Based upon the Diophantine Equations," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 13-19, 1995-05.
  1208. Chang, C. C., Fan, S. W., Liaw, H. T. and Chiou, M. Y., "Cryptanalysis on an Access Control in a Hierarchy," Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 69-72, 1995-05.
  1209. Chang, C. C. and Liou, F. Y., "A Digital Multisignature Scheme Based upon the Digital Signature Scheme of a Modified ElGamal's Public Key Cryptosystem," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 423-432, 1994-05.
  1210. Wu, T. C., Chang, C. C. and Yeh, Y. S., "An Authentication-Combined Access Control Scheme Using a One-Way Function," Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 63-70, 1994-05.
  1211. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. W. and Buehrer, D. J., "A Two-Dimensional Shape Recognition Scheme Based on Principal Component Analysis," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 859-875, 1994-05.
  1212. Laih, C. S., Chiou, W. H. and Chang, C. C., "Authentication and Protection of Public Keys," Computers and Security, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 581-585, 1994-05.
  1213. Chang, C. C. and Lin, D. C., "Utilizing the Concept of Longest Common Subsequence to Retrieve Similar Chinese Characters," Chinese and Oriental Languages Computing, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 177-192, 1994-05.
  1214. Chang, C. C., Shen, J. J. and Wu, T. C., "Access Control with Binary Keys," Computers and Security, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 681-686, 1994-05.
  1215. Liang, J., Chang, C. C., McFadyen, R. G. and Lee, R. C. T., "Optimal Multiple Key Hashing Files for Orthogonal Range Queries," Information Sciences, Vol. 79, No. 1-2, pp. 145-158, 1994-05.
  1216. Wu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "Controlling Access in Tree Hierarchies," Information Sciences, Vol. 78, pp. 69-76, 1994-05.
  1217. Lin, C. H. and Chang, C. C., "Method for Constructing a Group-Oriented Cipher System," Computer Communications, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 805-808, 1994-05.
  1218. Chang, C. C. and Liaw, H. T., "Assigning Digital Key Pairs to Determine Relationships in a User Hierarchy Structure," Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp. 2189-2196, 1994-05.
  1219. Chang, C. C., Hwang, S. J. and Buehrer, D. J., "New Concepts for Multiple Stack Systems: Born and Reborn," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 45-54, 1994-05.
  1220. Ko, M. Y., Hwang, T. and Chang, C. C., "Attacks on ID-based Signature Scheme Based upon Rabin's Public Key Cryptosystem," Computer Communications, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 674-676, 1994-05.
  1221. Laih, C. S., Chang, C. C. and Yeh, S. M., "Parallel Computation of the Cascade Exponentiation," International Journal of Information Management and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 9-13, 1994-05.
  1222. Lin, C. H. and Chang, C. C., "A Server-Aided Computation Protocol for RSA Enciphering Algorithm," International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 53, pp. 149-155, 1994-05.
  1223. Wu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "Application of Geometric Hashing to Iconic Database Retrieval," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 871-876, 1994-05.
  1224. Chang, C. C. and Liao, W. Y., "A Remote Password Authentication Scheme Based upon ElGamal's Signature Scheme," Computers and Security, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 137-144, 1994-05.
  1225. Chang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Buehrer, D. J., "A Scheme to Determine the Relationship between Two Users in a Hierarchy," Computers and Security, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 255-261, 1994-05.
  1226. Chen, Y. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "Some Properties of Vectorial Addition Chains," International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 54, pp. 185-196, 1994-05.
  1227. Tseng, J. C. R., Yang, W. P. and Chang, C. C., "A New Access Control Scheme with High Data Security," International Journal of Management and Information Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 35-48, 1994-05.
  1228. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, W. H., "Two Locally Adaptive Data Compression Schemes for Chinese Phonetic Syllables,” ,," Journal of Computers, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 48-57, 1994-01. (EI)
  1229. Chang, C. C., Liou, F. Y. and Buehrer, D. J., "A Practical Database Encryption System,” ,," Journal of Computers, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 20-25, 1994-01. (EI)
  1230. Chang, C. C., Kowng, H. C. and Wu, T. C., "A Refinement of a Compression-Oriented Addressing Scheme for Letter-Oriented Keywords," BIT, Vol. 33, pp. 530-535, 1993-05.
  1231. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, S. J., "Using Smart Cards to Authenticate Remote Passwords," Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 26, No. 7, pp. 19-27, 1993-05.
  1232. Chang, C. C. and Buehrer, D. J., "Access Control in a Hierarchy Using a One-Way Trap Door Function," Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 71-76, 1993-05.
  1233. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "Controlling the Access Requests in Information Protection Systems," Information Processing and Management, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 61-68, 1993-05.
  1234. Jan, J. K. and Chang, C. C., "A Key-Lock-Pair Oriented Access Control Scheme for the Growth of Users and Files," BIT, Vol. 33, pp. 382-389, 1993-05.
  1235. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "A Hashing-Oriented Nearest Neighbor Searching Scheme," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 625-630, 1993-05.
  1236. Chang, C. C., Lu, C. S. and Buehrer, D. J., "A Chinese Seal Imprints Recognition Scheme," Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 111-124, 1993-05.
  1237. Chang, C. C. and Lee, H. C., "A New Generalized Group-Oriented Cryptoscheme without Trusted Centers," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 725-729, 1993-05.
  1238. Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C., "An Object-Oriented Similarity Retrieval Algorithm for Iconic Image Database," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 465-470, 1993-05.
  1239. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J., "Master Keys for an M3 Cryptoscheme," Cryptologia, Vol. XVII, No. 2, pp. 175-186, 1993-05.
  1240. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "Optimal MMI File Systems for Orthogonal Range Retrieval," Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 37-54, 1993-05.
  1241. Hwang, M. S., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P., "Modified Chang-Hwang-Wu Access Control Scheme," IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 24, pp. 2095-2096, 1993-05.
  1242. Wu, T. C., Yeh, Y. S. and Chang, C. C., "Algebraic Operations on Encrypted Relational Databases," Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 55-62, 1993-05.
  1243. Chang, C. C. and Wang, C. H., "A Modified Lempel-Ziv-Welch Encoding Scheme," Journal of Computers, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-17, 1993-04. (EI)
  1244. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "A Fast Accessing Scheme to Retrieve Multi-Character Words," Journal of Computers, Vol.5, No. 1, pp. 1-17, 1993-01. (EI)
  1245. Chang, C. C., Lee, W. B., Liao, W. Y. and Jiang, C. H., "An Identity-Based Cryptosystem Suitable for Smart Cards," Journal of Computers, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 7-21, 1993-01. (EI)
  1246. Chang, C. C. and Laih, C. S., "Remote Password Authentication with Smart Cards," IEE Proceedings - Part E, Vol. 139, No. 4, pp. 372-372, 1992-05.
  1247. Chang, C. C. and Lee, H. C., "A Solution to Generalized Group Cryptography," IT SECURITY: The Need for International Security, pp. 265-275, 1992-05.
  1248. Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J. and Wu, T. C., "Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme for Access Control in a Hierarchy," Information Systems, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 243-247, 1992-05.
  1249. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "Retrieving the Most Similar Symbolic Pictures from Pictorial Databases," Information Processing and Management, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 581-588, 1992-05.
  1250. Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "A Conference Key Broadcasting System Using Sealed Locks," Information Systems, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 323-328, 1992-05.
  1251. Chang, C. C., "A Fast Algorithm to Retrieve Symbolic Pictures," International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 43, No. 3-4, pp. 133-138, 1992-05.
  1252. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, S. J., "A Secure Broadcasting Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," International Journal of Control and Computers, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 49-53, 1992-05.
  1253. Chang, C. C., Lin, H. F. and Chen, C. Y., "Optimality Properties of DM Allocation Method for K-ary Multiple Key Hashing Files," The Computer Journal, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 390-394, 1992-05.
  1254. Chou, Y. H., Yang, W. P. and Chang, C. C., "Greedy File - A New Data Organization Concept for Partial Match Retrieval," The Computer Journal, Vol. 35, pp. A403-A408, 1992-05.
  1255. Chang, C. C., Chen, H. Y. and Chen, C. Y., "Symbolic Gray Code as a Data Allocation Scheme for Two-Disk Systems," The Computer Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 299-305, 1992-05.
  1256. Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "A Record-Oriented Cryptosystem for Database Sharing," The Computer Journal, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 658-660, 1992-05.
  1257. Liu, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Buehrer, D. J., "Encoding Chinese Words Using Mandarin Phonetic Symbols," Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 195-204, 1992-05.
  1258. Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C., "On GDM Allocation Method for Partial Range Queries," Information Systems, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 381-394, 1992-05.
  1259. Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "Hierarchy Representations Based on Arithmetic Coding for Dynamic Information Protection Systems," Information Sciences, Vol. 64, No. 1-2, pp. 35-48, 1992-05.
  1260. Chen, J. N. and Chang, C. C., "A Chinese Character Retrieval Scheme Using Shuang Pinyin," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 487-507, 1992-05.
  1261. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "A Look-Ahead Digital Signature Scheme Based upon Linked Lists," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 115-122, 1992-04. (.)
  1262. Chang, C. C. and Chen, Y. W., "Looking up Words in a Compressed Chinese - English Dictionary," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 145-154, 1992-04. (.)
  1263. Chang, C. C., Buehrer, D. J., Hwang, S. J. and Diay, J. Y., "Sharing a Circular Storage for Multiple Stacks Operations," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 115-121, 1992-03. (SCIE)
  1264. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "A Dynamic Access Control Scheme Based upon Ziegler's Row Displacement Method," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 59-68, 1992-02. (。)
  1265. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, W. H., "A Compression Scheme Based upon Lempel-Ziv Method for Chinese Texts," Journal of Computers, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 13-19, 1991-06. (EI)
  1266. Wu, T. C. and Chang, C. C., "A Password Authentication Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 41, No. 3-4, pp. 31-38, 1991-06.
  1267. Chang, C. C. and Lee, S. Y., "Retrieval of Similar Pictures on Pictorial Databases," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 675-680, 1991-06.
  1268. Jan, J. K., Chang, C. C. and Wang, S. J., "A Dynamic Key-Lock-Pair Access Control Scheme," Computers and Security, Vol. 10, pp. 129-139, 1991-06.
  1269. Chang, C. C., Hwang, S. M. and Buehrer, D. J., "A Shape Recognition Scheme Based on Relative Distances of Feature Points from the Centroid," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 1053-1063, 1991-06.
  1270. Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C., Wu, T. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "Password Authentication Using Newton's Interpolation Polynomials," Information Systems, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 97-102, 1991-06.
  1271. Chang, C. C., "A Composite Perfect Hashing Scheme for Large Letter-oriented Key Sets," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 173-186, 1991-06.
  1272. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "A Broadcasting Cryptosystem in Computer Networks Using Interpolating Polynomials," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 185-188, 1991-06.
  1273. Chang, C. C., "Spatial Match Retrieval of Symbolic Pictures," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 405-422, 1991-06.
  1274. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "On the Design of MKH Files for Concurrent Orthogonal Range Retrieval among Two Disks," Information Systems, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 613-625, 1991-06.
  1275. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "A Note on Allocating K-ary Multiple Key Hashing Files Among Multiple Disks," Information Sciences, Vol. 55, No. 1-3, pp. 69-76, 1991-06.
  1276. Chang, C. C., Chen, C. Y. and Jan, J. K., "On the Design of a Machine-Independent Perfect Hashing Scheme," The Computer Journal, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 469-474, 1991-06.
  1277. Jan, J. K., Chang, C. C., Wang, F. S. and Chen, C. P., "A Study of Input Rates for a Chinese Characters Input System," Communications of Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-11, 1991-06.
  1278. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "Remote Password Authentication with Smart Cards," IEE Proceedings - Part E, Vol. 138, No. 3, pp. 165-168, 1991-06.
  1279. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, W. H., "A Data Compression Scheme for Chinese and English Characters," Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 354-362, 1991-06.
  1280. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "A Letter-Oriented Perfect Hashing Scheme Based upon Sparse Table Compression," Software-Practice and Experience, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 35-49, 1991-06.
  1281. Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "An Efficient Access Control Scheme for Files Protection," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 319-324, 1991-05. (SCIE)
  1282. Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. C., "A Module-Oriented Signature Extraction Method to Retrieve Symbolic Pictures," Journal of Computers, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 1-10, 1990-12. (EI)
  1283. Chang, C. C. and Lin, J. F, "A New Approach of Automatic Identification to Chinese Seal Imprints with Square Shape," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 285-292, 1990-10. (.)
  1284. hang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Lin, J. F, "A Chinese Syllables Compression Scheme Based upon Perfect Hashing," Journal of Computers, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 1-17, 1990-09. (EI)
  1285. Chang, C. C. and Lin, J. C., "A Fast Spatial Match Accessing Scheme for Symbolic Pictures," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 129-137, 1990-06. (.)
  1286. Chang, C. C., "A Survey of Key-to-Key User Hierarchic Representation Mechanism," Journal of Information Processing, Japan, invited paper, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 438-441, 1990-06.
  1287. Chang, C. C. and Wu, L. H., "A New Password Authentication Scheme," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, pp. 139-147, 1990-06.
  1288. Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "A Dynamic Access Control Mechanism in Information Protection Systems," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, pp. 25-35, 1990-06.
  1289. Jan, J. K., Chang, C. C. and Wu, L. H., "An Arithmetic Coding Oriented Single Key Access Control Scheme," International Journal of Information and Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 63-75, 1990-06.
  1290. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H., "A Reciprocal Confluence Tree Unit and Its Applications," BIT, Vol. 30, pp. 27-33, 1990-06.
  1291. Chang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Chen, C. P., "The Design of Two Compression Mechanisms for Chinese Textual Files," Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.75-96, 1990-06.
  1292. Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. C., "A New Chinese Characters Retrieval Scheme Based upon Chinese Radical Spatial Relationships," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 93-98, 1990-04. (.)
  1293. Chang, C. C. and Liaw, H. T, "Sharing a Polynomial for Password Authentication," Journal of Computers, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 11-17, 1989-09. (.)
  1294. Chang, C. C., Lin, J. F. and Jan, J. K., "A Chinese Data Compression Scheme," Journal of Computers, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-9, 1989-08. (EI)
  1295. Chang, C. C. and Liaw, H. T., "A New Approach to Assign Cryptographic Keys in a Tree Structure for Access Control," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 185-191, 1989-06. (.)
  1296. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C., "Broadcasting Cryptosystem Based upon Euclidean Geometry," International Journal on Policy and Information, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 179 -186, 1989-06.
  1297. Chang, C. C., Chen, C. Y. and Chang, S. S., "Optimality Properties of Binary Cartesian Product File Systems," International Journal on Policy and Information, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 115-125, 1989-06.
  1298. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. H., "Organizing Distributed Data Base for Parallel Searching," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 215-221, 1989-05. (SCIE)
  1299. Mong, I. H., Chang, C. C. and Chin, Y. H., "Lempel-Ziv-Q Scheme : A New Data Compression Method," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 37-44, 1989-02. (.)
  1300. Chang, C. C. and Liaw, H. T, "A Parallel Approach for Stable Marriage Problem," Journal of Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 167-177, 1988-12. (.)
  1301. Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. S., "The Study of a Secure Broadcasting Network System," Journal of Electrical Engineering,, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 398-403, 1988-12. (.)
  1302. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H., "A Cryptosystem for Secure Broadcasting," Proceedings of National Science Council, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 233-239, 1988-07. (.)
  1303. Chang, C. C., "Toward a Message-Guided Data Base Language," Tunghai Journal, Vol. 29, pp. 713-734, 1988-06. (.)
  1304. Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. C., "A Fast Chinese Characters Accessing Technique Using Mandarin Phonetic Transcriptions," The International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 105-137, 1988-06.
  1305. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "A Recursive Performance Formula of the DM Allocation Method for BCPFs," The Computer Journal, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 565-566, 1988-06.
  1306. Chang, C. C., "Application of Principal Component Analysis to Multi-Disk Concurrent Accessing," BIT, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 205-214, 1988-06.
  1307. Chang, C. C. and Jan, J. K., "An Access Control Scheme for New Users and Files," International Journal on Policy and Information, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 89-98, 1988-06.
  1308. Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. H., "An Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme with Single Parameter," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 79-83, 1988-06.
  1309. Chang, C. C. and Chang, S. S., "Correction to Optimal Cartesian Product Files for Orthogonal Range Queries," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 317-318, 1988-05. (SCIE)
  1310. Jan, J. K. and Chang, C. C., "Addressing for Letter-Oriented Keys," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 279-284, 1988-05. (SCIE)
  1311. Jan, J. K., Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "A High-Speed Chinese Character Retrieving Algorithm Utilizing Phonetic Syllables," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 138-148, 1988-04. (.)
  1312. Chang, C. C. and Chang, S. S., "Optimal Cartesian Product Files for Orthogonal Range Queries," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 727-731, 1987-11. (SCIE)
  1313. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "Performance of Two-disk Partition Data Allocations," BIT, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 306-314, 1987-06.
  1314. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "Performance Analysis of the Generalized Disk Modulo Allocation Method for Multiple Key Hashing Files on Multi-Disk Systems," The Computer Journal, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 535-540, 1987-06.
  1315. Chang, C. C., "An Information Protection Scheme Based upon Number Theory," The Computer Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 249-253, 1987-06.
  1316. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "Some Properties of Cartesian Product Files for Disk Modulo Allocation Method in a Two-disk System," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 151-176, 1987-06.
  1317. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y., "Gray Code as a De-clustering Scheme for Concurrent Disk Retrieval," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 177-188, 1987-06.
  1318. Chang, C. C. and Su, D. H, "Performance Analysis of Multi-Attribute Files Based upon Multiple Key Hashing Functions and Haphazard Files," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 99-105, 1987-01. (SCIE)
  1319. Chang, C. C. and Hung, M. F., "A User Hierarchy Mechanism for Computer System Resources," Journal of Science and Engineering, NCHU, Vol. 22, pp. 183-194, 1986-11. (.)
  1320. Chang, C. C., "Letter Oriented Reciprocal Hashing Scheme," Information Sciences, Vol. 38, pp. 243-255, 1986-06.
  1321. Chang, C. C., "A Scheme for Constructing Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Functions," Information Sciences, Vol. 39, pp. 187-195, 1986-06.
  1322. Chang, C. C., "On the Design of a Key-Lock-Pair Mechanism in Information Protection Systems," BIT, Vol. 26, pp. 410-417, 1986-06.
  1323. Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T., "A Letter Oriented Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme," The Computer Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 277-281, 1986-06.
  1324. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. P., "A Key-Lock-Pair Mechanism Based on Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 383-390, 1986-04. (SCIE)
  1325. Chang, C. C. and Yuan, S. T., "Parallel Algorithms for the Matrix Multiplication Problem and the Transitive Closure Problem," Journal of Science and Engineering, NCHU, Nov. 22, pp. 195-210, 1985-11. (.)
  1326. Chang, C. C. and Liang, J., "Performance Analysis of a K-Nearest Neighbor Searching Technique," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 157-169, 1985-08. (SCIE)
  1327. Chang, C. C. and Shen, J. J., "Performance Analysis of the Disk Modulo Allocation Method for Concurrent Accessing on Multiple Disk Systems," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 271-283, 1985-08. (SCIE)
  1328. Chang, C. C. and Shieh, J. C., "On the Design of Letter Oriented Minimal Perfect Hashing Functions," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 285-297, 1985-01. (SCIE)
  1329. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, W. H, "Performance Analysis of Purely Random Allocation Scheme and Evenly Random Allocation Scheme," Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 1-11, 1985-01. (.)
  1330. Chang, C. C. and Lian L. S., "Toward the Strict Optimality Study of Generalized Disk Modulo Allocation Method," Journal of Science and Engineering, NCHU, vol. 21, pp. 157-172, 1984-11. (.)
  1331. Chang, C. C., "Optimal Information Retrieval when Queries Are Not Random," Information Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 199-223, 1984-06.
  1332. Chang, C. C., "An Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme Based upon Euler's Theorem," Information Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 165-172, 1984-06.
  1333. Chang, C. C., "The Study of an Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme," Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 384-387, 1984-06.
  1334. Chang, C. C., Du, M. W. and Lee, R. C. T., "Performance Analyses of Cartesian Product Files and Random Files," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-10, No. 1, pp. 88-99, 1984-06.
  1335. Chang, C. C., Du, M. W. and Lee, R. C. T., "The Hierarchical Ordering in Multi-attribute Files," Information Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 41-75, 1983-06.
  1336. Chang, C. C., "On Cartesian Product Files," Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 5-23, 1983-04. (SSCI,.)
  1337. Chang, C. C., Lee, R. C. T. and Du, M. W., "Symbolic Gray Code as a Perfect Multi-attribute Hashing Scheme for Partial Match Queries," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-8, No. 3, pp. 235-249, 1982-06.
  1. Yang, S., Leng, L., Feng, Q. and Chang, C. C.,"Reversible Adversarial Example Generation with Automatic Detection of Perturbed Pixel ," The 5rd CSIG Chinese Conference on Media Forensics and Security, ., 2024-10. Shandong .
  2. Liu J. C.and Chang C. C.,"Hiding Information in a Reordered Codebook using Pairwise Adjustments in Codewords ," 2024 5th International Conference on Computer Vision and Computational Intelligence, ., 2024-01. Bankok, Thailand .
  3. Liu, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. C.,"Hiding Information in a Well-Trained Vector Quantization Codebook ," SPML 2023: 2023 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Machine Learnin, ., 2023-07. Tianjin, China .
  4. Zhao, G., Qin, C., Luo, X., Zhang, X. and Chang, C. C.,"Perceptual Robust Hashing for Video Copy Detection with Unsupervised Learning ," ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, ., 2023-06. Chicago, USA .
  5. Kerdvibulvech, C. and Chang, C. C.,"A New Study of Integration Between Social Robotic Systems and the Metaverse for Dealing with Healthcare in the Post-COVID-19 Situations ," ICSR 2022: 14th International Conference on Social Robotics, ., 2022-12. Florence, Italy .
  6. Lee, C. H.*, Sun, K. S., Wang, Y. Q., Horng, J. H. and Chang, C. C.,"Secret Message CDMA Multiplexing via QR Codes ," 2022 3rd Asia Service Sciences and Software Engineering Conference, 。, 2022-02. Macau, China .
  7. Sun, K. S., Horng, J. H. and Chang, C. C.,"Reversible Data Hiding for SMVQ Compressed Images Based on De-Clustering Rules ," 22nd IEEE/ACIS International Fall Virtual Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2021-Fall), ., 2021-11. Taichuang .
  8. Xie, X., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"Reversible Data Hiding Based on Bidirectional Generalized Integer Transform ," SITAIBA2021 (2021 International Conference on Security and Information Technologies with AI, Internet Computing and Big-data Applications, ., 2021-11. Taichung .
  9. Chang, C. C., Horng, J. H. and Chang, J. F.,"High-Payload Data Hiding Scheme Based on Shifting of AC Coefficients for JPEG Images ," 2021 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, ., 2021-10. Taitung .
  10. Yang, G. M., Horng, J. H. and Chang, C. C.,"A 3D Polyhedron Model for Image Steganography ," 30th Cryptology and Information Security Conference (CISC) 2020, ., 2020-05. Taiwan .
  11. Lin, C. C., Tang, R., Chang, C. C. and Lyu, W. L.,"A High-Capacity Data Hiding Method Based on Sudoku Games ," International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2020W), ., 2020-02. Sapporo .
  12. Huang, K., Li, J., Cheng, S., Tian, W., Zhao, L., Hu, J. and Chang, C. C.,"An Efficient Algorithm of Facial Expression Recognition by TSG-RNN Network ," 26th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2020), 161-174, 2020-01. Daejeon, Korea .
  13. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C., Shih, C. S. and Agrawal, S.*,"A Survey of Data Hiding based on Vector Quantization ," The 15th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2019), pp. 1-4, 2019-07. Jilin .
  14. Wu, H. L., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, L. S.,"Secure Authentication Scheme with Conditional Privacy Preservation in a Global Mobility Network ," International Electronics Communication Conference (IECC 2019), pp. 16-20, 2019-07. Okinawa, Japan .
  15. Sun, M., Li, L.*, Zhang, S., Lu, J., Feng, X. and Chang, C. C.,"A Copy Detection Algorithm for Game Character Concept Design Based on Pose Features ," The 1st ACM TURC Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (TURC-AIS 2019), pp. 1-8, 2019-05. China .
  16. Lee, C. F.*, Chang, C. C., Li, G. L. and Agrawal, S.,"A Survey of Data Hiding Schemes Based on AMBTC ," The 11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2019), 1-4, 2019-05. China .
  17. Wu, H. L., Chang, C. C.* and Chen, L. S.,"On the Security of a Secure Anonymous Authentication Protocol for Mobile Services on Elliptic Curve Cryptography ," The 6th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2018), 2018-12. Hong Kong, China .
  18. He, M., Li, L., Yu, J., Lu, J., Zhou, Q., Chang, C. C. and Feng, X.,"Aesthetic QR Code Authentication Based on Directed Periodic Texture Pattern ," 2nd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2018), ., 2018-12. Guilin, China .
  19. Tang, X.*, Zhou, L., Huang, Y. and Chang, C. C.,"Efficient Cross-User Deduplication of Encrypted Data through Re-Encryption ," The 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications (TrustCom 2018), 2018-07. New York, USA .
  20. Zhou, Q., Yu, J, Wang, B., Li, L.*, Zhang, S., Lu. J. and Chang, C. C.,"Multiple Schemes for Bike-share Service Authentication using QR Code and Visual Cryptography ," The 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2018), 2018-06. Haikou, China .
  21. Li, L., Li, X., Qiao, T.*, Zhang, S., Yuan, W and Chang, C. C.,"A Novel Framework of Robust Video Watermarking Based on Statistical Model ," The 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2018), 2018-06. Haikou, China .
  22. Li, J.*, Xu, L., Li, H. and Chang, C. C.,"Parameter Selection for Denoising Algorithms Using NR-IQA with CNN ," The 24th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2018), pp. 381-392, 2018-02. Bangkok, Thailand .
  23. Liu, Y., Chang, C. C.* and Huang, P. C.,"Extended Exploiting-Modification- Direction Data Hiding with High Capacity ," 2017 International Conference on Video and Image Processing (ICVIP 2017), pp. 151-155, 2017-12. Singapore .
  24. Li, J.*, Wang, J., Chang, C. C., Kong, D., Tang, Z. and Luo, Z.,"Face Detection in a Complex Background Using Cascaded Conventional Networks ," 2017 International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2017), pp. 86-97, 2017-12. Hualien, Taiwan .
  25. Li, L., Li, Y., Lu, J.*, Zhang, S., Yuan, W., Yang, Z. and Chang, C. C.,"A New Aesthetic QR Code Algorithm Based on Salient Region Detection and SPBV ," 2017 International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2017), 2017-12. Hualien, Taiwan .
  26. Lee, C. F.*, Chang, C. C., Zeng, Q. F.,"VQ Compression Enhancer with Huffman Coding ," The 11th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2017), 2017-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  27. Li, L., Li, L.*, Zhang, S., Yang, Z., Lu, J. and Chang, C. C.,"Novel Schemes for Bike-share Service Authentication Using Aesthetic QR Code and Color Visual Cryptography ," The 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS2017), 2017-06. Nanjing, China .
  28. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Liu, Y.*,"A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Image Interpolation Based on Reference Matrix ," International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF 2017), 2017-04. The University of Warwick, UK .
  29. Chang, C. C., Yang, J. H. and Lai, Y. W. and Liu, Y.*,"An Offline User-Verifiable Electronic Traveler's Check System ," International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF 2017), 2017-04. The University of Warwick, UK .
  30. Xie, X. Z.* and Chang, C. C.,"Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Reformed JPEG Compression ," International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF 2017), 2017-04. The University of Warwick, UK .
  31. Chang, C. C., Lin, I. C., Su, Y. W, and Liu, Y.*,"A Digital Gift Certificate Scheme with Conditional Anonymity ," The International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICMSS 2017), pp. 139-144, 2017-01. Wuhan, China .
  32. Di, Y. F., Wang, Z. H., Lee, C. F.* and Chang, C. C.,"The Reduction of VQ Index Table Size by Matching Side Pixels ," The Twelfth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 203-210, 2016-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  33. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S., Lo, Y. Y. and Liu, Y.*,"A Secure Authentication Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems ," The Twelfth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 303-312, 2016-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  34. Liu, Y.*, Chang, C. C. and Chien, T. Y.,"A Revisit to LSB Substitution Based Data Hiding for Embedding More Information ," The Twelfth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 11-19, 2016-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  35. Chang, C. C., Chang, J. C., Chou, Y. H. and Wu, H. L.*,"A High Embedding Capacity Data Hiding Scheme Based upon Permutation Vectors ," The 15th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2016), 2016-09. Beijing, China .
  36. Peng, X., Lu, J., Li, L.*, Chang, C. C. and Zhou, Q.,"A New Card Authentication Scheme Based Image Watermarking and Encryption ," The 15th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2016), 2016-09. Beijing, China .
  37. Li, L., Chang, C. C., Bharanitharan, K. and Liu, Y.*,"A Novel Reversible Ternary Embedding Algorithm Based on Modified Full Context Prediction Errors ," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2016), pp. 529-533, 2016-08. Beijing, China .
  38. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C., Lee, J. J. and Wu, Y. H.,"A Survey of Reversible Data Hiding Schemes Based on Pixel Value Ordering ," 2016 Nicograph International (NicoInt), 68-74, 2016-07. Hangzhou .
  39. Mao, K., Lee, C. F.*, Chang, C. C. and Shi, R. H.,"The Study of Reversible Data Hiding Schemes Based on Difference Expansions ," The 26th Cryptology and Information Security Conference (CISC 2016), 2016-05. Taichung, Taiwan .
  40. Li, J., Wu, N. Wang, Z.*, Du, J., Fu, X. and Chang, C. C.,"Enhancement of the Quality of Images Based on Multiple Threshold Segmentation and Adaptive Gamma Correction ," The Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2015), pp. 93-96, 2015-09. Adelaide, Australia .
  41. Li, J., Meng, L. Wang, Z.*, Du, J., Fu, X. and Chang, C. C.,"A Modified IMM-CSRF Algorithm for Passive Tracking of Maneuvering Targets ," The Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2015), pp. 89-92, 2015-09. Adelaide, Australia .
  42. Bai, J., Chang, C. C. and Zhu, C.*,"A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Ordered Cluster-based VQ Index Tables for Complex Images ," 2015 8th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG 2015), pp. 415-422, 2015-08. Tianjin, China .
  43. Chang, C. C.*, Huang, Y. H., and Chang, W. C.,"Reversible Data Hiding for VQ Indices Using XOR Operation and SOC codes ," International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2015), pp. 340-345, 2015-07. Guangzhou, China .
  44. Chang, C. C., Lin, I. C.*, and Chi, Y. L.,"Secure Electronic Coupons ," The 10th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2015), pp. 104-109, 2015-05. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  45. Chang, C. C., Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C.*,"Constructing a Virtual Primary Key for Watermarking Textual Relational Databases ," 2014 International Computer Symposium, 2014-12. Taichung, Taiwan .
  46. Lu, J., Huang, Q., Wang, M., Li, L.*, Dai, J and Chang, C. C.,"Zero-watermarking Based on Improved ORB Features Against Print-cam Attack ," The 13th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2014), pp. 187-198, 2014-10. Taipei, Taiwan .
  47. Chang, C. C.*, Nguyen, T. S. and Lin, C. C.,"A Blind Robust Reversible Watermark Scheme for Textual Relational Databases with Virtual Primary Key ," The 13th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2014), pp. 75-89, 2014-10. Taipei, Taiwan .
  48. Chang, C. C.* and Wu, H. L.,"A Large Payload Information Hiding Scheme Using Two-Level Exploiting Modification Direction ," The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2014), pp. 512-515, 2014-08. Kitakyushu, Japan .
  49. Chang, C. C.*, Chen, W. Y. and Cheng, T. F.,"A Secure RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol Conforming to EPC Class 1 Generation 2 Standard ," The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2014), pp. 642-645, 2014-08. Kitakyushu, Japan .
  50. Chang, C. C.*, Wu, H. L. and Chung, T. F.,"Applying Histogram Modification to Embed Secret Message in AMBTC ," The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2014), pp. 489-492, 2014-08. Kitakyushu, Japan .
  51. Chang, C. C.* and Sun, C. Y.,"Polynomial-based Secret Sharing Scheme Based on the Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Technique ," The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2014), pp. 485-488, 2014-08. Kitakyushu, Japan .
  52. Chang, C. C.*, Lyu, W. L. and Lin, C. C.,"A High-Capacity Reversible Secret Sharing Scheme Using Two Steganographic Images ," The 2013 National Computer Symposium, pp. DAPP213-DAPP218, 2013-12. Taichung .
  53. Chang, C. C.*, Lu, T. C., Horng, G., Huang, Y. H. and Hsu, Y. M.,"A High Payload Data Embedding Scheme Using Dual Stego-images with Reversibility ," The 9th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), pp. 1-5, 2013-12. Tainan, Taiwan .
  54. Lee, C. F.*, Chang, C. C. and Gao, C. Y.,"A Two-staged Multi-level Reversible Data Hiding Exploiting Lagrange Interpolation ," 2013 the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2013), pp.485-488, 2013-10. Beijing, China .
  55. Fan, L.*, Gao, T. and Chang, C. C.,"Mathematical Analysis of Extended Matrix Coding for Steganography ," 2013 International Conference on Sensor Network Security Technology and Privacy Communcation System (SNS&PCS 2013), pp. 157-160, 2013-05. Harbin, China .
  56. Lin, C. C., Wu, C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Fair Hash Chain-based On-line Application Services Granting Scheme for Cloud Computing Environment ," The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications(ISDEA 2013), pp. 54-57, 2013-01. HongKong, China .
  57. Chang, C. C., Wu, C. C. and Lin, I. C.,"A UMTS Enhanced Cocktail Protocol ," IASTED International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, pp. 1-8, 2012-12. Sri Lanka .
  58. Wang, Z. H., Lin, T. Y., Chang, C. C.* and Lin, C. C.,"A Novel Distortion-free Data Hiding Scheme for High Dynamic Range Images ," The 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH2012), pp. 33-38, 2012-11. Guangzhou, China .
  59. Chang, C. C., Tu, H. N., and Lin, C. C.,"Strong Tamper-Localization, Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Exploiting Modification Direction ," Proceedings of The 7th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2012), pp. 10-16, 2012-08. Tokyo, Japan .
  60. Chang, C. C., Le, H. D., and Chang, C. H.,"Mobile Friendly and Highly Efficient Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Featuring Untraceability ," Proceedings of The 7th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2012), pp. 38-43, 2012-08. Tokyo, Japan .
  61. Chang, C. C., Wang, S. T. and Chen, K. N.,"A Progressive Digital Image Recovery Scheme Based on EMD Data Embedding Method ," Proceedings of 2011 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, pp. 864-868, 2011-11. Taichung, Taiwan .
  62. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Huang, Y. H.,"Low Computational Color Secret Sharing Schemes with High Shares Quality Color Secret Sharing ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2011), pp. 157-160, 2011-10. Dalian, China .
  63. Chang, C. C., Le, H. D., Lee, C. Y. and Chang, C. H.,"A Robust and Efficient Smart Card Oriented Remote User Authentication Protocol ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2011), pp. 252-255, 2011-10. Dalian, China .
  64. Guo, C. and Chang, C. C.,"General Threshold Signature based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2011), pp. 244-247, 2011-10. Dalian, China .
  65. Chang, C. C., Yang, J. H. and Lin, S. Y.,"An Efficient Mutual Authentication with Key Agreement Protocol for Mobile Devices ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2011), pp. 145-148, 2011-10. Dalian, China .
  66. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Pizzolatti, M. S.,"A New Reversible Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Multi-Level Encoding ," Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Computing and Information Services (ICICIS 2011), pp. 607-612, 2011-09. Hong Kong, China .
  67. Yue, S., Wang, Z. H., Chang. C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Li, M. C.,"Image Data Hiding Schemes Based on Graph Coloring ," Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2011), Vol. 6905, pp. 476-489, 2011-09. Banff, Canada .
  68. Yang, J. H., Chang, C. C. and Wang, C. H.,"An Efficient V-Fairness (t, n) Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme ," Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2011), pp. 180-183, 2011-08. Kinmen, Taiwan .
  69. Lee, C. F., Liu, C. M., Wang, X. T. and Chang, C. C.,"Adaptive Data Hiding Based on Exploiting Modification Direction with High Embedding Capacity ," Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2011), pp. 38, 2011-05. Taichung, Taiwan .
  70. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C. and Tsou, P. L.,"Data Hiding Scheme with High Embedding Capacity and Good Visual Image Quality Based on Edge Detection ," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2010), pp. 654-657, 2010-12. Shenzhen, China .
  71. Li, B., Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S.,"Providing Anonymous Channels and Mutual Authentication for Mobile Communications ," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2010), pp. 618-621, 2010-12. Shenzhen, China .
  72. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Hsieh, M. H.,"A Robust Public Watermarking Scheme Based on DWT ," The Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), pp. 21-26, 2010-10. Darmstadt, Germany .
  73. Chen, K. N., Chang, C. C. and Lin, H. C.,"A Large Payload EMD Embedding Scheme with High Stego-image Quality ," 2010 the International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2010), pp. 126-130, 2010-09. Taiyuan, China .
  74. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Wang, Z. H.,"Hiding Secret Information in Modified Locally Adaptive Data Compression Code ," Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII 2010), ., 2010-09. dalian .
  75. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Kieu, T. D.,,"Embedding Data and Sharing Original Image in Two Stego Images Using Sudoku ," 2010 the IET International Conference on Frontier Computing, pp. 163-168, 2010-08. Taichung, Taiwan .
  76. Chen, C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"High-capacity Reversible Data-hiding for LZW Codes ," the 2nd International Conference on Computer modeling and simulation (ICCMS 2010), Vol. 1, pp. 3-8, 2010-01. Sanya, China .
  77. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C.,"A Technique of Embedding Digital Data in an Image Compression Code Reversibly ," the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC 2010), 79-84, 2010-01. SKKU, Suwon, Korea .
  78. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. Y.,"A Reversible and Multiple-layer Embedding Strategy with High Capacity ," the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC 2010), 354-358, 2010-01. SKKU, Suwon, Korea .
  79. Chang, C.C., Wang, Z. H. and Yin, Z. X.,"An Ingenious Data Hiding Scheme for Color Retinal Images ," the 2nd International Symposium Computer Science and Computational Technology (ISCSCT 2009), pp. 1-6, 2009-12. Huangshan, China .
  80. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. F., Chen, K. N. and Liu, T. C.,"A High Quality Steganographic Scheme for ROI Images ," the 2009 International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2009), pp. 3-9, 2009-12. Jeju Island, South Korea .
  81. Chang, C. C., Wu, C. C. and Lin, I. C.,"A Data Hiding Method for Text Documents Using Multiple-Base Encoding ," 2009 International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (ICTMF 2009), pp. 101-109, 2009-12. Sanya, China .
  82. Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H. and Li, M. C.,"High Payload Reversible Data Embedding Scheme Suitable for VQ Compressed Smooth Images Using Index Lookup ," The Second International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems (MPIS 2009), pp. 430-433, 2009-12. Jeju island, Korea .
  83. Chang, C. C.*, Lin, C. C. and Wang, H. C.,"A Novel Watermarking Scheme for Halftone Images ," The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA 2009), pp. 10-12, 2009-12. .
  84. Wang, Z. H., Kieu, T. D., Chang, C. C. and Li, M. C.,"Emoticon-based Text Steganography in Chat ," the Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (PACIIA 2009), Vol. 2, pp. 457-460, 2009-11. Wuhan, China .
  85. Chang, C. C., Wang, Z. H. and Yin, Z. X.,"A Simple and Efficient Edge Detection Method ," 2009 Third Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2009), Vol. III, pp. 545-548, 2009-11. Nanchang, China .
  86. Chang, C. C., Wang, Z. H., Chen, Y. H. and Li, M. C.,"A Wet Image Data Hiding Scheme Based on Coordinate Modifications ," 2009 Third Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2009), Vol. III, pp. 541-544, 2009-11. Nanchang, China .
  87. Li, L., Xu, H.. H. and Chang, C. C.,"A Watermark Extraction Model to Enhance the Correlation of Digimarc Plug-ins in Photoshop ," the 2009 International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES 2009), Vol. 2, pp. 154-158, 2009-11. Wuhan, China .
  88. Wang, Z. H., Li, M. C. and Chang, C. C.,"An Improvement of Proxy Certificate Chain Authentication Scheme Based on Proxy Certificate Trust List ," Workshop of Consumer Electronics (WCE 2009), pp. 191-197, 2009-11. Taichung, Taiwan .
  89. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C.,"Hiding Information in VQ Index Tables with Reversibility ," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Information Systems and Applications, pp. 1-6, 2009-10. Qingdao, China .
  90. Chang, C. C., Lin, S. Y. and Yang, J. H.,"Efficient User Authentication and Key Establishment Protocols with Perfect Forward Secrecy for Mobile Devices ," The IEEE 9th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2009), pp. 131-135, 2009-10. Xiamen, China .
  91. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Hsieh, M. H.,"A Simple and Efficient Data Hiding Scheme Suitable for Low Power Computation Environments ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 624-627, 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan .
  92. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C.,"Reversible Steganography for VQ Indices Using the Modified State Codebook ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 320-323, 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan .
  93. Lai, Y. W., Chang, C. C. and Chang, S. C.,"Novel Efficient Electronic Voting Mechanism Based upon Elliptic Curve ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 898-901, 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan .
  94. Kieu, T. D., Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Li, M. C.,"Sharing Secrets and Reversibly Reconstructing the Cover Image Using Two Meaningful Shadows ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 324-327, 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan .
  95. Chen, K. N., Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C. and Lin, H. C.,"Embedding Secret Messages Using Modified Huffman Coding ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 278-281, 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan .
  96. Lin, C. N., Chang, C. C., Lee, W. B. and Lin, J.,"A Novel Secure Data Hiding Scheme Using a Secret Reference Matrix ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 369-373, 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan .
  97. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C., Pai, P. Y. and Chen, Y. C.,"A Novel Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Method Based on Line Operator and Edge Detector ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 299-302, 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan .
  98. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. Y., and Lee, W. B.,"Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Secure Authentication Scheme with Anonymity for Wireless Communications ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan .
  99. Yin, Z. X., Chang, C. C., and Zhang, Y. P.,"A High Embedding Efficiency Steganography Scheme for Wet Paper Codes ," The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2009), Vol. 2, pp. 611-614, 2009-08. Xi'an, China .
  100. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. C. and Lin, C. C.,"A Resistant Secret Sharing Scheme ," The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2009), Vol. 1, pp. 61-64, 2009-08. Xi'an, China .
  101. Lee, C. F., Chen, K. N., Chang, C. C. and Tsai, M. C.,"A Block Feature Correlation Based Image Watermarking for Tamper Detection Using Linear Equation ," Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2009), vol. 2, pp. 615-618, 2009-08. xi'an .
  102. Chang, C. C., Lin, P. Y. and Lee, J. S.,"A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding ," the Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent System (HIS 2009), Vol.1, pp. 228-233, 2009-08. Shenyang, China .
  103. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P.,"An Enhancement of JPEG Still Image Compression with Adaptive Linear Regression and Golomb-Rice Coding ," the Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent System (HIS 2009), Vol.1, pp. 35-40, 2009-08. Shenyang, China .
  104. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C. and Liu, T. C.,"A VSS Scheme of Image Size Invariant for Vertical Edge Enhancement ," the Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent System (HIS 2009), Vol.1, pp. 13-16, 2009-08. Shenyang, China .
  105. Wang, Z. H., Li, M. C., Chen, M. H. and Chang, C. C.,"A New Intelligent Authorization Agent Model in Grid ," the Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent System (HIS 2009), Vol.1, pp. 394-398, 2009-08. Shenyang, China .
  106. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C.,"A Quadratic-residue-based Fragile Watermarking Scheme ," 2009 Second ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management(CCCM 2009), Vol. I, pp. 512-515, 2009-08. Sanya, China .
  107. Chang, C. C., Kieu, T. D., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C.,"An Image Authentication Scheme Using Magic Square ," the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology 2009 (ICCSIT 2009), Vol. II, pp. 1-4, 2009-08. Beijing, China .
  108. Lu, T. C., Liao, S. R., Chen, P. L., Chang, C. C. and Wang, Z. H.,"Information Hiding Technology Based on Block-Sigmentation Strategy ," 2009 Second ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management(CCCM 2009), Vol. I, pp. 500-506, 2009-08. Sanya, China .
  109. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C.,"A Reversible Data Embedding Scheme Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem for VQ Index Tables ," 2009 Second ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management(CCCM 2009), Vol. I, pp. 516-518, 2009-08. Sanya, China .
  110. Chang, C. C., Kieu, T. D., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C.,"A Steganographic Scheme for Reversible Information Hiding with Good Visual Quality Suitable for Small Embedded Data ," 2009 Second ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management(CCCM 2009), Vol. I, pp. 507-511, 2009-08. Sanya, China .
  111. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. C. and Lin, C. C.,"A New Classification Mechanism for Retinal Images ," the International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science (ITCS 2009), Vol. II, pp. 586-592, 2009-07. Kiev, Ukraine .
  112. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H., Wang, Z. H. and Li, M. C.,"A Data Embedding Scheme Based on a Magic Matrix and Wet Paper Codes ," 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing (CINC 2009), Vol. II, pp. 303-306, 2009-06. Wuhan, China .
  113. Chang, C. C., Lin, P. Y. and Chan, C. S.,"Secret Image Sharing with Reversible Steganography ," 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing (CINC 2009), Vol. II, pp. 253-256, 2009-06. Wuhan, China .
  114. Chang, C. C., Kieu, T. D. and Chou, Y. C.,"Information Hiding in Dual Images with Reversibility ," the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2009), pp. 145-152, 2009-06. Qingdao, China .
  115. Chang, C. C. and Tseng, H. W.,"Data Hiding in Images by Hybrid LSB Substitution ," the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2009), pp. 360-363, 2009-06. Qingdao, China .
  116. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C., and Lin, C. C.,"A Steganographic Scheme Based on Wet Paper Codes Suitable for Uniformly Distributed Wet Pixels ," The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2009), pp. 501-504, 2009-05. Taipei, Taiwan .
  117. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N., Lee, C. F. and Wang, Z. H.,"Hiding Information in Region-based Wet Images ," International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security (ISECS 2009), Vol. 1, pp. 189-194, 2009-05. Nanchang, China .
  118. Chang, C. C., Wang, Z. H., Chen, Y. H. and Li, M. C.,"A Novel Reversible Data Embedding Scheme Using Dissimilar Pairing for Palette-based Images ," Intelligent Ubiquitous Computing and Education (IUCE 2009), pp. 569-572, 2009-05. Chengdu, China .
  119. Chan, C. W., Chang, C. C.and Wang, Z. H.,"Cheating Resistance for Secret Sharing ," the International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009), Vol. 2, pp. 840-846, 2009-04. Wuhan, China .
  120. Xiong, N., Jia, X., Yang, Y. R., Vasilakos, A. V., Pan, Y., Chang, C. C., Li, Y.,"Design of a Distributed Flow Control Scheme based on Wireless Multi-rate Multicast Networks ," the 28th Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2009), pp. 1-6, 2009-04. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .
  121. Chen, K. N., Lee, C. F. and Chang, C. C.,"Embedding Secret Messages Based on Chaotic Map and Huffman Coding ," the 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC 2009), 336-341, 2009-01. SKKU, Suwon, Korea .
  122. Lee, C. F., Wang, K. H., Chang, C. C. and Huang, Y. L.,"A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Dual Steganographic Images ," the 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC 2009), 228-237, 2009-01. SKKU, Suwon, Korea .
  123. Chen, C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"Full-Searching-Equivalent Vector Quantization Method Using Orthogonal Projection ," the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2008), pp. 65-69, 2008-12. Shanghai, China .
  124. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y. and Yeh, J. C.,"A Novel Lossy Image Compression Scheme Based on Hilbert Curve and VQ Suitable for Fast Window Query ," the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2008), pp. 341-345, 2008-12. Shanghai, China .
  125. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C. and Wang, Y. Z.,"VQ-Based Oriented Image Tamper Proofing Schemes for Digital Grayscale Images ," the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2008), pp. 1000-1004, 2008-12. Shanghai, China .
  126. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, C. P. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"An Adaptive Median Filter for Image Denoising ," the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2008), pp. 346-350, 2008-12. Shanghai, China .
  127. Chang, C. C., Li, C. F. and Hu, Y. C.,"Code Transformation Algorithms for Two Breadth-First Linear Quadtrees ," International Workshop on Education Technology and Training (ETT) and Geoscience and Remote Sensing (GRS), Vol. 1, pp. 799-802, 2008-12. Shanghai, China .
  128. Yu, Y. H. and Chang, C. C.,"A High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Annotation ," the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2008), pp. 940-944, 2008-12. Shanghai, China .
  129. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Chen, K. N.,"Lossless Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification for Image Authentication ," the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing(EUC 2008), pp. 506-511, 2008-12. Shanghai, China .
  130. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. F. and Wang, Y. R.,"An Improved EMD Embedding Scheme Based on Secret Image Difference ," the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing(EUC 2008), pp. 139-135, 2008-12. Shanghai, China .
  131. Chang, C. C. and Chou, H.,"A New Public-key Oblivious Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication Using Discrete Cosine Transform ," the 2008 International Symposium on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (SIP 2008), pp. 11-14, 2008-12. Hainan Island, China .
  132. Chang, C. C., Wang, Y. Z. and Chan, C. S.,"An Efficient Probability-based t out of n Secret Image Sharing Scheme ," the 2008 International Symposium on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (SIP 2008), pp. 121-124, 2008-12. Hainan Island, China .
  133. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P.,"Efficient t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Schemes ," the 2008 International Conference on Security Technology (SecTech 2008), pp. 3-6, 2008-12. Hainan Island, China .
  134. Chang, C. C., Yu, Y. H. and Hu, Y. C.,"Hiding Secret Data into an AMBTC-Compressed Image Using Genetic Algorithm ," Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Network Symposia (FGCNS 2008), Vol. 3, pp. 154-157, 2008-12. Hainan Island, China .
  135. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. C. and Hu, Y. C.,"Content-Based Color Image Retrieval System Using Color Difference Features ," Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Network Symposia (FGCNS 2008), Vol 3, pp. 181-184., 2008-12. Hainan Island, China, .
  136. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C.,"Schemes for Digital Signing Key Sharing ," the 2008 International Conference on Security Technology (SecTech 2008), pp. 17-22, 2008-12. Hainan Island, China .
  137. Chang, C. C., Wu, Y. C. and Chang, S. C.,"A Novel E-mail Protocol Using Three-Party Password-Authenticated Key Exchange ," 2008 International Conference on Security Technology, pp. 150-154, 2008-12. Hainan Island, China .
  138. Lee, C. F., Chuang, L. Y. and Chang, C. C.,"Hiding Information Employing Reduplicating Embedding ," the 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2008), pp. 825-828, 2008-12. Yilan, Taiwan .
  139. Chen, C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"Reversibly Sharing and Hiding Secret Using Expansion Strategy ," the IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems 2008, pp. 1588-1591, 2008-12. Macao, China .
  140. Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S.,"Security Enhancement of Ku-Wang Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol ," the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2008), pp. 467-471, 2008-11. Kaohsiung City, Taiwan .
  141. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C.,"Cryptanalysis of ID-Based Digital Signature Scheme on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem ," the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2008), pp. 3-5, 2008-11. Kaohsiung City, Taiwan .
  142. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. N. and Lee, C. F.,"A Restricted Region-based Data-hiding Scheme ," the 11th International Conference on Communication Technologies 2008, 2008-11. Hangzhou, China .
  143. Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. C.,"A Novel Oblivious Transfer Protocol Using an Asymmetric Cryptosystem ," the 1st International Workshop Information Technology and Security (WITS 2008), pp. 75-78, 2008-10. Shanghai, China .
  144. Chang, C. C., Tsai, H. C. and Lin, S. Y.,"A Token Free Password Authentication Scheme with Multiple Key Agreements ," the Third International Conference on Communications and Networking (ChinaCom 2008), pp. 1143-1150, 2008-08. Hangzhou, China .
  145. Yeh, J. S., Yang, S. R., Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. H.,"Assigning Keys in a Hierarchy ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1363-1366, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  146. Lin, I. C., Chang, C. C. and Yang, J. H.,"An Efficient Proxy Signature for Realizing Generalized Proxy Signature Policy ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1537-1540, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  147. Li, J., Lee, J. S. and Chang, C. C.,"Preserving PHI in Compliance with HIPAA Privacy/Security Regulations Using Cryptographic Techniques ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1545-1548, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  148. Lee, C. F., Chang, C. C., and Wang, K. H.,"Hiding Data in VQ-compressed Images Using Pairwise Nearest Codewords based on Minimum Spanning Tree ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1293-1296, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  149. Pai, P. Y., Lee, C. F., Huang, W. H., and Chang, C. C.,"An Effective Demosaicking and Zooming Algorithm for CFA Images ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1150-1153, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  150. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C., Le, T. H. N., and Le, H. B.,"A New Probabilistic Visual Secret Sharing Scheme for Color Images ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1305-1308, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  151. Chuang, J. C. and Chang, C. C.,"An Image Authentication Scheme for Halftone Images Based upon Error Diffusion ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1297-1300, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  152. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C.,"Aryabhata Remainder Theorem for Moduli with Common Factors and Its Application in Information Protection Systems ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1379-1382, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  153. Chang, C. C. and Chang, S. C.,"An Improved Authentication Key Agreement Protocol Based on Elliptic Curve for Wireless Mobile Networks ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1375-1378, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  154. Lin, I. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Novel Digital Signature Scheme for Application of Document Review in a Linearly Hierarchical Organization ," the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP 2008), pp. 1367-1370, 2008-08. Harbin, China .
  155. Chang, C. C., Kieu, T. D. and Chou, Y. C.,"A High Payload Steganographic Scheme Based on (7, 4) Hamming Code for Digital Images ," International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security (ISECS 2008), pp. 16-21, 2008-08. Guangzhou, China .
  156. Chang, C. C., Zhang, X. and Wang, S.,"Generalized Running Coding for Efficient Data Hiding ," International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP 2008), pp. 490-494, 2008-07. Shanghai, China .
  157. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C., and Kieu, T. D.,"An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku ," the Third International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2008), 17-1--17-5, 2008-06. Dalian, China .
  158. Chang , C. C., Kieu, T. D., and Chou, Y. C.,"Using Nearest Covering Codes to Embed Secret Information in Grayscale Images ," the Second International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC 2008), pp. 315-320, 2008-01. Suwon, Korea .
  159. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S. and Cheng, T. F.,"Security Design for Three-Party Encrypted Key Exchange Protocol Using Smart Cards ," the Second International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC 2008), pp. 329-333, 2008-01. Suwon, Korea .
  160. Lee, C. F., Wang, Y. R., and Chang , C. C.,"An Adaptive EMD Embedding Method by Condensing Secret Messages ," the Second International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC 2008), pp. 390-395, 2008-01. Suwon, Korea .
  161. Yu, Y. H., Chang, C. C., and Hu, Y. C.,"Improved JPEG Scheme Based on Adaptive Block Encoding ," the Third International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based System (SITIS' 2007), pp. 645-651, 2007-12. Shanghai Jiaotong University, China .
  162. Chang, C. C., Yu, T. X. and Yen, H. Y.,"Paper Currency Verification with Support Vector Machines ," the Third International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based System (SITIS' 2007), pp. 860-865, 2007-12. Shanghai Jiaotong University, China .
  163. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Lin, C. C.,"A New Image Compression Scheme Based on Locally Adaptive Coding ," the Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 2007, pp. 14-21, 2007-12. Taichung, Taiwan .
  164. Wang, C. C., Chang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Lin, I. C.,"A Flexible Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Binary Images with Reversibility ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 1, pp. 501-504, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  165. Lee, C. F., Wang, Y. R. and Chang, C. C.,"A Steganographic Method with High Embedding Capacity by Improving Exploiting Modification Direction ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 1, pp. 497-500, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  166. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. C.,"Secret Image Sharing Using Quadratic Residues ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 1, pp. 515-518, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  167. Lin, C. N. and Chang, C. C.,"A Best-pair-first Capacity-distortion Control for Data Hiding on VQ Compression Domain ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 1, pp. 509-514, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  168. Chang, C. C. and Chou, Y. C.,"High Payload Data Embedding with Hybrid Strategy ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 1, pp. 505-508, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  169. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. F. and Chuang, L. Y.,"Using Dynamic Programming Strategy to Find an Optimal Solution to Exploiting Modification Direction Embedding Method ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 1, pp. 489-492, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  170. Chang, C. C. and Kieu, T. D.,"Reversible Data Embedding for Vector Quantization Indices ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 1, pp. 481-484, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  171. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L., and Chen, K. N.,"Improvements of EMD Embedding for Large Payloads ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 1, pp. 473-476, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  172. Chang, C. C. and Kieu, T. D.,"Secret Sharing and Information Hiding by Shadow Images ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 2, pp. 457-460, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  173. Wu, M. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"Brain Tumor Detection Using Color-Based K-Means Clustering Segmentation ," the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIHMSP07), Vol. 2, pp. 245-248, 2007-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  174. Chang, C. C., Tsai, H. C. and Chang, P. Y.,"A Collaborative Conference Key Agreement Scheme Using an Intermediary Node ," International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT'07), pp. 54-59, 2007-11. Gyeongju, Korea .
  175. Chang, C. C., Kieu, T. D. and Chou, Y. C.,"Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Two Steganographic Images ," the IEEE TENCON 2007, pp. 1-4, 2007-10. Taipei, Taiwan .
  176. Chang, C. C. and Lin, S. Y,"An Improvement on Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme ," the 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (IPC-07), pp. 3-6, 2007-10. Jeju Island, Korea .
  177. Chang, C. C. and Lin, P. Y.,"Significance-Preserving Codebook Using Generic Algorithm ," the 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'07), (J. Lei, J. Yu and S. Zhou Eds.), IEEE Press, Vol. 3, pp. 660-664, 2007-08. Hainan, China .
  178. Hung, K. L.and Chang, C. C.,"Recoverable Tamper Proofing Technique for Image Authentication Using Irregular Sampling Coding ," The 4th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-07), pp. 333-343, 2007-07. Hong Kong .
  179. Chang, C. C., Su, Y. W. and Lin, I. C.,"A Broadcast-Encryption-Based Key Management Scheme for Dynamic Multicast Communications ," The Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems(INFOSCALE 2007), pp. 496-497, 2007-06. Suzhou, China .
  180. Chang, K. J. and Chang, C. C.,"An E-Mail Signature Protocol for Anti-Spam ," The Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems, pp. 498-499, 2007-06. Suzhou, China .
  181. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C.,"An Efficient Key-Lock-Pair Mechanism Based on Division Algorithm ," the 1st International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE), pp. 982-986, 2007-04. Seoul, Korea .
  182. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H. and Lin, C. C.,"Hiding Secret Information in a Color Palette Image with Hybrid Strategies ," the First International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, pp. 129-138, 2007-02. Seoul, Korea .
  183. Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"An Image Hiding Scheme Based on Du's Disk Allocation Method ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2006), pp. 617-620, 2006-12. Pasadena, California, USA .
  184. Wang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Chang, C. C.,"A Novel Steganography with Row-Major Mapping Relation ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2006), pp. 392-395, 2006-12. Pasadena, California, USA .
  185. Chang, C. C. and Chou, Y. C.,"Quantization Index Modulation Using Vector Quantization with DWT Based State-Codebook Search ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2006), pp. 549-552, 2006-12. Pasadena, California, USA .
  186. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Shen, J. J.,"A Novel Image Compression Algorithm Based on Sixteen Most Lately Used Encoded Codewords ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2006), pp. 545-548, 2006-12. Pasadena, California, USA .
  187. Chang, C. C. and Chuang, J. C.,"Progressive Image Transmission Using Significant Features and Linear Regression Prediction ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2006), pp. 681-684, 2006-12. Pasadena, California, USA .
  188. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Shen, J. J.,"A Heuristic Method for Extracting Enhanced Watermarks from Digital Images ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2006), pp. 453-456, 2006-12. Pasadena, California, USA .
  189. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H. and Li, K. M.,"Improved SMVQ scheme with edge-directed prediction ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2006), pp. 541-544, 2006-12. Pasadena, California, USA .
  190. Chang, C. C., Chang, S. C. and Lee, J. S.,"Improvement on Yang et al.'s Authentication Scheme without Exponential Operations ," International Workshop on Security Engineering and Information Technology on High Performance Network 2006(SIT06), pp. SIT8:1-8, 2006-11. Cheju Island, Korea .
  191. Chang, C. C., Chang, K. J. and Yang, J. H.,"An Efficient Identity Management Protocol for 3G Mobile Networks ," International Workshop on Security Engineering and Information Technology on High Performance Network 2006(SIT06), pp. SIT15:1-8, 2006-11. Cheju Island, Korea .
  192. Yang, J. H. Chang, C. C. and Wang, C. H.,"An Efficient Key Establishment Scheme Using One-Way Function Tree for Sensor Networks ," Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop for Applied PKC (IWAP'06), pp. 31-46, 2006-11. China .
  193. Hwang, H. F. and Chang, C. C.,"An Untraceable Electronic Cash System Using Fair Blind Signatures ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2006), pp. 39-46, 2006-10. Shanghai, China .
  194. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C.,"A New Scheme for the Electronic Coins ," the 2006 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2006), pp. 339-342, 2006-10. Shanghai, China .
  195. Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C.,"A Bandwidth Efficiency of the Locally Adaptive Compression Method for Hiding Secret Messages ," The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics (JCCSI), 1065-1068, 2006-10. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  196. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C.,"Comments on Abe et al.'s Signer-ambiguous Signature Scheme from Variety of Keys ," The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics (JCCSI),, pp. 678-681, 2006-10. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  197. Wu, H. C., Lin, H. C. and Chang, C. C.,"Reversible Palette Image Steganography Based on De-clustering and Predictive Coding ," The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics (JCCSI), pp. 705-708, 2006-10. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  198. Wu, H. C., Chang, C. C. and Yu, T. W.,"A DCT-based Recoverable Image Authentication Technique ," The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics (JCCSI), pp. 701-704, 2006-10. Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
  199. Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C.,"A Wavelet-based Progressive Digital Image Transmission Scheme ," the 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006), Vol. 2, pp. 681-684, 2006-08. Beijing, China .
  200. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Lin, C. C.,"A Multipurpose Wavelet-based Image Watermarking ," the 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006), Vol. 3, pp. 70-73, 2006-08. Beijing, China .
  201. Wu, M. N., Lin C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Fast Wavelet-Based Image Progressive Transmission Method based on Vector Quantization ," the 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006), Vol. 2, pp. 677-680, 2006-08. Beijing, China .
  202. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Shen, J. J.,"A Discrete Wavelet Transform Based State-codebook Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization ," the 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006), Vol. 1, pp. 197-200, 2006-08. Beijing, China .
  203. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Hsia, H. C.,"An Image Watermarking Scheme Using Pattern Coding Technique ," the 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006), Vol. 3, pp. 467-470, 2006-08. Beijing, China .
  204. Chang, C. C. and Hung, K. L.,"An Efficient Euclidean Distance Estimation Scheme for Accelerating VQ Encoding ," the 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006), Vol. 1, pp. 194-196, 2006-08. Beijing, China .
  205. C. Y. Chen and C. C. Chang,"Performances of Some File Systems among Multiple Disks for Orthogonal Range Retrieval ," The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2006, pp.319-332, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  206. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S. and Chan, C. S.,"An Efficient Key Distribution Scheme for Rating-Oriented Pay-TV Systems ," The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 194-199, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  207. Jochen, P. and Chang, C. C.,"A Correlation-Based Watermarking System for Proof of Ownership ," The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 200-211, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  208. Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. C.,"A Dynamic Broadcast Encryption Scheme without Keys of Recipients ," The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 158-161, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  209. Chang, C. C. and Kuo, Y. T.,"A Modification of DES ," The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 311-318, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  210. Chang, C. C. and Yang, J. H.,"An Efficient Generalized Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem ," The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 333-336, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  211. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. W.,"A Database Record Encryption Scheme Using Rabin's Public Key Cryptosystem and Its Master Keys ," the Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 337-342, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  212. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Chung, P. F.,"A Simple and Effective Copyright Protection Technique for Gray-level Images ," the Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 165-168, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  213. Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C.,"Performances of Some File Systems among Multiple Disks for Orthogonal Range Retrieval ," the Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 319-332, 2006-07. Chengdu, China .
  214. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Chung, P. F.,"A Simple and Effective Copyright Protection Technique for Gray-level Images ," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences Conference (IMS 2006), pp. 165-168, 2006-07. . .
  215. Chang, C. C. and Huang, H. F.,"An Untraceable Forward-Secure Blind Signature Scheme ," The 2006 IAENG International Workshop on Internet Computing and Web Services (IWICWS'06), pp. 441-446, 2006-06. Hong Kong, China .
  216. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Tai, W. L.,"Comments on Distributed Sign-and-encryption Schemes ," the 2006 IAENG International Workshop on Computer Science (IWCS’06), pp. 178-180, 2006-06. Hong Kong, China .
  217. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. B. and Yeh, J. S.,"A Cryptanalysis on a Generalized Threshold Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of the 2006 IAENG International Workshop on Internet Computing and Web Services (IMECS 2006), pp. 452-455, 2006-06. Hong Kong, China .
  218. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C.,"A Scheme for (t, n)-Threshold Secret Image Sharing ," The 2006 IAENG International Workshop on Imaging Engineering (IWIE'06), pp. 619-624, 2006-06. Hong Kong, China .
  219. Chang, C. C. and Lin, K. C.,"Yet Another Attack on Mutual Authentication and Key Exchange Protocols for Low Power Wireless Communications ," The 2006 IAENG International Workshop on Wireless Networks (IWWN'06), pp. 959-962, 2006-06. Hong Kong, China .
  220. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Shih, K. J.,"Placing Chinese Phonetic Symbols on Mobile Phones Keyboard Using Branch-and-bound Strategy ," 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computing & Informatics (ICOCI 2006), pp.1-7, 2006-06. Malaysia .
  221. Chang, C. C., Kuo, Y. T., and Lai, Y. P.,"Parallel Computation of Residue Number System ," 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computing & Informatics (ICOCI 2006), pp. 1-6, 2006-06. Malaysia .
  222. Yang, J. H. and Chang, C. C.,"An Efficient Authentication with Key Agreement Protocol for Sensor Networks ," 4th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'06), pp. 71-77, 2006-06. Singapore .
  223. Chang, Y. F., Chang, C. C. and Su, Y. W.,"A Secure Improvement on the User-friendly Remote Authentication Scheme with No Time Concurrency Mechanism ," the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'06), Vol. 2, pp. 741-745, 2006-04. Vienna, Austria .
  224. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C.,"Enhanced Anonymous Auction Protocols with Freewheeling Bids ," The IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 353-358, 2006-04. Vienna, Austria .
  225. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, H. C.,"A Smart Card Based Authentication Protocol for Strong Passwords ," Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACOS '06), pp. 385-391, 2006-04. Hangzhou, China .
  226. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. H. and Lee, J. S.,"A File Protection System Based on a Trapdoor One-way Hash Function ," Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACOS '06), pp. 392-397, 2006-04. Hangzhou, China .
  227. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S., Chang, Y. F. and Hsieh, Y. P.,"A Scalable Multicast Security Protocol in Hierarchy Structures ," Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACOS '06), pp. 398-405, 2006-04. Hangzhou, China .
  228. Chang, C. C., Kao, C. L. and Lin, C. C.,"Efficient and Scalable Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme ," Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACOS '06), pp. 1065-1069, 2006-04. Hangzhou, China .
  229. Chang, C. C. and Wu, W. C.,"A Novel Data Hiding Scheme for Keeping High Stego-Image Quality ," The 12th International Conference on MultiMedia Modelling 2006, pp. 225-232, 2006-01. Bijing, China .
  230. Chang, C. C., and Lee, J. S.,"A Smart-Card-Based Remote Authentication Scheme ," The 2005 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, pp. 445-449, 2005-12. Xi'an, China .
  231. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C.,"A Secure and User-friendly Remote Authentication Scheme Providing Computation Efficiency with No Time Concurrency Mechanism ," ISKLOIS Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, pp. 139-148, 2005-12. Beijing, China .
  232. Lin, C. N., Chang, C. C. and Chan, Y. K.,"Variable Rate Data Hiding by Simple LSB Substitution and Quadtree Segmentation ," MMU International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies 2005, Vol. TS15, pp.17-20, 2005-11. Petaling Jaya, Malaysia .
  233. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C.,"Password-authenticated 3PEKE with Round Efficiency without Server's Public Key ," 2005 International conference on Cyberworlds, pp. 340-344, 2005-11. Singapore .
  234. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C.,"An Efficient Deniable Authentication Protocol ," 2005 International Conference on Cyberworlds, pp. 307-310, 2005-11. Singapore .
  235. Chang, C. C., Kuo, J. Y. and Lee, J. S.,"Time-bounded Based Password Authentication Scheme ," 2005 International Conference on Cyberworlds, pp.117-122, 2005-11. Singapore .
  236. Chang, C. C., Chang, Y. F. and Wu, W. C.,"An Extendable-Message-Passing Protocol with Signature Based on Two Hard Problems and Its Applications ," 2005 International Conference on Cyberworlds, pp. 93-100, 2005-11. Singapore .
  237. Lee, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H.,"User Authentication with Anonymity for Global Mobility Networks ," Second Asia Pacific Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, pp. 3-1B-6: 1-5, 2005-11. Guangzhou, China .
  238. Chang, C. C., Lin, K. C., and Lee, J. S.,"DH-Based Communication Method for Cluster-Based Ad Hoc Networks ," Second Asia Pacific Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, pp. 2-2A-1: 1-8, 2005-11. Guangzhou, China .
  239. Chang, C. C. and Wu, W. C.,"A Codebook Search Algorithm Based on Voronoi-Diagram Technique for Speeding Up VQ Encoding ," The 2nd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, pp. 62-71, 2005-10. Seoul, Korea .
  240. Wu, M. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C.,"Hiding Secret Information in VQ Compressed Images Using Voronoi Diagram ," The 2nd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, pp. 55-61, 2005-10. Seoul, Korea .
  241. Chang, C. C., Lee, J. S. and Chen, C. C.,"On the Forward and Backward Secrecy of HLL Group Key Exchange Mechanism ," The 5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pp. 702-705, 2005-09. Shanghai, China .
  242. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y.and Wang, Y. Z.,"VQ image steganographic method with high embedding capacity using multi-way search approach ," 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2005, Vol. 3, pp. 1058-1064, 2005-09. Melbourne, Australia .
  243. Chang, C. C.*, Wang, Y. Z. and Hu, Y. C.,"Adaptive Data Hiding Scheme for Palette Images ," Proceedings of 2005 International Workshop on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (KES-IIH), pp. 103-122, 2005-09. Melbourne, Australia .
  244. Hwang, K. F., Chang, C. C., and Chan, C. W.,"A Search Scheme Resulting in Mixing Compressed Text Files ," The 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 762-768, 2005-07. Fukuoka, Japan .
  245. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C. and Lin, P. Y.,"Sharing a Secret Two-Tone Image in Two Gray-Level Images ," The First International Workshop on Security in Networks and Distributed Systems, pp. 300-304, 2005-07. Fukuoka, Japan .
  246. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y., and Lu, P. W.,"An Image Refining Method Using Digital Watermark via Vector Quantization ," The First International Workshop on Distributed, Parallel and Network Applications, pp. 585-589, 2005-07. Fukuoka, Japan .
  247. Chou, A. Y. H., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,"Constructing Nearly Optimal Cartesian Product Files for Orthogonal Range Queries ," Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, pp. 541-549, 2005-07. Kunming & Dali & Shangrila, China .
  248. Chang, C. C., Lee, T. F., and Leu, J. J.,"An Efficient Search Mechanism Based on the Concepts of Bloom and Random Filters ," Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, pp. 386-393, 2005-07. Kunming & Dali & Shangrila, China .
  249. Tseng, S. W. and Chang, C. C.,"VQ-Based Image Watermarking Using Codebook Partitioning ," Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, pp. 350-353, 2005-07. Kunming & Dali & Shangrila, China .
  250. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P.,"A Data Hiding Scheme Based on Anti-gray Coding ," Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, pp. 395-407, 2005-07. Kunming & Dali & Shangrila, China .
  251. Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C.,"A Content-based Color Image Retrieval System Using Gradient Information ," Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, pp. 379-384, 2005-07. Kunming & Dali & Shangrila, China .
  252. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C.,"Efficient t out-of n Oblivious Transfer Schemes Based on Interpolating Polynomials ," Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, pp. 571-580, 2005-07. Kunming & Dali & Shangrila, China .
  253. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P.,"Efficient Group Key Agreement with Weil Pairing ," Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, pp. 344-349, 2005-07. Kunming & Dali & Shangrila, China .
  254. Huang, H. F., Chang, C. C., and Yeh, J. S.,"Enhancement of Non-Interactive Oblivious Transfer Scheme ," Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, pp. 196-199, 2005-07. Kunming & Dali & Shangrila, China .
  255. Chang, C. C. and Wu. C. C.,"An Efficient and Secure Multi-server Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Using Smart Cards ," The 2005 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, Part V., pp.99, 2005-05. Singapore .
  256. Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. C.,"An Efficient Oblivious Transfer Scheme based on RSA ," The 2005 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, Part V., pp. 89, 2005-05. Singapore .
  257. Chang, C. C., Li, Y. C., and Lee, J. S.,"An Efficient Algorithm for Incremental Mining of Association Rules ," The 15th International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering, pp. 3-10, 2005-04. Tokyo, Japan .
  258. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Lin, M. H.,"A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme with Modified Side Match Vector Quantization ," The IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 947-952, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan .
  259. Lai, Y. P. and Chang, C. C.,"A Simple Forward Secure Blind Signature Scheme Based on Master Keys and Blind Signatures ," The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 139-144, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan .
  260. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C.,"A New Design for Efficient t-out-n Oblivious Transfer Scheme ," The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 499-502, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan .
  261. Chan, C. S. and Chang, C. C.,"A Lossless Medical Image Compression Scheme Using Modified S-tree Structure ," The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 75-78, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan .
  262. Chang, C. C. and Kuo, J. Y.,"An Efficient Multi-Server Password Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme Using Smart Cards with Access Control ," The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 257-260, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan .
  263. Lee, C. Y., Lin, C. H. and Chang, C. C.,"An Improved Low Computation Cost User Authentication Scheme for Mobile Communication ," The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 249-252, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan .
  264. Huang, C. H., Lee, C. Y., Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C. and Chen, K. L.,"Authenticated Encryption Schemes with Message Linkage for Threshold Signatures ," The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 261-264, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan .
  265. Chang, C. C., Chiang, C. L, and Hsiao, J. Y.,"A DCT-domain System for Hiding Fractal Compressed Images ," The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 83-86, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan .
  266. Chang, C. C.*, Wu, W. C. and Hu, Y. C.,"Color Image Retrieval Based on Regional Features ," International Progress 2005 on Wavelet Analysis and Active Media Technology (IPWAAMT05), pp. 23-33, 2005-01. Chongqing, China .
  267. Chang, C. C. and Lee, J. S.,"An Efficient and Secure Multi-Server Password Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards ," Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Cyber Worlds, pp. 417-422, 2004-11. . .
  268. Chang, C. C. and Lin, P. Y.,"A Compression-Based Data Hiding Scheme Using Vector Quantization and Principle Component Analysis ," Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Cyber Worlds, pp. 369-375, 2004-11. . .
  269. Chang, C. C. and Liu, Y. L.,"A Block-based Robust Image Authentication Scheme Using Vector Quantization Encoding ," Proceedings of Pacific Rim Workshop on Digital Steganography 2004 (STEG’04), p. 144-158, 2004-11. . .
  270. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Lin, M. H.,"A Novel Image Hiding Scheme Based on Clustering and VQ ," Proceedings of Pacific Rim Workshop on Digital Steganography 2004 (STEG’04), pp. 28-36, 2004-11. . .
  271. Chang, C. C. and Chen, K. L.,"A Signature Scheme with (t,n) Shared Verification and Message Recovery ," Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiwas 2004), pp. 507-516, 2004-09. . .
  272. Tseng, H. W. and Chang, C. C.,"Steganography Using JPEG-Compressed Images ," Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pp. 12-17, 2004-09. . .
  273. Lin, M. H. and Chang, C. C.,"A Novel Information Hiding Scheme Based on BTC ," Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pp. 66-71, 2004-09. . .
  274. Yu, Y. H., Chang, C. C. and Hu, Y. C.,"A Steganographic Method for Hiding Data in VQ Encoded Images ," Proceedings of 2004 International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, pp. 358-361, 2004-08. . .
  275. Chang, C. C., and Hwang, P. C.,"A Login Procedure Based on the Concept of Longest Common Subsequence ," Proceedings of Third International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2004), pp. 337-341, 2004-06. . .
  276. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. C., and Hu, Y. C.,"Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Vector Quantization ," Proceedings of Third International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2004), pp. 355-361, 2004-06. . .
  277. Chang, C. C., and Hwang, P. C.,"An Efficient Electronic Election Scheme Based on Division Property ," Proceedings of Third International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2004), pp. 135-142, 2004-06. . .
  278. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. L.,"A Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Solving a System of Linear Equations ," Proceedings of Third International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2004, pp. 362-366, 2004-06. . .
  279. Chang, C. C. and Tseng, H. W.,"A Novel Adaptive VQ-Based Image Data Hiding Method ," Proceedings of Second International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS2004), pp. 161-170, 2004-06. . .
  280. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C.,"Spatial Video Retrieval Based on the Piecewise Method ," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), pp. 171-176, 2004-03. . .
  281. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. H., and Hwang, P. C.,"Secret Sharing with Access Structure in a Hierarchy ," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), pp. 31-34, 2004-03. . .
  282. Wang, C. T., Chang, C. C., and Lin, C. H.,"Using IC Cards to Remotely Login Passwords without Verification Tables ," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), pp. 321-326, 2004-03. . .
  283. Wang, C. T., Lin, C. H., and Chang, C. C.,"Supervising Secret-key Agreements in a Level-Based Hierarchy ," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), pp. 309-314, 2004-03. . .
  284. Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C.,"Enhancing the Efficiency of (v, r, n)- Fairness Secret Sharing Scheme ," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), pp. 208-212, 2004-03. . .
  285. Chang, C. C., Lin, I. C., Tsai, H. M., and Wang, H. H.,"A Key Assignment Scheme for Controlling Access in Partially Ordered User Hierarchies ," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), pp. 376-379, 2004-03. . .
  286. Chang, C. C. and Chang Y. F.,"Yet Another Attack on a QR-based Password Authentication System ," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), pp. 170-173, 2004-03. . .
  287. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C. and Liu, Y. L.,"Bandwidth Efficiency of the Image Compression Method for Information Hiding ," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), pp. 426-432, 2004-03. . .
  288. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y. and Lu, P. W.,"An Image Refining Method Using Digital Watermark via Vector Quantization ," Proceedings of First International Workshop on Distributed, Parallel and Network Applications, pp. 585-589, 2004-03. . .
  289. Chang, C. C. and Chang, Y. F.,"The Security Flaw of an Untraceable Blind Signature Scheme ," Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB2004), pp. 1379-1381, 2004-01. . .
  290. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C., and Chen G. M.,"An Efficient Promoter Prediction Scheme Based on Principal Component Analysis ," Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems (ICICS 2003), pp. 1498-1504, 2003-12. . .
  291. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S., and Xiao, G. X.,"An Efficient and Effective Method for VQ Codebook Design ," Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing - Fourth IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM’03), pp. 782-786, 2003-12. . .
  292. Chang, C. C., Lee, C. T., Xiao, G. X., and Chen, T. S.,"A New Speech Hiding Scheme Based upon Subband Coding ," Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing - Fourth IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM’03), pp. 980-984, 2003-12. . .
  293. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, C. P., and Hsiao, J. Y.,"A Fast Noise Reduction Method Based on Human Visual System ," Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing - Fourth IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM’03), pp. 1879-1883, 2003-12. . .
  294. Tsai P. Y., Lin, M. H. and Chang, C. C.,"A Character-Based Authentication Scheme for Chinese Calligraphy Images ," Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing - Fourth IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM’03), pp. 960-964, 2003-12. . .
  295. Chang, C. C., Li, C. F., and Hu, Y. C.,"Code Transformation of DF-expression Between Bintree and Quadtree ," Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing - Fourth IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM’03), pp. 559-563, 2003-12. . .
  296. Chan, Y. K and Chang, C. C.,"Block Image Retrieval Based on a Compressed Linear Quadtree ," Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing - Fourth IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM’03), pp. 31-35, 2003-12. . .
  297. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S., and Hsia, H. C.,"An Effective Image Steganographic Scheme Based on Wavelet Transformation and Pattern-Based Modification ," Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing, pp. 450-453, 2003-10. . .
  298. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. W.,"A Database Record Encryption Scheme Using the RSA Public Key Cryptosystem and its Master Keys ," Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing, pp. 345-348, 2003-10. . .
  299. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. W.,"A Hypersphere Oriented Key Exchange Scheme for Multiparty ," A Hypersphere Oriented Key Exchange Scheme for Multiparty, pp. 27-30, 2003-10. . .
  300. Chang, C. C., Shih, K. J., and Lin, I. C.,"An Intellectual Placement of Chinese Phonetic Symbols on the Keypads of Mobile Phones ," Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, NLP-KE’03, pp. 506-511, 2003-10. . .
  301. Chang, C. C., Chang, Y. F.,"Security of Digital Signature Scheme Based on Factoring and Discrete Logarithms ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 331-332, 2003-08. . .
  302. Lu, T. C., Changchien, S. W. and Chang, C. C.,"A Characteristic Rules Mining Scheme Based on Weighted Incidence Matrices ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 316-322, 2003-08. . .
  303. Chang, C. C. and Pan, Y. P.,"A Hierarchy Weighted Threshold Multi-secret Sharing Scheme ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 333-340, 2003-08. . .
  304. Chang, C. C. and Liao, C. T.,"A Prediction of VQ Indices by Utilizing DWT and Support Vector Machines ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 273-279, 2003-08. . .
  305. Chang, C. C. and Liao, C. T.,"An Intellectual Property Right Protection Scheme for Digital Images Using Support Vector Machines ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 288-295, 2003-08. . .
  306. Jiang, J. H., Chang, C. C., and Chen, T. S.,"Rehash Method: A Compression Technique of Sparse Binary-Matrices ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 252-256, 2003-08. . .
  307. Hwang, H. F. and Chang, C. C.,"Designing a Broadcasting Cryptosystem for Low Computation Capabilities ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 296-299, 2003-08. . .
  308. Jiang, J. H., Chang, C. C., and Chen, T. S.,"A New Improvement of Lempel-Ziv-Welch Method ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 311-315, 2003-08. . .
  309. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C.,"A Color Image Retrieval Method Based on Regional Color Moment and Wavelet-Based Features ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 398-404, 2003-08. . .
  310. Chang, C. C. and Yu, T. X.,"A High Capacity Image Hiding Scheme for Binary images ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 362-370, 2003-08. . .
  311. Tsai P.Y., Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C.,"An Adaptive Two-Stage Codebook Search Algorithm Using Principal Component Analysis and Dynamic Subspace Rechecking ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 349-355, 2003-08. . .
  312. Chang, C. C., Li, Y. C., and Liao, C. T.,"A Fast Method for Linear Space Pairwise Sequence Alignment ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 257-264, 2003-08. . .
  313. Chang, C. C., Hwang, S. J., and Wu, W. B.,"Improvements on Generalized Threshold Cryptosystems ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2003), pp. 265-268, 2003-08. . .
  314. Chang, C. C., and Lou, D. C.,"Fast Parallel Computation of Multi-Exponentiation for Public Key Cryptosystems ," Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), pp. 955-958, 2003-08. . .
  315. Chang, C. C. and Chuang, J. C.,"Image Authentication for Chinese Calligraphy Images Using S-Tree Approach ," Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL 2003), pp. 548-554, 2003-08. . .
  316. Lu, T. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Calligraphic Images Retrieval Scheme (CIRS) Based on Color and Ink Density ," Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL 2003), pp. 385-391, 2003-08. . .
  317. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. S.,"A Watermarking Scheme for Chinese Calligraphic Images ," Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL 2003), pp. 541-547, 2003-08. . .
  318. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F.,"Remarks on Digital Signature Schemes Using Self-Certified Public Keys ," Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Information Security Application (WISA2003), pp. 559-563, 2003-08. . .
  319. Chang, C. C. and Wu, M. N.,"A Color Image Progressive Transmission Method by Common Bit Map Block Truncation Coding Approach, ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2003), pp. 1774-1778, 2003-04. . .
  320. Lin, M. H., Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C.,"An Image Self-Verification Scheme Based on the Rehash Technique ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2003), Vol. 2, pp. 1883-1886, 2003-04. . .
  321. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y. and Hsieh, C. P.,"A New Approach to Lossless Image Compression ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2003), Vol. 2, pp. 1734-1738, 2003-04. . .
  322. Chang, C. C. and Chung, C. Y.,"An Enhanced Buyer Seller Watermarking Protocol ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2003),, Vol. 2, pp. 1779-1783, 2003-04. . .
  323. Chang, C. C. and Chung, C. Y.,"An Efficient Session Key Generation Protocol ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2003), Vol. 2, pp. 203-207, 2003-04. . .
  324. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C.,"A New (t, n) Threshold Image Hiding Scheme for Sharing a Secret Color Image ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2003), Vol. 2, pp. 196-202, 2003-04. . .
  325. Wang, C. T., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H.,"Signature Schemes Based on Two Hard Problems Simultaneously, ," Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), pp. 557-560, 2003-03. . .
  326. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C.,"Huffman Tree Decomposition and Its Coding Applications ," Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), pp. 683-688, 2003-03. . .
  327. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"Lossless Image Compression Based on Two-way Smaller Difference ," Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), pp. 821-824, 2003-03. . .
  328. Chang, C. C., Kuo, Y. T. and Lin, C. H.,"Fast Algorithms for Common-Multiplicand Multiplication and Exponentiation by Performing Complements ," Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), pp. 807-811, 2003-03. . .
  329. Hung, K. L. and Chang, C. C.,"An Efficient Block-Based Scheme for Progressively Transmitting Lossless Images ," Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, pp. 313-328, 2003-01. . .
  330. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C. and Chen, T. S.,"Image Tamper Proofing Technique Based upon Public-Key Cryptosystem with Hierarchical Approach ," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT 2003), pp. 809-812, 2003-01. . .
  331. Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C.,"An Image Database Retrieval Scheme Based Upon Multivariate Analysis and Data Mining ," Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium: Database and Software Engineering Workshop (ICS 2002), Session 4, pp. E4., 2002-12. . .
  332. Hwang, H. F. and Chang, C. C.,"Cryptanalysis of the WD Public-key Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Cyber Worlds: Theories and Practice, pp. 249-254, 2002-11. . .
  333. Chang, C. C. and Yu. T. X.,"Sharing a Secret Gray Image in Multiple Images ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Cyber Worlds: Theories and Practice, pp. 230-237, 2002-11. . .
  334. Chang, C. C., Lu, P. W. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"Hybrid Method for Estimating the Euclidean Distance between Two Vectors ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Cyber Worlds: Theories and Practice, pp. 183-190, 2002-11. . .
  335. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y. and Chiang, C. L.,"An Image Copyright Protection Scheme Based on Torus Automorphism ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Cyber Worlds: Theories and Practice, p. 217-224, 2002-11. . .
  336. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C.,"Key Exchange Protocols for Multiparty Communication Services ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Cyber Worlds: Theories and Practice, pp. 241-248, 2002-11. . .
  337. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C.,"A Scheme for Digital Gift Certificates ," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop for Asian Public Key Infrastructures (IWAP 2002), pp. 136-141, 2002-10. . .
  338. Hwang, H. F. and Chang, C. C.,"Enhancement of the Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Message Linkages ," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop for Asian Public Key Infrastructures (IWAP 2002), pp. 59-62, 2002-10. . .
  339. Lu, T. C., Chang, C. C. and Changchien, S. W.,"An Association Rule Mining Method for Spatial Databases ," Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Information Systems and Databases, pp. 281-286, 2002-09. . .
  340. Chan, Y. K., Chang, C. C. and Shen, J. J.,"A Compact Patricia Trie for a Large Set of Keys ," Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Information Systems and Databases, pp. 31-36, 2002-09. . .
  341. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Pan, Y. P.,"An Inverse Halftones Technique Using Genetic Algorithm ," Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Information Systems and Databases, pp. 184-189, 2002-09. . .
  342. Hung, J. C., Chang, C. C. and Shih, T. K,"Copyright Protection with Program Gene ," Proceedings of Pacific Rim Workshop on Digital Steganography 2002 (STEG 2002), pp. 158-161, 2002-07. Kyushu, Japan .
  343. Chang, C. C., Wu, M. N. and Hwang, K. F.,"High Perceptual Quality Data Hiding Technique for Two-Color Images ," Proceedings of Pacific Rim Workshop on Digital Steganography 2002, pp. 65-70, 2002-07. . .
  344. Tsai, P. Y., Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C.,"An Image Hiding Technique Using the Block Truncation Coding ," Proceedings of Pacific Rim Workshop on Digital Steganography 2002, pp. 54-64, 2002-07. . .
  345. Hwang, K. F. and Chang, C. C.,"A Run-Length Mechanism for Hiding Data into Binary Images ," Proceedings of Pacific Rim Workshop on Digital Steganography 2002, pp. 71-74, 2002-07. . .
  346. Chang, C. C. and Pan, Y. P.,"Some Flaws in a Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme for Dynamic Access Control in a User Hierarchy ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Security (InfoSecu’02), pp. 5-9, 2002-07. . .
  347. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. W.,"Two Types of RSA-like Master-Keys and Their Applications to Secure Group Communications ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Security (InfoSecu’02), pp. 70-76, 2002-07. . .
  348. Hwang, K. F., Lin, I. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Credit Card-based Mobile Payment System,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Security (InfoSecu’02) ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Security (InfoSecu’02), pp. 82-88, 2002-07. . .
  349. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"A Color Image Hiding Scheme Based on the Predetermined Ordering of Color Images, ," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Management Science, pp. 169-174, 2002-05. . .
  350. Chang, C. C. and Pan. Y. P.,"An Efficient Publicly Verifiable Multisecret Sharing Mechanism ," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Management Science, pp. 150-155, 2002-05. . .
  351. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y. and Lu, P. W.,"A Color Image Recovery and Tamper Proofing Method Based on the Color Palette ," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Management Science, pp. 156-161, 2002-05. . .
  352. Chang, C. C., Chiang, C. L. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"Image Denoising by Median Filter with Edge Detection ," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Management Science, pp. 51-56, 2002-05. . .
  353. Lu, T. C., Chang, C. C. and Changchien, S. W.,"A Mining Frequent Itemsets Procedure Using a Classification Network ," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Management Science, pp. 76-82, 2002-05. . .
  354. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C.,"A Similar Color Image Retrieval System Based on Quadtree Representation ," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Management Science, pp. 162-168, 2002-05. . .
  355. hang, C. C. and Chung, C. Y.,"An Anonymous Electronic Voting Scheme Based on the Latest Decision on Voters’ Intentions ," Proceedings of the International Conference on E-business, pp. 197-200, 2002-05. . .
  356. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C.,"Similar Video Retrieval System Based on Color and Spatial Attributes ," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Application in Industry, pp. 567-570, 2002-04. . .
  357. Chang, C. C. and Su, Y. Y.,"A New Approach of Color Image Quantization Based on Multi-Dimensional Directory ," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Application in Industry, pp. 508-514, 2002-04. . .
  358. Chang, C. C., Shih, T. K. and Lin, I. C.,"An Efficient Edge Detection Technique for Chinese Calligraphy ," Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking (IMMCN2002), pp. 960-963, 2002-03. . .
  359. Chang, C. C. and Wu, M. N.,"An Algorithm for Color Image Compression Based on Common Bit Map Block Truncation Coding, ," Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking (IMMCN2002), pp. 964-967, 2002-03. . .
  360. Chang, C. C., Shih, T. K. and Lin, I. C.,"GBN: An Efficient Progressive Image Transmission Method Based on Guessing by Neighbors ," Multimedia Modeling – Modeling Meltimedia Information and System (L. Rutledge and D. C. A. Bulterman Eds.), pp. 109-126, 2001-11. . .
  361. Chang, C. C. and Wu, M. N.,"A Data Hiding Scheme for Chinese Calligraphy ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Chinese Computing (ICCC 2001), pp. 234-241, 2001-11. . .
  362. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C.,"A Progressive Chinese Calligraphy Transmission Technique ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Chinese Computing (ICCC 2001), pp. 223-233, 2001-11. . .
  363. Chang, C. C., Lu, P. W. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"Two Stages Content-Based Retrieval for Music Collections ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp. 423-426, 2001-09. . .
  364. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Lin, Y.,"A New Image Compression Method Based on Block Truncation Coding and Edge Detection ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp. 448-451, 2001-09. . .
  365. Hung, K. L. and Chang, C. C.,"A Novel VQ-Based Compression Method without Having the Phenomenon of Ragged Edges ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp. 461-465, 2001-09. . .
  366. Chang, C. C. and Chang, Y. F.,"An Image Steganographic Scheme Based on Modified Rabin’s Public Key Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp. 108-114, 2001-09. . .
  367. Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. C.,"A (t, n)-threshold Secret Sharing Scheme for Hidden Images Based on a Watermarking Technique ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp. 281-288, 2001-09. . .
  368. Chang, C. C. and Chang, Y. F.,"Cryptanalysis of Some Diffie-Hellman Typed Authenticated Key Agreement Protocols ," Proceedings of the 2001 International Workshop on Cryptography and Network Security, pp. 142-145, 2001-09. . .
  369. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P.,"A Fast Exponentiation Using a Data Compression Method for Large Exponents ," Proceedings of the 2001 International Workshop on Cryptography and Network Security, pp. 212-218, 2001-09. . .
  370. Wang, C. T., Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H.,"Group-Oriented Authenticated Encryption Based on Self-Certified Public Keys ," Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA’2001), pp. 385-395, 2001-09. . .
  371. Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J. and Chen, T. S.,"Using a Mouse as a Login Device for Visual Cryptosystem Oriented Password Authentication Scheme ," Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp. 11-23, 2001-09. . .
  372. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C,"Concealing a Secret Image Using the Breadth first Traversal Linear Quadtree Structure ," Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications CODAS’01, pp. 194-199, 2001-04. . .
  373. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Hsueh, C. C.,"A Fast Modular Multiplication Algorithm with the Fixed Window Size ," Proceedings of the Tenth Conference National Defence Technology, Vol. 11, pp. 94-97, 2001-01. . .
  374. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Xiao, G. X.,"An Improved Prediction Method for Quadtree Image Coding ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, pp. 269-275, 2000-12. . .
  375. Chang, C. C. and Lou, D. C.,"An Integration of User Authentication and Dynamic Access Control ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, pp. 123-127, 2000-12. . .
  376. Chang, C. C., Hsia, H. C. and Chen, T. S.,"Reliable Information Hiding for Printed Color Images ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA 2000), pp. 97-100, 2000-11. . .
  377. Chang, C. C., Buehrer, D. J. and Lee, W. B.,"Method for Constructing a Generalized Group-Oriented Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of the First Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA’2000), pp. 119-124, 2000-11. . .
  378. Chang, C. C., Yeh, J. C. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"A Method for Protecting Digital Images from Being Copied Illegally ," Proceedings of 2000 Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries: Research and Practice, pp. 348-355, 2000-11. . .
  379. Chang, C. C.,"A Perspective on the Development of Digital Libraries in Taiwan ," Proceedings of 2000 Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries: Research and Practice, pp. 44-46, 2000-11. . .
  380. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Lin. Y.,"An Efficient Accessing Technique of Chinese Characters Using Boshiamy Chinese Input System ," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Retrieval for Asian Languages (IRAL’2000), pp. 61-67, 2000-09. . .
  381. Chang, C. C. and Chan, Y. K.,"A Fast Filter of Image Retrieval Based on Color-Spatial Features ," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications, pp. 47-51, 2000-08. . .
  382. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C.,"A Fast Filter of Spatial Video Retrieval ," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications, pp. 42-46, 2000-08. . .
  383. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, C. S.,"A Robust Intellectual Property Rights Protection Scheme for Digital Images ," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications, pp. 85-89, 2000-08. . .
  384. Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. C.,"Computing Watermarks from Images Using Quadtrees ," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems, pp. 123-128, 2000-07. . .
  385. hang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Tsai, C.S.,"A New Scheme for Sharing Secret Color Images in Computer Network ," Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp. 21-27, 2000-07. . .
  386. Chang, C. C. and Wu, H. C.,"An Image Protection Scheme Based on Discrete Cosine Transformation ," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications, pp. 90-94, 2000-07. . .
  387. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C.,"On the Security of the Digital Signature Based on Factoring and Discrete Logarithm ," Proceedings of The Tenth National Conference on Information Security, pp. 8-12, 2000-05. . .
  388. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Lin, Y.,"An Efficient Edge Detection Scheme of Color Images ," Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Vol. II, (invited plenary paper), pp. 448-455, 2000-02. . .
  389. Chang, C. C., Hwang, K. F. and Lin, Y.,"A Proof of Copyright Ownership Using Moment-preserving ," Proceedings of COMPSAC’2000, pp. 198-203, 2000-01. . .
  390. Chang, C. C. and Chan, C. W.,"Detecting Dealer Cheating in Secret Sharing Systems ," Proceedings of COMPSAC’2000, pp. 449-453, 2000-01. . .
  391. Hwang, M. S., Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C.,"Security Enhancement for the Simple Authentication Key Agreement Algorithm ," Proceedings of COMPSAC’2000, pp. 113-115, 2000-01. . .
  392. Chan, Y. K and Chang, C. C.,"Image Retrieval Based on Tolerable Difference of Direction ," Proceedings of ICOIN-15, pp. 387-392, 2000-01. . .
  393. Hung, K. L., Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S.,"A Side Match Reconstruction Method Using Tree-Structured VQ for Transmition Images Progressively ," Proceedings of the National Computer Symposium, pp. C-5--C-12, 1999-12. . .
  394. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Novel Two-Stage Lossless Image Compression Scheme ," Proceedings of Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and Fourth Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (APCC/OECC '99), Vol. 2, pp. 944-947, 1999-10. China .
  395. Jiang, J. H., Chang, C. C. and Chen, T. S.,"A Efficient Huffman Decoding Method Based on Pattern Partition and Look-up Table ," Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and Fourth Opto-electronics and Communications Conference (APCC/OECC’99), pp. 904-907, 1999-10. . .
  396. Wu, Y. J. and Chang, C. C.,"National Founding Mechanism of Science and Technology Efucation Project in Taiwan ," Proceedings of 1999 International Conference on Engineering Education, pp. 2410, 1999-08. . .
  397. Lee, C. F. and Chang, C. C.,"A New Iconic Indexing Scheme for Similarity Retrieval of Complex Spatial Objects ," Proceedings of Joint Conference of the Third World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI’99) and the Fifth International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS’99), Vol. 6, pp. 109-114, 1999-07. . .
  398. Chang, C. C., Jau, C. C. and Chen, T. S.,"K-ary TSVQ: A New Improvement of Tree Structured Vector Quantization ," Proceedings of IASTED International Conference Modeling and Simulation (MS’99), pp. 235-239, 1999-05. . .
  399. Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C.,"Image Watermarking Using Visual Cryptograph ," Proceedings of the 9th Information Security Conference, ., 1999-05. . .
  400. Chang, C. C., Wang, C. H., Liou, F. Y., and Sun, H. M.,"Remarks on a Digital Signature Scheme Based on Error-Correcting Codes ," Proceedings of the 9th Information Security Conference, pp. 157-164, 1999-05. . .
  401. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,"A New Subliminal Channel without Sharing a Secret Key ," Proceedings of the 9th Information Security Conference, pp. 237-240, 1999-05. . .
  402. Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C.,"A Fast Modular Multiplication Algorithm for Computing the Product AB Modulo N ," Proceedings of the 9th Information Security Conference, pp. 41-45, 1999-05. . .
  403. Chen, C. Y., Hwang, S. J., and Chang, C. C.,"New Multisignature Scheme Based on One-Way Functions ," Proceedings of the 4th Multimedia Technology and Applications Symposium, pp.332-240, 1999-04. . .
  404. Chang, C. C., Shiue, F. J. and Chen, T. S.,"Tree Structured Vector Quantization with Dynamic Path Search ," Proceedings of International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems (MMNS), pp. 536-541, 1999-01. . .
  405. Chang, C. C., Shine, F. C. and Chen, T. S.,"A New Scheme of Progressive Image Transmission Based on Bit-Plane Method ," Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and Fourth Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (APCC/OECC 99’), Vol. 2, pp. 892895, 1999-01. . .
  406. Chang, C. C., Hwang, K. F. and Hwang, M. S.,"A Block Based Digital Watermarks for Copy Protection of Images ," Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and Fourth Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (APCC/OECC 99’), Vol. 2, pp. 977-980, 1999-01. . .
  407. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Novel Method of Designing Better TSVQ Codebooks ," Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and Fourth Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (APCC/OECC 99’), Vol. 1, pp. 747-750, 1999-01. . .
  408. Hu, Y. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Progressive Codebook Training Algorithm for Image Vector Quantization ," Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and Fourth Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (APCC/OECC 99’), Vol. 2, pp. 936-939, 1999-01. . .
  409. Chen, C. Y., Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C.,"A Software Key Escrow System Suitable for Broadcasting ," Proceedings of the 1998 ICS Workshop on Cryptology and Information Security, pp. 155-158, 1998-12. . .
  410. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P.,"A New Multilevel Database Field Encryption and Authentication Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of the 1998 ICS Workshop on Cryptology and Information Security, pp. 29-35, 1998-12. . .
  411. Chang, C. C. and Hong, K. L.,"Signature- Based Chinese Character Retrieval Schemes Using DAYI Input Method ," Proceedings of the 1998 ICS Workshop on Software Engineering and Database System, pp. 109-114, 1998-12. . .
  412. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C.,"An Efficient Data Structure for Storing Similar Binary Images ," Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Fundations of Data Organization, pp. 268-275, 1998-11. . .
  413. Shen, J. J. and Chang, C. C.,"A False-Drop-Free Spelling Check Technique of Mandarin Phonetic Transcriptions for Chinese Characters ," Proceedings of 1998 International Conference on Chinese Information Processing, pp. 398-405, 1998-11. . .
  414. Chang, C. C., Jau, C. C. and Chen, T. S.,"Chinese Calligraphy Compression Using New S-tree Structure ," Proceedings of 1998 International Conference on Chinese Information Processing, pp. 38-47, 1998-11. . .
  415. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,"Cryptanalysis of the LUC Public Key Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of 8th Information Security Conference, pp. 49-58, 1998-05. . .
  416. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,"Cryptoanalyzing the RSA-like Schemes by Using the Continue Fraction Method ," Proceedings of 8th Information Security Conference, pp. 81-90, 1998-05. . .
  417. Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C.,,"A Simple and Efficient Method for LBG Codebook Initialization ," Proceedings of 1998 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, pp. 44-47, 1998-01. . .
  418. hang, C. C. and Tsu, S. M.,"A Seal-Based Key Distribution Scheme ," Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1997, pp.c120-c125, 1997-12. . .
  419. Chang, C. C. and Tsu, S. M.,"An Improvement on a Probabilistic Encryption Scheme ," Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1997, pp.c132-c135, 1997-12. . .
  420. Wang, C. T., Lin, C. H., and Chang, C. C.,"Group-Oriented Threshold Signature Schemes with Traceable Signers ," Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1997, pp.c114-c119, 1997-12. . .
  421. Chang, C. C., Sung, C. H. and Chen, T. S.,"A Locally Adaptive Scheme for Image Index Compression ," Proceedings of the 1997 Conference on Computer Vision, Grahpics, and Image Processing, pp. 93-99, 1997-08. . .
  422. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C.,"Using RSA with Low Exponent in a Public Network ," Proceedings of 7th Information Security Conference, pp.67-70, 1997-05. . .
  423. Lou, D. C. and Chang, C. C.,"Efficient Normal Basis Inversion in ," Proceedings of 7th Information Security Conference,, pp.55-58, 1997-05. . .
  424. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P,"A Time-Stamped Password Authentication System ," Proceedings of 7th Information Security Conference, pp.165-169, 1997-05. . .
  425. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,,"Improved Authentication Encryption Schemes ," Proceedings of 7th Information Security Conference,, pp. 209-212, 1997-05. . .
  426. Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C.,"The Security Analysis of Low-Computation Blind Signature Schemes Based on Quadratic Residues, ," Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Computer Systems Technology for Industrial Applications,, pp. 221-225, 1997-04. . .
  427. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. F.,"Retrieving Chinese Characters Using DAYI Chinese Input Method ," Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, pp. 387-391, 1997-04. . .
  428. Chang, C. C., Lin, T. H. and Hwang, R. J.,"A Secure Group-oriented Secret Sharing Scheme ," Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Computer Systems Technology for Industrial Applications, pp. 214-220, 1997-04. . .
  429. Chang, C. C., Sung, C. H. and Chen T. S.,"A Locally Adaptive Scheme for Image Index Compression ," Proceedings of 1997 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP’97), pp. 92-99, 1997-01. Taiwan .
  430. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T.,"A Temporal Join Algorithm Based on Rank Key-to-Address Transformation ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed System, Software Engineering and Database Systems, pp. 169-176, 1996-12. . .
  431. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P.,"Fast RSA-type Cryptoschemes Based on Pell Equations over Z*N ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, pp. 1-5, 1996-12. . .
  432. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P.,"A Key Distribution Protocol for Mobile Communication Systems with Untrusted Centers ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, pp. 67-74, 1996-12. . .
  433. Chang, C. C. and Lee, T. F.,"A Generalized Non-redundant 2D String Representation for Symbolic Pictures ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed System, Software Engineering and Database Systems, pp. 41-45, 1996-12. . .
  434. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P.,"Cryptanalysis of Short Secret Exponent and Large Public Exponent of RSA ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, pp. 14-18, 1996-12. . .
  435. Hwang, T., Lee, N. Y. and Chang, C. C.,"On the Security of Chang et al.’s Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme for Access Control in a Hierarchy ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, pp. 75-81, 1996-12. . .
  436. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H.,"How to Converse Securely in a Conference ," Proceedings of 30th Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, pp. 42-45, 1996-10. . .
  437. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C.,"On Two Identity-Based Schemes in Computer Networks ," roceedings of the Second Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, pp. 57-61, 1996-10. . .
  438. Chang, C. C. and Leu, J. J.,"A New Digital Multisignature with Message Recovery Scheme ," Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, pp. 231-237, 1996-10. . .
  439. Chang, C. C., Sung, C. H., and Chen, T. S.,"An Improved Scheme for Locally Adaptive Data Compression Using Multilist Structure ," Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, pp. 26-33, 1996-10. . .
  440. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C., Lee, R. C. T. and Lin, D. C.,"Optimal Linear Hashing Files for Orthogonal Range Retrieval ," Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Software and Applications, pp. 406-413, 1996-08. . .
  441. Chang, C. C., Kuo, C. L., and Chen, T. S.,"A Closest-Paired Tree-Structured Codeword Search Metho ," Proceedings of the 1996 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, pp. 70-76, 1996-08. . .
  442. Chang, C. C., Chou, J. S., and Chen, T. S.,"A Fast Method for Estimating the Euclidean Distance between an Image Block and a Codeword ," Proceedings of the 1996 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, pp. 321-327, 1996-08. . .
  443. Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C.,"A Fast Nearest Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Based on Principlal Component Directions ," Proceedings of 13th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory, pp. 59-66, 1996-07. . .
  444. han, Y. K. and Chang, C. C.,"Image Retrieval by String-Mapping ," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorics and Applications, pp. 65-76, 1996-06. . .
  445. Lee, W.B. and Chang, C. C.,"A New Cryptographic Solution for Dynamic Access Control in a Hierarchy ," Proceedings of 6th Conference on Information Security, pp. 124-127, 1996-05. . .
  446. Chang, C. C., Hwang, S. J., and Hwang, R. J.,"A Digitized Signature Linkage Scheme ," Proceedings of 6th Conference on Information Security, pp. 48-54, 1996-05. . .
  447. A Virtual Image Cryptosystem Using Vector Quantization,"Chen, T. S., Chang, C. C., and Hwang, M. S. ," Proceedings of 6th Conference on Information Security, pp. 10-16, 1996-05. . .
  448. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,"Cryptanalysis of a Key Sharing System for Global Telecommunications ," Proceedings of 6th Conference on Information Security, pp. 224-227, 1996-05. . .
  449. Chang, C. C. and Lin, D. C.,"A Fast and Flexible Algorithm to Retrieve Similar Chinese Characters ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, pp. 279-285, 1995-11. . .
  450. Lee, W. B. and Chang, C. C.,"Authenticate Yourself by Login a Remote Password ," Proceedings of the Cryptography-Policy and Algorithms Conference, pp. 149-162, 1995-07. . .
  451. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P.,"A λ(p-1) Method of Factoring RSA’s Modulous ," Proceedings of the Cryptography-Policy and Algorithms Conference, pp. 225-231, 1995-07. . .
  452. Chang, C. C., Buehrer, D. J., and Hwang, S. J.,"A Simple Secret Key Distribution System ," Proceedings of 5th Conference on Information Security, pp. 125-128, 1995-05. . .
  453. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C.,"A Group-Oriented Secure Broadcasting Protocol in Computer Networks ," Proceedings of 5th Conference on Information Security, pp. 144-146, 1995-05. . .
  454. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,"An Improved Multistage Sharing Scheme ," Proceedings of 5th Conference on Information Security, pp. 142-143, 1995-05. . .
  455. Chang, C. C., Horng, W. J., and Hwang, S. J.,"A New Evaluating Scheme for Cascade Exponentiation ," Proceedings of 5th Conference on Information Security, pp. 165-175, 1995-05. . .
  456. Chou, A. Y. H., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,"A Very Fast Algorithm for Designing Nearly Optimal Cartesian Product Files ," Proceedings of 12th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory, pp. 52-59, 1995-01. . .
  457. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P.,"New Signature with Message Recovery Against Forgery ," roceedings of International Computer Symposium 1994, pp. 293-296, 1994-12. . .
  458. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P.,"A New Verification Mechanism on the Server-Aided Secret Computation Protocols for the Modular Exponentiation ," Proceedings of International Computer Symposium 1994, pp. 445-450, 1994-12. . .
  459. Chang, C. C. and Jiang, J. H.,"A Fast Spatial Match Retrieval Using a Superimposed Coding Technique ," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Database Technologies and Their Integration, p. 71-78, 1994-10. . .
  460. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T.,"A Line Segment Intersection Based Temporal Join ," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Database Technologies and Their Integration, pp. 183-187, 1994-10. . .
  461. Chang, C. C.,"A Fast Retrieving Algorithm for Similar Chinese Characters, ," Proceedings of 1994 International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, pp. 407-411, 1994-05. . .
  462. Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J., and Jan, J. K.,"An Improvement to Single-Key Access Control Scheme ," Proceedings of 4th Conference on Information Security, pp. 81-87, 1994-05. . .
  463. Chang, C. C. and Lee, W. B.,"A Conference Key Distribution System Based on Triangles ," Proceedings of 4th Conference on Information Security, pp. 121-128, 1994-05. . .
  464. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C.,"Interactive Remote Login Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards ," Proceedings of 4th Conference on Information Security, pp. 151-156, 1994-05. . .
  465. Lin, C. H. and Chang, C. C.,"A Server-Aided Computation Protocol for RSA Enciphering Algorithm ," Proceedings of NCS 1993, pp. 547-552, 1993-12. . .
  466. Tsai, H. M., Kuo, S. Y., Lei, C. L., and Chang, C. C.,"A Dynamic Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme in a Tree Hierarchy for Access Contro ," Proceedings of NCS 1993, pp.553-559, 1993-12. . .
  467. Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J. and Buehrer, D. J.,"Using Smart Card to Authenticate Passwords ," Proceedings of 27th Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, pp. 19-21, 1993-10. . .
  468. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C.,"Authenticating Passwords with Smart Cards ," Proceedings of Information Science’93, pp. 559-564, 1993-10. 。 .
  469. Chang, C. C., Jiang, J. H. and Shen, J. J.,"Organization of Pictorial Databases for Spatial Match Retrieval ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Next Generation Database Systems and Their Applications, pp. 205-210, 1993-09. . .
  470. Chou, A. Y. H., Chang, C. C., and Yang, W. P.,"Symbolic Indexing by N-strings ," Proceedings of the 1993 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, ., 1993-08. . .
  471. Chang, C. C. and Lee, W. B.,"Cryptanalysis of a Password Authentication Scheme Based on Triangles ," Proceedings of the Third Conference on Information Security, pp. C.2-4.1~C.2-4.5, 1993-05. . .
  472. Wu, T. C., Chang, C. C., and Yeh, Y. S.,"A Scheme for Holding Secure Electronic Conferences in Computer Networks ," Proceedings of the Third Conference on Information Security, pp. A.1-4.1~A.1-4.9, 1993-05. . .
  473. Chang, C. C. and Buehrer, D. J.,"Transmitting Multiple Secrets Securely in Broadcasting Networks ," Proceedings of 27th Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, pp. 19-21, 1993-01. . .
  474. Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J. and Wu, T. C.,"A Cryptographic Key Management Scheme for Access Control in a Tree Structure ," Proceedings of ICS 1992, pp. 174-178, 1992-12. . .
  475. Wu, H. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Fast Chinese Words Accessing Scheme ," Proceedings of 3rd International Conference in Chinese Information Processing, pp. 13-19, 1992-10. . .
  476. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, C. C. and Lu, Y. L.,"A Doubly Modular Hashing Scheme for Letter-oriented Keywords ," Proceedings of SEARCC’92, pp. 51.01-51.15, 1992-08. . .
  477. Chang, C. C. and Buehrer, D. J.,"A Database Sharing Scheme Based upon Galois Field Algebra ," Proceedings of SEARCC’92, pp. 52.08-52.14, 1992-08. . .
  478. Chang, C. C., Wu, T. C. and Yeh, Y. S.,"On the Design of Image Databases for Concurrent Spatial Match Retrieval ," Proceedings of International Conference on Microwaves and Communications, pp. 216-221, 1992-07. . .
  479. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, S. M.,"A Password Authentication Scheme Based upon Diffie and Hellman's Public Key System ," Proceedings of the Second Conference on Information Security, pp. 85-104, 1992-05. . .
  480. Lin, C. H., Chang, C. C., and Lee, R. C. T.,"An Interactive Message Authentication Scheme ," Proceedings of the Secon Conference on Information Security, pp. 105-120, 1992-05. . .
  481. Jan, J. K., and Chang, C. C.,"On the Unification to Minimal Perfect Hashing, Access Control and User Hierarchy ," Proceedings of the Second Conference on Information Security, pp. 57-84, 1992-05. . .
  482. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, S. J.,"Sharing a Dynamic Secret ," Proceedings of the International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, pp. 267-271, 1992-01. . .
  483. Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J. and Hwang, S. J.,"The Study of a Data Compression Scheme for English - Chinese Dictionaries, ," Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Chinese Information Processing, pp. 142-151, 1992-01. . .
  484. Chang, C. C. and Lee, H. C.,"A Generalized Group Oriented Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of NCS 1991, pp. 367-371, 1991-12. . .
  485. Yeh, Y. S., Wu, T. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A New Cryptosystem Using Matrix Transformation ," Proceedings of IEEE International Canahan Conference on Security Technolog, pp. 131-138, 1991-10. . .
  486. Yeh, Y. S., Wu, T. C. and Chang, C. C.,"A Private Key Cryptosystem Based upon Enforced Random Substitution ," Proceedings of IEEE International Canahan Conference on Security Technology, pp. 319-324, 1991-10. . .
  487. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, S. J.,"Cryptographic Authentication of Passwords ," Proceedings of IEEE International Canahan Conference on Security Technology, pp. 126-130, 1991-10. , .
  488. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H.,"An ID-Based Signature Scheme Based upon Rabin’s Public Key Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of IEEE International Canahan Conference on Security Technology, pp. 139-141, 1991-10. . .
  489. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J.,"A Strategy to Transform Public Key Cryptosystems to ID-Based Public Key Cryptosystems ," Proceedings of IEEE International Canahan Conference on Security Technology, pp. 68-72, 1991-10. . .
  490. Chang, C. C.,"Current Status and Needs of Computer Systems Security ," Proceedings of 1991 Academic Researches in SEED Project, pp. 15-1~15-13, 1991-10. . .
  491. Chang, C. C.,"Recent Developments of Access Control Techniques ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computing in Southern Africa, pp. 129-136, 1991-04. . .
  492. Chang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Chen, D. C.,"A Coding Scheme Based upon Modified Arithmetic Codes Suitable for Binary Search ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computing in Southern Africa, pp. 59-68, 1991-04. . .
  493. Buehrer, D. J. and Chang, C. C.,"A Cryptographic Mechanism for Sharing Databases ," Proceedings of International Conference on Information & Systems, pp. 1039-1045, 1991-01. . .
  494. Buehrer, D. J. and Chang, C. C.,"An O(N*M*T) Spatial Match Retrieval Algorithm ," Proceedings of the ICS 1990, pp. 152-158, 1990-12. . .
  495. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C.,"A Binary Implementation of Single-Key-Lock Scheme for Dynamic Access Control ," Proceedings of the ICS 1990, pp. 321-327, 1990-12. . .
  496. Chang, C. C.,"Recent Developments of Password Authentication Techniques ," Proceedings of the First Conference on Information Security, pp. 1-24, 1990-12. . .
  497. Chang, C. C. and Wu, L. H.,"A Password Authentication Scheme Based upon Rabin’s Public-key Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of International Conference on Systems Management’90, pp. 425-429, 1990-06. . .
  498. Liang, J., Chang, C. C., Lee, R. C. T. and Wang, J. H.,"Solving the File Design Problem with Neural Networks ," Proceedings of IEEE 10th International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, pp. 52-59, 1990-03. . .
  499. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C.,"A Password Authentication Scheme without Verification Tables ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Applied Informatics, pp. 202-204, 1990-02. . .
  500. Chang, C. C. and Wu, T. C.,"The Study of an Irregular Triangular Mesh Generator ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Applied Informatics, pp. 228-233, 1990-02. . .
  501. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T.,"Some File Organizations by the MMI Method for Orthogonal Range Retrieval ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Applied Informatics, pp. 337-341, 1990-02. . .
  502. Chang, C. C. and Shieh, J. C.,"Pairwise Relatively Prime Generating Polynomials and Their Applications ," Proceedings of International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Complexity, pp. 137-140, 1989-11. . .
  503. Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. H.,"A Single Key User Hierarchic Representation Mechanism ," Proceedings of International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Complexity, pp. 145-148, 1989-11. . .
  504. Chang, C. C. and Leu, D. F.,"Multi-key Sorting as a File Organization Scheme when Queries Are Not Equally Likely, ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Application, pp. 263-270, 1989-09. 。 .
  505. Jan, J. K. and Chang, C. C.,"Toward the Compression of Chinese Phonetic Textual Files ," Proceedings of 1989 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, pp. 393-397, 1989-01. . .
  506. Chang, C. C., Chow, L. C. and Shen, S. D.,"VICE-FORTRAN: A Visual Chinese Form Translator ," Proceedings of 1989 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, pp. 405-411, 1989-01. . .
  507. Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. H.,"An Access Control Mechanism with Single Key ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers, pp. 181-183, 1988-12. . .
  508. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H.,"An Information Secure Broadcasting Scheme Based upon Galois Field Algebra ," Proceedings of International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers, pp. 184-186, 1988-12. . .
  509. Liang, J., Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T.,"On the Design of Multiple Key Hashing Files for Orthogonal Range Retrieval, ," Proceedings of International Computer Science Conference 1988, pp. 434-438, 1988-12. . .
  510. Chang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"A Pattern Matching Mechanism Based upon Predictive Functions ," Proceedings of International Computer Science Conference 1988, pp. 522-526, 1988-12. . .
  511. Wu, T. C. and Chang, C. C.,"An Authentication Scheme in Computer Networks Based upon Euclidean Geometry ," Proceedings of the ICS 1988, pp. 1498-1502, 1988-12. . .
  512. Lin, H. F., Hu, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y.,"Sharing a Secret Using RSA Cryptosystem ," Proceedings of the ICS 1988, pp. 1490-1493, 1988-12. . .
  513. Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C.,"On the Design of Bucket Address Hashing Files for Concurrent Information Retrieval Among Two Disks ," Proceedings of the ICS 1988, pp. 89-93, 1988-12. . .
  514. Chang, C. C., Chen, C. Y. and Chan, C. W.,"On the Attribute Based Domains Design Problem for Orthogonal Range Retrieval ," Proceedings of the ICS 1988, pp. 1233-1238, 1988-12. . .
  515. Chang, C. C. and Shen, S. D.,"FORMOSA: A Chinese Visual Programming Language ," Proceedings of 1988 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, pp. 275-279, 1988-08. . .
  516. Shen, S. D., Wang, C. T. and Chang, C. C.,"On the Design of a Structure Assembly Language Tutor in Chinese ," Proceedings of 1988 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, pp. 600-607, 1988-08. . .
  517. Chang, C. C., Jan, J. K. and Hsiao, J. Y.,"Near-Matching-Patterns in Chinese Textual Files ," Proceedings of 1988 International Conference on Computer Proceedings of Chinese and Oriental Languages, pp. 382-386, 1988-08. . .
  518. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. H.,"The Study of Missing Data Problem and Data Integrity Problem ," Proceedings of NCS 1987, pp. 254-262, 1987-12. . .
  519. Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. H.,"A Dynamic Access Control Scheme Based upon Chinese Remainder Theorem ," Proceedings of NCS 1987, pp. 304-311, 1987-12. . .
  520. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y.,"A Performance Note on Multi-disk Binary Cartesian Product File Allocation Methods ," Proceedings of the NCS 1987, pp. 247-253, 1987-12. . .
  521. Chang, C. C. and Cheng, W, Y.,"The Study of User-Hierarchy Mechanism for Computer System Resources ," Proceedings of NCS 1987, pp. 312-318, 1987-12. . .
  522. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y., and Chen, C. Y.,"Strings Near-matching Techniques for Large Textual Files ," Proceedings of NCS 1987, pp. 825-830, 1987-12. . .
  523. Chang, C. C.,"On the Implementation of User Hierarchy Structure in Information Systems ," Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Software and Applications, IEEE, pp. 412-415, 1987-10. . .
  524. Symbolic Solutions for Linear Difference Equations,"Chang, C. C. and Hung, M. F. ," Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Computer System Technology, pp. 1033-1060, 1987-08. . .
  525. Chang, C. C. and Hung, M. F.,"An Access Control Mechanism for Information Protection System ," Proceedings of the ICS 1986, pp. 754-757, 1986-12. . .
  526. Chang, C. C.,"Optimal Cartesian Product File Systems when the Bucket Size is a Power of Prime ," Proceedings of the ICS 1986, pp. 763-769, 1986-12. . .
  527. Chang, C. C. and Chang, C. H.,"Single-Parametered Reciprocal Hashing Scheme ," Proceedings of the ICS 1986, ., 1986-12. . .
  528. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. Y.,"Lower Bounds of Using Disk Modulo Allocation Method to Allocate Cartesian Product Files in a Two-Disk System ," Proceedings of the ICS 1986, pp. 770-774, 1986-12. . .
  529. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, M. D. and Lin, C. H.,"Algorithms to Allocate a File for Concurrent Disk Accessing ," Proceedings of 6th Advanced Database System Symposium, pp. 201-205, 1986-08. . .
  530. Chang, C. C. and Tsai, W. H.,"An Algorithm to Allocate a File on Multiple Disk System for Concurrent Retrieval ," Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Computer System Technology, pp. 603-625, 1986-08. . .
  531. Fang, M. T., Lee, R. C. T. and Chang, C. C.,"The Idea of De-Clustering and Its Applications ," Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pp. 181-188, 1986-08. . .
  532. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H.,"On the Difficulty of Construction Perfect Hashing Functions ," Proceedings of 1986 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, ., 1986-06. . .
  533. Chang, C. C. and Shieh, J. C,"On the Design of Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Functions ," Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering, IEEE, pp. 112-115, 1986-02. . .
  534. Chang, C. C. and Liang, J.,"Partially Specified K-Nearest Neighbor Search Using Multiple Key Hashing Functions ," Proceedings of NCS 1985, pp. 448-454, 1985-12. . .
  535. Chang, C. C. and Yuan, S. T.,"A Parallel Scheme of the Closest Pair Problem and All Closest Points Problem for VLSI Systems ," Proceedings of NCS 1985, pp. 255-268, 1985-12. . .
  536. Chang, C. C. and Lee, Y. P.,"A Letter Oriented Minimal Perfect Rehashing Scheme Based upon Reciprocal Hashing ," Proceedings of NCS 1985, pp. 472-482, 1985-12. . .
  537. Chang, C. C. and Yuan, S. T.,"A Parallel Algorithm to Solve All Shortest Pairs Problem ," Proceedings of NCS 1985, pp. 455-467, 1985-12. . .
  538. Chang, C. C. and Lu, Y. L.,"The Complexity of Multi-disk Data Allocation Problem ," Proceedings of NCS 1985, pp. 468-471, 1985-12. . .
  539. Chang, C. C. and Chen, H. Y.,"Toward the Estimation of Response Times for Random Files: A Closed Noniterative Performance Formula ," Proceedings of NCS 1985, pp. 835-842, 1985-12. . .
  540. Chang, C. C. and Hsiao, M. D.,"Short Spanning Path as a File Allocation Scheme for Concurrent Disk Accessing ," Proceedings of NCS 1985, pp. 269-283, 1985-12. . .
  541. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. H.,"A Fast Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Search ," Proceedings of NCS 1985, pp. 625-643, 1985-12. . .
  542. Chang, C. C. and Shieh, J. C.,"A Fast Algorithm for Constructing Reciprocal Hashing Functions ," Proceedings of International Symposium on New Directions in Computing, IEEE, pp. 232-236, 1985-08. Norway .
  543. Chang, C. C. and Chen, C. P.,"The User-Hierarchy Structure in Information Protection System ," IMC's 1985 Asia-pacific Regional Information & Micrographic Management Congress, pp. 441-449, 1985-07. . .
  544. Chang, C. C.,"Data Base Research and Development in Taiwan ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Foundations of Data Organization,, pp. 413-414, 1985-05. Japan .
  545. Chang, C. C.,"Optimal Partial Match Retrieval when the Number of Buckets is a Power of Prime ," Proceedings of the ICS 1984, pp. 807-813, 1984-12. Taiwan .
  546. hang, C. C. and Su, D. H.,"Optimal Attribute Length Assignment when Attributes are Independently Specified ," Proceedings of the ICS 1984, pp. 814-820, 1984-12. Taiwan .
  547. Chang, C. C. and Su, D. H.,"Application of a Heuristic Algorithm to Design Multiple Key Hashing Functions ," Proceedings of NCS 1983, pp. 205-209, 1983-12. . .
  548. Chang, C. C.,"Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme Based upon Chinese Remainder Theorem ," Proceedings of NCS 1983, pp. 225-231, 1983-12. . .
  549. Chang, C. C. and Su, D. H.,"Some Properties of Multi-Attribute File Systems Based upon Multiple Key Hashing Functions ," Proceedings of 21th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 675-682, 1983-10. U.S.A. .
  550. Chang, C. C.,"A Survey of Multi-key File Design ," Proceedings of the First Conference on Computer Algorithms, pp. 3-1-3-62, 1982-07. . .
  551. Chang, C. C., Lee, R. C. T. and Du, H. C.,"Some Properties of Cartesian Product Files ," Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD 1980 Conference, 157-168, 1980-05. Calif. .
  552. Chang, C. C. and Lee, R. C. T.,"Optimal Cartesian Product Files for Partial Match Queries and Partial Match Patterns ," Proceedings of NCS 1979, pp. 5-27-5-37, 1979-12. . .
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  15. 專業書籍/林祝興、張真誠/電子商務安全技術與應用/ 旗標出版股份有限公司 /2003-02-01/ /
  16. 專業書籍/陳同孝、張真誠、黃國峰/數位影像處理技術/ 旗標出版股份有限公司 /2003-02-01/ /
  17. 專業書籍/張真誠/資通安全概論(Introduction to Information and Communication Security)/ 行政院國家科學委員會科學技術資料中心/ 中華民國 /2002-12-01/0/ /
  18. 專業書籍/張真誠、陳同孝、周文光、何英治、林敏惠/計算機概論---邁向2003年(Discovering Information and Computers)/ 旗標出版股份有限公司 /2002-09-01/0/ /
  19. 專業書籍/張真誠、蔡文輝、黃國峰/挑戰C++程序語言(A Challenge to C++ Programming Language)/ 機械工業出版社/ 中國大陸 /2002-08-01/0/ /
  20. 專業書籍/張真誠、蔡文輝/資料結構設計與C++程式應用/ 旗標出版股份有限公司 /2002-07-01/ /
  21. 專業書籍/張真誠、蔡文輝、劉鎮城/近代計算機槪論/ 旗標出版股份有限公司 /2002-07-01/ /
  22. 專業書籍/蔡文輝、黃國峰、張真誠/挑戰C++程式語言/ 旗標出版股份有限公司 /2002-02-01/ /
  23. 專業書籍/張真誠、賴溪松、韓亮/計算機密碼學及其應用/ 國防工業出版社/ 中國大陸 /2001-07-01/0/ /
  24. 專業書籍/張真誠、陳同孝、周文光、何英治、林敏惠/計算機概論(Discovering Information and Computers)/ 松橋數位科技股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /2001-06-01/0/ /
  25. 專業書籍/張真誠、陳同孝、黃國峰/數位影像處理技術(Digital Image Processing Techniques)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /2001-01-01/0/ /
  26. 專業書籍/張真誠、黃國峰、陳同孝/電子影像技術/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司 /2000-03-01/ /
  27. 專業書籍/張真誠、林祝興、江季翰/電子商務安全(Data Security for Electronic Commerce)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /2000-01-01/0/ /
  28. 專業書籍/張真誠/資料工程技術(Data Engineering Techniques)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1998-08-01/0/ /
  29. 專業書籍/張真誠/電腦密碼學與資訊安全(Computer Cryptography and Information Security)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1998-08-01/0/ /
  30. 專業書籍/張真誠、賴溪松、韓亮/近代密碼學及其應用(Contemporary Cryptography and Its Applications)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1995-09-01/0/ /
  31. 專業書籍/張真誠、李鴻進、許勝雄/UNIX作業系統與網路安全/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司 /1994-06-01/ /
  32. 專業書籍/張真誠、蔡文輝/資料壓縮 原理與實務/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司 /1994-04-01/ /
  33. 專業書籍/張真誠、李鴻進/CLIPPER5.X組合語言介面深入研究/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1994-03-01/0/ /
  34. 專業書籍/張真誠、李維斌、王智弘/魔繭(Cocoon-A Vaccine for Computer Viruses)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1992-10-01/0/ /
  35. 專業書籍/張真誠、李鴻進、李維斌/天山雪蓮-電腦病毒診治系統(Lotus of Heavenly Mountain-An Open De-Virus System)/ 凱立資訊公司/ 中華民國 /1992-08-01/0/ /
  36. 專業書籍/張真誠、蔡文輝、劉鎮城/計算機科學概論(Introduction to Computer Science)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1992-03-01/0/ /
  37. 專業書籍/張真誠、蔡文輝/資料結構-原理與應用(Data Structures-Theories and Applications)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1992-03-01/0/ /
  38. 專業書籍/張真誠、蔡昇諭/關連式資料庫系統之應用(Applications of Relational Database Systems)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1991-04-01/0/ /
  39. 專業書籍/張真誠/資料庫系統設計/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司 /1991-04-01/ /
  40. 專業書籍/張真誠、沈守篤/電腦中心管理-實務與經驗(Computer Center Management-Practice and Experience)/ 松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /1990-07-01/0/ /
  1. 基於深度學習的數位影像隱私安全技術之研究(2/3) / 2024.08.01-2025.07.31 / 國科會 / MOST 112-2221-E-035-054-MY3
  2. 利用人工智慧技術的人臉生物特征保護之研究(2/3) / 2024.08.01-2025.07.31 / 國科會 / MOST 112-2221-E-035-048-MY3
  3. 基於深度學習的數位影像隱私安全技術之研究(1/3) / 2023.08.01-2024.07.31 / 國科會 / MOST 112-2221-E-035-054-MY3
  4. 利用人工智慧技術的人臉生物特征保護之研究(1/3) / 2023.08.01-2024.07.31 / 國科會 / MOST 112-2221-E-035-048-MY3
  5. 醫學影像的版權認證、篡改檢測與隱私保護之研究(3/3) / 2022.08.01-2023.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 109-2221-E-035-060-MY3
  6. 醫學影像的版權認證、篡改檢測與隱私保護之研究(2/3) / 2021.08.01-2022.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 109-2221-E-035-060-MY3
  7. 高藏量的二維碼、視覺密碼式二維碼和富二維碼的秘密分享技術之研究(2/2) / 2021.08.01-2022.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 109-2221-E-035-059-MY2
  8. 醫學影像的版權認證、篡改檢測與隱私保護之研究(1/3) / 2020.08.01-2021.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 109-2221-E-035-060-MY3
  9. 高藏量的二維碼、視覺密碼式二維碼和富二維碼的秘密分享技術之研究(1/2) / 2020.08.01-2021.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 109-2221-E-035-059-MY2
  10. 加密域可逆資訊隱藏的研究(3/3) / 2019.08.01-2020.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 106-2221-E-035 -018 -MY3
  11. 適用於手機拍照的高強韌數位水印及QR水印美化碼之研究(3/3) / 2019.08.01-2020.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 106-2221-E-035 -013 -MY3
  12. 加密域可逆資訊隱藏的研究(2/3) / 2018.08.01-2019.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 106-2221-E-035 -018 -MY3
  13. 適用於手機拍照的高強韌數位水印及QR水印美化碼之研究(2/3) / 2018.08.01-2019.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 106-2221-E-035 -013 -MY3
  14. 加密域可逆資訊隱藏的研究(1/3) / 2017.08.01-2018.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 106-2221-E-035 -018 -MY3
  15. 適用於手機拍照的高強韌數位水印及QR水印美化碼之研究(1/3) / 2017.08.01-2018.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 106-2221-E-035 -013 -MY3
  16. 植基於編碼策略的可還原式資訊隱藏技術 / 2016.08.01-2017.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 105-2221-E-035-051-
  17. 安全有效的認證機制及其在電子商務應用之研究(3/3) / 2015.08.01-2017.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST / 103-2221-E-035 -046 -MY3
  18. 數位影像秘密共享之研究及其在移動通訊環境中的應用(2/2) / 2015.08.01-2016.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 103-2221-E-035 -102 -MY2
  19. 安全有效的認證機制及其在電子商務應用之研究(2/3) / 2015.08.01-2016.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST / 103-2221-E-035 -046 -MY3
  20. 數位影像秘密共享之研究及其在移動通訊環境中的應用(1/2) / 2014.08.01-2015.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 103-2221-E-035 -102 -MY2
  21. 安全有效的認證機制及其在電子商務應用之研究(1/3) / 2014.08.01-2015.07.31 / 科技部 / MOST 103-2221-E-035 -046 -MY3
  22. 數位影像編輯技術之研究及在多媒體安全之應用(3/3) / 2013.08.01-2014.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 100-2221-E-035-093-MY3
  23. 高安全性且高效率的門檻式密碼技術之研究與應用(3/3) / 2013.08.01-2014.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 100-2221-E-035-049-MY3
  24. 數位影像編輯技術之研究及在多媒體安全之應用(2/3) / 2012.08.01-2013.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 100-2221-E-035-093-MY3
  25. 高安全性且高效率的門檻式密碼技術之研究與應用(2/3) / 2012.08.01-2013.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 100-2221-E-035-049-MY3
  26. 數位影像編輯技術之研究及在多媒體安全之應用(1/3) / 2011.08.01-2012.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 100-2221-E-035-093-MY3
  27. 高安全性且高效率的門檻式密碼技術之研究與應用(1/3) / 2011.08.01-2012.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 100-2221-E-035-049-MY3
  28. 針對數位影像可逆與可移除的資料嵌入技術(3/3) / 2010.08.01-2011.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 97-2221-E-035-084-MY3
  29. 網際網路的電子交易安全機制之研究 (3/3) / 2010.08.01-2011.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 97-2221-E-035-039-MY3
  30. 針對數位影像可逆與可移除的資料嵌入技術(2/3) / 2009.08.01-2010.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 97-2221-E-035-084-MY3
  31. 網際網路的電子交易安全機制之研究 (2/3) / 2009.08.01-2010.07.31 / 國科會 NSC 97-2221-E-035-039-MY3
  32. 針對數位影像可逆與可移除的資料嵌入技術(1/3) / 2008.08.01-2009.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 97-2221-E-035-084-MY3
  33. 網際網路的電子交易安全機制之研究 (1/3) / 2008.08.01-2009.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 97-2221-E-035-039-MY3
  34. 利用餘數系統轉換設計高速的密碼運算機制 (3/3) / 2007.08.01-2008.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 96-2221-E-035-010
  35. 適用於多種資料壓縮機制之資訊隱藏技術之研究 (3/3) / 2007.08.01-2008.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC 96-2221-E-035-009
  36. 利用餘數系統轉換設計高速的密碼運算機制 (2/3) / 2006.08.01-2007.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC95-2221-E-035-141
  37. 適用於多種資料壓縮機制之資訊隱藏技術之研究 (2/3) / 2006.08.01-2007.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC95-2221-E-035-140
  38. 利用餘數系統轉換設計高速的密碼運算機制 (1/3) / 2005.08.01-2006.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC94-2213-E-035-052
  39. 適用於多種資料壓縮機制之資訊隱藏技術之研究 (1/3) / 2005.08.01-2006.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC94-2213-E-035-051
  40. 多種數位影像型態之漸進式影像傳輸技術之研究 (3/3) / 2004.08.01-2005.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC93-2213-E-194-003
  41. 適用於多種影像類型之資訊隱藏技術之研究 (3/3) / 2004.08.01-2005.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC93-2213-E-194-004
  42. 多種數位影像型態之漸進式影像傳輸技術之研究(2/3) / 2003.08.01-2004.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC92-2213-E-194-004
  43. 適用於多種影像類型之資訊隱藏技術之研究(2/3) / 2003.08.01-2004.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC92-2213-E-194-005
  44. 多種數位影像型態之漸進式影像傳輸技術之研究(1/3) / 2002.08.01-2003.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC91-2213-E-194-017
  45. 適用於多種影像類型之資訊隱藏技術之研究(1/3) / 2002.08.01-2003.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC91-2213-E-194-016
  46. 多種影像壓縮機制之研究(3/3) / 2001.08.01-2002.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC90-2213-E-194-013
  47. 具有糾錯能力之影像壓縮法之研究 / 2001.08.01-2002.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC90-2213-E-194-041
  48. 植基於區塊顏色力距與小波轉換特徵的相似彩色影像查詢之研究 / 2001.08.01-2002.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC90-2213-E-194-026
  49. 多種影像壓縮機制之研究 (2/3) / 2000.08.01-2001.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC89-2218-E-194-01
  50. 植基於區段比對的視訊影像搜尋技術 / 2000.08.01-2001.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC89-2218-E-194-008
  51. 彩色影像密碼技術之研究 / 2000.08.01-2001.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC89-2218-E-194-007
  52. Lucas函數與橢圓曲線密碼系統加速運算之研究 / 1999.08.01-2000.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC89-2213-E-194-002
  53. 視訊影像資料庫相似性查詢 / 1999.08.01-2000.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC89-2213-E-194-003
  54. 多種影像壓縮機制之研究 (1/3) / 1999.08.01-2000.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC89-2213-E-194-020
  55. 機密影像共管系統及欺騙者辨認之研究 / 1998.08.01-1999.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC88-2213-E-194-003
  56. 針對相似影像擷取之圖形索引化與正規化之研究 / 1998.08.01-1999.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC88-2213-E-194-005
  57. 大型稀疏矩陣壓縮技術之研究 / 1997.08.01-1998.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC87-2213-E-194-001
  58. 大型圖像資料庫之設計 / 1997.08.01-1998.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC87-2213-E-194-003
  59. 應用於衛星通訊系統之加密與解密技術之研究 / 1996.08.01-1997.07.31 / 國科會(太空計畫室) / NSC86-NSPO(A)-PC-FA06-02
  60. RSA型態公開金匙密碼系統關鍵技術之研究與開發 / 1996.08.01-1999.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC86-2213-E-194-001
  61. 圖像資料結構與圖像過濾器設計 / 1996.08.01-1997.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC86-2213-E-194-003
  62. 多項指數運算連乘法之平行計算 / 1995.08.01-1996.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC85-2213-E-194-010
  63. 多處理器系統上資源分配問題之研究 / 1994.02.01-1995.07.31 / 國科會(協同主持)
  64. 快速多項指數運算連乘法之研究 / 1994.08.01-1995.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC84-2213-E-194-001
  65. 電腦網路無記名投票之研究 / 1994.02.01-1995.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC83-0408-E-194-013
  66. 中文環境的文字壓縮技術 / 1993.08.01-1994.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC82-0408-E-194-002
  67. 廣義群體導向機密共享之研究 / 1993.02.01-1994.01.31 / 國科會 / NSC82-0408-E-194-027
  68. 利用糾錯碼以達成數字簽章 / 1992.12.20-1993.11.19 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC82-0408-E-194-003
  69. 中文多字詞存取之研究 / 1992.08.01-1993.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC82-0408-E-194-009
  70. 以名稱為驗證標準的保密系統設計與實現 / 1992.08.01-1993.07.31 / 國科會(*協同主持)
  71. 多重堆疊系統研究之新導向:誕生與重生 / 1992.02.01-1993.01.31 / 國科會 / NSC81-0K08-E-194-507
  72. 平行計算-基礎理論、系統及應用研究 / 1991.08.01-1994.07.31 / 國科會(*協同主持)
  73. 一種通用式的資料壓縮技術之研究與發展 / 1991.08.01-1992.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC81-0408-E-194-03
  74. 字典壓縮與搜尋技術之研究與發展 / 1991.02.01-1992.01.31 / 國科會 / NSC80-0408-E194-12
  75. 電腦密碼學研究規劃 / 1990.08.01-1990.12.31 / 國科會 / NSC80-0408-E194-06
  76. 符號式圖表簽章檔案結構設計與效益分析 / 1990.08.01--1991.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC80-0408-E194-02
  77. 動態鍵鎖對存取控制策略之研究 / 1990.08.01-1991.07.31 / 國科會(*協同主持)
  78. 利用MMI法設計適合於直交區間查詢的最佳多鍵語檔案庫之研究 / 1990.02.01-1991.01.31 / 國科會(*協同主持)
  79. 通行碼確認系統之研究與發展 / 1990.02.01-1991.01.31 / 國科會 / NSC79-0408-E194-03
  80. 中英文資料壓縮策略研究 / 1989.08.01-1990.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC79-0408-E194-01
  81. 蘊藏幾何特性的數據保密技術 / 1988.12.01-1990.01.31 / 國科會 / NSC78-0408-E005-02
  82. 中文檔案資料壓縮技術之研究 / 1989.02.01-1990.01.31 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC78-0408-E005-03
  83. 資訊安全技術之研究 / 1988.08.01-1989.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC78-0408-E005-01
  84. 中英文字串之近似比對研究 / 1988.08.01-1989.07.31 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC77-0408-E005-04
  85. 視覺式填表系統之研究與發展 / 1988.01.01-1989.03.31 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC77-0408-E005-03
  86. 多變量分析技術應用於資訊存取之研究 / 1987.12.01-1988.11.30 / 國科會 / NSC77-0408-E005-02
  87. 適於直交區間查詢的多鍵語檔案庫之特性研究 / 1987.12.01-1988.11.30 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC77-0408-E035-02
  88. 動態存取控制策略之研究 / 1987.08.01-1988.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC77-0408-E005-01
  89. 國字注音符號拼音存取技術之研究 / 1987.04.01-1988.03.31 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC76-0408-E005-04
  90. 多磁碟系統的檔案庫設計與績效評估 / 1987.01.01-1988.03.31 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC76-0408-E035-03
  91. 資料缺漏項猜測與資料驗證之研究 / 1986.12.01-1987.11.30 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC76-0408-E005-03
  92. 大型本文檔案的近似樣式字串吻合找尋之研究與發展 / 1986.12.01-1987.11.30 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC76-0408-E035-01
  93. 探討建造完美赫序函數之難易度 / 1986.12.01-1987.11.30 / 國科會 / NSC76-0408-E005-02
  94. 計算機通信網路安全系統之發展與評估 / 1986.08.01-1987.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC76-0408-E005-01
  95. 分散式多鍵語赫序函數資料庫的特性研究 / 1986.04.01-1987.03.31 / 國科會 / NSC75-0408-E005-04
  96. 適於平行擷取的最佳化卡迪生乘法式檔案之設計 / 1986.04.01-1987.03.31 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC75-0408-E035-02
  97. 計算機輔助結構化組合語言教學之發展 / 1985.12.01-1986.11.30 / 國科會(*協同主持) / NSC75-0408-E005-03
  98. 遞迴關係符號處理器之設計與發展 / 1985.08.31-1986.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC75-0408-E005-02
  99. 資訊安全防衛系統之建立 / 1985.08.01-1986.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC75-0408-E005-01
  100. 文字資料的最佳完美赫序法則之研究 / 1984.11.01-1985.10.31 / 國科會 / NSC74-0408-E005-02
  101. 適於平行處理的檔案設計與檔案分配法之研究 / 1984.08.01-1985.07.31 / 國科會 / NSC74-0408-E005-01
  102. 多鍵語檔案庫對於部分吻合查詢之最佳赫序法則設計 / 1983.08.01-1984.05.31 / 國科會 / NSC73-0208-M005-01
  103. 最佳資料存取方法之建立 / 1982.12.20-1983.11.19 / 國科會 / NSC72-0404-E009-013
  1. 校園智慧財產權訪視計畫 / 2007.04.01-2007.09.30 / 教育部 (*共同主持人)
  2. 多功能數位化浮水印系統 / 2003.09.01-2004.08.31 / 鉦霖資訊有限公司
  3. 電子化政府資訊安全緊急事件處理機制之研究 / 1998.09.01-1999.02.28 / 行政院研考會(協同主持人)
  4. 制定通訊安全密碼模組技術規範及開發相關驗證技術 / 1998.08.01-1999.05.31 / 交通部電信總局(副總主持人)
  5. 資訊安全標準草案研擬 / 1998.08.01-1999.05.31 / 經濟部中央標準局(研究)
  6. 資訊安全相關標準草案研擬 / 1997.09.01-1998.05.31 / 經濟部中央標準局
  7. 政府機關資訊安全管理綱則之研擬 / 1997.03.01-1997.06.30 / 行政院研考會
  8. 近代電腦密碼學本土化教材大綱編纂 / 1994.12.01-1995.05.31 / 教育部顧問室 / 台(84)顧005535
  9. 中正大學設置高速網路及其實驗應用平台 / 1994.12.01-1995.06.30 / 教育部(協同主持)
  10. 多人數值簽章系統之發展 / 1994.07.01-1995.06.30 / 中山科學研究院 / CS84-0210-D-194-001
  11. 省政中長程計畫資訊化管理 / 1994.08.01-1995.05.31 / 省政府研考會
  12. 電腦病毒防治系統之研究 / 1991.09.01-1992.06.30 / 教育部 / MOECC81-A003
  13. 服務控制點資料庫設計 / 1991.07.01-1992.06.30 / 交通部電信研究所 / TL-81-1101
  14. 電腦系統安全現況及需求 / 1991.03.01-1991.06.30 / 資訊工業策進會
  15. 機密資訊安全廣播之建立 / 1991.02.01-1992.01.31 / 中山科學院 / CS80-0210-D194-01
  16. 信息處理系統與目錄服務系統保密之設計 / 1990.08.01-1991.07.31 / 交通部電信研究所 / TL-81-3201
  17. 高階通信協定之安全性及驗證研究 / 1990.08.01-1991.07.31 / 交通部電信研究所 / TL-81-3105
  18. 掌攜型電子記憶卡之研發 / 1989.12.01-1990.05.31/ 普森科技公司
  19. 台東縣政府縣政資訊系統整體規劃 / 1990.11.01-1991.06.30 / 台東縣政府
  20. 中文電腦之技術研究與中文資訊系統之發展 / 1988.07.01-1989.04.30 / 國防部中山科學研究院
  21. 台中市政府市政資訊系統整體規劃 / 1988.07.01-1989.06.30 / 台中市政府
  22. 電腦在專業科目上的應用-農業類科 / 1988.01.01-1988.07.20 / 台灣省教育廳
  23. 電腦在專業科目上的應用-家事類科 / 1988.01.01-1988.07.20 / 台灣省教育廳
  24. 地形地勢圖自動產生器之設計 / 1987.10.01-1988.09.30 / 康大資訊股份有限公司
  25. 中文圖表視覺導向系統之設計與發展 / 1985.08.01-1986.07.31 / 康大資訊股份有限公司
  26. 資料庫管理系統之設計與製作 / 1983.06.01-1984.05.31 / 康大資訊股份有限公司
  1. 113/計算機領域頂級科學家 /ScholarGPS/ 2024-08-28/ScholarGPS發佈2022年全球計算機科學(C S)領域,Productivity(論文產量)居前0.004%,名列全球第2 7名,總排名(含生產力、影響力丶論文品質)為全世界109 名。位列全台第1。
  2. 112/最佳論文獎 /台灣雲端計算學會/ 2024-06-08/發表於2023年9月IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing的一篇論文“Reversible data hiding with hierarchical block variable length coding for cloud security”獲選為台灣雲端計算學會之2024年度最佳期刊論文獎。
  3. 112/最佳演講獎 /CVCl 2024/ 2024-01-31/2024 International Conference on Computer Vision and Computational Intelligence (於泰國曼谷舉行)
  4. 111/計算機領域頂級科學家 /Research.com (學術研究領導工作者平台)/ 2023-03-21/Research.com (學術研究領導工作者平台)評選為2023年電腦科學最佳科學家(Best Computer Science Scientists),世界排名第520名 。 並榮獲2023年「電腦科學領袖獎」(Computer Science Leader Award)。
  5. 111/獲頒國立中正大學名譽工學博士 /國立中正大學/ 2023-03-14//*曾頒發過的名譽博士包含李登輝前總統、諾貝爾獎得主楊振寧博士、與慈濟功德會證嚴法師等各界貢獻卓著人士*/
  6. 111/獲選為2022年歐洲科學與藝術研究院院士 /歐洲科學與藝術研究院/ 2022-09-28/獲選為2022年歐洲科學與藝術研究院院士/*該研究院總部設於奧地利薩爾斯堡。為跨學科學術組織,至今已有34位院士為諾貝爾獎得主,堪稱世界級的科學院*/。
  7. 110/獲選為2022年歐洲科學院院士 /歐洲科學院/ 2022-07-15/獲選為2022年歐洲科學院院士/*該研究院總部設於英國倫敦。為歐洲多國科學部長共同倡導創立,該院院士來自全球54個國家,主要從歐洲各國的科學院院士中選出,目前院士共有諾貝爾獎得主58人,圖靈獎得主6人,菲爾茲獎得主13人*/
  8. 110/AAIA Fellow /亞太人工智能學會(Asia- Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association)/ 2021-09-28/榮獲2021 年亞太人工智能學會(Asia- Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association)頒發AAIA Fellow (會士)榮銜。/*亞太人工智能學會成立於2021年,首屆共有400名頂尖科學家獲選為會士,全台共僅五位獲此殊榮*/。
  9. 109/榮獲2020年中華民國電腦學會頒授CS Fellow /中華民國電腦學會/ 2020-08-28/榮獲2020年中華民國電腦學會頒授CS Fellow(會士獎)榮銜。/*中華民國電腦學會,成立于1966年6月。自2013年起,每年至多頒發一名CS Fellow(會士獎)給學界与業界對台灣資訊科技最有貢獻人士。過去曾經得過這項榮譽的計有三名中硏院院士,二名行政院院長,二名大學校長,及宏碁電腦董事長丶和碩聯合科技事長、華碩電腦董事長。*/
  10. 108/四篇已發表的學術論文獲美國ESI認定為2020年度全球計算機領域高被引論文。即被引用率排名為全世界前1%。 /美國ESI/ 2020-06-17/[1] Chang, Chin-Chen, and Hai-Duong Le. "A provably secure, efficient, and flexible authentication scheme for ad hoc wireless sensor networks." IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15.1 (2015): 357-366. [2] Qin, Chuan, Chin-Chen Chang, and Tai-Jung Hsu. "Reversible data hiding scheme based on exploiting modification direction with two steganographic images." Multimedia Tools and Applications 74.15 (2015): 5861-5872.
  11. 108/四篇已發表的學術論文獲美國ESI認定為2020年度全球計算機領域高被引論文。即被引用率排名為全世界前1%。 /美國ESI/ 2020-06-17/[3] Qin, Chuan, Chin-Chen Chang, and Yi-Ping Chiu. "A novel joint data-hiding and compression scheme based on SMVQ and image inpainting." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23.3 (2013): 969-978. [4] Qin, C, Chang, C. C, Huang, Y. H, and Liao, L. T. (2012). "An inpainting-assisted reversible steganographic scheme using a histogram shifting mechanism." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 23. 7 (2012): 1109-1118.
  12. 108/最佳論文獎 /IAM 2020/ 2020-02-07/榮獲日本北海道舉行的國際會議International Conference on Innovation and Management 之最佳論文獎
  13. 108/一篇已發表的學術論文獲美國ESI認定為2019年度全球計算機領域熱點論文。 /美國ESI/ 2019-09-12/文章的近兩個月內被引用率排名為全世界的前0.1%。 Qin, C., Ji, P., Chang, C. C., Dong, J. and Sun, X., "Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BTC for Image Tampering Recovery," IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 36-48, 2018-07.
  14. 107/最佳論文獎 /第二十九屆中華民國資訊安全會議/ 2019-05-23/榮獲2019年於靜宜大學舉辦之第二十九屆中華民國資訊安全會議「最佳論文獎佳作」
  15. 106/優秀論文獎 /ICCCS 2018/ 2018-06-08/第四屆雲計算與安全國際學術會議(ICCCS 2018)
  16. 106/卓越論文獎 /南洋理工大學/ 2017-12-28/2017 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2017), The Excellent Paper Award (於新加坡南洋理工大學舉行)
  17. 106/計算機領域頂級科學家 /Guide2Research/ 2017-08-01/Guide2Research發佈世界級千名計算機領域頂級科學家位列全台灣第1名
  18. 105/卓越論文獎 /ICMSS 2017/ 2017-01-15/2017 International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences, The Excellent Paper Award (於中國武漢舉行)
  19. 104/博士論文獎 /中華民國民生電子學會/ 2015-10-01/指導之博士論文獲得中華民國民生電子學會2015年博士論文獎
  20. 102/最佳論文獎 /ICKEA 2014/ 2014-06-15/2014 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications,The Best Paper Award (該會議於香港舉行)
  21. 102/IEEE Reliability Society領袖獎 /IEEE/ 2014-06-01/榮獲IEEE Reliability Society 2014 領袖獎
  22. 102/最佳論文獎 /2013全國計算機會議/ 2013-12-13/2013 National Computer Symposium, The Best Paper Award (於台灣亞洲大學舉行)
  23. 102/首屆「 傑出研究獎」 /英國IET學會台北分會/ 2013-09-24/英國IET學會台北分會
  24. 101/2013 MATLAB/Simulink 論文徵文 /鈦思科技/ 2013-05-09/指導學生林奇賢與陳延菖以「基於混沌映射之VQ編碼簿可變動式門檻值資訊隱藏」參加論文徵文比賽獲得佳作
  25. 101/佳作獎 /鈦思科技/ 2013-05-01/2013 MATLAB/Simulink 論文徵文比賽
  26. 101/卓越講座 /IET學會台北分會/ 2013-01-01/榮獲英國IET學會台北分會 頒贈「卓越講座」(Distinguished Lecturer) 獎牌
  27. 101/終身成就獎 /亞洲資訊安全領域/ 2012-08-01/榮獲2012年亞洲資訊安全領域終身成就獎 (AsiaJCIS Lifetime Achivement Award), (2012年8月)。/*本獎項每年最多只頒發給一位60歲以上的傑出亞洲密碼科學家,本人是歷年來唯一破格以不到60歲年紀獲推薦而得獎者*/
  28. 101/最佳論文獎 /亞洲資訊安全會議/ 2012-08-01/榮獲2012年於日本東京舉辦的亞洲資訊安全會議 (Seventh Asia Joint Conference on Information Security) 最佳論文獎
  29. 100/2012 MATLAB 程式達人競賽佳作獎 /鈦思科技/ 2012-05-02/指導學生陳延菖以「影像矢量量化壓縮」參加比賽獲佳作獎
  30. 100/競賽佳作獎 /鈦思科技/ 2012-05-01/指導學生榮獲鈦思科技2012 MATLAB程式達人競賽佳作獎
  31. 100/「功深緒曜」感謝獎牌 /中華民國電腦學會/ 2011-09-30/表彰擔任電腦學刊總編輯將該學刊成功轉型為全英文國際學術期刊(EI)
  32. 100/「功深緒曜」感謝獎牌 /中華民國電腦學會/ 2011-09-01/榮獲中華民國電腦學會 頒贈「功深緒曜」感謝獎牌,以表彰擔任電腦學刊總編輯將該學刊成功轉型為全英文國際學術期刊,並獲「工程索引」(EI)之COMPENDEX資料庫收錄
  33. 99/碩士論文獎 /中華民國民生電子學會/ 2011-07-01/導之碩士論文獲得中華民國民生電子學會100年度卓越碩士論文獎
  34. 99/最佳論文獎 /國際資訊管理學術研討會/ 2011-05-01/榮獲第22屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(2011 International Conference on Information Management)最佳論文獎
  35. 99/資訊榮譽獎章 /中華民國 資訊學會/ 2011-03-01/榮獲中華民國 資訊學會 最高榮譽 2010 「資訊榮譽獎章」(2011年3月)。/*全台灣每年最多頒給一位對於信息科技最有貢獻者*/
  36. 99/經典論文獎 /Pattern Recognition Letters期刊/ 2011-03-01/榮獲2005年-2010年 Pattern Recognition Letters期刊經典論文獎(Top Cited Paper Award)
  37. 99/最豐碩學者第二名 /DBLP/ 2010-08-01/榮獲全世界DBLP研究創作成果最豐碩學者(Most Prolific DBLP Authors) 第二名 (http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/prolific/index.html)
  38. 97/系統與軟體工程領域頂尖學者 /Journal of Systems and Software)/ 2009-06-01/榮獲國際系統與軟體工程期刊 (Journal of Systems and Software)評選為2002-2006年全球前十五名系統與軟體工程領域頂尖學者 (刊登於 JSS, Vol. 82 , 2009, pp. 1370–1373)
  39. 97/資訊安全講座教授 /國立中興大學/ 2009-02-01/榮獲國立中興大學頒授「資訊安全講座教授」榮銜
  40. 97/最佳論文獎 /IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security/ 2008-08-01/榮獲於中國廣州舉行的IEEE國際電子商務與安全會議(IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security)最佳論文獎
  41. 95/最佳論文獎 /International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering/ 2006-09-01/榮獲全球工程、科學與技術學會所發行之期刊「GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering」最佳論文獎
  42. 95/最佳論文獎 /IEEE學會/ 2006-08-01/榮獲2006年IEEE學會於中國北京舉辦之國際創意計算、資訊與控制會議「最佳論文獎」
  43. 94/學術著作功績獎 /國際電腦科學會議/ 2006-07-01/榮獲2006年國際工程師學會於香港舉辦之國際電腦科學會議 (International Workshop on Computer Science)學術著作功績獎
  44. 94/Top 500 World's Most Influential Scientist Award /國際傳記研究院/ 2006-07-01/榮獲國際傳記研究院 Year 2006 Top 500 World's Most Influential Scientist Award
  45. 94/研究計畫第一級獎 /國科會/ 2005-08-01/榮獲國科會研究計畫第一級獎(2005年8月-2008年7月)
  46. 93/傑出貢獻獎 /中華民國資訊安全學會/ 2005-06-01/榮獲2005年中華民國資訊安全學會最高榮譽「傑出貢獻獎」
  47. 93/榮譽教授 /國立中正大學/ 2005-01-01/榮獲國立中正大學頒授「榮譽教授」榮銜
  48. 92/卓越論文獎 /國際資訊網路與應用會議/ 2004-07-01/榮獲2004年於日本福崗舉辦之第十八屆國際資訊網路與應用會議「卓越論文獎」
  49. 92/感謝狀 /國際密碼研究學會/ 2003-12-01/獲國際密碼研究學會(IACR)頒贈感謝狀,以表彰擔任2003年亞洲密碼學會議大會主席,圓滿成功地籌畫及辦理該會議,對於全世界密碼學界做出具體貢獻
  50. 91/網站競賽教師組全校第一名 /國立中正大學/ 2003-07-01/榮獲2003年國立中正大學校園網站競賽教師組全校第一名
  51. 91/研究傑出獎 /財團法人潘文淵文教基金會/ 2003-06-01/榮獲2003年財團法人潘文淵文教基金會研究傑出獎(2003年6月)。/*本獎項頒給全球最傑出的華裔電腦科學家,每年最多不超過5人;共同獲獎人有美國普林斯頓大學的姚期智院士*/
  52. 91/頂尖學者 /Journal of Systems and Software/ 2003-05-01/榮獲國際系統與軟體工程期刊 (Journal of Systems and Software)評選為1998-2002年全球前十五名系統與軟體工程領域頂尖學者 (刊登於JSS, Vol. 68, 2003, pp. 77-84)
  53. 91/傑出校友 /國立交通大學/ 2003-03-01/榮獲國立交通大學傑出校友
  54. 91/傑出特約研究員獎 /國科會/ 2003-01-01/榮獲行政院國科會頒「傑出特約研究員獎」
  55. 91/東元科技獎 /東元科技/ 2002-11-01/榮獲2002年東元科技獎(2002年11月)。/*電機/資訊/通訊領域對台灣科技發展具有傑出貢獻者,每年最多僅一名獲獎者*/
  56. 90/頂尖學者 /Journal Systems and Software/ 2002-05-01/榮獲國際系統與軟體工程期刊 (Journal Systems and Software)評選為1997-2001年全球前十五名系統與軟體工程領域頂尖學者 (刊登於JSS, Vol.64, 2002, pp.79-86)
  57. 90/傑出校友 /國立清華大學/ 2002-04-01/榮獲國立清華大學電資學院「傑出校友」
  58. 90/講座教授 /國立中正大學/ 2002-01-08/榮獲國立中正大學頒授「講座教授」榮銜
  59. 90/傑出電機工程教授獎 /中國電機工程學會/ 2001-10-01/榮獲中國電機工程學會九十年度「傑出電機工程教授獎」
  60. 90/最佳論文獎 /國際密碼學與網路安全會議/ 2001-09-01/榮獲2001年國際密碼學與網路安全會議最佳論文獎
  61. 89/頂尖學者 /Journal of Systems and Software/ 2001-05-01/榮獲國際系統與軟體工程期刊 (Journal of Systems and Software) 評選1996-2000年系統與軟體工程學術領域前十五名頂尖學者 (刊登於 JSS, Vol.59, 2001, pp.107-113)
  62. 89/IET FELLOW /英國電機工程師學會/ 2000-09-01/當選英國電機工程師學會IET FELLOW
  63. 88/傑出學者國際講學講座 /中華教育文化基金會/ 2000-03-01/榮獲中華教育文化基金會傑出學者國際講學講座
  64. 88/傑出人才講座 /李遠哲傑出人才發展基金會/ 1999-11-10/獲選李遠哲傑出人才發展基金會「傑出人才講座」(1999年11月起連續五年)
  65. 87/傑出工程教授獎 /中國工程師學會/ 1999-06-01/榮獲中國工程師學會「傑出工程教授獎」
  66. 87/教育績優人員 /教育部/ 1999-05-01/獲選教育部推動資訊教育績優人員
  67. 87/IEEE FELLOW /國際電子電機工程師學會/ 1998-11-01/當選國際電子電機工程師學會 IEEE FELLOW
  68. 84/行政院國科會特約研究人員 /行政院國科會/ 1996-07-01/獲邀擔任行政院國科會特約研究人員(1996年起迄今)
  69. 84/龍騰十傑獎 /中華民國/ 1996-07-01/榮獲1996年第一屆龍騰十傑獎
  70. 83/優良文章獎 /資訊與教育新誌社/ 1995-07-06/榮獲1995年資訊與教育新誌社「優良文章獎」
  71. 82/傑出學術研究獎 /國立中正大學/ 1994-07-01/榮獲1994年國立中正大學「傑出學術研究獎」
  72. 81/成果佳作獎 /交通部/ 1993-07-01/榮獲1993年交通部研究計畫「服務控制點資料庫設計」成果佳作獎
  73. 80/博士論文首獎 /中華民國/ 1992-07-01/指導之博士論文榮獲1992年全錄博士論文首獎
  74. 80/大專院校教學資料佳作獎 /教育部/ 1992-07-01/榮獲1992年教育部八十學年度「大專院校教學資料佳作獎」
  75. 80/「功宏化育 厥功至偉」感謝獎牌 /教育廳/ 1991-10-01/榮獲台灣省教育廳廳長頒贈「功宏化育 厥功至偉」感謝獎牌,以表彰擔任「資訊教育雜誌」創刊總編輯自草創而茁壯,對於資訊教育所做出的貢獻
  76. 79/最佳論文獎 /第二屆國際計算機科學會議/ 1991-07-01/榮獲1991年英國學術基金會於馬拉威共和國舉辦之第二屆國際計算機科學會議「最佳論文獎」
  77. 78/龍騰硕、博士論文指導獎 /中華民國/ 1990-07-01/榮獲1990,1997,2002年龍騰博士論文指導獎及榮獲1990,1991,1992,1997,1998年龍騰碩士論文指導獎。
  78. 75/斐陶斐榮譽學會中興大學分會會員 /斐陶斐榮譽學會/ 1987-07-01/榮膺1987年斐陶斐榮譽學會中興大學分會會員
  79. 75/中山學術著作獎 /中山學術文化基金會/ 1987-07-01/榮獲1987年及1997年中山學術文化基金會「中山學術著作獎」
  80. 74/傑出研究獎 /行政院國科會/ 1986-07-01/榮獲1986-1988, 1988-1990, 1990-1992, 1992-1994, 1994-1996連續五次共計十年之行政院國科會「傑出研究獎」(資訊工程學門)。/*為全台灣獲此研究最高榮譽次數最多之學者*/
  81. 72/第一屆全國十大傑出資訊人才 /經濟部/ 1984-07-01/榮獲1984年經濟部資訊月籌委會「第一屆全國十大傑出資訊人才」
  82. 72/青年研究發明獎 /教育部/ 1984-07-01/指導之碩士論文榮獲1984年教育部青年研究發明獎。
  83. 72/青年獎章 /中華民國/ 1984-07-01/榮獲1984年「青年獎章」(博學類)
  84. 70/青年論文獎第一名 /中國電機工程學會/ 1982-07-01/榮獲1982年中國電機工程學會「青年論文獎第一名」
  85. 68/斐陶斐榮譽學會清華大學分會會員 /斐陶斐榮譽學會/ 1980-07-01/榮膺1980年斐陶斐榮譽學會清華大學分會會員
  1. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/CAAN: Context-Aware Attention Network for Visual Question Answering
  2. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/ABOS: An Attention-Based One-Stage Framework for Person Search
  3. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Pre-training Model Based on Parallel Cross-Modality Fusion Layer
  4. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/A Blockchain-based Secure Storage Scheme for Medical Information
  5. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Learning Stereo Disparity with Feature Consistency and Confidence
  6. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Privacy-preserving Public Auditing for Secure Data Storage in Fog-to-Cloud Computing
  7. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Perceptual Hashing for Color Images Based on Hybrid Extraction of Structural Features
  8. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/On the Multi-Level Embedding of Crypto-Image Reversible Data Hiding
  9. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Fast Spatiotemporal Learning Framework for Traffic Flow Forecasting
  10. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Dual Self-guided Attention with Sparse Question Networks for Visual Question Answering
  11. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/A Reversible and Authenticable Secret Sharing Scheme Using Dual Images
  12. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/SKDStream: A Dynamic Clustering Algorithm on Time-Decaying Data Stream
  13. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/A Consortium Blockchain-based Information Management System for Unmanned Vehicle Logistics
  14. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Towards Blind Detection of Steganography in Low‐Bit‐Rate Speech Streams
  15. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme based on AMBTC for Encrypted Images
  16. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/A (k,n)-Threshold Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Non-Full Rank Linear Model
  17. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Post-quantum Blockchain for Secure Communication in IoT based Smart Home Services
  18. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Self-Supervised Learning Framework Toward State-of-the-Art Iris Image Segmentation
  19. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Data Security and Preservation Mechanisms for Industrial Control Network using IOTA
  20. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/A Two-stage Detection Method for Copy-move Forgery based on Parallel Feature Fusion
  21. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Block-based Adaptive MSB Prediction
  22. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/A Comprehensive Framework of Multiple Semantics Preservation in Neural Style Transfer
  23. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/De-Correlation Neural Network for Synchronous Implementation of Estimation and Secrecy
  24. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Detecting Multiple Steganography Methods in Speech Streams Using Multi-Encoder Network
  25. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Sharing Based on GF(p) and GF(2^8)
  26. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Adaptive Block Encoding
  27. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Position-Aware Guided Hiding Data Scheme with Reversibility and Adaptivity for Dual Images
  28. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Real-Time Steganalysis for Streaming Media Based on Multi-Channel Convolutional Sliding Windows
  29. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement based on Multi-histogram Modification
  30. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/A Novel e-Cash Payment System with Divisibility Based on Proxy Blind Signature in Web of Things
  31. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/A Hybrid Parallel Deep Learning Model for Efficient Intrusion Detection Based On Metric Learning
  32. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Steganalysis of Adaptive Multi-rate Speech Streams with Distributed Representations of Codewords
  33. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Privacy-Preserving Data Hiding with Robustness based on Selective Encryption and Matrix Embedding
  34. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/An Improved Image Steganography Framework based on Y Channel Information for Neural Style Transfer
  35. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Asymmetric Orientation Combination for Reversible and Authenticable Data Hiding of Dual Stego-images
  36. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Reversal of Pixel Rotation: A Reversible Data Hiding System towards Cybersecurity in Encrypted Images
  37. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/SSDeN: Framework for Screen-Shooting Resilient Watermarking via Deep Networks in the Frequency Domain
  38. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Embedding Biometric Information in Interpolated Medical Images with A Reversible and Adaptive Strategy
  39. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Trajectory Optimization of Autonomous Surface Vehicles with Outliers for Underwater Target Localization
  40. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Network Abnormal Traffic Detection Method based on Fusion of Chord Similarity and Multiple Loss Encoder
  41. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Efficient Electronic Patient Information Hiding Scheme with Tamper Detection Function for Medical Images
  42. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Pine Pest Detection using Remote Sensing Satellite Images Combined with a Multi-scale Attention-UNet Model
  43. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/MFVT: An Anomaly Traffic Detection Method Merging Feature Fusion Network and Vision Transformer Architecture
  44. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Extended Run-Length Coding and Block-based MSB Plane Rearrangement
  45. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Hiding and Extracting Important Information in Encrypted Images by Using the Transformation of All Possible Permutations and VQ Codebook
  46. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/A Two-Layer Steganography for Mosaic Image
  47. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/An EMD-based Data Hiding Scheme for JPEG Images
  48. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/An Anisotropic Reference Matrix for Image Steganography
  49. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Blockchain based Searchable Encryption for Electronic Health Record Sharing
  50. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Turtle-shell Data Embedding Method with High Image Fidelity
  51. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Correction of Slanted Text Pictures Based on Modified Opencv
  52. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Efficient Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for AMBTC-Compressed Images
  53. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Using an Optimization Algorithm to Detect Hidden Waveforms of Signals
  54. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/A Secure Extended LBP Data Hiding Scheme based on Octagon-shaped Shell
  55. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BTC for Image Tampering Recovery
  56. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/VQ-Oriented Data Hiding based on Adjustable Error Compensation Strategy
  57. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Adaptive Data Hiding Scheme based on Magic Matrix of Flexible Dimension
  58. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Visible 3D-model Watermarking Algorithm for 3D-Printing Based on Bitmap Fonts
  59. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Based on Three Shadow Images Using Rhombus Magic Matrix
  60. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/CSST-Net: An Arbitrary Image Style Transfer Network of Coverless Steganography
  61. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/A Hybrid-Sudoku based Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Image Tampering Detection
  62. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Predicting Missing Data for Data Integrity Based on the Linear Regression Model
  63. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Asymmetric Data Hiding for Compressed Images with High Payload and Reversibility
  64. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images with Block-based Adaptive MSB Encoding
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  189. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Based on Bloom Filter over Encrypted Cloud Data
  190. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Light Repository Blockchain System with Multisecret Sharing for Industrial Big Data
  191. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Signature Gateway: Offloading Signature Generation to IoT Gateway Accelerated by GPU
  192. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Privacy-preserving Public Auditing for Secure Data Storage in Fog-to-Cloud Computing
  193. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Separable Data-Hiding Scheme for Encrypted Image to Protect Privacy of User in Cloud
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  195. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Reversible Steganographic Scheme for AMBTC-Compressed Image Based on (7, 4) Hamming Code
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  197. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for JPEG Images by Doubling Small Quantized AC Coefficients
  198. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Steganalysis of Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Using Statistical Characteristics of Pitch Delay
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  200. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/An Information Theoretically Secure E-lottery Scheme Based on Symmetric Bivariate Polynomials
  201. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Two-phase Histogram Shifting
  202. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Data Embedding Scheme Based on Multi-Matrix Structure of Turtle Shell to Avoid Human Eye Perception
  203. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/HBF-DH: An Enhanced Payload Hybrid Data Hiding Method Based on A Hybrid Strategy and Block Features
  204. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/An Improved Bidirectional Shift-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Double-Way Prediction Strategy
  205. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Content-based Color Image Retrieval Using Block Truncation Coding Based on Binary Ant Colony Optimization
  206. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Efficient Real-time Integrity Auditing with Privacy-preserving Arbitration for Images in Cloud Storage System
  207. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/An Image Style Transfer Network using Multilevel Noise Encoding and Its Application in Coverless Steganography
  208. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Error-free Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Linear Regression and Prediction Error Map
  209. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/A Square Lattice Oriented Reversible Information Hiding Scheme with Reversibility and Adaptivity for Dual Images
  210. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Dual-Image-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme with Integrity Verification Using Exploiting Modification Direction
  211. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/A Biometric-based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for User-to-user Communications in Mobile Satellite Networks
  212. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/TSIA: A Novel Image Authentication Scheme for AMBTC-Based Compressed Images Using Turtle Shell Based Reference Matrix
  213. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Memory Leakage-resilient Dynamic and Verifiable Multi-keyword Ranked Search on Encrypted Smart Body Sensor Network Data
  214. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Real-Time Error-Free Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using (7, 4) Hamming Code and Most Significant Bit Prediction
  215. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Reversibility-oriented Secret Image Sharing Mechanism with Steganography and Authentication Based on Code Division Multiplexing
  216. 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Extended Run-Length Coding and Block-based MSB Plane Rearrangement
  217. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/StegTab: Steganography in Guitar Tablatures
  218. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Data Hiding Based on A Two-layer Turtle Shell Matrix
  219. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Framework for Practical and Receipt-free Remote Voting
  220. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Efficient Information Hiding Based on Theory of Numbers
  221. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/No-Reference Image Blur Assessment Based on SIFT and DCT
  222. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Efficient Access Control System Based on Aesthetic QR Code
  223. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/An Effective Authentication Scheme Using DCT for Mobile Devices
  224. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/New Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Faster R-CNNs Image Retrieval
  225. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Generalized PVO-K Embedding Technique for Reversible Data Hiding
  226. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Security Issues in Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocols
  227. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Steganalysis of Inactive Voice-over-IP Frames Based on Poker Test
  228. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/An Efficient Object Detection Algorithm Based on Compressed Networks
  229. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Detecting Bitrate Modulation-Based Covert Voice-Over-IP Communication
  230. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Novel Aesthetic QR Code Algorithm Based on Hybrid Basis Vector Matrices
  231. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Sudoku-based Secret Sharing Approach With Cheater Prevention Using QR Code
  232. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Computer-Aided Annotation for Video Tampering Dataset of Foyensic Research
  233. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/An Improved Data Hiding Method Based on Lempel-Ziv-Welch Compression Codes
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  235. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding for VQ Indices using Hierarchical State Codebook Mapping
  236. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Perceptual Hashing for Color Images Based on Hybrid Extraction of Structural Features
  237. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Untraceable Biometric-Based Three-Party Authenticated Key Exchange for Dynamic Systems
  238. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Optimization of CNN through Novel Training Strategy for Visual Classification Problems
  239. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images Employing All Quantized Non-Zero AC Coefficients
  240. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Turtle Shell-based Visual Secret Sharing Scheme with Reversibility and Authentication
  241. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Adjacency-Hash-Table based Public Auditing for Data Integrity in Mobile Cloud Computing
  242. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Publicly Verifiable Multi-secret Sharing Scheme with Outsourcing Secret Reconstruction
  243. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BTC for Image Tampering Recovery
  244. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Effective Reversible Image Steganography Based on Rhombus Prediction and Local Complexity
  245. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Efficient Scheme for Secret Hiding in QR Code by Improving Exploiting Modification Direction
  246. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Selective Encryption Scheme of CABAC based on Video Context in High Efficiency Video Coding
  247. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/An Adaptive High-Fidelity Steganographic Scheme Using Edge Detection and Hybrid Hamming Codes
  248. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/An Authentication Method Based on the Turtle Shell Algorithm for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
  249. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Watermarking Mechanism With High Capacity for Three-Dimensional Mesh Objects Using Integer Planning
  250. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images via Adaptive Embedding Strategy with Block Selection
  251. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Minima-Maxima Preserving Data Hiding Algorithm for Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Compressed Images
  252. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on the Haar Discrete Wavelet Transform and Interleaving Prediction Method
  253. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Attacks on "A Provably Secure and Efficient Authentication Scheme for Access Control in Mobile Pay-TV Systems"
  254. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/High Embedding Capacity Data Hiding Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Sequences without Intraframe Distortion Drift
  255. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Secure and Efficient Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Smart Cards for Wireless Communication
  256. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Biometric-based Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme for Session Initiation Protocol in IP-based Multimedia Networks
  257. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Cascaded Algorithm for Image Quality Assessment and Image Denoising Based on CNN for Image Security and Authorization
  258. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Compression Using Exclusive OR Operator
  259. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Detection of Bird‘s Nest in High Power Lines in the Vicinity of Remote Campus Based on Combination Features and Cascade Classifier
  260. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Feature Bundling in Decision Tree Algorithm
  261. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Secure Multi-group Data Hiding Based on GEMD Map
  262. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Using Pixel Order Exchange
  263. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Study of Difference-Expansion Embedding Schemes
  264. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Lottery Protocol Using Oblivious Transfer Based on ECC
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  266. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Cybersecurity for Cyber-Enabled Multimedia Applications
  267. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/A Lossless Data Hiding Scheme Based on VQ Index Frequency
  268. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Vessel Detection in Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane Image
  269. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/A One-Card-Pass User Authentication Scheme Using Image Morphing
  270. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/A High Payload Steganographic Algorithm Based on Edge Detection
  271. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Secure CAS-based Authentication Scheme for Mobile Pay-TV Systems
  272. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Dynamic-Hash-Table Based Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage
  273. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/A Unified Score Propagation Model for Web Spam Demotion Algorithm
  274. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Notes on "Secure Authentication Scheme for IoT and Cloud Servers"
  275. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Turbo Unequal Error Protection Codes with Multiple Protection Levels
  276. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Data Hiding Based on Extended Turtle Shell Matrix Construction Method
  277. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Enabling Public Auditability for Operation Behaviors in Cloud Storage
  278. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/An Efficient and Secure Smart Card Based Password Authentication Scheme
  279. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Recent Advances in Security and Privacy for Wireless Sensor Networks 2016
  280. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/ShortHC: Self-Regenerated Short Hash Chain for Resource-Constrained System
  281. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/An Efficient Steganography Scheme Based on Edge Detection for High Payload
  282. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Fragile Image Watermarking Scheme Based on VQ Index Sharing and Self-embedding
  283. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/A Novel Image Protection Scheme using Bit-plane compression and Secret Sharing
  284. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Hiding Information into Voice-over-IP Streams Using Adaptive Bitrate Modulation
  285. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Smart Card-Based Password Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Using Chaotic Maps
  286. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/An Optimized CLBP Descriptor Based on a Scalable Block Size for Texture Classification
  287. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Multiple Schemes for Mobile Payment Authentication Using QR Code and Visual Cryptography
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  289. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Steganalysis of Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Using Statistical Characteristics of Pulse Pairs
  290. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/A Semantic Compression Scheme for Digital Images Based on Vector Quantization and Data Hiding
  291. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Minimizing Turtle-Shell Matrix Based Stego Image Distortion Using Particle Swarm Optimization
  292. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Protecting User Privacy in a Multi-path Information-Centric-Network Using Multiple Random-Caches
  293. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/A Secret Image Sharing with Deep-steganography and Two-stage Authentication Based on Matrix Encoding
  294. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/A Difference Expansion Based Reversible Information Hiding Scheme with High Stego Image Visual Quality
  295. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Steganography in Low Bit-rate Speech Streams of VoIP Based on Quantization Index Modulation Controlled by Keys
  296. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Improved Wet Paper Code Using Simplified Hamming Parity-Check Matrix and Its Application in Voice-over-IP Steganography
  297. 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/No-reference Image Quality Assessment for Multiple Distortions Using Saliency Map Based on A Dual-convolutional Neural Networks
  298. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Practical Lottery Using Oblivious Transfer
  299. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/An Image Steganography Scheme Using 3D-Sudoku
  300. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/An Integratable Verifiable Secret Sharing Mechanism
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  302. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Strong RSA-based and Certificateless-based Signature Scheme
  303. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Magic Cube Based Information Hiding Scheme of Large Payload
  304. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Efficient Pixel Prediction Algorithm for Reversible Data Hiding
  305. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Encrypted Images
  306. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/An Aesthetic QR Code Solution Based on Error Correction Mechanism
  307. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Novel Electronic Check Mechanism Using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem
  308. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on IWT and the Sudoku Method
  309. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Based on Geometric Structure of Pixel Groups
  310. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Survey of Fragile Watermarking-based Image Authentication Techniques
  311. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A New Distortion-Free Data Embedding Scheme for High-Dynamic Range Images
  312. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Histogram Shifting of n-bit Planes
  313. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Security Analysis on "Secure Untraceable Off-line Electronic Cash System"
  314. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Fast Image Coding Algorithm Using Indirect-index Codebook Based on SMVQ
  315. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Text Steganography Based on Ci-poetry Generation Using Markov Chain Model
  316. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Robust Off-line E-cash Scheme with Recoverability and Anonymity Revocation
  317. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Image Authentication and Self-Recovery Scheme Based on the Rehashing Model
  318. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Robust Image Copy Detection Method Based on Feature Extraction Algorithm
  319. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Novel Lossless Morphing Algorithm for Secret Sharing via Meaningful Images
  320. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Secure Authentication Scheme with Provable Correctness for Pay-TV Systems
  321. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A High Payload Steganographic Scheme for Compressed Images with Hamming Code
  322. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Novel Pixel Grouping Scheme for AMBTC Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
  323. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Novel Occlusion Object Removal with Inter-frame Editing and Texture Synthesis
  324. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Robust and Removable Watermarking Scheme Using Singular Value Decomposition
  325. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Secure and Efficient Identity-Based Proxy Multi-Signature Using Cubic Residues
  326. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Very Efficient Variable-length Codes for the Lossless Compression of VQ Indices
  327. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Novel Three-party Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Based on Secret Sharing
  328. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/An Image Compression Method Based on Block Truncation Coding and Linear Regression
  329. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Universal Authentication Scheme with Anonymity for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
  330. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/An Improved Least-Significant-Bit Substitution Method Using the Modulo Three Strategy
  331. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Novel Fragile Watermark-based Image Authentication Scheme for AMBTC-compressed Images
  332. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Novel Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme Based on Block Classification of SMVQ indices
  333. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Composable Secure Roaming Authentication Protocol for Cloud-assisted Body Sensor Networks
  334. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A High-Quality Reversible Image Authentication Scheme Based on Adaptive PEE for Digital Images
  335. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/An Advanced Anonymous and Biometrics-based Multi-server Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards
  336. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A High-Payload, Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Histogram Modification in JPEG Bitstream
  337. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/An Untraceable Biometric-based Multi-server Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol with Revocation
  338. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Common Bitmap Block Truncation Coding for Color Images Based on Binary Ant Colony Optimization
  339. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Highly Efficient and Secure Electronic Cash System Based on Secure Sharing in Cloud Environment
  340. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Dynamic User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
  341. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Provably Secure and Efficient Three-Factor Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme with Untraceability
  342. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Robust and Efficient Dynamic Identity Based Multi-Server Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards
  343. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Provably Secure, Efficient and Flexible Authentication Scheme for Ad hoc Wireless Sensor Networks
  344. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Steganalysis of Analysis-by-synthesis Speech Exploiting Pulse-position Distribution Characteristics
  345. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/An Effective Mobile Visual Searching Algorithm Based on the Bag-of-Words Method for Furniture Images
  346. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Extending the Capture Volume of an Iris Recognition System Using Wavefront Coding and Super-Resolution
  347. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Bi-Stretch Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm for Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Compressed Images
  348. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Reversible Image Authentication Scheme Based on Fragile Watermarking in Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain
  349. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Notes on "An anonymous multi-server authenticated key agreement scheme based on trust computing using smart card and biometrics"
  350. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Embedding Information in Chinese Calligraphy Images
  351. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Dependable Storage Service System in Cloud Environment
  352. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Novel Information Hiding Scheme Based on Line Segments
  353. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Secure and Efficient Scheme for Digital Gift Certificates
  354. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on the Sudoku Technique
  355. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/An Outlier Detection Method for Feature Point Matching Problem
  356. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Reversible Compression Code Hiding Using SOC and SMVQ Indices
  357. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Meaningful Scheme for Sharing Secret Images Using Mosaic Images
  358. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/An Image-Based Key Agreement Protocol Using the Morphing Technique
  359. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Multi-Round Dynamic Swap Optimization for Table Based Steganograph
  360. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/The Credit Card Visual Authentication Scheme Based on GF(2^8) Field
  361. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Adjustment Hiding Method Based on Exploiting Modification Direction
  362. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Group Authentication and Group Key Distribution for Ad Hoc Networks
  363. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Second-Order Steganographic Method Based on Adaptive Reference Matrix
  364. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Scanned Binary Image Watermarking Based On Additive Model and Sampling
  365. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/An H.264/AVC HDTV Watermarking Algorithm Robust to Camcorder Recording
  366. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Novel Untraceable Authentication Scheme for Mobile Roaming in GLOMONET
  367. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Multi-Purpose Key Agreement Scheme in Ubiquitous Computing Environments
  368. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Multiple Watermark Scheme based on DWT-DCT Quantization for Medical Images
  369. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Compressing Vector Quantization Index Table Using Side Match State Codebook
  370. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Provably Secure Smart-card-based Authenticated Group Key Exchange Protocol
  371. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Novel and Practical Scheme based on Secret Sharing for Laptop Data Protection
  372. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Generalization of Fully Exploiting Modification Directions Data Hiding Scheme
  373. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Sharing a Large Secret Image Using Meaningful Shadows Based on VQ and Inpainting
  374. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding for High Quality Using Secret Data Transformation Strategy
  375. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Color PNG Image Authentication Scheme Based on Rehashing and Secret Sharing Method
  376. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Critique of a Lightweight Identity Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Networks
  377. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Dynamic Selective Information Hiding Based on Search Order Coding with Low Bit Rate
  378. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/An Adaptive Reversible Steganographic Scheme Based on the Just Noticeable Distortion
  379. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Exploiting High-Correlation Regulation for High-Quality Images
  380. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Dual-Histograms Reversible Data Hiding Capable of Avoiding Underflow/Overflow Problems
  381. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Very Effective Multi-Layer Reversible Embedding Method Using Low Distortion Modification
  382. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Robust Image Encryption Scheme Based on RSA and Secret Sharing for Cloud Storage Systems
  383. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Lossy Secret Color Image Sharing Scheme with Small Shadows and Error-resilient Capability
  384. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/An Efficient and Practical Authenticated Communication Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
  385. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding with Oriented and Minimized Distortions Using Cascading Trellis Coding
  386. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Hybrid Color Image Steganography Method Used for Copyright Protection and Content Authentication
  387. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Novel Threshold Conference-Key Agreement Protocol Based on Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem
  388. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Study of Relationship between RSA Public Key Cryptosystem and Goldbach’s Conjecture Properties
  389. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Novel Verifiable Secret Sharing Mechanism Using Theory of Numbers and a Method for Sharing Secrets
  390. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Divide-conquer Heuristic Search Algorithm for Cutting Surplus Steel Plates of Steel & Iron Companies
  391. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Exploiting Modification Direction with Two Steganographic Images
  392. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm
  393. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Tree-Structured Vector Quantization with Flexible Multipath Searching Method Based on Side Match Prediction
  394. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/An Adjustable and Reversible Data Hiding Method Based on Multiple-base Notational System without Location Map
  395. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Digital Image Scrambling Algorithm Based on Chaotic Sequence and Decomposition and Recombination of Pixel Values
  396. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Reversible Data Embedding for Vector Quantization Compressed Images Using Search-Order Coding and Index Parity Matching
  397. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Group Key Distribution System Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem for Enterprise Digital Rights Management
  398. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Grouped-scalable Secret Image Sharing Scheme
  399. 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Ciphertext-Auditable Identity-Based Encryption
  400. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/(k, n)-Image Reversible Data Hiding
  401. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for SMVQ Indices
  402. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Fast and Secure Scheme for Data Outsourcing in the Cloud
  403. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Generalized Secret Sharing with Linear Hierarchical Secrets
  404. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A DNA-based Data Hiding Technique with Low Modification Rates
  405. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Data Lossless Message Hiding Scheme without Extra Information
  406. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Watermarking Marbled Image Based on Linear Enhancement Hologram
  407. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Verifiable Secret Sharing Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem
  408. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Reversible data embedding for indices based on histogram analysis
  409. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
  410. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Secure Diverse Ticket-sale System in a Distributed Cloud Environment
  411. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Proxy User Authentication Protocol Using Source-Based Image Morphing
  412. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Reversible Steganography Suitable for Embedding Small Amounts of Data
  413. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/An Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Satellite Communications
  414. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/An Authenticated Group Key Distribution Mechanism Using Theory of Numbers
  415. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Novel (n, t, n) Secret Image Sharing Scheme without a Trusted Third Party
  416. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Simple Password Authentication Scheme Based on Geometric Hashing Function
  417. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A High Capacity Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images Based on Block Patterns
  418. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Efficient and Meaningful Multi-secret Image Sharing Based on Block Imitation
  419. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Tamper-Detection Scheme for BTC-Compressed Images with High-Quality Images
  420. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/An Adaptable (n, n) Secret Image Sharing Mechanism Based on Boolean Operation
  421. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Simulatable and Secure Certificate-based Threshold Signature without Pairings
  422. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Reliable Real-time Multicast Authentication Protocol with Provable Accuracy
  423. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Efficient Searching Strategy for Secret Image Sharing with Meaningful Shadows
  424. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for VQ Indices Based on Absolute Difference Trees
  425. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/An Access Control Mechanism Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem
  426. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Adaptive Lossless Data Hiding Scheme for SMVQ-Compressed Images using SOC Coding
  427. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Database Encryption Scheme Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem
  428. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Secure Broadcasting Method Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem
  429. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Provably Secure t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Mechanism Based on Blind Signature
  430. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Novel Joint Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme Based on SMVQ and Image Inpainting
  431. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A New Pixels Flipping Method for Huge Watermarking Capacity of the Invoice Font Image
  432. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Practical Secure and High Efficient Authentication Scheme in Global Mobility Networks
  433. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Lossless VQ Indices Compression Based on the High Correlation of Adjacent Image Blocks
  434. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Novel Lossless Steganographic Scheme for Data Hiding in Traditional Chinese Text Files
  435. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Novel SVD-based watermarking Scheme for Protecting Rightful Ownership of Digital Images
  436. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Meaningful Shadows for Image Secret Sharing with Steganography and Authentication Techniques
  437. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Reversible Image Hiding for High Image Quality Based on Histogram Shifting and Local Complexity
  438. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Notes on "Polynomial-based Key Management for Secure Intra-group and Inter-group Communication"
  439. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/The Design of Dynamic Access Control for Hierarchical Sensor Networks with Key-lock-pair Mechanism
  440. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/An Authenticated Group Key Distribution Protocol Based on the Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem
  441. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Design and Analysis of Chameleon Hashing Based Handover Authentication Scheme for Wireless Networks
  442. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Lossless and Unlimited Multi-image Sharing Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem and Lagrange Interpolation
  443. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Novel Real-time and Progressive Secret Image Sharing with Flexible Shadows Based on Compressive Sensing
  444. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Secure and Efficient t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Based on the Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem
  445. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/High Capacity Reversible Hiding Scheme Based on Interpolation, Difference Expansion, and Histogram Shifting
  446. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Novel Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane Image Vessel Detection Detector Based on Statistic Color Distribution
  447. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Comments and Proofs to Published Paper - A Novel Reversible Robust Watermarking Algorithm based on a Chaotic System
  448. 103/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Steganography and Watermarking
  449. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Analyzing and Removing SureSign Watermark
  450. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Lossless Information Hiding in the VQ Index Table
  451. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/ElGamal-Based Weighted Threshold Signature Scheme
  452. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Anonymous Multi-Receiver Encryption Based on RSA
  453. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Dictionary-Based Data Hiding Using Image Hashing Strategy
  454. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Novel (n, n) Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Sudoku
  455. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Two Step Regionally Focused Algorithm for H.264/AVC Encoder
  456. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Authenticated RFID Security Mechanism Based on Chaotic Maps
  457. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A High-performance Reversible Data-hiding Scheme for LZW Codes
  458. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Digital Rights Management Mechanism for Mobile Social Platforms
  459. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Verifiable Key Management Scheme in Hierarchical Ad Hoc Networks
  460. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Indicator Elimination Method for Side-match Vector Quantization
  461. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Distortion-Free Data Embedding Scheme for High Dynamic Range Images
  462. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocol Using Residue Number System
  463. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Image Encryption Scheme Based on Concatenated Torus Automorphisms
  464. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
  465. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Construction for Secret Sharing Scheme with General Access Structure
  466. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Fault-tolerant Group Key Agreement Protocol Exploiting Dynamic Setting
  467. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Chaotic Maps-Based Password-Authenticated Key Agreement Using Smart Cards
  468. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Smart Card-based Authentication Scheme Using User Identify Cryptography
  469. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Robust Image Hashing Using Non-Uniform Sampling in Discrete Fourier Domain
  470. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Novel Electronic English Auction System with a Secure On-shelf Mechanism
  471. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Efficient Smart Card Based Authentication Scheme Using Image Encryption
  472. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Adaptive Self-recovery for Tampered Images Based on VQ Indexing and Inpainting
  473. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Security Analysis of a new Ultra-lightweight RFID Protocol and Its Improvement
  474. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Reversible Visual Secret Sharing Based on Random Grids for Two-Image Encryption
  475. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Provably Secure Three Party Encrypted Key Exchange Scheme with Explicit Authentication
  476. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Novel Untraceable Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Suitable for Mobile Communication
  477. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Using Histogram Shifting Mechanism
  478. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Efficient Reversible Data Hiding for VQ-Compressed Images Based on Index Mapping Mechanism
  479. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Group-oriented Digital Right Management Scheme with Reliable and Flexible Access Policies
  480. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Effective Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication with High-quality Recovery Capability
  481. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Efficient Information Hiding Scheme Based on Closest Paired Tree Structure Vector Quantization
  482. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Provably Secure Conference Key Distribution Mechanism Preserving the Forward and Backward Secrecy
  483. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding For High Quality Image Exploiting Interpolation and Direction Order Mechanism
  484. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for VQ-Compressed Images Using Index Set Construction Strategy
  485. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Secure Image Delivery Scheme with Regional Protection Capability Using Image Inpainting and Editing
  486. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Practical Secure Chaos-Based Group Key Agreement Protocol Suitable for Distributed Network Environment
  487. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Chaotic Maps-Based Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement using Smart Cards for Wireless Communications
  488. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/A Practical Secure and Efficient Enterprise Digital Rights Management Mechanism Suitable for Mobile Environment
  489. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Multi-Threshold Visual Secret Sharing
  490. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/An ROI-Based Medical Image Hiding Method
  491. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Hierarchical Threshold Secret Image Sharing
  492. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Data Hiding Scheme Based on Voronoi Diagram
  493. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A New Data Hiding Scheme Based on DNA Sequence
  494. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/An Image Segmentation-Based Thresholding Method
  495. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Graph Structure Analysis Based on a Complex Network
  496. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Image Inpainting
  497. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Encryption Scheme for Weighted Threshold Authentication
  498. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Multi-threshold Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on MSP
  499. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Perceptual Robust Image Hashing Scheme Based on Secret Sharing
  500. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Fast VQ Codebook Search with Initialization and Search Order
  501. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Efficient Illumination Compensation Techniques for Text Images
  502. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Nucleus and Cytoplast Contour Detector from a Cervical Smear Image
  503. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Secure Single Sign-on Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks
  504. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/An Improved Protocol for Password Authentication Using Smart Cards
  505. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Perceptual Image Hashing Based on the Error Diffusion Halftone Mechanism
  506. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A User-Friendly Image Sharing Scheme Using JPEG-LS Median Edge Predictor
  507. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Image Tamper Detection and Recovery Based on Dual Watermarks Sharing Strategy
  508. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Smart Card Based Authentication Scheme for Remote User Login and Verification
  509. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Novel Multi-group Exploiting Modification Direction Method Based on Switch Map
  510. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Optimizing Least-significant-bit Substitution Using Cat Swarm Optimization Strategy
  511. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/An Adaptive Prediction-Error Expansion Oriented Reversible Information Hiding Scheme
  512. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Proactive Weighted Threshold Signature Based on Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem
  513. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Secure Dynamic Identity Based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Secret Sharing
  514. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Reversible Watermarking Schemes Based on Expansion Embedding Using Pixel Partition Strategies
  515. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Reversible Data Embedding Scheme Using Relationships between Pixel-Values and Their Neighbors
  516. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Low Computational-cost Electronic Payment Scheme for Mobile Commerce with Large-scale Mobile Users
  517. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Novel Efficient User Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using One-Way Hash Function
  518. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Advanced Constantly Updated RFID Access Control Protocol Using Challenge-Response and Indefinite-Index
  519. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Self-Embedding Fragile Watermarking with Restoration Capability Based on Adaptive Bit Allocation Mechanism
  520. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Prediction-Based Reversible Data Hiding with High Image Quality Using the Difference of Neighboring Pixels
  521. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Data Hiding for Vector Quantization Images Using Mixed-Base Notation and Dissimilar Patterns without Loss of Fidelity
  522. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/有限場蒙哥馬利乘法器
  523. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/An Adaptable Threshold Detector
  524. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Secure E-mail Protocol for Mobile Devices
  525. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Reversible Steganography for BTC-compressed Images
  526. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/An Improved AES S-box And Its Performance Analysis
  527. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Hiding Secret Information in Lossless Compression Codes
  528. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Rotation Invariant Image Copy Detection Using DCT Domain
  529. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Hierarchical Fragile Watermarking with VQ Index Recovery
  530. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Prediction-Based Adaptive Reversible Data Embedding Scheme
  531. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding for VQ Indices Using Prediction Errors
  532. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/An Adaptive Liner Regression Approach to Still Image Compression
  533. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Steganographic Scheme by Fully Exploiting Modification Directions
  534. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Visual Secret Sharing Scheme for Progressively Restoring Secrets
  535. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Novel Image Watermarking in Redistributed Invariant Wavelet Domain
  536. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Secure Fragile Watermarking Scheme Based on Chaos-and-Hamming Code
  537. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Simple Image Encoding Method with Data Lossless Information Hiding
  538. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Safeguarding Visual Information Using (t,n) Verifiable Secret Shares
  539. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A High Payload Multiple Embedding Scheme Based Reversible Data Hiding
  540. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Cheating Resistance and Reversibility Oriented Secret Sharing Mechanism
  541. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Fully Deniable Message Authentication Protocols Preserving Confidentiality
  542. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for VQ Indices Using Locally Adaptive Coding
  543. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Meaningful Secret Sharing Technique with Authentication and Remedy Abilities
  544. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Secure Key Transfer Protocol Based on Secret Sharing for Group Communications
  545. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Lossless Secret Sharing Scheme with High Quality Shares Based on VQ-Compressed Images
  546. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Meaningful Shadow Based Multiple Gray Level Visual Cryptography without Size Expansion
  547. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Robust and Efficient Smart Card Based Remote Login Mechanism for Multi-Server Architecture
  548. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Reversible Watermarking Scheme with High Payload and Good Visual Quality for Watermarked Images
  549. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Secret Image Sharing Scheme with High Quality Shadows Based on Exploiting Modification Direction
  550. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Provably Secure High Entropy Three-party Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Network Environments
  551. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A High Quality and Small Shadow Size Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Hybrid Strategy for Grayscale Images
  552. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Generalized Aryabhata Remainder Theorem
  553. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Effective Demosaicing Algorithm for CFA Image
  554. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Removable Visible Watermark for Digital Images
  555. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Efficient Internet On-line Transaction Mechanism
  556. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/High Capacity SMVQ-based Hiding Scheme Using Adaptive Index
  557. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Reversible Secret Sharing with Distortion Control Mechanism
  558. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A High Payload Frequency Based Reversible Image Hiding Method
  559. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Sudoku-based Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Reversibility
  560. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Efficient and Reliable E-DRM Scheme for Mobile Environments
  561. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Efficient Payment Scheme by Using Electronic Bill of Lading
  562. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/High Payload Steganography Mechanism Using Hybrid Edge Detector
  563. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Complementary Embedding Strategy
  564. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/3GPP SIM-based Authentication Schemes for Wireless Local Area Networks
  565. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Digital Rights Management for Multimedia Content over 3G Mobile Networks
  566. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Lightweight Secure Roaming Mechanism between GPRS/UMTS and Wireless LANs
  567. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A VQ Compression Method Based on the Variations of the Image Block Groups
  568. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Digital Image and Secret Messages Sharing Scheme Using Two Stego Images
  569. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/The Design of E-Traveler's Check with Efficiency and Mutual Authentication
  570. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Hiding Secret Information in Modified Locally Adaptive Data Compression Code
  571. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Information Hiding Scheme Based on (7,4) Hamming Code Oriented Wet Paper Codes
  572. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Efficient and Fair Buyer-Seller Fingerprinting Scheme for Large Scale Networks
  573. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Data Hiding Based on the Similarity between Neighboring Pixels with Reversibility
  574. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Efficient E-mail Protocol Providing Perfect Forward Secrecy for Mobile Devices
  575. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Modification of VQ Index Table for Data Embedding and Lossless Indices Recovery
  576. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Encoding Method for Both Image Compression and Data Lossless Information Hiding
  577. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Novel Self-tuning Feedback Controller for Active Queue Management Supporting TCP Flows
  578. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Hiding Information in Binary Images with Complete Reversibility and High Embedding Capacity
  579. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Using Quad Smoothness to Efficiently Control Capacity–distortion of Reversible Data Hiding
  580. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Watermarking Technique Using Synonym Substitution for Integrity Protection of XML Documents
  581. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Key Management Scheme for Sensor Networks Using Bilinear Pairings and Gap Diffie-Hellman Group
  582. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Hybrid Wet Paper Coding Mechanism for Steganography Employing n-Indicator and Fuzzy Edge Detector
  583. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/A Chaotic Map Based Adaptive Variable-Size LSB Method with Pixel-Value Differencing and Modulus Function
  584. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Efficient Authenticated Encryption Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem for Broadcast Environments
  585. 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/An Anonymous and Self-verified Mobile Authentication with Authenticated Key Agreement for Large-scale Wireless Networks
  586. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Restoring Objects for Digital Inpainting
  587. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Sharing a Verifiable Secret Image Using Two Shadows
  588. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Non-Iterative Privacy Preservation for Online Lotteries
  589. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Preventing Cheating in Computational Visual Cryptography
  590. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Design of Electronic t-out-of-n Lotteries on the Internet
  591. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Hiding Data in Color Palette Images with Hybrid Strategies
  592. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Robust t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Mechanism Based on CRT
  593. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An Image Authentication Based on Discrete Fourier Transform
  594. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An Efficient Proxy Raffle Protocol with Anonymity-Preserving
  595. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An On-line Electronic Check System with Mutual Authentication
  596. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Search-Order Coding Method with Indicator-elimination Property
  597. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Lossless Data Embedding Technique by Joint Neighboring Coding
  598. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An Authenticated PayWord Scheme without Public Key Cryptosystems
  599. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/LSB-based High-Capacity Data Embedding Scheme for Digital Images
  600. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An Efficient Probability-based t out of n Secret Image Sharing Scheme
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  602. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Secure Multicast Framework in Large and High-Mobility Network Groups
  603. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Fragile Digital Image Authentication Scheme Inspired by Wet Paper Codes
  604. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Robust Certification Service for Highly Dynamic MANET in Emergency Tasks
  605. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Pixel Differences
  606. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An Information-Hiding Scheme Based on Quantization-Based Embedding Technique
  607. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Secure Data Embedding Scheme Using Gray-code Computation and SMVQ Encoding
  608. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Reversible Information Hiding for VQ Indices Based on Locally Adaptive Coding
  609. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/On the Security of A Copyright Protection Scheme Based on Visual Cryptography
  610. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Data Hiding Based on VQ Compressed Images Using Hamming Codes and Declustering
  611. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Concurrent Error Detection and Correction in Dual Basis Multiplier over GF(2m)
  612. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Roaming Across Wireless Local Area Networks Using SIM-Based Authentication Protocol
  613. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Self-Verifying Visual Secret Sharing Using Error Diffusion and Interpolation Techniques
  614. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Concurrent Error Detection and Correction in Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplier over GF(2m)
  615. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Three Improved Codebook Searching Algorithms for Image Compression Using Vector Quantizer
  616. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Parallel Conversion Algorithm Based upon Aryabhata Remainder Theorem for Residue Number System
  617. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An Improved Full-Search Scheme for the Vector Quantization Algorithm Based on Triangle Inequality
  618. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Novel Watermarking Authentication Schemes for Binary Images Based on Dual-Pair Block Pixel Patterns
  619. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An Efficient Fair Electronic Payment System Based upon Non-Signature Authenticated Encryption Scheme
  620. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Reversible Information Hiding Scheme Using Left-Right and Up-Down Chinese Character Representation
  621. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/Preserving Robustness and Removability for Digital Watermarks Using Subsampling and Difference Correlation
  622. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Data Embedding Scheme for Color Images Based on Genetic Algorithm and Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding
  623. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Countable and Time-Bound Password-Based User Authentication Scheme for the Applications of Electronic Commerce
  624. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A High Stego-image Quality Steganographic Scheme with Reversibility and High Payload Using Multiple Embedding Strategy
  625. 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/An Efficient Three-party Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Mobile-commerce Environments
  626. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Journal of Software
  627. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Journal of Computers
  628. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Journal of Communications
  629. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Journal of Communications
  630. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Reversible Data Embedding for Color Images
  631. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Improving Line-Based Light Balancing for Text Images
  632. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Digital Right Schemes for Limited Issues and Flexible Division
  633. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Data Hiding on Two Stage VQ Compression Codes
  634. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/High Capacity Data Hiding for Grayscale Images
  635. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/LSB-Based Steganography Using Reflected Gray Code
  636. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/An Embedding Technique Based upon Block Prediction
  637. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Efficient Optimal Pixel Grouping Schemes for AMBTC
  638. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Sharing Secrets in Stego Images with Authentication
  639. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Constructing a Conversation Key in Three-Party Communications Environment
  640. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/An Efficient Generalized Group-Oriented Signature Scheme
  641. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Large Payload Data Embedding Technique for Color Images
  642. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Joint Coding and Embedding Techniques for Multimedia Images
  643. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Robust t-out-of-n Proxy Signature Based on RSA Cryptosystems
  644. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Using Dominance Searching to Speed up Temporal Join Operation
  645. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Adaptive Watermark Mechanism for Rightful Ownership Protection
  646. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Three-Phase Lossless Data Hiding Method for the VQ Index Table
  647. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Friendly Password Mutual Authentication Scheme for Remote-Login Network Systems
  648. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Hybrid Strategy for Improving Illumination-Balance of Degraded Text-Photo Images
  649. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Secure Authentication Protocols for Mobile Commerce Transactions
  650. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Novel Colour Image-hiding Scheme Using Error Diffusion Technique
  651. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Security Enhancement of a Flexible Payment Scheme and Its Role-Based Access Control
  652. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Reversible Steganographic Method with High Payload for JPEG Images
  653. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Novel Group Signature Scheme Based on Bilinear Pairings and Gap Diffie-Hellman Group
  654. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Probabilistic Visual Secret Sharing Scheme for Grayscale Images with Voting Strategy
  655. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Lossless Nibbled Data Embedding Scheme Based on Difference Expansion
  656. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Time-bound Based Authentication Scheme for Multi-server Architecture
  657. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/An Extended Difference Expansion Algorithm for Reversible Watermarking
  658. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Lossless Data Hiding for Color Images Based on Block Truncation Coding
  659. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Error Resilient Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Scheme with Perfect Hashing
  660. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Preserving Data Integrity in Mobile ad hoc Networks with Variant Diffie–Hellman Protocol
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  662. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/New Sealed-bid Electronic Auction with Fairness, Security and Efficiency
  663. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Novel Method for Progressive Image Transmission Using Blocked Wavelets
  664. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Placing Chinese Phonetic Symbols on Mobile Phones Using Linear Programming
  665. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Low-Computation Oblivious Transfer Scheme for Private Information Retrieval
  666. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Low Bit Rate VQ Encoding Scheme Using Neighboring Similarity and Dynamic Subspace Rechecking
  667. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Novel Secret Image Sharing Scheme in Color Images Using Small Shadow Images
  668. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Multi-policy Threshold Signature Scheme with Traceable Participant Cosigners
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  670. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Novel Authentication Protocol for Multi-server Architecture without Smart Cards
  671. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Adaptive Data Embedding Scheme Based on Similar and Dissimilar Clustering Strategies
  672. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Multilevel Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Difference Images
  673. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Novel Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme with ID-Based Access Control in a Hierarchy
  674. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/An Improvement of EMD Embedding Method for Large Payloads by Pixel Segmentation Strategy
  675. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Color Image Authentication Method Using Partitioned Palette and Morphological Operations
  676. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Reversible Data-Embedding Scheme Using Differences Between Original and Predicted Pixel Values
  677. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Four-scanning Attack on Hierarchical Digital Watermarking Method for Image Tamper Detection and Recovery
  678. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Efficient Residue Number System Iterative Modular Multiplication Algorithm for Fast Modular Exponentiation
  679. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Novel Location Tracking Scheme for Reducing Location Updating Traffic in a Personal Communication System
  680. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Two-Codebook Combination and Three-Phase Block Matching Based Image Hiding Scheme with High Embedding-Capacity
  681. 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/A Novel High Capacity Reversible Information Hiding Scheme Based on Side-Match Prediction and Shortest Spanning Path
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  685. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A New Forward-Secure Blind Signature Scheme
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  687. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Adaptive Data Hiding Scheme for Palette Images
  688. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A New t-out-n Oblivious Transfer with Low Bandwidth
  689. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Survey of Information Hiding Schemes for Digital Images
  690. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Color Image Hiding Scheme Based on SMVQ and Modulo Operator
  691. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Density-Based Image Vector Quantization Using a Genetic Algorithm
  692. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Adaptive Data Embedding Using VQ and Clustering
  693. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Mutual Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme over Insecure Networks
  694. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Reversible Hiding in DCT-Based Compressed Images
  695. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Conference Key Distribution Scheme Using Interpolating Polynomials
  696. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Novel Image Copy Detection with Rotating Tolerance
  697. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding in the VQ-Compressed Domain
  698. 97/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/多媒體安全技術(Multimedia Security Techniques)
  699. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Novel Scheme for Hiding Data Using Multiple Codebooks
  700. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Hiding Secret Information Using Adaptive Side-Match VQ
  701. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Security Enhancement of a Flexible Payment Scheme and Its Role-Based Access
  702. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Combined Association Rules for Dealing with Missing Values
  703. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/An RSA-based (t, n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Freewill Identities
  704. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Wireless Communications
  705. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A New (t, n)-Threshold Scheme Based on Difference Equations
  706. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Novel Image Hiding Scheme Based on VQ and Hamming Distance
  707. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/An Efficient Fragile Watermarking for Web Pages Tamper-proof
  708. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Attacks on Provably Secure Proxy-protected Signature Schemes based on Factoring
  709. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Novel Identity-Based Society Oriented Signature Scheme with Anonymous Signers
  710. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Security Enhancement of Key Authentication Schemes Based on Discrete Logarithms
  711. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Secret Image Hiding and Sharing Based on the (t, n)-Threshold
  712. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/VQ Codebook Searching Algorithm Based on Correlation Property
  713. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Semi-blind Watermarking Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform
  714. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Two-Phase Algorithms for a Novel Utility-Frequent Mining Model
  715. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Lossless Recovery of a VQ Index Table with Embedded Secret Data
  716. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Security Enhancement of an IC-Card-Based Remote Login Mechanism
  717. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Robust Non-interactive t-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Based on the RSA Cryptosystem
  718. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A New Steganographic Method for Color and Grayscale Image Hiding
  719. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Anti-Pseudo-Gray Coding for VQ Encoded Images over Noisy Channels
  720. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Singular Value Decomposition
  721. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Reversible Data Hiding Schemes for Deoxyribonucleic ACID (DNA) Medium
  722. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Fast Planar-Oriented Ripple Search Algorithm for Hyperspace VQ Codebook
  723. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/An Enhanced Password Authentication Scheme Providing Password Updating without Smart Cards
  724. 97/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/資料壓縮技術與應用 (Data Compressing Techniques and Applications)
  725. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Reversible Steganographic Method Using SMVQ Approach Based on Declustering
  726. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Reversible Data Embedding Technique for Palette Images Using De-clustering
  727. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Progressive Image Transmission Technique Using Haar Wavelet Transformation
  728. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Secure Communications for Cluster-based Ad Hoc Networks Using Node Identities
  729. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Security Enhancement for Digital Signature Schemes with Fault Tolerance in RSA
  730. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Senary Huffman Compression - A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images
  731. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Concealed t-out-of-n Signer Ambiguous Signature Scheme with a Variety of Keys
  732. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/TFRP: An Efficient Microaggregation Algorithm for Statistical Disclosure Control
  733. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Scalable and Systolic Montgomery Multiplier over GF(2^m) Generated by Trinomials
  734. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/An Image Retrieval Method Based on Color-Complexity and Spatial-Histogram Features
  735. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Digital Image Authentication Using Pixel Difference
  736. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Remediable Image Authentication Scheme Based on Feature Extraction and Clustered VQ
  737. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/MICF: An Effective Sanitization Algorithm for Hiding Sensitive Patterns on Data Mining
  738. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/An SVD Oriented Watermark Embedding Scheme with High Qualities for the Restored Images
  739. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Tolerant Key Assignment for Enforcing Complicated Access Control Policies in a Hierarchy
  740. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Full-Searching-Equivalent Vector Quantization Method Using Two-Bounds Triangle Inequality
  741. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Practical Electronic Payment System for Message Delivery Service in the Mobile Environment
  742. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Simple Efficient Mutual Anonymity Protocols for Peer-to-Peer Network Based on Primitive Roots
  743. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Lossless Data Embedding with High Embedding Capacity Based on Declustering for VQ-Compressed Images
  744. 97/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/挑戰影像處理-數位浮水印技術 (A Challenge to Image Processing-Digital Watermarking Techniques)
  745. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Scheme for hiding images by finding optimal one-to-two substitution table using dynamic programming strategy
  746. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/電子商務的消費機制
  747. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Choosing t-out-of-n Secrets by Oblivious Transfer
  748. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Anonymous and Flexible t-out-of-n Electronic Voting Scheme
  749. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Novel Key Agreement Scheme in a Multiple Server Environment
  750. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Robust Content-Based Copy Detection Scheme
  751. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Absorber Filter--A New Efficient and Cost Reduced Search Filter
  752. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Comments on the Electronic Voting Protocol for General Elections
  753. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Hiding Secret Data Adaptively in VQ Index Tables
  754. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Error Resilient Locally Adaptive Data Compression
  755. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Color Re-Indexing Scheme Using Genetic Algorithm
  756. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Novel Index Coding Scheme for Vector Quantization
  757. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Efficient and Secure Remote Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards
  758. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Privacy-preserving mining of association rules on distributed databases
  759. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Perfect Hashing Schemes for Mining Traversal Patterns
  760. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Novel Efficient (t,n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme
  761. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Access Control System with Time-constraint Using Support Vector Machines
  762. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/New Image Steganographic Methods Using Run-Length Approach
  763. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Removing Blocking Effects Using An Artificial Neural Network
  764. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A New Edge Detection Approach Based on Image Context Analysis
  765. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Image Coding Scheme Using SMVQ and Support Vector Machines
  766. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Efficient Image Authentication Method Based on Hamming Code
  767. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Content-based Image Authentication Scheme Based on Singular Value Decomposition
  768. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Improvement of the Design of Integrating Subliminal Channel with Access Control
  769. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Anonymous Voting Mechanism Based on the Key Exchange Protocol
  770. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Multiauthority Electronic Voting Protocol Based upon a Blind Multisignature Scheme
  771. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Spatial Domain Image Hiding Scheme Using Pixel-Values Differencing
  772. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Vector Quantization Mechanism
  773. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Side Match Vector Quantization
  774. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Parallel Residue-to-Binary Conversion Algorithm Without Trial Division
  775. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Group-Oriented (t,n) Threshold Signature Scheme Against Replay Attacks
  776. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Fast Codebook Search Algorithms Based on Tree-Structured Vector Quantization
  777. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Reversible Steganography for VQ-compressed Images Using Side Matching and Relocation
  778. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Improved Tree-Structured Codebook Search Algorithm for Grayscale Image Compression
  779. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Reversible Data Embedding Based on Prediction Approach for VQ and SMVQ Compressed Images
  780. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Reversible Index-domain Information Hiding Scheme Based on Side-Match Vector Quantization
  781. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Difference Expansion Oriented Data Hiding Scheme for Restoring the Original Host Images
  782. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Novel Image Ownership Protection Scheme Based on Rehashing Concept and Vector Quantization
  783. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Digital Signature Scheme Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem
  784. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Image Hiding Scheme with Modulus Function and Dynamic Programming Strategy on Partitioned Pixels
  785. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/一個植基於不規則取樣編碼而適用於影像驗證的可還原影像篡改偵測技術
  786. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Practical Solution to the (t, n) Threshold Untraceable Signature with (k, l) Verification Scheme
  787. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/Mobile Payment for Off-line Vender Machines
  788. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/An Improvement on Strong-password Authentication
  789. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/A Fast Algorithm for Mining Share-Frequent Itemsets
  790. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/Image Retrieval Using Spatial Color and Edge Detection
  791. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/An Inverse Halftoning Technique Using Modified Look-Up Tables
  792. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/A Novel Conference Key Distribution System with Re-keying Protocol
  793. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/A Parallel Modular Exponentiation Scheme for Transformed Exponents
  794. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/An Image Zooming Technique Based on Vector Quantization Approximation
  795. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/Schemes for Digital Gift Certificates with Low Computation Complexity
  796. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/A Color-based Image Retrieval Method Using Color Distribution and Common Bitmap
  797. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/A Steganographic Method for Hiding Secret Data Using Side Match Vector Quantization
  1. Sharing Secrets Using Dual Images with Cheating Detection/日本東京 2024 5th Asia Service Sciences and Software Eng/2024-09
  2. 滿滿正能量 成就無限可能/國立中興大學資訊管理學系/2024-09
  3. A Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Scheme for Hiding Images/日本福岡 2024 6th Blockchain and Internet of Things Conf/2024-07
  4. Information Hiding Techniques Using Magic Matrix/浙江工商大學計算機科學與技術學院/2024-06
  5. Tips to Success/杭州師範大學信息科學與技術學院/2024-06
  6. 滿滿正能量 成就無限可能/杭州電子科技大學上虞研究院/2024-06
  7. 滿滿正能量 成就無限可能/浙江工商大學計算機科學與技術學院/2024-06
  8. 滿滿正能量 成就無限可能/浙江財經大學/2024-06
  9. A Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Scheme for Hiding Images/逢甲大學資訊工程系多媒體暨網路安全實驗室/2024-05
  10. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/香港理工大學計算機系/2024-05
  11. Sharing Secrets Using Dual Images with Cheating Detection/中國香港 2024 8th International Conference on Data Minin/2024-05
  12. 中國餘數定理在資訊科學之應用/國立政治大學資訊科學系/2024-04
  13. 如何做科技研究與撰寫高品質的學術論文/國立東華大學理工學院/2024-03
  14. 滿滿正能量 成就無限可能/朝陽科技大學管理學院/2024-03
  15. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/泰國曼谷 2024 5th International Conference On Computer V/2024-01
  16. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/泰國曼谷 2024 6th Asia Pacific Information Technology Co/2024-01
  17. Sharing Secrets Using Dual Images with Cheating Detection/中國上海 2023 Asia Symposium on Image and Graphics (ASIG/2023-12
  18. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/中國广州 2023 6th EAI International Conference on Securi/2023-11
  19. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/廣州大學人工智能與區塊鏈研究院/2023-11
  20. Innovative Information Hiding for Digital Media/北京大學深圳研究生院/2023-11
  21. Innovative Information Hiding for Digital Media/廣州暨南大學/2023-11
  22. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/日本會津大學 2023 4th Asia Service Sciences and Softwa/2023-10
  23. Tips to Success/日本東京國立信息科技研究院/2023-10
  24. 如何規劃並完成高質量的大學學業/國立金門大學電機工程系/2023-10
  25. 張語錄—伴你走向成功之路/國立金門大學電機工程系,資訊工程系與工業/2023-10
  26. 滿滿正能量 實現一切可能/國立金門大學電機工程系,資訊工程系與工業/2023-10
  27. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/中國成都 2023 2nd International Conference on Algorithms/2023-09
  28. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images/中國青島 2023 Asia Conference on Algorithms, Computing a/2023-09
  29. 如何做一個成功的研究生/國立中興大學資訊管理系/2023-09
  30. Secret Sharing Using Two Images with Authentication/中國上海 2023 6th International Conference on Data Scien/2023-07
  31. Secret Sharing Using Two Images with Authentication/日本大阪 2023 5th International Electronic Communication/2023-07
  32. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images/中國天津 2023 6th International Conference on Signal Pro/2023-07
  33. 大學教師的成功經驗分享/天津科技大學/2023-07
  34. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/中國青島 2023 International Conference on Algorithms, Co/2023-06
  35. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/新加坡 2023 the 13th International Workshop on Computer S/2023-06
  36. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/溫州理工學院數據科學與人工智能學院/2023-06
  37. 設計有意義的圖像用來共享機密及其衍生的有趣研究問題/中正大學/2023-06
  38. 牧童遙指杏花村-間接定址的資料壓縮法/國立東華大學理工學院/2023-05
  39. 如何做科技研究与撰寫高品質的學術論文/寧波大學/2023-04
  40. 牧童遙指杏花村-間接定址的資料壓縮法/國立金門大學資訊工程系/2023-04
  41. Lossless Compression Schemes of Vector Quantization Indices Using State Codebook/國立雲林科技大學資訊工程系/2023-03
  42. 中國餘數定理在資訊科學之應用/國立中正大學資訊工程系/2023-03
  43. 滿滿正能量成就一切可能/國立中正大學名譽工學博士頒授典禮/2023-03
  44. A virtual image cryptosystem based upon vector quantization/越南胡志明 2023 5th Asia Pacific Information Technology/2023-02
  45. 中國餘數定理在資訊科學之應用/朝陽科技大學資訊學院/2023-02
  46. 如何造密碼/中山醫學大學醫學資訊系/2023-02
  47. 視覺密碼學/中興大學資訊管理系/2023-02
  48. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/中國武漢 2022 International Workshop on Bigdata Intellig/2022-12
  49. Information Hiding Schemes Based on Magic Matrices/中央大學資訊工程學系/2022-12
  50. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/武漢理工大學計算機科學與技術學院/2022-12
  51. 如何做科技研究/國立彰化師範大學工學院/2022-12
  52. 密碼學和偽裝學的幾個有趣方法/中興大學資訊管理系/2022-12
  53. Borrowing from nature to conceal information/日本京都 2022 5th International Conference on Digital Me/2022-11
  54. Recent Developments of Information Hiding/泰國曼谷國家發展管理學院/2022-11
  55. Information Hiding Schemes Based on Magic Matrices/中國礦業大學/2022-10
  56. Information Hiding Schemes Based on Magic Matrices/中國西安 2022 International Conference on Algorithms, Da/2022-09
  57. 加速密碼器加解密運算的核心技術/金門大學資訊工程系/2022-09
  58. Nature-Inspired Information Hiding Techniques/中國大連 2022 5th International Conference on Signal Pro/2022-08
  59. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/日本東京 2022 4th International Electronics Communicatio/2022-07
  60. 行腳神州見証大陸的學術發展/金門大學資訊工程系/2022-05
  61. Borrowing from Nature to Conceal Information/中國杭州 2022 Asia Conference on Algorithms, Computing a/2022-03
  62. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/中山醫學大學醫學資訊系/2022-03
  63. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/國立中正大學資訊工程系/2022-03
  64. 行腳神州見証大陸的學術發展/朝陽科技大學 資訊學院/2022-03
  65. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/中國澳門 3rd Asia Service Sciences and Software Engineer/2022-02
  66. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/台灣台中 2022 The Third International Symposium on Futur/2022-01
  67. 邁向成功之路/朝陽科技大學通識中心 「大師講堂」/2021-12
  68. 邁向成功之路/輔仁大學圖書資訊系/2021-12
  69. Borrowing from Nature to Conceal Information/中國廈門 2021 3rd International Conference Big-data Serv/2021-11
  70. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/上海海事大學信息工程學院/2021-11
  71. 如何做科技研究与撰寫高品質的學術論文/上海海事大學信息工程學院/2021-11
  72. 視覺密碼學/金門大學資訊工程系/2021-11
  73. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/台灣高雄 2021 The 17th International Conference on Intel/2021-10
  74. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/國立中興大學 資訊管理系/2021-09
  75. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/中國北京 2021 4th International Conference on Signal Pro/2021-08
  76. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/元智大學 資訊工程系/2021-06
  77. Nature-Inspired Information Hiding Techniques/國立勤益科技大學 資訊工程系/2021-05
  78. 圖像壓縮碼的隱寫技術/金門離島資訊与應用研討會擔任特約講座/2021-05
  79. 師法自然的隱寫術/國立台北教育大學資訊科學系/2021-05
  80. 圖像壓縮碼的隱寫技術/屏東科技大學 資訊管理系/2021-04
  81. 圖像壓縮碼的隱寫技術/莆田學院/2021-04
  82. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/屏東大學 資訊科學系/2021-04
  83. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/國立金門大學/2021-03
  84. 國際壯遊之我見我聞/朝陽科技大學 資訊學院/2021-03
  85. De-clustering concept to information hiding/中國澳門 The 2021 2nd Asia Service Sciences and Software/2021-02
  86. Information Hiding Schemes Based on Magic Matrices/台中 2021 2nd International Symposium on Future Informatio/2021-02
  87. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/中國廈門 2020 2nd International Conference on Big-data S/2020-12
  88. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/哈爾濱工業大學/2020-12
  89. 如何做科技研究/福州大學數學與計算機科學學院/2020-12
  90. 邁向成功之路/逢甲大學資訊工程系/2020-11
  91. 國際壯遊之我見我聞/囯立中興大學資訊管理系/2020-10
  92. 基于魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/國立台中教育大學資訊工程系/2020-10
  93. 基于魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/東海大學資訊工程系/2020-10
  94. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/亞洲大學/2020-09
  95. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/國立金門大學/2020-09
  96. 師法自然的隱寫術/國立中央大學資訊工程系/2020-09
  97. 邁向成功之路/國立金門大學浯洲書院/2020-09
  98. 見証台灣的學術發展/中華民國電腦學會/2020-08
  99. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/International Electronics Communication Conference (IECC)/2020-07
  100. Nature-Inspired Information Hiding Techniques/日本名古屋 2020 Asia Service Sciences and Software Engi/2020-05
  101. Information Hiding Techniques Inspired by Nature/印尼巴厘島 2020 The 2nd Asia Pacific Information Techno/2020-01
  102. Borrowing from Nature to Conceal Information/中國武漢 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Commu/2019-12
  103. 如何做科技研究/武漢大學/2019-12
  104. 如何做科技硏究/溫州大學/2019-12
  105. 師法自然的資訊偽装術/廣州暨南大學/2019-12
  106. 師法自然的資訊偽装術/江蘇大學/2019-12
  107. 師法自然的隱寫術/武漢大學/2019-12
  108. 師法自然的隱寫術/溫州大學/2019-12
  109. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/杭州電子科技大學 圖像研究所/2019-11
  110. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/杭州電子科技大學 中孚保密技術研究院/2019-11
  111. Borrowing from Nature to Conceal Information/中國杭州 2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Pro/2019-11
  112. Borrowing from Nature to Conceal Information/廈門華僑大學計算機學院/2019-11
  113. Embedding Secret Information in Digital Images/中國重慶 2019 the 9th International Conference on Commun/2019-11
  114. 基于(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/浙江財經大學/2019-11
  115. 師法自然的資訊偽装術/全國計算機會議特約講座,金門大學/2019-11
  116. 論文創作与投稿經驗分享/集美大學 計算機學院/2019-11
  117. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/中國武漢 2019 International Conference on Video, Signal/2019-10
  118. A Steganographic Algorithm Based on (7, 4) Hamming Code/中國武漢 2019 International Conference on Big-data Servi/2019-10
  119. Information Hiding Techniques Using Magic Matrix/中國上海 2019 Twelfth International Symposium on Informa/2019-10
  120. Information Hiding Techniques Using Magic Matrix/寧波大學 信息工程學院/2019-10
  121. Information Hiding Techniques Using Magic Matrix/武漢工程大學/2019-10
  122. Information Hiding Techniques Using Magic Matrix/華中科技大學/2019-10
  123. 信息安全技術的發展与應用/寧波大學 科学技术學院/2019-10
  124. 基于(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/朝陽科技大學 資訊學院/2019-10
  125. 密碼學及其應用/金門大學/2019-10
  126. 碩博士論文的寫作及發表經驗分享/華中師範大學 信息管理學院/2019-10
  127. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/福建工程學院/2019-09
  128. 信息安全的最新發展/福建師範大學福淸分校/2019-09
  129. 信息安全的最新發展/福建警察學院/2019-09
  130. 基於(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/福州大學/2019-09
  131. 基於(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/福建農林大學 計算機與信息学院/2019-09
  132. 基於(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/雲林科技大學資訊工程系/2019-09
  133. 如何出人頭地——青年學者的成功經驗分享/莆田學院/2019-09
  134. A Color Image Hiding Scheme Based on SMVQ and Modulo Operator/杭州電子科技大學上虞研究院/2019-08
  135. 中國剩餘定理之妙用/莆田學院高中數理資優生研習營/2019-08
  136. 如何做科技研究與撰寫高品質的學術論文/杭州電子科技大學中孚保密技术研究院/2019-08
  137. 密碼學及其應用/莆田學院高中數理資優生研習營/2019-08
  138. Current Research on Information Hiding/日本沖繩 International Electronics Communication Confere/2019-07
  139. Embedding Secret Information in Digital Images Using Magic Turtle Shells/中國廈門 2019 4th International Conference on Image, Vis/2019-07
  140. 如何做科技研究與撰寫高品質的學術論文/厦門大學软件學院/2019-07
  141. 項目申請和学術論文撰寫經驗談/集美大學/2019-07
  142. A steganographic method for hiding secret data using side match vector quantization/電子科技大學 信息與通信工程学院/2019-06
  143. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/四川師範大學/2019-06
  144. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/西華大學/2019-06
  145. A Color Image Hiding Scheme Based on SMVQ and Modulo Operator/太原科技大學/2019-05
  146. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/北京工業大學/2019-05
  147. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/廣東工業大學/2019-05
  148. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/太原科技大學/2019-05
  149. 數位圖像鑑識技術/中央警察大學 2019年第二十二屆資訊管理學術/2019-05
  150. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme based on Wet Paper Coding/廈門華僑大學 計算機科學与技術学院/2019-04
  151. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/廈門集美大學/2019-04
  152. 中國餘數定理在資訊科學之應用/金門大學資訊工程系/2019-04
  153. 如何安全有效地傳遞資訊/靜宜大學資訊傳播系/2019-04
  154. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/福州大學計算機与数學学院/2019-03
  155. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/福建師範大學/2019-03
  156. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/東海大學資訊工程系/2019-03
  157. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/澳門科技大學/2019-03
  158. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/莆田學院/2019-03
  159. 基于(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/福建工程學院/2019-03
  160. 基于魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/福建閩江學院計算機與控制工程學院/2019-03
  161. 如何做科技研究与撰写高质量的学术论文/福建警察學院/2019-03
  162. 應用反聚類觀念于信息隱藏/福建師範大學(福淸分校)/2019-03
  163. A Steganographic Algorithm Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code/韓國済州島 2019 Asia Pacific Information Technology Con/2019-01
  164. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/中国武汉 2019 the 3rd International Conference on Manage/2019-01
  165. Sharing Secrets Using Authenticatable Digital Images/馬來西亞 吉隆坡 2019 the 4th International Conference/2019-01
  166. 基于龜殻魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/華中師範大學 国家数字化学习工程技术研究/2019-01
  167. 基於(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/湖北工業大學計算機學院/2019-01
  168. 如何做科技研究与撰写高质量的学术论文/武漢理工大學/2019-01
  169. 如何做科技研究与撰写高质量的学术论文/湖北工業大學理學院/2019-01
  170. 如何做科技研究與撰寫高质量的學術論文/武漢工程大學計算機科學与工程學院/2019-01
  171. 如何出人頭地——青年學者的成功經驗分享/逢甲大學資電学院/2019-01
  172. 如何脫穎而出——青年學者的成功經驗分享/華中師範大學 信息管理學院/2019-01
  173. 科技論文研究丶㝍作丶投稿及發表的要領/華中師範大學 国家数字化学习工程技术研究/2019-01
  174. Sharing Secrets Using Authenticatable Digital Images/中国香港 The 2nd International Conference on Video and I/2018-12
  175. 基于(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/福建師範大學/2018-12
  176. 基于龜殻魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/莆田學院/2018-12
  177. 如何做科技研究与撰写高质量的学术论文/福建工程學院/2018-12
  178. 如何做科技研究与撰写高质量的学术论文/福建師範大學福清分校/2018-12
  179. 如何做科技研究与撰写高质量的学术论文/福建農林大學/2018-12
  180. 如何脱颖而出:青年学者的成功经验分享/福建師範大學福清分校/2018-12
  181. Information Hiding Technology: Current Research and Future Trend/中国上海 International Conference on Signal Processing a/2018-11
  182. 基于(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/北京工業大學計算機學院/2018-11
  183. 基于(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/金門大學資訊工程系/2018-11
  184. 基于魔術矩陣的隠寫技術/北京中央民族大學/2018-11
  185. 基于龜殻魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/華東師範大學/2018-11
  186. 如何做科技研究与撰写高质量的学术论文/上海理工大學/2018-11
  187. 如何做科技研究与撰写高质量的学术论文/北京中央民族大學/2018-11
  188. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/廈門集美大學計算機學院/2018-10
  189. Current Research on Information Hiding/台東大學資訊工程系/2018-10
  190. Current Research on Information Hiding/廈門大學軟件學院/2018-10
  191. Current Research on Information Hiding/逢甲大學資訊工程研究所/2018-10
  192. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/哈爾濱工業大學深圳硏究生院/2018-10
  193. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/朝陽科技大學資訊管理系/2018-10
  194. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2018-10
  195. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/深圳大學信息工程学院/2018-10
  196. 基于魔術矩陣的隠寫技術/佛山广东东软学院/2018-10
  197. 如何做科技研究/廣東工業大學/2018-10
  198. 如何做科技研究與撰寫高品質的學術論文/廈門理工學院/2018-10
  199. Current Research on Information Hiding/中国廈門2018 IEEE Conference on Information,Communicat/2018-09
  200. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheater Detection/上海 International Symposium on Image Processing (ISIP 201/2018-09
  201. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/中國北京 The 2nd International Conference on Algorithms,/2018-07
  202. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/北京科技大學/2018-07
  203. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/西华大學/2018-06
  204. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme based on Wet Paper Coding/中國重慶 The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image,/2018-06
  205. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/四川師範大學/2018-06
  206. Using Meaningful Digital Shadow Images to Recover a Secret Message/四川成都電子科技大學/2018-06
  207. 基于龜殻魔術矩陣的隱㝍技術/重慶郵電大學 网络空间安全与信息法学院/2018-06
  208. A Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on VQ/太原科技大學 電子信息工程学院/2018-05
  209. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/太原科技大學 電子信息工程学院/2018-05
  210. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/福建農林大學/2018-05
  211. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/上海理工大学/2018-05
  212. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/中國上海 The 10th International Conference on Digital Im/2018-05
  213. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/福建工程學院/2018-05
  214. Using Meaningful Digital Shadow Images to Recover a Secret Message/太原科技大學/2018-05
  215. Using Meaningful Digital Shadow Images to Recover a Secret Message/福建師範大學/2018-05
  216. 基于魔术矩阵的隐写技术/福建師範大學福淸分校/2018-05
  217. 基於龜殼魔術矩陣的隱㝍技術/國立金門大學資訊工程系/2018-05
  218. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Turtle Shells/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2018-04
  219. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/中國深圳 The 3rd International Conference on Multimedia/2018-04
  220. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/杭州電子科技大學圖像技術研究所/2018-04
  221. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/浙江財經大學 信息學院/2018-04
  222. 國際壯遊之我見我聞/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2018-04
  223. 基于魔术矩阵的隐写技术/廣東工業大學/2018-04
  224. 基于魔術矩陣的隱㝍技術/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院網路安全研究所/2018-04
  225. Current Research on Information Hiding/中國貴陽 The 3rd International Conference on Multimedia/2018-03
  226. Using Meaningful Digital Shadow Images to Recover a Secret Message/厦门理工學院 計算機与信息工程學院/2018-03
  227. 基于反聚類策略的信息隱藏技術/廈門華僑大學 計算機科學與技術學院/2018-03
  228. 基于龜殼魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/廈門集美大學 信息工程學院/2018-03
  229. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/逢甲大學 資訊工程學系/2018-02
  230. Extended Exploiting-Modification-Direction Data Hiding with High Embedding Capacity/中國武漢 The International Conference on Management Engi/2018-01
  231. A Data Hiding Scheme Based on a Reference Matrix and a Location Table/新加坡 ICVIP 2017 特約講座/2017-12
  232. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/中國昆明 ICNCC 2017 特約講座/2017-12
  233. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/靜宜大學 CUTE 2017 特約講座/2017-12
  234. 邁向成功之路/中國醫藥大學 博雅經典講座/2017-12
  235. Information Hiding Technology : Current Research and Future Trend/中國武漢 ICCIS 2017 特約講座/2017-11
  236. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/中國武漢 中南民族大學 計算機科學学院,"名/2017-11
  237. 基于魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/國立雲林科技大學 資訊工程系/2017-11
  238. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/杭州電子科技大學 計算機學院/2017-10
  239. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/浙江財經大學 信息學院/2017-10
  240. Information Hiding Technology : Current Research and Future Trend/浙江工商大學 信息與電子工程學院/2017-10
  241. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/杭州電子科技大學 圖像研究所/2017-10
  242. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/福建農林大學 計算機與信息学院/2017-10
  243. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/華僑大學 工學院(泉州校區)/2017-10
  244. 信息安全專業的出路/廈門華僑大學 信息安全本科專業/2017-10
  245. 可認證的視覺秘密共享/福建工程學院/2017-10
  246. 如何做科技研究/廈門華僑大學 計算機科學與技術學院/2017-10
  247. 如何做科技研究/朝陽科技大學 資訊管理系/2017-10
  248. 如何做科技研究/福建師範大學 數學與計算機科學學院/2017-10
  249. 如何做科技研究/集美大學 計算機工程學院/2017-10
  250. 視覺密碼與數位簽章/中國寧波 司法鑑定行業信息化應用主題沙龍/2017-10
  251. 國際壯遊之我見我聞/金門大學 工業工程與管理學系/2017-09
  252. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/韓國濟州島 ICACTE 2017 特約講座/2017-08
  253. Using Meaningful Digital Shadow Images to Recover a Secret Message/台中 ICMSSP 2017 特約講座/2017-08
  254. Embedding Important Information in Digital Images Using Magic Turtle Shells/中國成都 ICIVC 2017 特約講座/2017-06
  255. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/中國成都 西華大學計算機與軟件工程學院/2017-06
  256. Sharing Secret Message Using Meaningful Digital Images with Cheating Detection/中國成都 電子科技大學 電子工程系/2017-06
  257. 基於(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/四川師範大學 數學與軟件科學學院/2017-06
  258. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/香港 ICDIP 2017 特約講座/2017-05
  259. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/高雄義守大學(全國資訊安全會議)特約講座/2017-05
  260. Using Genetic Algorithm to Embed Important Information in an Image Compression File/逢甲大學資工系 (組合數學研討會 特約講座/2017-05
  261. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/北京清華大學 電子工程系/2017-04
  262. 基於龜殼魔術矩陣的隱寫技術及其衍生的研究問題/北京工業大學 計算機學院/2017-04
  263. 基於(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/廈門 華僑大學 計算機科學與技術學院/2017-04
  264. 如何做一個成功的研究生/中正大學 資訊工程系/2017-04
  265. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/中國成都 電子科技大學 電子工程學系/2017-03
  266. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/國立東華大學 資訊工程系/2017-03
  267. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/慈濟大學 醫學資訊學系/2017-03
  268. Information Hiding Mechanisms Based on Magic Matrices/中國武漢 ICMIP 2017 特約講座/2017-03
  269. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/四川大學 計算機學院/2017-03
  270. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/朝陽科技大學 資訊管理系/2017-03
  271. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/淡江大學 資訊工程系/2017-03
  272. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/湖北工業大學 計算機學院/2017-03
  273. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/靜宜大學 資訊學院/2017-03
  274. 國際壯遊之我見我聞/國立台中科技大學 資訊管理系/2017-03
  275. A Novel Data Hiding Method to Conceal Secret Data/中國武漢 ICMSS 2017 特約講座/2017-01
  276. 基于魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/武漢中國地質大學/2017-01
  277. Guide for Writing a Project Proposal and Key to Success in Academic Research/馬來西亞 拉曼大學(吉隆坡院校)/2016-12
  278. Information Hiding Technology Current Research and Future Trend/馬來西亞 拉曼大學(吉隆坡院校)/2016-12
  279. My Research Projects/馬來西亞 拉曼大學(吉隆坡院校)/2016-12
  280. Some Steganographic Methods for Delivering Secret Messages Using Cover Media/國立台中科技大學 資訊工程系/2016-12
  281. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/嘉義 ICS 2016 特約講座/2016-12
  282. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/馬來西亞吉隆坡 ICINS 2016 特約講座/2016-12
  283. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/福建工程學院 信息科學與工程學院/2016-11
  284. Applying De-clustering Concept to Information Hiding/福建師範大學 數學與計算機科學學院/2016-11
  285. Some Steganographic Methods for Delivering Secret Messages Using Cover Media/高雄 IIHMSP 2016 特約講座/2016-11
  286. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/福建工程學院 數理學院/2016-11
  287. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/福州大學 數學與計算機科學學院/2016-11
  288. 如何撰寫科技部計畫/中台科技大學/2016-11
  289. 如何發表IEEE 期刊論文/朝陽科技大學 資訊管理系/2016-11
  290. Embedding Secret Messages in Digital Images/台灣新北市 ICMSSP 2016 特約講座/2016-09
  291. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/中國北京信息科技大學/2016-09
  292. 中國餘數定理在資訊科學之應用/中山醫學大學 大師講座/2016-09
  293. De-clustering and Its Application to Steganography/太原科技大學 電子信息工程學院/2016-08
  294. Information Hiding Techniques Using Magic Matrix/中國北京 ICSIP 2016 特約講座/2016-08
  295. A novel data hiding method to conceal secret data/杭州 International Forum of Big Data and E-commerce 特約/2016-07
  296. 利用編碼技術來隱藏秘密信息/北京交通大學 計算機與信息技術學院/2016-07
  297. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/浙江農林大學 信息工程學院/2016-07
  298. 基於龜殼矩陣的信息隱藏技術/中國北京 CSCIST 2016 特約講座/2016-07
  299. 如何做一個成功的研究生/杭州電子科技大學 計算機學院/2016-07
  300. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/宜昌三峽大學/2016-06
  301. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/襄陽湖北文理學院/2016-06
  302. 基於龜殼矩陣的信息隱藏技術/荊州長江大學/2016-06
  303. 如何做科技研究/重慶西南大學/2016-06
  304. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/成都電子科技大學電子工程學院/2016-05
  305. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/西北工業大學計算機學院/2016-05
  306. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/西北工業大學計算機學院/2016-05
  307. 信息隱藏技術和最佳化問題/成都信息工程大學計算機學院/2016-05
  308. 信息隱藏技術和最佳化問題/西安郵電大學/2016-05
  309. 利用編碼技術來隱藏秘密信息/成都西南交通大學/2016-05
  310. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/武漢理工大學/2016-05
  311. 基於(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/中國成都 ICDIP 2016 特約講座/2016-05
  312. 如何做科技研究/西北工業大學計算機學院/2016-05
  313. 如何創作高質量的期刊論文/朝陽科技大學資管系/2016-05
  314. 如何創作高質量的期刊論文/荊州長江大學/2016-05
  315. 如何創作高質量的期刊論文/華中師範大學/2016-05
  316. 科技論文寫作要領/成都電子科技大學電子工程學院/2016-05
  317. 科技論文寫作要領/朝陽科技大學資管系/2016-05
  318. 科技論文寫作要領/荊州長江大學/2016-05
  319. 科技論文寫作要領/華中師範大學/2016-05
  320. 利用編碼技術來隱藏秘密信息/北京清華大學/2016-04
  321. 基於(7,4) 漢明碼的隱寫技術 (Information Hiding Techniques Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code)/國立中山大學資訊工程系/2016-04
  322. 基於(7,4)漢明碼的隱寫技術/國立東華大學資訊工程系/2016-04
  323. 如何創作高質量的期刊論文/上海理工大學/2016-04
  324. 科技論文寫作要領/上海理工大學/2016-04
  325. 基於龜殼魔術矩陣的隱寫技術及其衍生的研究問題/國立政治大學資訊科學系/2016-03
  326. A Steganographic Algorithm Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code/台中 The First Workshop on Crypt/2016-02
  327. 基於(7,4) 漢明碼的隱寫技術 (Information Hiding Techniques Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code)/中山醫學大學醫學資訊系/2015-11
  328. 論文寫作及計畫書撰寫經驗分享/明道大學/2015-11
  329. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/西安交通大學電子與信息工程學院/2015-10
  330. 基於(7,4) 漢明碼的隱寫技術 (Information Hiding Techniques Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code)/中國成都 電子科技大學 電子工程學系/2015-10
  331. 基於(7,4) 漢明碼的隱寫技術 (Information Hiding Techniques Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code)/中國杭州 The 16th IEEE Internation/2015-10
  332. 基於(7,4) 漢明碼的隱寫技術 (Information Hiding Techniques Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code)/中國杭州 The 9th International Con/2015-10
  333. 基於(7,4) 漢明碼的隱寫技術 (Information Hiding Techniques Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code)/西北工業大學計算機學院/2015-10
  334. 基於(7,4) 漢明碼的隱寫技術 (Information Hiding Techniques Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code)/長安大學信息工程學院/2015-10
  335. 基於(7,4) 漢明碼的隱寫技術 (Information Hiding Techniques Based on ( 7,4) Hamming Code)/靜宜大學資訊管理系/2015-10
  336. 如何發表 IEEE期刊論文/中國成都西南交通大學/2015-10
  337. 如何發表 IEEE期刊論文/中國杭州電子科技大學/2015-10
  338. 如何發表IEEE 期刊論文/西北工業大學軟件學院/2015-10
  339. 如何發表IEEE 期刊論文/長安大學信息工程學院/2015-10
  340. 邁向成功之路/勤益科技大學管理學院/2015-10
  341. 如何發表 IEEE期刊論文/逢甲大學 圖書館/2015-09
  342. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/深圳中國科學院先進技術研究院/2015-07
  343. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/福建工程學院/2015-07
  344. 如何做科技研究/桂林電子科技大學/2015-07
  345. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/中興大學 資訊管理系/2015-06
  346. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/廈門理工學院/2015-05
  347. An Information Hiding Scheme Using SUDOKU/上海交通大學/2015-04
  348. An Information Hiding Scheme Using SUDOKU/上海同濟大學/2015-04
  349. An Information Hiding Scheme Using SUDOKU/浙江財經大學/2015-04
  350. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/上海大學/2015-04
  351. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/上海理工大學/2015-04
  352. 如何做科技研究/亞東技術學院/2015-04
  353. Using Genetic Algorithm to Embed Important Information in an Image Compression File/中國香港 The 2015 2nd Internationa/2015-03
  354. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2015-03
  355. 基於龜殼魔術矩陣的隱寫技術及其衍生的研究問題/國立台北大學資訊工程系/2015-03
  356. 如何做科技研究/北京大學深圳研究生院/2015-03
  357. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/屏東科技大學資訊管理系/2014-12
  358. 基於龜殼魔術矩陣的隱寫技術及其衍生的研究問題/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2014-12
  359. 如何造密碼/惠州學院東江大講堂/2014-12
  360. 期刊論文撰寫經驗談/2014 國際計算機會議-科技部智慧計算學門同仁/2014-12
  361. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/中國深圳 The 2014 International Co/2014-11
  362. Information Hiding Techniques Using Magic Matrix/越南太原 2014 International Sympos/2014-11
  363. Using Genetic Algorithm to Embed Important Information in an Image Compression File/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2014-11
  364. 基於龜殼魔術矩陣的隱寫技術及其衍生的研究問題/安徽大學計算機學院與技術學院/2014-11
  365. 如何造密碼/浙江工商大學計算機與信息工程學院/2014-11
  366. 視覺密碼學/江蘇大學計算機科學與通信工程學院/2014-11
  367. A Watermarking Scheme for Categorical Relational Databases/台北 2014 The 13th International/2014-10
  368. Turtle Shell Based Information Hiding Mechanism/中國西安 2014 7th International Co/2014-10
  369. Using Genetic Algorithm to Embed Important Information in an Image Compression File/中國南昌 The 8th International Con/2014-10
  370. Using Genetic Algorithm to Embed Important Information in an Image Compression File/西北工業大學計算機學院/2014-10
  371. Using Genetic Algorithm to Embed Important Information in an Image Compression File/長安大學信息工程學院/2014-10
  372. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/西北工業大學計算機學院/2014-10
  373. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/西安建築科技大學信息與控制工程學院/2014-10
  374. Some Techniques for Sharing Digital Secret Images/中國成都 The 2014 International Co/2014-09
  375. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/中國成都 電子科技大學 電子工程學系/2014-09
  376. 邁向成功之路/國立中正大學----中正講座-向典範學習/2014-09
  377. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/中國麗江 2014 International Confer/2014-08
  378. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/中國香港 International Conference/2014-07
  379. Information Hiding Techniques/韓國濟州島 The 3rd International Co/2014-07
  380. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/台中 The First International Con/2014-06
  381. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/香港 The 2014 International Conf/2014-06
  382. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/廈門華僑大學/2014-06
  383. 如何創作高品質的學術論文/廈門華僑大學/2014-06
  384. 張語錄---伴你走向成功之路/廈門華僑大學/2014-06
  385. Decluster and its application to steganography/北京交通大學計算機學院/2014-05
  386. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/北京中國科學院 信息安全國家重點實驗室/2014-05
  387. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/北京清華大學/2014-05
  388. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/北華航天工業學院/2014-05
  389. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/河南黃淮學院/2014-05
  390. 如何做科技研究/太原科技大學/2014-05
  391. 如何創作高品質的研究論文/杭州電子科技大學/2014-05
  392. 張語錄---伴你走向成功之路/杭州電子科技大學/2014-05
  393. 數字水印及其應用/浙江傳媒學院/2014-05
  394. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/韓國濟州島 ICNCT 2014/2014-04
  395. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/中正大學資訊工程系/2014-03
  396. The Recent Developments in Visual Secret Sharing/菲律賓馬尼拉 ICOCS 2014 特約講座/2014-03
  397. A Virtual Image Cryptosystem Based upon Vector Quantization/中興大學資安講座/2014-01
  398. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/中興大學資訊管理系/2014-01
  399. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/成都電子科技大學/2013-12
  400. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/成都 ICIME 2013 特約講座/2013-12
  401. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/吉首大學/2013-12
  402. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/成都電子科技大學/2013-12
  403. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/湖南工業大學(中國計算機學會青/2013-12
  404. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/湘潭大學 信息工程學院-韶風名家/2013-12
  405. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/西安 ICIII2013 特約講座/2013-11
  406. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/中央警察大學資訊管理系/2013-11
  407. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/國立中興大學資安講座/2013-11
  408. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2013-11
  409. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/西北工業大學(計算機學院)/2013-11
  410. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/西安電子科技大學(計算機學院)/2013-11
  411. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/長安大學(信息工程學院)/2013-11
  412. 如何造密碼/靜宜大學科普講座/2013-11
  413. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/桂林電子科技大學(數學與計算機/2013-10
  414. Visual Cryptography/香港 ICGIP 2013 特約講座/2013-10
  415. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/太原科技大學電子信息工程學院/2013-10
  416. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/福建師範大學(數學與計算機科學/2013-10
  417. 撰寫科技研究論文之要領/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2013-10
  418. 如何做科技研究/逢甲大學資訊工程研究所/2013-09
  419. 研究生的學習與成長/逢甲大學資訊工程研究所/2013-09
  420. 邁向成功之路/逢甲大學資訊工程研究所/2013-09
  421. Information Stesanography Using Magic Matrix/逢甲大學資訊工程研究所/2013-08
  422. Embedding Secrets in Digital Images/成都 ICIKM 2013 特約講座/2013-07
  423. Embedding Secrets in Digital Images/首爾 AsiaJCIS 2013 特約講座/2013-07
  424. Visual Cryptography and Information Steganography/香港 (ICSIP 2013) 特約講座/2013-07
  425. 利用網路聊天室傳送機密訊息/安徽大學(計算機科學與科技學院)/2013-07
  426. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/中國科技大學(計算機科學與技術/2013-07
  427. 如何創作高品質的研究論文/成都西南交通大學/2013-07
  428. Digital Watermarking and Its Applications/杭州電子科大數字媒體與藝術學院/2013-05
  429. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/北京 (EECS 2013) 特約講座/2013-05
  430. 中國剩餘定理之妙用/江蘇大學物聯網工程系/2013-05
  431. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/逢甲大學資訊工程系/2013-05
  432. 基於魔術矩陣的隱寫技術/江蘇大學物聯網工程系/2013-05
  433. 如何做科技研究/江蘇大學物聯網工程系/2013-05
  434. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-學術經驗分享/江蘇大學物聯網工程系/2013-05
  435. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2013-05
  436. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-經典語錄/江南大學物聯網工程學院/2013-05
  437. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/西南交通大學信息科學與技術學院/2013-04
  438. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/北京(ICDIP 2013) 特約講座/2013-04
  439. 圖像偽裝術的最新發展/電子科技大學計算機學院(成都)/2013-04
  440. 學術研究工作與計畫書撰寫的經驗分享/逢甲大學圖書館/2013-04
  441. Digital Watermarking and Its Applications/廈門 (AMT 2013) 特約講座/2013-03
  442. Embedding Secrets Using Magic Matrices/廈門大學軟件學院/2013-03
  443. 中國餘數定理在資訊科技之應用/國立中興大學資訊管理系/2013-03
  444. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/國立台中科技大學IET Dis.Lec.S./2013-01
  445. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/新加坡 (ICIIM 2013) 特約講座/2013-01
  446. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/慈濟大學 醫學資訊學系/2012-12
  447. 學術工作及計畫書撰寫分享/2012ICS資訊新進同仁培育講習會/2012-12
  448. Embedding Secrets in Digital Images/廣州大學數學與信息科學學院/2012-11
  449. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/曼谷 (ICNI 2012) 特約講座/2012-11
  450. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2012-11
  451. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/廣州中國科學院先進技術研究所/2012-11
  452. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學的應用/深圳大學信息工程學院/2012-11
  453. 中國餘數定理在資訊科學之應用/靜宜大學IET Dis.Lec.S./2012-11
  454. 學術工作及計畫書撰寫分享/亞洲大學資訊學院/2012-11
  455. 資訊隱藏術的最新發展/中山醫學大學醫學資訊系/2012-11
  456. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/中山醫學大學醫學資訊系/2012-11
  457. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/弘光科技大學資訊工程系/2012-11
  458. 青年學者的自我成長/弘光科技大學資訊工程系/2012-11
  459. Embedding Secrets in Digital Images/大連 (APMS 2012) 特約講座/2012-10
  460. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/三亞 (ICIII 2012) 特約講座/2012-10
  461. Using Table Look-up Methods to Hide Secret Information/香港 (ICICM 2012) 特約講座/2012-10
  462. Visual Cryptography/台北 (AMITP 2012) 特約講座/2012-10
  463. Visual Cryptography and Information Steganography/國立雲林科技大學資訊工程系/2012-10
  464. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/中國科技大學信息學院/2012-10
  465. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/安徽大學計算機學院/2012-10
  466. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/國立雲林科技大學資訊工程系/2012-10
  467. Embedding Messages in Digital Images/北京 (AST 2012) 特約講座/2012-09
  468. Hiding Information in a Digital Image/普吉島 (ICCDE 2012) 特約講座/2012-09
  469. Some Steganographic Methods for Delivering Secret Messages Using Cover Media/青島 (ITMS 2012) 特約講座/2012-09
  470. Table Look-up Methods for Storing and Retrieving Secret Messages/北京 (ICICT 2012) 特約講座/2012-09
  471. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/北京交通大學大師面對面講壇/2012-09
  472. 中國剩餘定理在信息科學之應用/湘潭大學信息工程學院/2012-09
  473. 信息隱藏技術和最佳化問題/北京化工大學管理學院/2012-09
  474. Embedding Secrets Using Magic Matrices/威海 (ICEIE 2012) 特約講座/2012-08
  475. Hiding Secrets in a Digital Image/首爾 (iCAST 2012) 特約講座/2012-08
  476. Recent Developments in Hiding Information/杭州 (NT 2012) 特約講座/2012-08
  477. Steganographic Systems for Secret Messages/上海 (ICIVC 2012) 特約講座/2012-08
  478. Visual Cryptography and Information Steganography/香港 (ICSIA 2012) 特約講座/2012-08
  479. 如何做科技研究/杭州電子科技大學 計算機學院/2012-08
  480. The Design of Visual Cryptosystems/太原 (CMCS 2012) 特約講座/2012-07
  481. Digital Watermarking and Its Applications/上海 (ICFCE 2012) 特約講座/2012-06
  482. Digital Watermarking and Its Applications/鄭州 (ICCCD 2012) 特約講座/2012-06
  483. 利用網路聊天室傳送機密信息/鄭州輕工業學院/2012-06
  484. Embedding Secret Messages in Texts/宿霧 (ISI 2012) 特約講座/2012-05
  485. Embedding Secret Messages in Texts/桂林理工大學信息科學與工程學院/2012-05
  486. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/桂林理工大學信息科學與工程學院/2012-05
  487. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/福建師範大學(數學與計算機科學/2012-05
  488. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/福建師範大學福清分校(數學與計/2012-05
  489. Recent Developments in Hiding Information/成都 (ICNCT 2012) 特約講座/2012-05
  490. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/南昌(ICMMA 2012) 特約講座/2012-05
  491. Visual Cryptography and Information Steganography/廣州 (BMEI 2012) 特約講座/2012-05
  492. 利用網路聊天室傳送機密訊息/國立中興大學資訊管理系/2012-05
  493. 利用網路聊天室傳送機密訊息/國立台中科技大學資訊工程系/2012-05
  494. Secret Sharing Using Digital Image Shadows/上海 (ISA 2012) 特約講座/2012-04
  495. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/國立東華大學資訊工程學系/2012-03
  496. Secret Image Sharing Systems/深圳 (ICIIE 2012) 特約講座/2012-03
  497. Secret Sharing Using Digital Image Shadows/澳門 (ICIA 2012) 特約講座/2012-03
  498. Secret Sharing Using Digital Image Shadows/香港 (ICSST 2012) 特約講座/2012-03
  499. 偽裝學之應用與發展趨勢/亞洲大學 (IS 2012)特約講座/2012-03
  500. 如何做科技研究/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2012-03
  501. 如何做科技研究/國立中央大學資訊工程系/2012-03
  502. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/國立中央大學資訊工程系/2012-03
  503. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/台北 (ICACII2012) 特約講座/2012-02
  504. Steganographic Methods Using Table Lookup Techniques/三亞 (ICFEPES 2012) 特約講座/2012-02
  505. Steganographic Methods Using Table Lookup Techniques/香港 (ICICA 2012) 特約講座/2012-02
  506. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/國立勤益科技大學資訊管理系/2012-01
  507. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/成都 (ICIIM 2012) 特約講座/2012-01
  508. 如何做科技研究/成都西南交通大學信息科學與技術/2012-01
  509. A Genetic Algorithm for Density-Based Vector Quantization/曼谷 (ICAEE 2011) 特約講座/2011-12
  510. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/國立中山大學資訊工程系/2011-12
  511. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/國立中興大學 資訊管理學系/2011-11
  512. Secret Sharing Using Digital Image Shadows/北京(ICCATE 2011) 特約講座/2011-11
  513. Secret Sharing Using Digital Image Shadows/台中2011民生電子研討會特約講座/2011-11
  514. Some Steganographic Methods Using Table Lookup Techniques/成都(ICNI 2011) 特約講座/2011-11
  515. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/大連 (IIHMSP 2011) 特約講座/2011-10
  516. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/武漢 (IPTC 2011) 特約講座/2011-10
  517. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/網路智能論壇 靜宜大學/2011-10
  518. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/山東工商學院/2011-10
  519. 視覺密碼學/國立聯合大學 資訊管理學系/2011-10
  520. 邁向成功之路/山東工商學院/2011-10
  521. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/國立聯合大學 資訊管理學系/2011-10
  522. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/天津 (ICEIE 2011) 特約講座/2011-09
  523. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/北京交通大學 大師面對面講壇/2011-09
  524. Recent Developments in Secret Image Sharing/香港 (ICICIS 2011) 特約講座/2011-09
  525. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-青年勵志語錄/北京交通大學 大師面對面講壇/2011-09
  526. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/大連理工大學軟件學院/2011-08
  527. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/山東煙台(ICSPS 2011) 特約講座/2011-08
  528. 如何創作高品質的科技論文/蘭州大學信息科學與工程學院/2011-08
  529. 科技論文寫作、投稿、發表要領/蘭州大學信息科學與工程學院/2011-08
  530. 遊走兩岸看大陸的學術崛起/國立台中技術學院資訊工程研究所/2011-08
  531. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/國立台中技術學院資訊工程研究所/2011-08
  532. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/大連理工大學軟件學院/2011-08
  533. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/蘭州大學信息科學與工程學院/2011-08
  534. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/杭州電子科技大學 計算機學院/2011-07
  535. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/黃石(ITCS 2011) 特約講座/2011-07
  536. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/廈門 (ICIIP 2011) 特約講座/2011-07
  537. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/成都 (ICCSIT 2011) 特約講座/2011-06
  538. Embedding Secret Messages in Digital Images/鄭州 (ICCNE 2011) 特約講座/2011-06
  539. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/廣州(BMEI 2011) 特約講座/2011-05
  540. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/東北大學(秦皇島分校)物聯網與訊/2011-05
  541. Embedding Secret Messages in Digital Images/北京(ICHPSM 2011) 特約講座/2011-05
  542. Embedding Secret Messages in Texts/成都(ICAMCS 2011) 特約講座/2011-05
  543. Secret Sharing Using Digital Image Shadows/上海(ICITMS 2011) 特約講座/2011-05
  544. 遊走兩岸看大陸的學術崛起/國立中興大學資訊管理學系/2011-05
  545. 雨露長纖草,山苗高入雲-張語錄/國立中興大學資訊管理學系/2011-05
  546. 利用網路聊天室傳送機密信息/皖西學院/2011-04
  547. 視覺密碼學/中正大學資訊工程系/2011-04
  548. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/南京信息工程大學電腦與軟件學院/2011-04
  549. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/安徽大學電腦科學與技術學院/2011-04
  550. Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/武漢(NSWCTC 2011)特約講座/2011-04
  551. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/咸寧(CECNET 2011)特約講座/2011-04
  552. Information Steganography Using Reference Matrices/中央大學資訊工程系/2011-03
  553. The Recent Developments in Visual Cryptography/澳門 (CICC-ITOE 2011) 特約講座/2011-03
  554. Visual Cryptography/上海 (ICCRD 2011) 特約講座/2011-03
  555. 如何創作高品質的科技論文/義守大學/2011-03
  556. 視覺密碼學/台中(IETAC 2011) 特約講座/2011-03
  557. Information Steganography Using Reference Matrices/香港 (FSNC 2011) 特約講座/2011-02
  558. 視覺密碼學/國立中興大學資訊科學與工程學系/2011-01
  559. Visual Secret Sharing/西南交通大學信息科學與技術學院/2010-12
  560. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/南寧 (FCCC 2010) 特約講座/2010-12
  561. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/成都 (ISAI 2010)) 特約講座/2010-12
  562. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/湘潭大學信息工程學院-韶風名家/2010-12
  563. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/杭州 (ICISE 2010) 特約講座/2010-12
  564. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/重慶 (PDCN 2010) 特約講座/2010-12
  565. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/武漢 (PACIIA 2010) 特約講座/2010-12
  566. Visual Cryptography/三亞 (FITC 2010) 特約講座/2010-12
  567. Visual Cryptography/上海 (IITA-JCAI 2010) 特約講座/2010-12
  568. Visual Secret Sharing/湘潭大學信息工程學院-韶風名家/2010-12
  569. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/台灣高雄 (ICCCI 2010) 特約講座/2010-11
  570. Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding/深圳 (ICCSP 2010) 特約講座/2010-11
  571. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/台灣嘉義(ICISM 2010 特約講座)/2010-11
  572. Embedding Secret Information in Digital Images/廣州 (ISIA 2010) 特約講座/2010-11
  573. Embedding Secret Information in Digital Images/青島 (ISIP 2010) 特約講座/2010-11
  574. Embedding Secret Information in Digital Images/青島科技大學信息科學技術學院/2010-11
  575. Emotion-based Text Steganography in Chat/成都 (ICCEE 2010) 特約講座/2010-11
  576. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/秦皇島 (IITA 2010) 特約講座/2010-11
  577. The Recent Developments in Visual Cryptography/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2010-11
  578. The Recent Developments in Visual Cryptography/桂林 (WMWA 2010) 特約講座/2010-11
  579. Visual Secret Sharing/桂林理工大學信息科學與工程學院/2010-11
  580. Visual Secret Sharing/重慶大學計算機學院/2010-11
  581. 大學生的學習經驗與生涯規劃/桂林理工大學/2010-11
  582. 如何創作高品質的研究論文/桂林理工大學信息科學與工程學院/2010-11
  583. 如何創作高品質的研究論文/重慶大學計算機學院/2010-11
  584. 如何創作高品質的科技論文/逢甲大學圖書館/2010-11
  585. 如何創作高品質的研究論文/國立台中技術學院資訊管理系/2010-10
  586. 教學心得分享/國立台中技術學院資訊管理系/2010-10
  587. A Survey of Linguistic Steganography/黃岡(IPTC 2010) 特約講座/2010-10
  588. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/太原(ICCASM 2010) 特約講座/2010-10
  589. Delivering Secret Message Using Chat Tools/昆明(ICMS 2010) 特約講座/2010-10
  590. Delivering Secret Message Using Chat Tools/昆明(ICSCT 2010) 特約講座/2010-10
  591. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/太原科技大學/2010-10
  592. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/廈門(ICBSSP 2010) 特約講座/2010-10
  593. The New Developments in Message Embedding/武漢(ICEA 2010) 特約講座/2010-10
  594. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/南昌 (APCIP 2010 特約講座)/2010-09
  595. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/重慶 (ICEIT 2010 特約講座)/2010-09
  596. The Recent Developments in Visual Cryptography/太原 (CASoN 2010)/2010-09
  597. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/台中 (IET FC 2010 特約講座)/2010-08
  598. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/揚州 (CCCM 2010 特約講座)/2010-08
  599. Delivering Secret Messages Using Chat Tools/長春 (CMCE 2010 特約講座)/2010-08
  600. Visual Cryptography/北京 (PACCS 2010) 特約講座/2010-08
  601. Visual Cryptography/焦作 (ISCSCT 2010) 特約講座/2010-08
  602. 如何做一個成功的研究生/台中技術學院資訊工程系/2010-08
  603. 如何做一個成功的研究生/國立中興大學資訊管理系/2010-08
  604. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/青島 (CNCE 2010 特約講座)/2010-07
  605. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/杭州電子科技大學/2010-07
  606. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/浙江 (U-Media 2010 特約講座)/2010-07
  607. Sharing Secrets Using Visual Cryptography/大連 (JCAI 2010)/2010-07
  608. Visual Cryptography/黃山 (ISECS 2010 特約講座)/2010-07
  609. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/上海 (ICETC 2010 特約講座)/2010-06
  610. Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing/成都 (CCTAE 2010 特約講座)/2010-06
  611. De-clustering and Its Application to Steganography/香港 (ICCSNA 2010 特約講座)/2010-06
  612. Recent Developments in Text Steganography/秦皇島 (ICCDA 2010 特約講座)/2010-06
  613. 如何做科技研究/上海海洋大學/2010-06
  614. 科技論文寫作、投稿、發表要領/上海理工大學/2010-06
  615. 邁向成功之路/開南大學大師講座/2010-06
  616. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/武漢 (ICSRA 2010 特約講座)/2010-05
  617. Embedding Information in Cover Digital Images Using Magic Matrices/武漢 (DESCT 2010 特約講座)/2010-05
  618. Image Steganography Using Magic Matrix/台灣 (SCA 2010 特約講座)/2010-05
  619. Recent Developments in Text Steganography/國立金門技術學院/2010-05
  620. Recent Developments of Visual Cryptography/廣東商學院/2010-05
  621. Visual Cryptography/三亞 (WMSVM 2010 特約講座)/2010-05
  622. 利用網路聊天室傳送機密訊息/台灣 (FCE 2010 特約講座)/2010-05
  623. 青年學者的學術生涯規劃/亞洲大學/2010-05
  624. De-clustering and Its Application to Information Hiding/開封 (MVHI 2010 特約講座)/2010-04
  625. Information Steganography Using Magic Matrix/華南師範大學物理與電信工程學院/2010-04
  626. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/成都 (ICIME 2010 特約講座)/2010-04
  627. Recent Developments in Text Steganography/深圳 (APWCS 2010 特約講座)/2010-04
  628. The New Developments in Visual Crypography/大連理工大學電子與信息工程學院/2010-04
  629. The Recent Developments in Visual Cryptography/井崗山 (IITSI 2010) 特約講座/2010-04
  630. The Recent Developments in Visual Cryptography/武漢 (ICBECS 2010 特約講座)/2010-04
  631. 如何做科技研究/大連理工大學電子與信息工程學院/2010-04
  632. 如何做科技研究/廣州華南理工大學電子與信息學院/2010-04
  633. 如何做科技研究/順德職業技術學院/2010-04
  634. 科技論文寫作、投稿、發表要領/廣州華南理工大學電子與信息學院/2010-04
  635. 邁向成功之路/井崗山大學/2010-04
  636. 邁向成功之路/廣東技術師範學院計算機科學學院/2010-04
  637. 青年學者的學術生涯規劃/武漢大學計算機學院/2010-04
  638. 青年學者的學術生涯規劃/華南師範大學物理與電信工程學院/2010-04
  639. A Technique of Embedding Digital Data in an Image Compression Code Reversibly/國立台中技術學院資訊管理系/2010-03
  640. A Virtual Image Cryptosystem Based upon Vector Quantization/武漢 (CESCE 2010 特約講座)/2010-03
  641. A Technique of Embedding Digital Data in an Image Compression Code Reversibly/三亞(ICCMS 2010) 特約講座/2010-01
  642. A Technique of Embedding Digital Data in an Image Compression Code Reversibly/韓國(ICUIMC 2010 特約講座)/2010-01
  643. De-clustering and Its Application to Steganography/澳門 (ITMS 2010 特約講座)/2010-01
  644. A Data Hiding Method for Text Documents Using Multiple-Base Encoding/三亞(ICTMF 2009 特約講座)/2009-12
  645. Recent Developments in Information Hiding/黃山 (ISCSCT 2009 特約講座)/2009-12
  646. Recent Developments in Text Stegnography/上海 (ISISE 2009 特約講座)/2009-12
  647. Steganographic Scheme Using Heuristic Codeword Assignment and Cascade-Shifting on VQ Image/台灣 (U-Media 2009 特約講座)/2009-12
  648. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/台灣(WCE 2009 特約講座)/2009-11
  649. A Wet Image Data Hiding Scheme Based on Coordinate Modifications/南昌 (IITA 2009 特約講座)/2009-11
  650. Emoticon-Based Text Steganography in Chat/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2009-11
  651. Emoticon-Based Text Steganography in Chat/廣東商學院/2009-11
  652. Emoticon-based Text Steganography in Chat/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2009-11
  653. Emoticon-based Text Steganography in Chat/武漢 (PACIIA 2009 特約講座)/2009-11
  654. Emoticon-based Text Steganography in Chat/黃岡師範學院/2009-11
  655. Emotion-based Text Steganography in Chat/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-11
  656. Hiding Data in a Color Palette Image with Hybrid Strategies/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-11
  657. 圖像偽裝術的最新發展/安徽大學計算機科學與技術學院/2009-11
  658. 圖像偽裝術的最新發展/廣東商學院/2009-11
  659. 圖像偽裝術的最新發展/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2009-11
  660. 如何做科技研究/南昌航空大學/2009-11
  661. 如何做科技研究/廣東商學院/2009-11
  662. 濕圖像的信息隱藏術/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2009-11
  663. 濕影像的資訊隱藏術/國立中興大學資訊科學與工程研究/2009-11
  664. 研究生的學習與成長/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-11
  665. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-10
  666. An Ingenious Data Hiding Scheme for Color Retinal Image/廣西 (WGEC 2009 特約講座)/2009-10
  667. An Ingenious Data Hiding Scheme for Color Retinal Images/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-10
  668. Hiding Information in VQ Index Tables with Reversibility/青島(WCSE 2009 特約講座)/2009-10
  669. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/國立中興大學資訊管理系/2009-10
  670. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/桂林電子科技大學計算機與控制學/2009-10
  671. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/青島理工大學計算機工程學院/2009-10
  672. 科技論文寫作、投稿、發表要領/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-10
  673. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/亞洲大學資訊學院/2009-09
  674. Security Technologies on Communication Networks and Their Applications to Electronic Business/南京 未來計算論壇/2009-08
  675. A Self-Refer. Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/瀋陽(HIS 2009 特約講座)/2009-08
  676. A Self-Reference Watermarking Scheme Based on Wet Paper Coding/上海交通大學電腦科學與技術系/2009-08
  677. A Steganographic Scheme for Reversible Information Hiding with Good Visual Quality Suitable for Small Embedded Data/三亞(ACC 2009 特約講座)/2009-08
  678. An Image Authentication Scheme Using Magic Square/北京(ICCSIT 2009 特約講座)/2009-08
  679. Embedding Data in a Wet Digital Image Using Fully EMD/台灣(JWIS 2009 特約講座)/2009-08
  680. A Quadratic-residue-based Fragile Watermarking Scheme/張家界(SSME 2009 特約講座)/2009-07
  681. A Reversible Data Emb. Scheme Based on CRT for VQ Index Tab./深圳(APCIP 2009 特約講座)/2009-07
  682. A Data Emb. Scheme Based on a Magic Mtx. and Wet Paper Codes/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-06
  683. A Data Emb. Scheme Based on a Magic Mtx. and Wet Paper Codes/武漢(CINC 2009 特約講座)/2009-06
  684. A Novel Reversible Data Emb. Scheme Using CRT for VQ Index/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-06
  685. 如何做科技研究/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-06
  686. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/大連理工大學軟件學院/2009-06
  687. A Data Emb. Scheme Based on a Magic Mtx. and Wet Paper Codes/合肥工業大學電腦與資訊學院/2009-05
  688. A New Classification Mechanism for Retinal Images/武漢(ISA 2009 特約講座)/2009-05
  689. A Noval Rev. D.E.S. Using Dis. Pairing for Pal.-based Images/成都(IUCE 2009) 特約講座/2009-05
  690. Hiding Information in Region-based Wet Images/南昌(ISECS 2009 特約講座)/2009-05
  691. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/阜陽師範學院/2009-05
  692. 青年學者的學習與成長/合肥工業大學電腦與資訊學院/2009-05
  693. 青年學者的學習與成長/安徽大學電腦科學與技術學院/2009-05
  694. Cheating Resistence for Secret Sharing/上海大學計算機科學學院/2009-04
  695. Cheating Resistence for Secret Sharing/武漢(NSWCTC 2009 特約講座)/2009-04
  696. The New Developments in Information Hiding/中國科學技術大學蘇州研究院/2009-04
  697. The Recent Development of Information Hiding Steganography/長江大學計算機科學學院/2009-04
  698. 調色盤影像隱藏術/高雄應用科技大學電子工程學系/2009-04
  699. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/中正大學「中正講座」/2009-03
  700. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/南台科技大學資訊管理學系/2009-03
  701. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/清雲科技大學資訊工程學系/2009-03
  702. 研究生的學習與成長/中興大學資訊科學與工程學系/2009-03
  703. A Hyb. Stra. for Impr. Illu.-Bal. of Degr. Text-Photo Images/越南芽莊(ICTACS 2009 特約講座)/2009-02
  704. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/銘傳大學資訊學院大師講座/2009-02
  705. 研究生的學習與成長/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2009-02
  706. The Design of E-Traveler's Check with Effi. and Mutual Auth./韓國成均館大學國際會議邀請講座/2009-01
  707. A High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Annotation/上海(IITA 2008 特約講座)/2008-12
  708. Lossless Compr. Schemes of VQ Indices Using State Codebook/上海(ISCSCT 2008 特約講座)/2008-12
  709. Secret Image Sharing with Reversible Steganography/武漢(PACIIA 2008 特約講座)/2008-12
  710. 如何做研究/上海理工大學/2008-12
  711. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/上海大學 通信與信息工程學院/2008-12
  712. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/上海理工大學/2008-12
  713. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/復旦大學/2008-12
  714. A Restricted Region-based Data-hiding Scheme/杭州(ICCT 2008 特約講座)/2008-11
  715. Security and privacy in pervasive/ubiquitous computing syste/北京「未來計算論壇」/2008-11
  716. 信息系統科學的研究方法/中國人民大學/2008-11
  717. 可逆與不可逆的信息偽裝術/國立中正大學資訊工程系/2008-11
  718. 如何做一個成功的研究生/北京交通大學電子信息工程學院/2008-11
  719. 如何做一個成功的研究生/安徽大學/2008-11
  720. 如何做科技研究/合肥工業大學/2008-11
  721. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/中國人民大學/2008-11
  722. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/北京「未來計算論壇」/2008-11
  723. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/北京交通大學計算機信息技術學院/2008-11
  724. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/北京交通大學電子信息工程學院/2008-11
  725. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/合肥工業大學/2008-11
  726. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/皖西學院/2008-11
  727. 調色盤影像隱藏術/北京交通大學計算機信息技術學院/2008-11
  728. 青年學者的學術生涯規劃/國立中正大學資訊工程系/2008-11
  729. 反叢聚及其在影像偽裝之應用/長庚大學資訊管理系/2008-10
  730. 叢聚及其在影像偽裝之應用/長庚大學資訊管理系/2008-10
  731. 如何做研究/元智大學資訊講座/2008-10
  732. 如何做研究/長庚大學資訊管理系/2008-10
  733. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/僑光技術學院/2008-10
  734. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/長庚大學資訊管理系/2008-10
  735. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/靜宜大學資訊學院/2008-10
  736. 調色盤影像隱藏術/國立中興大學資訊科學與工程所/2008-10
  737. An Innovative Steganographic Scheme Based on VQ/長江大學(WGEC 2008 特約講座)/2008-09
  738. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/嘉興學院/2008-09
  739. 影像偽裝術的最新發展/武漢大學/2008-09
  740. 調色盤影像隱藏術/武漢大學/2008-09
  741. 調色盤影像隱藏術/長庚大學資訊管理系/2008-09
  742. 邁向成功之路/國立中興大學資訊管理系/2008-09
  743. A High Payload Steg. Scheme Based on (7, 4) Hamming Codes/廣州 (ISECS 2008 特約講座)/2008-08
  744. Some Novel Steganographic Methods for Digital Images/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2008-08
  745. Innovative Information Hiding for Digital Media/蘭州 (Ubi-media 2008 特約講座)/2008-07
  746. 如何做研究/蘭州大學信息科學與工程學院/2008-07
  747. 研究生的學習與成長/蘭州大學信息科學與工程學院/2008-07
  748. An Information Hiding Scheme Using Sudoku/大連 (ICICIC2008 特約講座)/2008-06
  749. 圖像隱藏術/大連理工大學電子與信息工程學院/2008-06
  750. 如何做研究/安徽大學計算機科學與技術學院/2008-06
  751. 如何做研究/虎尾科技大學機械與機電研究所/2008-06
  752. 大學生的學習經驗與生涯規劃/大葉大學工學院/2008-05
  753. 如何做研究/淡江大學資訊工程學系/2008-04
  754. 如何做研究/真理大學資訊科學系/2008-04
  755. 提昇學術研究效率之策略與技巧/台灣評鑑學會(台灣科技大學)/2008-04
  756. 提昇學術研究效率之策略與技巧/朝陽科技大學資訊學院/2008-04
  757. 青年學者學術成長經驗之分享/逢甲大學資訊工程學系/2008-04
  758. 如何做一個成功的資訊人/中山醫學大學資訊管理學系/2008-03
  759. Using Nearest Cover Codes to Embed Secret Information/韓國首爾成均館大學/2008-01
  760. An Image Compression Scheme Based on Locally Adaptive Coding/亞洲大學(IEEE Symp.Multimedia)/2007-12
  761. 研究生的學習與成長/國立勤益科技大學工學院/2007-11
  762. 如何做一個成功的資訊人/國立勤益科技大學資訊工程學系/2007-11
  763. 如何做研究/國立高雄師範大學資訊教育研究所/2007-11
  764. 如何做研究/大葉大學資訊管理系/2007-11
  765. 原像重現的浮水印技術/國立中正大學資訊工程系/2007-10
  766. 大學生的學習經驗與生涯規劃/國立高雄大學 卓越講座/2007-10
  767. 快速資料擷取技術的發展/亞洲大學資訊學院/2007-10
  768. Information Hiding Techniques/安徽大學計算機科學與技術學院/2007-10
  769. Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Two Steganography Images/台北(IEEE TENCO 2007邀請講座)/2007-10
  770. 基於相鄰區塊相似性和動態次編碼簿的低位元率向量量化圖像壓縮法/安徽大學計算機科學與技術學院/2007-10
  771. 基於相鄰區塊相似性和動態次編碼簿的低位元率向量量化圖像壓縮法/山東濟南(和諧人機環境會議講座)/2007-10
  772. 快速資料擷取技術的發展/靜宜大學資訊管理學系/2007-10
  773. 影像隱藏術/臺中教育大學資訊系/2007-09
  774. 影像隱藏術/中山醫學大學資訊管理系/2007-09
  775. A Data Hiding Scheme Based upon Block Truncation Coding/越南自然科學大學資訊技術學院/2007-07
  776. Declustering and Its Application to Information Hiding/越南國際大學計算機科學工程學院/2007-07
  777. Hashing Technology: Past, Now and Future/越南國際大學計算機科學工程學院/2007-07
  778. Hiding Secret Information in Color Images/越南國際大學計算機科學工程學院/2007-07
  779. Robust and Recoverable Tamper Proofing Tech. for Image Auth./越南自然科學大學資訊技術學院/2007-07
  780. The Development of File Structures/越南國際大學計算機科學工程學院/2007-07
  781. An Information Hiding Technique Based on De-clustering/北京工業大學 國際WIC研究院/2007-06
  782. Hiding Secret Information in Color Images/北京交通大學計算機信息技術學院/2007-06
  783. Hiding Secret Information in Color Images/廣州中山大學信息科學與技術學院/2007-06
  784. Information Hiding Techniques/北京交通大學 電子信息工程學院/2007-06
  785. Information Hiding Techniques/北京清華大學計算機科學與技術系/2007-06
  786. Information Hiding Techniques/北京航天航空大學計算機學院/2007-06
  787. Innovative Steganography for Digital Media/北京「未來計算論壇」/2007-06
  788. Innovative Steganography for Digital Media/北京交通大學計算機信息技術學院/2007-06
  789. Innovative Steganography for Digital Media/廣州中山大學信息科學與技術學院/2007-06
  790. 信息安全專業本科生的出路/廣州中山大學 計算機科學系/2007-06
  791. 大學生的學習經驗與生涯規劃/逢甲大學--「逢甲論壇」/2007-06
  792. 如何做研究/北京交通大學 電子信息工程學院/2007-06
  793. 如何做研究/北京航天航空大學計算機學院/2007-06
  794. 青年學者的自我成長/朝陽科技大學資訊學院教學研討會/2007-06
  795. 資訊安全的最新發展/中台科技大學/2007-05
  796. 彩色影像的信息隱藏術/上海大學通信與信息工程學院/2007-04
  797. 彩色影像的信息隱藏術/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2007-04
  798. 彩色影像的信息隱藏術/江南大學信息安全系/2007-04
  799. 彩色影像的信息隱藏術/浙江大學計算機科學與技術學院/2007-04
  800. 數字水印技術/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2007-04
  801. 數字水印技術/江南大學信息安全系/2007-04
  802. 機密影像共管術/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2007-04
  803. 機密影像共管術/江南大學信息安全系/2007-04
  804. 研究方法論/國立勤益科技大學工程學院/2007-04
  805. 視覺密碼學/杭州電子科技大學計算機學院/2007-04
  806. 視覺密碼學/江南大學信息安全系/2007-04
  807. 青年學者的學習與成長/江南大學信息安全系/2007-04
  808. 原像重現的浮水印技術/國立高雄應用科技大學電子工程系/2007-03
  809. 原像重現的浮水印技術/淡江大學資訊工程系/2007-03
  810. 如何做一個成功的資訊人/崑山科技大學/2007-03
  811. 如何平衡教學與研究/國立高雄師範大學/2007-03
  812. 青年學者的學習與成長/立德管理學院/2007-03
  813. Hiding Sec. Info. in a Color Palette Image with Hybrid Stra./韓國成均館大學國際會議邀請講座/2007-02
  814. Information Hiding Techniques/新加坡南洋理工大學/2007-01
  815. Information Hiding Techniques/新加坡國立大學School of Comput/2007-01
  816. 做一個成功的資管人/國立勤益技術學院資訊管理系/2006-12
  817. 如何做一個成功的研究生/國立中正大學資訊工程系/2006-12
  818. Information Hiding Techniques/南開技術學院(國際會議特約講座)/2006-11
  819. 如何做一個成功的研究生/東海大學資訊工程與科學系/2006-11
  820. 如何撰寫完美的研究計畫書/大葉大學資訊工程系/2006-11
  821. Information Hiding Techniques/復旦大學計算機系網路與信息中心/2006-10
  822. 反叢聚及其在資訊隱藏之應用/西安電子科技大學通信工程學院/2006-10
  823. 叢聚及其在影像偽裝之應用/西安電子科技大學通信工程學院/2006-10
  824. 基于反聚類的信息隱藏技術/華中科技大學計算機學院/2006-10
  825. 如何做一個成功的研究生/國立高雄師範大學資訊教育研究所/2006-10
  826. 如何做一個成功的研究生/國立高雄應用科技大學電子工程系/2006-10
  827. 如何做一個成功的研究生/朝陽科技大學資訊學院/2006-10
  828. 如何做一個成功的研究生/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2006-10
  829. 植基於邊緣吻合向量量化編碼法之資訊隱藏/西安電子科技大學通信工程學院/2006-10
  830. 研究生的學習與成長/復旦大學計算機系網路與信息中心/2006-10
  831. 研究生的學習與成長/華中科技大學計算機學院/2006-10
  832. 研究生的學習與成長/西安電子科技大學通信工程學院/2006-10
  833. 博士生的學習與成長/逢甲大學商學研究所/2006-09
  834. 反叢聚及其在資訊隱藏之應用/武漢大學軟件工程國家重點實驗室/2006-09
  835. 叢聚及其在影像偽裝之應用/武漢大學軟件工程國家重點實驗室/2006-09
  836. 如何做科技研究/武漢大學軟件工程國家重點實驗室/2006-09
  837. Inf. Hiding and Its Appli./北京交大(國際會議Tutorial講座)/2006-08
  838. 台灣計算機科技研究現況座談會/吉林大學計算機科學與技術學院/2006-08
  839. 基于反叢聚的信息隱藏術/哈工大全國信息隱藏會議特約講座/2006-08
  840. 如何做科技研究/北京交大計算機與信息技術學院/2006-08
  841. 如何做科技研究/哈爾濱工業大學信息對抗技術研究/2006-08
  842. 植基於邊緣吻合向量量化編碼法之資訊隱藏/北京郵電大學信息安全研究中心/2006-08
  843. 反叢聚及其在資訊隱藏之應用/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2006-06
  844. 叢聚及其在影像偽裝之應用/哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院/2006-06
  845. 反叢聚及其在資訊隱藏之應用/上海大學通信與信息工程學院/2006-04
  846. 植基於邊緣吻合向量量化編碼法之資訊隱藏/上海大學通信與信息工程學院/2006-04
  847. 隱像術/上海大學通信與信息工程學院/2006-04
  848. 電子商務安全/資通電腦:保護企業資產研討會/2006-04
  849. 青年學者的自我成長/國立台中技術學院資訊管理系/2006-04
  850. 反叢聚及其在資訊隱藏之應用/國立中興大學資訊科學系/2006-03
  851. 反叢聚及其在資訊隱藏之應用/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2006-03
  852. 如何做研究/中州技術學院資訊工程系/2006-03
  853. 影像隱藏術/亞洲大學資訊工程系/2006-03
  854. 反叢聚及其在偽裝學之應用/逢甲大學資訊系/2005-12
  855. 邁向成功之路/逢甲大學 (名人講座)/2005-12
  856. 邁向成功之路/靜宜大學資訊管理系/2005-12
  857. 青年學者的自我成長/建國科技大學電腦與通訊工程系/2005-12
  858. 青年學者的自我成長/逢甲大學資訊電機學院/2005-12
  859. 反叢聚及其在偽裝學之應用/高雄應用科技大學電機工程學系/2005-11
  860. 反叢聚與影像偽裝術/國立台中技術學院資訊科技與應用/2005-11
  861. 如何做研究/國立中興大學應用數學研究所/2005-11
  862. 研究生的學習與成長/國立台中技術學院多媒體設計研究/2005-11
  863. 我的工作經驗與心得/曉明女中/2005-10
  864. An Adaptive Data Hiding Scheme for Palette Images/澳洲墨爾本(國際會議特約講座)/2005-09
  865. 如何做科技研究/上海大學通信與信息工程學院/2005-09
  866. 彩色影像偽裝術/嘉義大學資訊工程研究所/2005-09
  867. 彩色影像偽裝術/逢甲大學資訊工程研究所/2005-09
  868. 影像偽裝術/立法院/2005-09
  869. 如何做研究/中華大學資訊工程系/2005-05
  870. 開啟光明的人生/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2005-05
  871. 開啟光明的人生/靜宜大學資訊管理系/2005-04
  872. 如何做科技研究/逢甲大學/2005-03
  873. 如何做研究/中國醫藥大學通識教育中心/2005-01
  874. 數位影像偽裝技術/朝陽科技大學資訊學院/2005-01
  875. 影像偽裝術/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2004-12
  876. 我的工作經驗與心得/國立聯合大學週會/2004-12
  877. 我的工作經驗與心得/靜宜大學資訊管理系/2004-12
  878. 數位影像偽裝技術/交通大學資訊工程系/2004-12
  879. 數位影像偽裝技術/南台科技大學資訊傳播系/2004-12
  880. 數位影像偽裝技術/國立政治大學資訊科學系/2004-12
  881. 數位影像偽裝技術/國立高雄應用科技大學資訊管理系/2004-12
  882. 電子簽章及其在電子商務上的應用/台中技術學院資訊科學系/2004-11
  883. 數位影像偽裝術/國立台灣科技大學電子工程系/2004-10
  884. 多媒體影像偽裝術/彰化師範大學資訊工程所/2004-09
  885. 漫談大學教師的學術生涯規劃/台中技術學院資訊管理系/2004-08
  886. 資訊偽裝術/國家安全局/2004-07
  887. Hiding a Secret Image in a Cover Image/韓國漢城梨花女子大學/2004-07
  888. 培養正確的學術觀/國立暨南大學科技學院/2004-06
  889. 影像偽裝術/國立清華大學資訊工程系/2004-05
  890. 影像偽裝術/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2004-05
  891. 資訊安全簡介/長庚大學/2004-05
  892. 電子商務安全技術與應用/大同技術學院資訊管理系/2004-05
  893. 影像偽裝術/中興大學資訊科學研究所/2004-04
  894. 培養正確的學術觀/中興大學資訊科學研究所/2004-04
  895. 邁向成功之路/彰化師範大學/2004-03
  896. 如何做研究/朝陽科技大學/2003-12
  897. 如何做研究/江蘇大學計算機科學與通訊工程學院/2003-12
  898. 如何加速指數運算/北京清華大學軟件學院/2003-12
  899. 影像偽裝術/北京清華大學軟件學院/2003-12
  900. 影像偽裝術/江蘇大學計算機科學與通訊工程學院/2003-12
  901. A Secret Information Hiding Scheme Based on Switching Tree Coding/中央研究院資科所/2003-12
  902. 一種兼顧影像壓縮與資訊隱藏之技術/北京清華大學軟件學院/2003-12
  903. 一種兼顧影像壓縮與資訊隱藏之技術/江蘇大學計算機科學與通訊工程學院/2003-12
  904. 培養正確的學術觀/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2003-11
  905. 從大學看未來/虎尾技術學院資訊工程系/2003-11
  906. 邁向成功之路/中台技術學院/2003-11
  907. 培養正確的學術觀/國立中正大學資訊工程研究所/2003-09
  908. 數位浮水印技術/工業技術研究院/2003-08
  909. 從資訊隱藏談研究方法論/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2003-05
  910. 從資訊隱藏談研究方法論/國立東華大學資訊工程研究所/2003-04
  911. 資訊安全技術的最新發展/國立中興大學通識講座/2003-04
  912. 資訊隱藏技術/國立虎尾技術學院/2003-04
  913. 影像壓縮/靜宜大學資訊管理學系/2003-03
  914. 從影像壓縮到數位浮水印/國立台中技術學院資訊管理系/2003-03
  915. 邁向成功之路/國立虎尾技術學院/2003-03
  916. An Image Database Retrieval Scheme Based Upon Multivariate Analysis and Data Mining/國立東華大學(國際計算機會議Keynote Speech)/2002-12
  917. Digital Image Authentication/北京清華大學/2002-12
  918. Digital Image Hiding/北京清華大學/2002-12
  919. Embedded Watermarking/北京清華大學/2002-12
  920. Non-embedded Watermarking/北京清華大學/2002-12
  921. Visual Cryptography/北京清華大學/2002-12
  922. 數學與資訊工程/國立中正大學資工系/2002-12
  923. 邁向成功之路/朝陽科技大學管理學院/2002-12
  924. Image Hiding Techniques/日本東京電機大學 (Tokyo Denki University)/2002-11
  925. 邁向成功之路/靜宜大學資管系/2002-11
  926. 邁向成功之路/淡江大學資訊工程系/2002-10
  927. 彩色視覺密碼學/靜宜大學資管系/2002-05
  928. Digital Image Authentication/淡江大學資工系資訊與通訊安全專題講座系列/2002-04
  929. Digital Watermarking Techniques/淡江大學資工系資訊與通訊安全專題講座系列/2002-04
  930. Information Hiding Techniques/淡江大學資工系資訊與通訊安全專題講座系列/2002-04
  931. 數學在資訊工程之應用/新埔技術學院/2002-04
  932. 資料結構與中國餘數定理/大葉大學資訊工程學系/2002-03
  933. 邁向成功之路/國立中正大學中正講座/2002-03
  934. 隱像術/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所/2002-02
  935. 如何利用拼音快速檢索國字/靜宜大學資訊管理學系/2002-01
  936. 網路安全與網路犯罪問題/斗六市鎮南國小(雲林縣中小學教師研習)/2002-01
  937. 邁向成功之路/明道管理學院明道講座/2001-12
  938. 如何出人頭地/台中健康暨管理學院/2001-11
  939. 如何破密碼/中正理工學院資訊科學系/2001-11
  940. 資料結構與中國餘數定理/靜宜大學資訊管理研究所/2001-11
  941. 一個簡易資料庫管理系統之製作經驗談/國立武漢大學國家重點軟體開發實驗室/2001-10
  942. 如何做研究/國立台灣科技大學資工系/2001-10
  943. 如何做研究/國立武漢大學計算機學院/2001-10
  944. 邁向大學之路/國立台中二中/2001-09
  945. 國際流行的密碼演算法/美國西太平洋大學在台推廣進修部(台灣師大/2001-06
  946. 影像隱藏術/美國西太平洋大學在台推廣進修部(台灣師大/2001-06
  947. 數位浮水印技術/美國西太平洋大學在台推廣進修部(台灣師大/2001-06
  948. 數位簽章技術/美國西太平洋大學在台推廣進修部(台灣師大/2001-06
  949. 視覺密碼學/美國西太平洋大學在台推廣進修部(台灣師大/2001-06
  950. 身份驗證機制/美國西太平洋大學在台推廣進修部(台灣師大/2001-06
  951. 電子商務安全/美國西太平洋大學在台推廣進修部(台灣師大/2001-06
  952. Hiding Images Using Dynamic Bit-replacement and Human Visual System/香港大學計算機科學及資訊系統學系/2001-04
  953. 利用BFT線型四元樹來隱藏二元影像/北京郵電大學/2001-04
  954. 彩色影像變身/北京郵電大學/2001-04
  955. 植基於動態位元替換的隱像數/北京郵電大學/2001-04
  956. 植基於色差的隱像術/北京郵電大學/2001-04
  957. 視覺密碼學/北京郵電大學/2001-04
  958. Hiding Images Using Dynamic Bit-replacement and Human Visual System/國立暨南大學(中法雙邊多媒體會議邀請演講/2001-03
  959. 如何做研究/國立中興大學機械工程研究所/2001-03
  960. 影像變變變/國立台中技術學院/2001-01
  961. 數位浮水印技術/靜宜大學資訊管理系/2001-01
  962. Some Watermarking Techniques on Internet/國立高雄應用科技大學/2000-12
  963. 數位浮水印技術/國立中興大學應用數學研究所/2000-12
  964. A Method for Protection Digital Images from Being Copied Illegally/中州技術學院/2000-11
  965. Some Watermarking Techniques on Internet/國立中山大學資訊工程系/2000-11
  966. 如何做研究/國立嘉義大學資訊工程系/2000-11
  967. The Developments of Internet and Its Applications in Taiwan/韓國漢城梨花女子大學/2000-10
  968. 嘸蝦米輸入法之快速國字檢索系統設計/逢甲大學資訊工程系/2000-10
  969. 嘸蝦米輸入法之快速國字檢索系統設計/靜宜大學資訊管理系/2000-10
  970. An Image Protection Scheme Based on Discrete Cosine Transformation/香港城市大學電子工程系/2000-09
  971. Some Techniques of Digital Watermarking on Internet/英國電機工程師學會香港分會/2000-09
  972. A New Scheme for Sharing Secret Color Images in Computer Network/日本岩手縣立大學(ICPAD2000特約講座)/2000-07
  973. 影像變身/國立暨南大學資訊工程研究所/2000-06
  974. 電子商務安全/國立台中技術學院/2000-06
  975. Image Hiding and Visual Cryptography/國立台灣大學電機工程研究所/2000-05
  976. 數位浮水印技術/國立台灣師範大學資訊教育系/2000-05
  977. 電子商務安全/世華銀行(于台中市全國大飯店)/2000-05
  978. 電子商務安全/台中北屯扶輪社(于台中市全國大飯店)/2000-05
  979. 電子商務安全/大德工家/2000-05
  980. 如何做研究/淡江大學資訊工程系/2000-04
  981. 如何撰寫研究報告/國立台中技術學院資訊管理科/2000-04
  982. 數位影像智慧財產權的保護技術/萬能技術學院/2000-03
  983. 資訊教育的現況與展現/北門農工/2000-03
  984. 如何做研究/國立台中技術學院資訊管理科/2000-01
  985. 植基於位元平面法之漸近式影像傳輸技術/靜宜大學資管系/1999-11
  986. 神秘紅包袋/中國廣播公司-智慧的話/1999-11
  987. A Block Based Digital Watermarks for Copy Protection of Images/北京郵電大學/1999-10
  988. A New Scheme of Progressive Image Transmission Based on Bit-Plane Method/北京郵電大學/1999-10
  989. 漸進式影像傳輸技術/國立成功大學資訊工程學系/1999-10
  990. A Technique for Image Hiding/日本會津大學資訊系統研究所/1999-09
  991. 漸進式影像傳輸技術/國立中央大學資工系(資訊教師學分班)/1999-07
  992. 漸進式影像傳輸技術/國立台灣師範大學化學系(電腦在化學上之應/1999-07
  993. A Progressive Codebook Training Algorithm for Image Vector Quantization/中央警察大學(第十屆國際資訊管理研討會特/1999-06
  994. 成功的科技人才應具備的素質/義守大學理工學院/1999-06
  995. Watermarking Using Visual Cryptography/朝陽科技大學(全國資訊安全會議特約講座)/1999-05
  996. 影像變身/國立交通大學資訊工程學系/1999-05
  997. 影像變身/華梵大學/1999-05
  998. 邁向成功之路/銘傳大學/1999-05
  999. 如何出人頭地/勤益工商專校/1999-04
  1000. 如何出人頭地/義守大學電機資訊學院/1999-04
  1001. 影像的機密分享與其應用/淡江大學資訊工程系/1999-04
  1002. 影像變變變/東海大學資訊科學系/1999-04
  1003. 資訊與電子商務/文化大學推廣中心/1999-04
  1004. 電子商務安全/中台醫專/1999-04
  1005. 如何做研究/國立台灣師範大學工業教育研究所/1999-03
  1006. 影像變身/朝陽科技大學資管系/1999-03
  1007. 影像變身/靜宜大學資訊管理系/1999-03
  1008. 數位浮水印技術/國立彰化師範大學商業教育系/1999-03
  1009. 資訊教育的發展/國立彰化師範大學商業教育系/1999-03
  1010. 影像隱藏術/國家安全局/1999-02
  1011. 如何做研究/中正理工學院資訊科學系/1998-12
  1012. A Scheme for Obtaininga Message from the Digital Multisignature/北京郵電大學/1998-11
  1013. Chinese Calligraphy Compression Using New S-tree Structure/北京郵電大學/1998-11
  1014. 邁向成功之路/國立台中商專/1998-11
  1015. 數位浮水印/長庚大學/1998-10
  1016. Digital Watermarking/日本京都大學/1998-07
  1017. 如何做研究/國立中興大學應用數學系/1998-05
  1018. 數位浮水印的設計技術/台北力霸飯店(1998網路安全技術研討會;工研/1998-05
  1019. 資訊安全的發展現況與展望/東方工商專科學校/1998-05
  1020. 數學在資訊科學之應用/明道中學/1998-04
  1021. 漸進式影像傳輸/國立台灣科技大學資訊管理系/1998-04
  1022. A Binary Access Control Method Using Prime Factorization/日本東京大學/1998-03
  1023. An Image Hiding Scheme Based on Vector Quantization/日本東京大學/1998-03
  1024. 漸進式影像傳輸/國立彰化師範大學商業教育系/1998-03
  1025. 電腦犯罪之防範/國立台灣師範大學(電腦學會會員大會特約演/1998-03
  1026. 利用邊緣配對法的漸進式影像傳輸技術/國立交通大學資訊科學研究所/1998-02
  1027. 漸進式影像壓縮/靜宜大學資訊管理系/1998-02
  1028. 隱像術/靜宜大學資訊管理系/1998-02
  1029. 國際信息安全研究的最新熱點-理論、技術與市場走勢/北京郵電大學/1997-12
  1030. 隱像術/東海大學(全國計算機會議特約講座)/1997-12
  1031. 台灣各大學的資訊科技教育及今後的發展趨勢/北京郵電大學/1997-11
  1032. 成功的科學家應該具備的特質/北京郵電大學/1997-11
  1033. 數字簽名/北京郵電大學/1997-11
  1034. 模指數的快速運算/北京郵電大學/1997-11
  1035. 隱像術/北京郵電大學/1997-11
  1036. 資訊安全科技的發展/國防管理學院/1997-07
  1037. 資訊安全/中原大學數學系/1997-06
  1038. 資訊安全科技的發展/中正理工學院/1997-05
  1039. 中國餘數定理的應用/北京郵電大學/1997-04
  1040. 時域資料庫之快速結合運算/國立清華大學資訊科學研究所/1997-04
  1041. 機密分享/北京郵電大學/1997-04
  1042. 走向成功之路/朝陽技術學院資訊管理系/1997-03
  1043. 如何共同管理機密文件/逢甲大學資訊工程研究所/1996-12
  1044. 時域資料庫之快速結合運算/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所/1996-12
  1045. 資訊安全/國立中山大學資訊工程研究所/1996-08
  1046. 資訊安全/中國石油公司煉製研究所/1996-04
  1047. 資訊安全/國立彰化師範大學/1996-04
  1048. 近代密碼學/國立成功大學資訊工程研究所/1996-04
  1049. 電腦密碼學之發展/國立交通大學資訊科學研究所/1995-12
  1050. 資訊安全/台灣省政府省訓團/1995-11
  1051. 資訊安全之發展現況與展望/國立中興大學應用數學研究所/1995-11
  1052. 資訊安全與管理/台灣區域發展研究院/1995-08
  1053. 科技與人生/省立嘉義高中/1995-07
  1054. 近代密碼學的發展/國立中山大學資訊工程研究所/1995-05
  1055. 影像壓縮技術/靜宜大學資訊科學系/1995-04
  1056. 邁向資訊化社會--大家一起來用電腦/國立中正大學文化講座/1995-04
  1057. 電腦密碼學之發展/國立東華大學資訊工程研究所/1995-04
  1058. 資訊安全/朝陽技術學院資訊管理學系/1994-12
  1059. 近代密碼學的發展/中山科學研究院/1994-12
  1060. 破密碼/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所/1994-11
  1061. 快速資料擷取/國立中興大學資訊科學研究所/1994-08
  1062. 中文資料庫/中學教師研習會/1994-05
  1063. 如何破密碼/國立台灣師範大學工業教育研究所/1994-05
  1064. 如何破密碼/逢甲大學應用數學研究所/1994-05
  1065. 人工智慧面面觀/大葉工學院自動化研究中心/1994-04
  1066. 如何出頭天/台中市東區扶輪社/1994-04
  1067. 如何造密碼/吳鳳工專/1994-04
  1068. 如何造密碼/國立中央大學-台灣學術網路研討會/1994-04
  1069. 資訊安全/國立中興大學電子計算機中心/1994-04
  1070. 電腦輔助教學之評估/輔英護專/1994-04
  1071. 人工智慧面面觀/省立草屯商工/1994-03
  1072. 群體保密技術/國立台灣大學資訊工程研究所/1994-03
  1073. 計畫作業資訊系統規劃/台灣省政府研考會-溪頭/1994-03
  1074. 教學網路之應用與資訊安全/台中市四育國中/1994-01
  1075. 漫談電腦密碼/省立台中家商/1993-12
  1076. 資訊安全/台灣省政府省訓團/1993-12
  1077. 電腦密碼學的發展/中正理工學院資訊科學系/1993-12
  1078. 生涯規劃/國立中正大學工學院(對象: 彰師大商教系學生/1993-11
  1079. 計畫作業資訊系統規劃/台灣省政府研考會-阿里山閣國民旅社/1993-11
  1080. 電腦密碼學之發展/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所/1993-11
  1081. 資料搜尋/國立中正大學電腦研習社/1993-10
  1082. 軍事資訊安全/國防管理學院/1993-09
  1083. 一把適用於M加密系統之萬能鑰匙/中正理工學院電機工程學系/1993-06
  1084. 電腦中心的安全管理/省立台中家商/1993-06
  1085. 如何出人頭地/省立嘉義家職/1993-05
  1086. 資訊安全/靜宜大學資訊科學系/1993-05
  1087. 植基於模運算的類似圖像擷取法(電腦應用研討會)/蕙蓀林場/1993-04
  1088. 資訊安全/台灣省政府主計處/1993-04
  1089. 資訊安全/台灣省政府省訓團/1993-04
  1090. 如何出類拔萃/國立台灣工業技術學院資訊管理研究所/1993-03
  1091. 漢字擷取搜尋/省立彰化高商/1993-03
  1092. 電腦中心的安全管理(3)/省立台中家商/1993-02
  1093. 電腦中心的安全管理(4)/省立台中家商/1993-02
  1094. 電腦中心的安全管理(2)/省立台中家商/1993-01
  1095. 資訊人的生涯規劃/國立中正大學資訊工程學系/1992-12
  1096. 談數學的應用發展/國立清華大學數學系/1992-11
  1097. 資料壓縮/省立彰化高商/1992-11
  1098. 廣義群體密碼學/國家安全局/1992-10
  1099. 方法論/國立交通大學資訊科學研究所/1992-10
  1100. 方法論/銘傳管理學院資訊管理學系/1992-10
  1101. 機密共享/國立台灣師範大學資訊教育系/1992-10
  1102. 群體保密技術/國立台中商專電資科/1992-10
  1103. 群體保密策略/國立中山大學資訊科學研究中心/1992-06
  1104. 方法論/東海大學資訊科學系/1992-05
  1105. 資訊安全/大同商專/1992-05
  1106. 動態機密共享/國立中山大學應用數學研究所/1992-04
  1107. 如何造電腦密碼/國立中山大學資訊工程研究所/1992-04
  1108. 科技教育今昔與未來/國立中正大學/1992-04
  1109. 資訊安全/省立彰化高商/1992-04
  1110. 近代電腦密碼學的發展/省立台中家商/1992-04
  1111. 如何出人頭地/省立文華高中/1992-03
  1112. 電腦門神 - 通行碼/台灣省高職資訊資優生資訊研習營 - 台灣教育/1992-02
  1113. 影像資料庫設計/國立台中商專電資科/1991-12
  1114. 走向成功之路/東海大學資訊科學系/1991-11
  1115. 密碼學在電腦安全上之應用/國立成功大學資訊工程研究所/1991-09
  1116. 電腦與密碼/國立台北工專電子科/1991-06
  1117. 檔案系統之探討/國立成功大學資訊工程研究所/1991-04
  1118. 電腦犯罪與防範/國科會資訊科學展示心/1991-04
  1119. 辦公室自動化/國立中正大學電算中心/1991-03
  1120. 最佳完美赫序函數之設計/香港中文大學資訊工程研究所/1991-02
  1121. 資訊安全/嘉義YMCA/1991-01
  1122. 如何造密碼/國立雲林工專電機科/1990-12
  1123. 資料壓縮/省立台中家商/1990-12
  1124. 壓縮式的完美合成赫序策略/國立清華大學資訊科學研究所/1990-11
  1125. 資料工程技術/國防管理學院/1990-11
  1126. 電腦犯罪與電腦病毒之因應與對策/台灣省合作金庫/1990-11
  1127. 中文壓縮策略/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所博士班/1990-10
  1128. 電腦犯罪與對策/國立中正大學文化專題講座/1990-10
  1129. 電腦犯罪與對策/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所碩士班/1990-10
  1130. 資訊存取與管制/國立中興大學應用數學研究所/1990-09
  1131. 管理電腦化/國立雲林工專/1990-07
  1132. 資訊運用與管理/嘉義市政府/1990-06
  1133. 資訊運用與管理(2)/嘉義市政府/1990-06
  1134. 電腦犯罪與電腦病毒/台中市省立美術館/1990-05
  1135. 叢聚技術在資訊科學領域之應用/國立成功大學電機工程系/1990-04
  1136. 數據保密技術/省立台中家商/1990-04
  1137. 資訊安全/省立台中家商/1990-04
  1138. 資訊安全/銘傳商專電資科/1990-04
  1139. 電腦安全/國立成功大學醫學院電腦室/1990-04
  1140. 如何設計漢字字串搜尋機/國立台中商專電資科/1990-03
  1141. 數據保密技術/大同工學院電機工程研究所/1990-03
  1142. 數據保密技術/文化大學應用數學系/1990-03
  1143. 認識電腦門神 - 通行碼之設計/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所/1990-03
  1144. 電腦密碼學/逢甲大學資訊工程研究所/1990-03
  1145. 資訊與電腦/省立台中高農/1990-02
  1146. 叢聚分析與應用/中央研究院資訊科學研究所/1989-12
  1147. 資訊安全/省立嘉義師範學院數理教育系/1989-12
  1148. 電腦犯罪與對策/東海大學資訊科學系/1989-11
  1149. 資料壓縮/國立成功大學工程科學系及研究所/1989-10
  1150. 電腦犯罪與電腦病毒/省立台中圖書館/1989-10
  1151. 資訊工程技術研討會/國立政治大學公企中心/1989-08
  1152. 學理與技術之發展/國立交通大學資訊工程研究博士班/1989-06
  1153. 資訊安全保密/國立中興大學(對象:台中市政府各單位主管)/1989-06
  1154. 資訊與電腦/國立中興大學(對象:台中市政府各單位主管)/1989-06
  1155. 資料分析技術與應用/國立師範大學工業教育研究所/1989-05
  1156. 資料分析技術與應用/國立台灣大學資訊工程研究所/1989-04
  1157. 認識電腦門神 - 通行碼/台中商專電子資料處理科/1989-03
  1158. 邁向資訊化社會 - 普及資訊教育/省立台中一中/1988-12
  1159. 計算機網路通訊的身份確認/中央研究院/1988-11
  1160. 資訊安全技術的最新發展/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所碩士班/1988-11
  1161. 近似字串搜尋/國立交通大學資訊工程研究所博士班/1988-11
  1162. 漢字字串搜尋/國立中央大學資訊及電子工程研究所/1988-10
  1163. 資料庫系統/航發中心/1988-10
  1164. 資料庫系統與辦公室自動化/省立台中家商/1988-08
  1165. 資訊時代/省立台中家商/1988-08
  1166. 資訊時代/省立台中高農/1988-08
  1167. 如何壓縮電子資料/台中商專電子資料處理科/1988-04
  1168. 漫談學理與技術之發展/東海大學資訊科學系/1988-04
  1169. 視覺程式/航發中心/1988-04
  1170. 資料庫管理系統與辦公室自動化/省立永靖高工/1988-04
  1171. 資訊系統技術研討會/世界科技顧問公司/1988-04
  1172. 邁向資訊化社會 - 普及資訊教育/省立台中女中/1988-04
  1173. 分散資料庫設計/大同工學院資訊工程研究所/1988-03
  1174. 視覺程式/東海大學工業工程系/1988-03
  1175. 叢聚分析原理與應用/國立成功大學資訊工程研究所/1987-12
  1176. 資料壓縮/國立中興大學電算中心/1987-12
  1177. 邁向資訊社會 - 歡迎來用電腦/彰化市彰安國中/1987-12
  1178. 邁向資訊社會 - 歡迎來用電腦/豐原市豐原國中/1987-12
  1179. 叢聚分析與應用/國立交通大學計算機工程研究所/1987-11
  1180. 系統模擬/台中港港灣技術研究所/1987-11
  1181. 資訊查詢系統之設計/國立清華大學計算機管理決策研究所/1987-11
  1182. 資訊存取控制技術/國立清華大學工業工程研究所/1987-10
  1183. 資訊工程技術研討會/金朋管理顧問公司/1987-09
  1184. 編譯程式研討會/世界科技顧問公司/1987-08
  1185. 資訊系統與管制研討會/哈佛企管顧問公司/1987-08
  1186. 從資料分析看資訊科學/航發中心/1987-07
  1187. 視覺程式-FORMOSA/世界科技顧問公司/1987-07
  1188. 資料庫系統 - System-Bee/世界科技顧問公司/1987-07
  1189. 資料組織與資料分析應用研討會/世界科技顧問公司/1987-07
  1190. 資訊保密/航發中心/1987-07
  1191. GPSS/H高等課程/教育部套裝程式軟體應用系統北部研討會/1987-06
  1192. 資訊時代/台中明道中學/1987-06
  1193. 一把鑰匙 - 開啟人生的寶庫/省立台中二中週會/1987-05
  1194. 從資料分析看資料庫設計/中華民國電腦學會/1987-04
  1195. 從資料分析看資訊科學/國立中興大學電算中心/1987-04
  1196. 從離散數學看資訊科學/東海大學資訊科學系/1987-04
  1197. 資料存取與資訊安全/國立中興大學電算中心/1987-04
  1198. 資訊查詢系統之設計原理/東海大學資訊科學系/1987-04
  1199. 電腦與資訊/嘉義YMCA/1987-04
  1200. 電腦與資訊/東海大學企業講座/1987-04
  1201. GPSS/S高等課程/教育部套裝程式軟體應用系統中部研討會/1987-03
  1202. 孫武,也是電腦科學家/省立台中圖書館/1987-03
  1203. 資訊存取術之發展/大同工學院資訊工程研究所/1987-03
  1204. 電腦安全密碼之設計/國立成功大學工程科學研究所/1987-03
  1205. 資料組織與資料搜尋技術之最新發展/台灣松下電器公司/1987-02
  1206. 資訊時代/衛道中學/1987-01
  1207. 資訊的過去、現在與未來/勤益工專/1986-12
  1208. 資訊課程題庫製作技巧與應用/省立台中家商/1986-12
  1209. 電腦與通信/台中縣清水國中/1986-12
  1210. 電腦與通信/國立彰化教育學院工教系/1986-12
  1211. 數據保密技術/世界科技顧問公司/1986-11
  1212. 資料組織與資料搜尋技術之最新發展/國立中央大學資訊工程研究所/1986-11
  1213. 資訊存取控制技術/世界科技顧問公司/1986-11
  1214. 視覺程式/國立中興大學電算中心/1986-10
  1215. 視覺程式/國立台中商專電子資料處理科/1986-10
  1216. 資訊保密/國立中興大學電算中心/1986-10
  1217. 辦公室自動化/東海大學企業講座/1986-10
  1218. 電腦與密碼/省立台中圖書館/1986-10
  1219. 視覺程式/資訊工業策進會/1986-09
  1220. 電腦與資料處理II/東海大學企業講座/1986-09
  1221. 靜態資料的搜尋技術/航發中心/1986-08
  1222. GPSS/S高等課程/教育部套裝程式軟體應用系統中部研討會/1986-06
  1223. 公開金匙密碼學/台灣省政府電子處理資料中心/1986-06
  1224. 電腦與資料處理/東海大學企業講座/1986-05
  1225. 公開金匙密碼/航發中心/1986-04
  1226. 計算機通信安全系統/國立交通大學計算機工程研究所/1986-04
  1227. 資料庫系統的製作經驗/中華民國電腦學會/1986-04
  1228. 資訊存取控制技術/國立清華大學工業工程研究所/1986-04
  1229. 資訊的安全廣播/世界科技顧問公司/1986-04
  1230. 中文圖表視覺導向系統/國立中興大學-政府機關電子作業第44次聯席會/1986-03
  1231. 如何建立符號資料庫/國立清華大學計算機管理決策研究所/1986-03
  1232. 快速的資料搜尋技術/中原大學資訊系/1986-03
  1233. 資料搜尋技術的最新發展/靜宜文理學院資訊科學系/1986-03
  1234. 資料組織技術的最新發展/國立台灣工業技術學院電子技術學系/1986-03
  1235. 資料組織與資訊安全的最新技術發展/中山科學院/1986-03
  1236. 資訊安全系統/航發中心/1986-01
  1237. 資訊的安全防護/中央研究院資訊工程研究所/1986-01
  1238. 漫談學理與技術之發展/逢甲大學土木工程研究所/1985-10
  1239. 電腦與資料管理/東海大學企業講座(高級管理師與企業管理師/1985-10
  1240. 如何管理企業的資料庫/YMCA-IMC電腦研習會/1985-09
  1241. 如何設計符號資料庫/CDC電腦公司用戶系統維護及應用研討會/1985-08
  1242. 計算機安全技術/逢甲大學資訊工程系/1985-06
  1243. 從數論看符號資料庫之設計/國立交通大學計工系與資訊系/1985-05
  1244. 符號資料庫與資訊安全系統之建立/國立成功大學電機工程研究所/1985-04
  1245. 計算機碼鎖安全技術的最新發展/國立台灣大學資訊工程系/1985-04
  1246. 資訊管理技術/省立台中一中(高中計算機課程教學觀摩研討/1985-04
  1247. 計算機軟品方法論/靜宜文理學院資訊科學系/1985-03
  1248. 資料庫交談系統的發展經驗/靜宜文理學院資訊科學系/1984-12
  1249. 如何設計一個最佳完美赫序檔/國立清華大學計算機管理決策研究所/1984-11
  1250. 由孫子定理看資料結構與資訊安全/台中商專電子資料處理科/1984-11
  1251. 製作資料庫管理系統的經驗談/資訊工業策進會-淡江大學城區部/1984-09
  1252. 最佳資料存取方法之建立/逢甲大學資訊工程系/1984-05
  1253. 文字資料存取技術的最新發展/國立台灣大學資訊工程研究所/1984-04
  1254. 多鍵語赫序函數的檔案庫系統之最新發展/國立台灣大學電機工程研究所/1984-02
  1255. 最佳赫序法則的最新發展/國立台灣大學資訊工程研究所/1983-04
  1256. 資料庫系統之應用/台中縣稅捐處-政府機關電子作業單位第36次會/1983-04
  1257. 多鍵語檔案庫的設計/逢甲大學應數系/1982-12
  1258. 如何設計一個最多鍵語的檔案系統/資訊工業策進會-淡江大學城區部/1982-06
  1259. 資料復元的自動化/國立中興大學應數系所/1982-04
  1260. 編譯器的製作技術/國立中興大學應數系所/1982-03
  1261. 如何設計一個最有效的赫序法則/國立清華大學計算機管理決策研究所/1982-01
  1. Wang, K., Li, L., Luo, T. and Chang, C. C./Deep Neural Network Watermarking Based on Texture Analysis/Artificial Intelligence and Security /Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. /2020-08-01/ .
  2. Li, L., Li, Y., Wang, B., Lu, J.*, Zhang, S., Yuan, W., Wang, S. and Chang, C. C./A New Aesthetic QR Code Algorithm Based on Salient Region Detection and SPBVM/Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services /Springer /2018-08-01/ pp. 20-32 /
  3. Liu, L.*, Wang, A. H., Chang, C. C. and Li, Z. H./A Novel Secret Image Sharing with Deep-steganography and Two-stage Authentication/Progress on Cryptography: 20 Year of Cryptography in Taiwan (C. H. Lin, W. B. Lee and I. C. Lin Eds.) /McGraw-Hill, New York /2014-11-01/ pp. 259-271 /
  4. Zhuang, X.*, Zhu, Y., Chang, C. C. and Peng, Q./Cryptanalysis of T-function Based Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocols/Progress on Cryptography: 20 Year of Cryptography in Taiwan (C. H. Lin, W. B. Lee and I. C. Lin Eds.) /McGraw-Hill, New York /2014-11-01/ pp. 397-412 /
  5. Li, J. J., Di, Y. F., Wang, Z. H.* and Chang, C. C/Progressive Secret Image Sharing with Meaningful Shadows/Progress on Cryptography: 20 Year of Cryptography in Taiwan (C. H. Lin, W. B. Lee and I. C. Lin Eds.) /McGraw-Hill, New York /2014-11-01/ pp. 327-344 /
  6. Chang, C. C.*, Yang, B. C. and Cheng, T. F./Perfectly Reversible Information Hiding in Data Compression Codes Using Locally Adaptive Coding/Progress on Cryptography: 20 Year of Cryptography in Taiwan (C. H. Lin, W. B. Lee and I. C. Lin Eds.) /McGraw-Hill, New York /2014-11-01/ pp. 141-154 /
  7. Wang, M., Lu, J., Qiu, J., Li, L. and Chang, C. C.*/A Zero-Watermarking Scheme Based on Invariant Moments for Medical Image/Progress on Cryptography: 20 Year of Cryptography in Taiwan (C. H. Lin, W. B. Lee and I. C. Lin Eds.) /McGraw-Hill, New York /2014-11-01/ pp. 227-235 /
  8. Wang, X. T., Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C. and Li, M. C./Lossless Data Hiding Based on VQ/Steganography and Watermarking, (Yang, C. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C. Eds.) /Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, U. S. A. /2013-05-01/ Chapter 4, pp. 77-95 /
  9. Qin, C., Chang, C. C. and Lin, T. Y./Steganography in Script Files/Steganography and Watermarking, (Yang, C. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C. Eds.) /Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, U. S. A. /2013-05-01/ Chapter 7, pp. 163-177 /
  10. Yue, S., Wang, Z. H. and Chang, C. C.*/An Image Data Hiding Scheme Base on Vector Quantization and Graph Coloring/Recent Advances in Information Hiding and Applications, (Pan, J. S., Huang, H. C., Jain, L. C. and Zhao, Y. Eds.) /Springer Verlag, Germany /2013-01-01/ pp. 1-17 /
  11. Cui, S. Y., Wang, Z. H., Tsai, P. W., Chang, C. C.* and Yue, S./Single Bitmap Block Truncation Coding of Color Images Using Cat Swarm Optimization/Recent Advances in Information Hiding and Applications, (Pan, J. S., Huang, H. C., Jain, L. C. and Zhao, Y. Eds.) /Springer Verlag, Germany /2013-01-01/ pp. 119-138 /
  12. Wang, Z. H., Sun, M. T. and Chang, C. C/Reversible Data Hiding Techniques for Digital Images/Multimedia Security and Steganography /CRC Press, USA /2012-09-01/ Chapter 7, pp. 115-139
  13. Chang, C. C., Mao, Q. and Wu, H. L./A Novel Authentication Scheme Based on Torus Automorphism for Smart Card/Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications, Vol. 2--Proc. 2012 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2012) (J. S. Pan, C. Y. Yang and C. C. Lin Eds.) /Springer /2012-09-01/ pp. 53-60 /
  14. Yin, Z. X., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C./Image Sharing with Steganography and Authentication/Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing (S. Climato and C. N. Yang Eds.) /CRC Press, USA /2012-03-01/ Chapter 16, pp. 425-461 /
  15. Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, W., Zhang, J. and Yue, G./Journal of Networks, Special Issue on Recent Adv. in Info. Processing & Intelligent Info. Sys. App./Journal of Networks (Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, W., Zhang, J. and Yue, G.) /IEEE CS /2010-06-01/ Vol. 5, No. 6 /(ISSN : 1796-2056)
  16. Yu, F., Chang, C. C. Shu, J. Liao, g. and Yue, G./Journal of Software, Special Issue on Recent Adv. in Info. Processing & Intelligent Info. Sys. App./Journal of Software, Special Issue on Recent Adv. in Info. Processing & Intelligent Info. Sys. App. (Yu, F., Chang, C. C. Shu, J. Liao, g. and Yue, G.) /IEEE CS /2010-05-01/ Vol. 5, No. 5 /(ISSN: 1796-217X)
  17. Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Yue, G., Zeng, J. and Chen, W./Journal of Computers, Special Issue on Recent Adv. in Info. Processing & Intelligent Info. Sys. App./Journal of Computers (Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Yue, G., Zeng, J. and Chen, W.) /IEEE CS /2010-04-01/ Vol. 5, NO. 4 /(ISSN : 1796-203X)
  18. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Lin, C. C./Minimizing the Stego-Image Quality Impact of Message Embedding Using DM Allocation Method/Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing (Li, Q. and Shih, T.) /Chapman and Hall /2010-01-01/ pp. 215-230
  19. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. C. and Chen, Y. H./A Secure Data Embedding Scheme Using Gray-code Computation and SMVQ Encoding/Information Hiding and Application, (Pan, J. S., Huang, H. C. and Jain, L. C. Eds.) /Springer Verlag /2009-09-01/ pp. 63-74
  20. Chou, Y. C. and Chang, C. C./Restoring Objects for Digital Inpainting/Information Hiding and Applications, (Pan, J. S., Huang, H. C. and Jain, L. C. Eds.) /Springer Verlag /2009-09-01/ pp. 47-61
  21. Yu, F., Chang, C.C., Zhang, D.Y., Zeng, J., Zhang, J./Journal of Multimedia/Journal of Multimedia (Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Zhang, D. Y., Zeng, J., Zhang, J.) /IEEE CS /2009-06-01/ Vol. 4, No. 3 /(ISSN: 1796-2048)
  22. Shu, J., Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Sun, L., Yue, G./Journal of Networks/Journal of Networks (Shu, J., Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Sun, L., Yue, G.) /IEEE CS /2009-06-01/ Vol. 4, No. 4 /(ISSN: 1796-2056)
  23. Ming, L., Wang, M., Zhang, D.Y., Chang, C.C., Yu, F./Journal of Computers/Journal of Computers (Ming, L., Wang, M., Zhang, D. Y., Chang, C. C., Yu, F.) /IEEE CS /2009-06-01/ Vol. 4, No. 6 /(ISSN: 1796-203X)
  24. Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Zhang, J., Yue, G./Journal of Software/Journal of Software (Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Zhang, J. and Yue, G.) /IEEE CS /2009-02-01/ Vol. 4, No. 1 /(ISSN: 1796-217X)
  25. Lee, J.S. and Chang, C.C./Recent Developments on Multimedia Security Technologies/資通安全專論彙編之一,國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心 /National Applied Research Laboratories, NARLabs /2009-01-01/ pp. 1-38
  26. Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Shu, J., Yue, G./Journal of Computers, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Information Technology and security/Journal of Computers, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Information Technology and security (Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Shu, J. and Yue, G.) /IEEE CS /2009-01-01/ Vol. 4, No. 1 /(ISSN : 1796-203X)
  27. Pan, J. S., Abraham, A. and Chang, C. C./Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications/Proceedings of ISDA 2008 (Pan, J. S., Abraham, A. and Chang, C. C.) /IEEE CS /2008-11-01/ Vol. I ~ Vol. III /(ISBN: 978-0-7695-3382-7)
  28. Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Chen, W., Chen, Y./Journal of Communications/(Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Chen, W. and Chen, Y.) /IEEE CS /2008-11-01/ Vol. 3, No. 6 /(ISSN: 1796-2021)
  29. Chen, W., Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Zeng, J. and Yue, G./Journal of Communications/Journal of Communications (Chen, W., Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Zeng, J. and Yue, G.) /IEEE CS /2008-11-01/ Vol. 3., No. 7 /(ISSN: 1796-2021)
  30. Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Chen, Z., Ni, J./Journal of Computers/Journal of Computers (Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Chen, Z. and Ni, J.) /IEEE CS /2008-11-01/ Vol. 3, No. 12 /(ISSN: 1796-203X)
  31. Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Chen, Y., Chen, Z./Journal of Software/Journal of Software (Yu, F., Chang, C. C., Chen, B. M., Chen, Y. and Chen, Z.) /IEEE CS /2008-11-01/ Vol. 3, No. 9 /(ISSN: 1796-217X)
  32. Lee, J.S. and Chang, C.C./Recent Developments on Multimedia Security Technologies/資通安全專論彙編之一,國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心 /National Applied Research Laboratories, NARLabs /2008-10-01/ .
  33. Chang, C. C., Cheng, Y. F. and Lin, I. C./Security Enhancement of a Flexible Payment Scheme and Its Role-Based Access Control/Information Security and Cryptology, (Goos, G., Hartmanis, J. and Leeuwen, J. V.) /Springer Verlag /2008-08-01/ Vol. 4990, pp. 457-462
  34. Tsai, P., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C./A Low Bit Rate VQ Encoding Scheme Using Neighboring Similarity and Dynamic Subspace Rechecking/Harmonious Human Computer Environment 2007, (Li, X., Shi, Y., Meng, X., Xu, G., Liu, Z. Eds.) /Tsinghus University /2008-05-01/ pp. 3-11
  35. Chang, C. C., Chang, P. Y. and Lin, I. C./A Novel Group Signature Scheme Based on Bilinear Pairings and Gap Diffie-Hellman Group/Studies in Computational Intelligence--2nd International Workshop on Rational, Robust, and Secure Negotiations in Multi-Agent Systems (RRS), (Ito, T., Hattori, H., Zhang, M. and Matsuo, T. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2008-02-01/ Vol. 89, pp. 117-125 /-
  36. Chang, C. C., Tsou, C. C. and Chou, Y. C./A Remediable Image Authentication Scheme Based on Feature Extraction and Clustered VQ/Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PMC2007 -- Proceedings of 8th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, (Ip, H. S., Au, O. C., Leung, H., Sun, M. T., Ma, W. Y. and Hu, M. Eds.) /Springer Verlag /2007-12-01/ pp. 446-449 /-
  37. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Wang, Y. Z./A High Payload VQ Steganographic Method for Binary Images/Pre-Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW2007), (Shi, Y. Q., Kim, H. J., Katzenbeisser, S. Eds.) /Springer Verlag /2007-12-01/ pp. 484-498 /-
  38. Chang, C. C. and Wu, W. C./Reversible Quantization-Index Modulation Using Neighboring Correlation/Pre-Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW2007), (Shi, Y. Q., Kim, H. J., Katzenbeisser, S. Eds.) /Springer Verlag /2007-12-01/ pp. 225-234 /-
  39. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Lu, T. C./A Semi-blind Watermarking Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform/Information and Communications Security--Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2007),(Qing, S. Imai, H., and Wang, G. Eds.) /Springer Verlag /2007-12-01/ pp. 164-176. /-
  40. Chang, C. C., Cheng, Y. F. and Lin, I. C./Security Enhancement of a Flexible Payment Scheme and Its Role-Based Access/Pre-proceedings of the 3rd International SKLOIS Conference on Information Security and Cryptology /Springer Verlag /2007-09-01/ pp.467-472
  41. Wang, C. C., Chang, C. C., Zhang, X. and Jan, J. K./Senary Huffman Compression - A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images/Multimedia Content Analysis and Mining (MCAM'07) /Springer Verlag /2007-06-01/ pp. 351-360
  42. Wu, C. C., Chang, C. C. and Yang, S. R./An Efficient Fragile Watermarking for Web Pages Tamper-proof/Advances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management /Springer-Verlag /2007-06-01/ pp. 654-663
  43. Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. H. and Chou, Y. C./Reversible Data Embedding Technique for Palette Images Using De-clustering/Multimedia Content Analysis and Mining (MCAM'07) /Springer Verlag /2007-06-01/ pp. 130-139.
  44. Yeh, J. S., Li, Y. C. and Chang, C. C./Two-Phase Algorithms for a Novel Utility-Frequent Mining Model/Proceedings of 2007 International Workshop on High Performance Data Mining and Applications (HPDMA 2007, in conjunction with PAKDD 2007) /Springer-Verlag /2007-05-01/ pp. 433–444
  45. Chan, C. W. and Chang, C. C./A New (t, n)-Threshold Scheme Based on Difference Equations/Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental Methodologies--First International Symposium (ESCAPE 2007), (Chen, B. Paterson, M., and Zhang, G. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2007-04-01/ pp. 94-106
  46. Chang, C. C., Hu, Y. S. and Lin, C. C./A Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Singular Value Decomposition/Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental Methodologies--First International Symposium (ESCAPE 2007),(Chen, B. Paterson, M., and Zhang, G. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2007-04-01/ pp. 82-93
  47. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Fan, Y. H./Safeguarding Visual Secrets Using Meaningful Shadow Images/Embedded Computing: Design, Optimization and Applications, (Liu, Z., Shao, Z. Yang, L. T. Sha, E. Eds.) /IDEA-group /2007-04-01
  48. Chang, C. C., Wang, Y. C. and Hu, Y. C./Adaptive Data Hiding Scheme for Palette Images/Intelligent Multimedia Data Hiding, (J. S. Pan, W. C. Fang, H. C. Huang, and L. C. Jain, eds) /Springer-Verlag /2007-02-01/ Chapter 5, pp. 103-122
  49. Chang, C. C. and Lin, C. Y./Density-Based Image Vector Quantization Using a Genetic Algorithm/The 13th International MultiMedia Modelling Conference (MMM2007), (Cham, T. J., Cai, J., Dorai, C., Rajan, D., Chua, T. S. and Chia, L. T. Eds.) /Springer Verlag /2007-01-01/ Part I, pp. 289-298
  50. Chan, C. S. and Chang, C. C./A Color Image Hiding Scheme Based on SMVQ and Modulo Operator/The 13th International MultiMedia Modelling Conference (MMM2007),(Cham, T. J., Cai, J., Dorai, C., Rajan, D., Chua, T. S. and Chia, L. T. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2007-01-01/ Part II, pp. 461-470.
  51. 張真誠、李榮三、李維斌/電子商務的消費機制/資通安全專論彙編之一, 國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心 /國家實驗研究院 /2006-12-01/ pp. 111-143
  52. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C./Enhancement of an Auth. Mulitple-key Agreement Protocol without Using Conventional One-way Function/Computational Intelligence and Security-International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, (Hao, Y., Liu, J., Wang, Y., Cheung, Y.M., Yin, H., Jiao, L., Ma, J. and Jiao, Y.C. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2006-12-01/ Part I, pp. 554-559 /-
  53. Chang, C.C., Lee, J.S. and Lee, W.B/Secure Mechanisms for Electronic Commerce/資通安全專論彙編之一,國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心 /National Applied Research Laboratories, NARLabs /2006-12-01/ .
  54. Lee, W.B., Chen, B.H. and Chang, C.C./Security Threats of Electronic Commerce/資通安全分析專論 /National Applied Research Laboratories, NARLabs /2006-11-01/ pp. 229-263
  55. Shen, J. J., Chang, C. C. and Chou, Y. C./Absorber Filter--A New Efficient and Cost Reduced Search Filter/Advances in Natural Computation and Data Mining - the 3rd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'06), (Jiao, L., Shi, G., Gao, X.,Wang, L., Wang, S. and Liu, J. Eds.) /Xidan University Press /2006-09-01/ pp. 346-357.
  56. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S. and Fan, Y. H./A Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Vector Quantization Mechanism/Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing - the 2006 IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing (EUC'2006), (Sha, E. Han, S. K., Xu, C. Z., Kim, M. H., Yang, L. T. and Xiao, Bin. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2006-08-01/ pp. 469-478. /-
  57. Chang, C. C. and Wu, C. C./A Novel Key Agreement Scheme in a Multiple Server Environment/Information Security Applications--Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA 06), (Lee, J. K., Yi, O. and Yuang, M. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2006-08-01/ pp. 187-197 /
  58. Chang, C. C., Chen, K. L. and Lin, C. H./A Group-Oriented (t,n) Threshold Signature Scheme Against Replay Attacks/Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing - the 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-06), (Ma, J., Jin, H., Yang, L. T. and Tsai, J. P. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2006-08-01/ pp. 816-825 /
  59. Yang, J. H., Chang, C. C. and Wang, C. H./A Practical Solution to the (t, n) Threshold Untraceable Signature with (k, l) Verification Scheme/Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing - the 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-06), (Ma, J., Jin, H., Yang, L. T. and Tsai, J. P. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2006-08-01/ pp. 998-1007. /
  60. Lin, I. C. and Chang, C. C./An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Digital Signature Scheme Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem/Autonomic and Trusted Computing - the 3rd IFIP International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-06), (Yang, L. T., Jin, H. Ma, J. and Ungerer, T. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2006-08-01/ pp. 601-610 /-
  61. Lin, K. C. and Chang, C. C./Securing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - Intrusion Prevention and Detection Systems/Communications of the Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association /2006-08-01/ Vol.12, No.1.pp. 58-75
  62. Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. and Hsueh, C. C./A Fast Modular Multiplication Algorithm Based on the Window Method/Journal of I-Shou University /I-Shou University /2006-08-01
  63. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, Y. P. and Wu, W. C./Wavelet-Based Initialization for VQ Codebook Generation/International Computer Conference 2006 on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing, (Li, J. P., Yang, S. X, Torresani, B., and Yen, J. Eds.) /World Scientific /2006-08-01/ Vol. 2, pp. 581-592
  64. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, Y. P. and Wu, W. C./An Adaptive Search Algorithm for VQ Using Wavelet Transform and Principle Component Analysis/International Computer Conference 2006 on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing, (Li, J. P., Yang, S. X, Torresani, B., and Yen, J. Eds.) /World Scientific /2006-08-01/ Vol. 2, pp. 581-592
  65. Lin, C. Y. and Chang, C. C./Hiding Data in VQ-compressed Images Using Dissimilar Pairs/Journal of Computers /2006-07-01/ Vol.17, No.2, pp. 3-10
  66. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C. and Fan, Y. H./A Bit-Level Visual Secret Sharing Scheme for Multi-Secret Images Using Rotation and Reversion Operat/Intelligent Multimedia Data Hiding, (J. S. Pan, W. C. Fang, H. C. Huang, and L. C. Jain, eds) /Springer-Verlag /2006-06-01/ Chapter 4, pp. 83-101
  67. Chang, C. C., and Lee, J. S./Improvement on An Optimized Protocol for Mobile Network Authentication and Security/Computational Intelligence and Security-International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, (Hao, Y., Liu, J., Wang, Y., Cheung, Y.M., Yin, H., Jiao, L., Ma, J. and Jiao, Y.C. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-12-01/ Part I, pp.538-541
  68. Wu, M. N., Lin, C. C. and Chang, C. C./Image Copy Detection with Rotating Tolerance/Computational Intelligence and Security-International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, (Hao, Y., Liu, J., Wang, Y., Cheung, Y.M., Yin, H., Jiao, L., Ma, J. and Jiao, Y.C. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-12-01/ Part I, pp. 464-469
  69. Chang, C. C., Yeh, J. B. and Lin, C. C./Adaptive Hiding Scheme Based on VQ-indices Using Commutable Codewords/Computational Intelligence and Security: International Conference (CIS 2005), (Yue Hao, Jiming Liu, Yu-Ping Wang, Yiu-ming Cheung, Hujun Yin, Licheng Jiao, Jianfeng Ma, Yong-Chang Jiao) /Springer Berlin/Heidelberg /2005-12-01/ pp. 567 - 572
  70. Lee, J.S., Chang, Y.F. and Chang, C.C./Authentication Protocols for Wireless Communications/Communication of the Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association /. /2005-12-01/ vol. 12, pp. 24-38
  71. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Wu, W. C./Image Retrieval Using Spatial Color and Edge Detection/Advances in Mulitmedia Information Processing - PCM 2005: 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, (Ho, Y. S., Kim, H. J. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-11-01/ 2767 (1), pp. 981-992
  72. Hwang, R. J., Chang, C. C. and Shiau, S. H./A Design Concept of Generalized Group-Oriented Cryptosystem without Trusted Parties/New Horizons of Parallel and Distributed Computing, (Guo, M. and Yang, L. T. Eds.) /Kluwer Academic Publishers /2005-11-01/ pp. 81-96
  73. Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C./A Color-based Image Retrieval Method Using Color Distribution and Common Bitmap/Information Retrieval Technology - Second Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, AIRS 2005, (Lee, G. G., Yamada, A., Meng, H. and Myaeng, S. H.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-10-01/ pp. 56-71
  74. Chang, C. C. and Lai, Y. P./A Parallel Modular Exponentiation Scheme for Transformed Exponents/Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, 6th International Workshop, (Cao, J., Nejdl, W. and Xu, M. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-10-01/ pp. 443-452
  75. Chang, C. C. and Lu, T. C./Method for Searching Similar Images Using Quality Index Measurement/Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (R. Khosla, R.J. Howlett and L.C. Jain) /Springer-Verlag GmbH /2005-09-01/ Vol.3682,pp. 1224-1230
  76. Chang, C. C. and Wu, W. C./A Reversible Information Hiding Scheme Based on Vector Quantization/Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (R. Khosla, R.J. Howlett, and L.C. Jain Eds.) /Springer-Verlag GmbH /2005-09-01/ Vol.3683, pp.1101-1107
  77. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C. and Yeh, J. B./A Bandwidth Efficiency of Lempel-Ziv Scheme for Data Authentication/Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (R. Khosla, R.J. Howlett, and L.C. Jain Eds.) /Springer-Verlag GmbH /2005-09-01/ Vol.3684,pp.249-256
  78. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. Y. and Wang, Y. Z./VQ image Steganographic Method with High Embedding Capacity Using Multi-Way Search Approach/Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems(R. Khosla, R.J. Howlett, and L.C. Jain Eds.) /Springer-Verlag GmbH /2005-09-01/ Vol.3683,pp.1058-1064
  79. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. C. and Shen, J. J./Improving Image Quality for JPEG Compression/Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (R. Khosla, R.J. Howlett, and L.C. Jain Eds.) /Springer-Verlag GmbH /2005-09-01/ Vol.3683,pp.442-448
  80. Li, Y. C., Chang, C. C. and Yeh, J. S./An Algorithm for Mining Association Rules with Weighted Minimum Supports/Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations II (D. Li and B. Wang Eds.) /Springer /2005-08-01/ pp. 291-300
  81. Chang, Y. F. and Chang, C. C./An Improvement on Strong-password Authentication/Embedded Software and Systems (Yang, L. T., Zhou, X. S., Zhao, W., Wu, Z. H., Zhu, Y. and Lin, M. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-08-01/ pp. 629-637
  82. Li, Y. C., Yeh, J. S. and Chang, C. C./Direct Candidates Generation: A Novel Algorithm for Discovering Complete Share-Frequent Itemsets/2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD2005), (Wang, L. and Jin, Y. Eds.) /Springer Verlag /2005-08-01/ pp. 551-560
  83. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C./A Novel Conference Key Distribution System with Re-keying Protocol/Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues - HSI 2005: 3rd International Conference on Human.Society@Internet, (Shimojo, S., Ichii, S. and Ling, T. W. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-07-01/ pp. 282-290
  84. Li, Y. C., Yeh, J. S. and Chang, C. C./Efficient Algorithms for Mining Share-Frequent Itemsets/Fuzzy Logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence --- 11th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA 2005), (Y. Liu, G. Chen, and M. Ying Eds.) /Springer Tsinghua /2005-07-01/ pp. 534-539
  85. Chang, C. C., Chou, H. and Lin, C. C./A Steganographic Technique for Color Images Using Index Replacement and Principal Component Analysis/6th International Progress on Wavelet Analysis and Active Media Technology, (Li, J. P., Jaffard, S., Suen, C. Y, Daugman, J., Wickerhauser, V., Torresani, B., Yen, J., Zhong, N. and Pal, S. K., Eds.) /World Scientific /2005-05-01/ pp. 15-22.
  86. Chang, C. C., Wu, W. C. and Hu, Y. C./Color Image Retrieval Based on Regional Features/6th International Progress on Wavelet Analysis and Active Media Technology, (Li, J. P., Jaffard, S., Suen, C. Y, Daugman, J., Wickerhauser, V., Torresani, B., Yen, J., Zhong, N. and Pal, S. K., Eds.) /World Scientific /2005-05-01/ pp. 23-33
  87. Chang, C. C., Lu, T. C. and Liu, Y. L./A Secret Information Hiding Scheme Based on Switching Tree Coding/Computer Security in the Twenty-First Century, (Lee, D. T., Shieh, S. P., and Tygar, J. D. Eds.) /Springer /2005-05-01/ pp. 255-263.
  88. Chang, C. C., Shen, J. J. and Chou, Y. C./FA-Tree--A Dynamic Indexing Structure for Spatial Data/Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, (Abraham, A., Dote, Y., Furuhashi, T., Koppen, M., Ohuchi, A., and Ohsawa, Y. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-05-01/ pp. 1071-1080
  89. Chang, C. C., Tai, W. L. and Lin, C. C./Secret Hiding Using Side Match Vector Quantization/Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, (Abraham, A., Dote, Y., Furuhashi, T., Koppen, M., Ohuchi, A., and Ohsawa, Y. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-05-01/ pp. 172-181
  90. Chang, C. C., Tseng, C. S. and Lin, C. C./Hiding Data in Binary Images/Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3439 - Information Security Practice and Experience: First International Conference ISPEC 2005, (Deng, H., Bao, F., Pang, H.H., et al. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag GmbH /2005-04-01/ pp. 338-349
  91. Li, Y. C., Chang, C. C. and Yeh, J. S./A Fast Algorithm for Mining Share-Frequent Itemsets/Proceedings of the Seventh Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb'05), (Zhang, Y., Tanaka, K., Yu, X. et al. Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2005-03-01/ pp. 417-428 /-
  92. Chan, Y. K. and Chang, C. C./Content-Based Retrieval Concept/Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Vol. I-V, (Mehdi, K. P. Ed.) /Idea Group /2005-02-01/ Vol. I, pp. 564-568.
  93. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C./A Perceptually Tuned Watermarking Scheme for Digital Images Using Support Vector Machnies/Intelligent Watermarking Techniques, (Pan, J. S., Huang, H. C. and Jain, L. C. Eds.) /Series on Innovative Intelligence /2004-06-01/ Vol. 7, 2004, pp. 429-458 /
  94. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C./Robust Image Watermarking Systems Using Neural Networks/Intelligent Watermarking Techniques, (Pan, J. S., Huang, H. C. and Jain, L. C. Eds.) /Series on Innovative Intelligence /2004-06-01/ Vol. 7, 2004, pp. 395-428 /
  95. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C./Robust Image Watermarking Systems Using Neural Networks/Intelligent Watermarking Techniques, (J. S. Pan, H. C. Huang and L. C. Jain Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore /2004-06-01/ 2004, Chapter 14, pp. 395-428 /
  96. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C./A Perceptually Tuned Watermarking Scheme for Digital Images Using Support Vector Machines/Intelligent Watermarking Techniques, (J. S. Pan, H. C. Huang and L. C. Jain Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore /2004-06-01/ 2004, Chapter 15, pp. 429-458 /
  97. Hwang, K. F. and Chang, C. C./Recent Development of Visual Cryptography/Intelligent Watermarking Techniques, (J. S. Pan, H. C. Huang and L. C. Jain Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore /2004-06-01/ Chapter 16, 2004, pp. 459-480 /
  98. Chang, C. C., Chuang, J. C. and Hu Y. S./Image Feature Based on Wavelet Transformation for Similar Image Retrieval/Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications, (J. P. Li, V. Wickerhauser, Y. Y. Tang, J. Daugman, L. Peng, and J. Zhao Eds.) /World Scientific /2003-06-01/ Vol. 1, 2003, pp. 294-302 /
  99. Huang, H. F. and Chang, C. C./An Efficient Convertible Authenticated Encryption Scheme and Its Variant/Lecture Notes in Computer Science- Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2003), (S. Qing, D. Gollmann, J. Zhou Eds.) / Springer Verlag, Germany /2003-06-01/ 2003, pp. 382-392 /
  100. Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C./A Method for Sending Confidential Messages to a Group without Trusted Parties/ Lecture Notes in Computer Science- Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, (M. Guo and L. T. Yang Eds.) /Springer Verlag, Germany /2003-06-01/ Vol. 2745, 2003, pp. 375-381 /
  101. Hung, K. L., Chang, C. C./A Robust and Recoverable Tamper Proofing Technique for Image Authentication/Lecture Notes in Computer Science- Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues-HSI 2003, (C. W. Chung, C. K. Kim, W. Kim, T. W. Ling, and K. H. Song Eds.) /Springer Verlag, Germany /2003-06-01/ 2003, pp. 44-53 /
  102. Chang, C. C., Hsiao, J. Y. and Chiang, C. L./A Cross-Type Peak-and-Valley Filter for Error Prevention and Resilience in Image Communications/Lecture Notes in Computer Science-Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM2002, (Y. C. Chen, L. W. Chang and C. T. Hsu Eds.) /Springer Verlag, Germany /2002-06-01/ 2002, pp.393-400 /
  103. Chang, C. C., Hsieh, C. P. and Hsiao, J. Y./A Fast and Efficient Noise Reduction Method Suitable for Low Noise Density/Lecture Notes in Computer Science-Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM2002, (Y. C. Chen, L. W. Chang and C. T. Hsu Eds.) / Springer Verlag, Germany /2002-06-01/ 2002, pp.386-392 /
  104. Chang, C. C. and Su, Y. Y/A Dynamic Color Palette for Color Images Coding/Lecture Notes in Computer Science-Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM2002, (Y. C. Chen, L. W. Chang and C. T. Hsu Eds.) /Springer Verlag, Germany /2002-06-01/ 2002, pp.369-376 /
  105. Chang, C. C., Chan, C. S, and Hsiao, J. Y./A Color Image Retrieve Method Based on Local Histogram/ Lecture Notes in Computer Science-Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM2001, (H. Y. Shum, M. Liao, S. F. Chang Eds.) /Springer Verlag, Germany /2001-06-01/ 2001, pp. 831-836 /
  106. Tsai, C. S. and Chang, C. C./A Generalized Secret Image Sharing and Recovery Scheme/Lecture Notes in Computer Science-Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM2001, (H. Y. Shum, M. Liao, S. F. Chang Eds.) /Springer Verlag, Germany /2001-06-01/ 2001, pp. 963-968 /
  107. Chang, C. C., Yeh, J. C. and Hsiao, J. Y./A Novel Scheme for Securing Image Steganography/Lecture Notes in Computer Science-Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM2001, (H. Y. Shum, M. Liao, S. F. Chang Eds.) /Springer-Verlag, Germany /2001-06-01/ 2001, pp. 804-811 /
  108. Chang, C. C., Hsia, H. C. and Chen, T. S./A New Progressive Image Transmission Scheme Based on Block Truncation Coding/The Human. Society @ Internet, (W. Kim, T. W. Ling, Y. J. Lee and S. S. Park Ed.) /Springer-Verlage, Germany /2001-06-01/ 2001, pp. 383-397 /
  109. Chang, C. C. and Lin, I. C./Cryptanalysis of the Improved User Efficient Blind Signatures/Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Information and Communications Security, (S. Qing and T. Okamoto Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2001-06-01/ 2001, pp. 42-46 /
  110. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F./Towards the Forgery of a Group Signature without Knowing the Group Center's Secret/Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Information and Communications Security, (S. Qing and T. Okamoto Eds.) /Springer-Verlag /2001-06-01/ 2001, pp. 47-51 /
  111. Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Xiao, G. X./A Simple Prediction Method for Progressive Image Transmission/Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Applications, (T. K. Shih Ed.) /the Idea Group Publishing, USA /2001-06-01/ Chapter 16 /
  112. Chang, C. C. and Hwang, K. F./Hiding Images Using Dynamic Bit-replacement and Human Visual System/Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Applications, (T. K. Shih Ed.) /the Idea Group Publishing, USA /2001-06-01/ Chapter 12 /
  113. Tsai, C. S., Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S. and Chen M. H./Embedding Robust Gray-level Watermarks in an Image Using Discrete Cosine Transformation/Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Applications, (T. K. Shih Ed.) /the Idea Group Publishing, USA /2001-06-01/ Chapter 13 /
  114. Chang, C. C., Hung, Y. P., Shih, T. K. and Hwang, R. J./Future Multimedia Databases and Research Directions/Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Applications, (T. K. Shih Ed.) /the Idea Group Publishing, USA /2001-06-01/ Chapter 22 /
  115. Chang, C. C., Chan, Y. K., Chou, A. Y. H. and Yang, W. P./Representing Symbolic Pictures Using Iconic Indexing/Design and Management of Multimedia Information Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, (M. R. Syed Editor) /Idea Group Publishing Company, U. S. A /2001-06-01/ pp. 64-79 /
  116. Shen, J. J., Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. H./Normalization Cannot Make Profit for Query Processing in ROODB/ Database, Web and Cooperative Systems, Vol. I, (G. Lasker, and Y. Zhang Eds) /The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Canada /1999-06-01/ pp. 137-144 /
  117. Chang, C. C., Leu, J. J., Hwang, P. C. and Lee, W. B./A Scheme for Obtaining a Message from the Digital Multisignature/Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Public Key Cryptography, (H. Imai and Y. Zheng Eds.) /Springer-Verlag, Germany /1998-06-01/ pp.154-163 /
  118. Chang, C. C./Computer Science Education at Universities in Taiwan/Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society, (Y. Kambayashi, Y. Masunaga, M. Takizawa, and Y. Anzai Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore /1997-06-01/ pp. 5-10 /
  119. Lee, C. F. and Chang, C. C./Optimal Bit Lengths of Direction Signatures for Spatial Match Accessing Using Basic Linear Hashing Scheme/Advanced Database Research and Development Series, Vol. 7, Cooperative Database and Applications, (Y. Kambayashi and K.Yokota Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore /1997-06-01/ pp. 526-529 /
  120. Chang, C. C. and Jiang, J. H./General Multilevel Signature Method for Data Filtering in Mobile Environments/ Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society, (Y. Kambayashi, Y. Masunaga, M. Takizawa, and Y. Anzai Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company /1997-06-01/ pp. 385-391 /
  121. Chang, C. C. and Lee, C. F./An Efficient Data Filter for Orthogonal Range Searching on Multiattribute Files/Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society, (Y. Kambayashi, Y. Masunaga, M. Takizawa, and Y. Anzai Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company /1997-06-01/ pp. 261-264 /
  122. Chen, T. S. and Chang, C. C./Progressive Image Transmission Using Side Match Method/Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society, (Y. Kambayashi, Y. Masunaga, M. Takizawa, and Y. Anzai Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company /1997-06-01/ pp. 191-198 /
  123. Chang. C. C. and Lee, C. F./An Efficient Indexing Scheme for Temporal Join in Relational Environment/Digital Media Information Base, (M. Yoshikawa, S. Uemura, and Y. Kambayashi Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company /1997-06-01/ pp. 176-181 /
  124. Jiang, J. H., Chang. C. C. and Chen, T. S./Selective Progressive Image Transmission Using Diagonal Sampling Technique/Digital Media Information Base, (M. Yoshikawa, S. Uemura, and Y. Kambayashi Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company /1997-06-01/ pp. 59-67 /
  125. Chang, C. C., Lee, W. T. and Kuo, C. L./A Fast Image Encoding Scheme Using Vector Quantization/ Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society, (Y. Kambayashi, Y. Masunaga, M. Takizawa, and Y. Anzai Eds.) /World Scientific Publishing Company /1997-06-01/ pp. 143-150 /
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  127. Hwang, S. J., Chang, C. C. and Yang, W. P./Some Active Attacks on Fast Server-Aided Secret Computation Protocols for Modular Exponentiation/Proceedings of Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms, Vol. 1029, (Dawson, E. and Golic, J. Eds.) /Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany /1996-06-01/ pp. 215-227 /
  128. Lin, C. H., Wang, C. T. and Chang, C. C./A Group-Oriented (t, n) Undeniable Signature Scheme without Trusted Center/ Information Security and Privacy, (G. Goos, J. Harfmanis, and J. Leeuwen Eds.) / Springer-Verlag /1996-06-01/ pp. 266-274 /
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  5. 有限場蒙哥馬利乘法器/發明 /發明第I三四0 /2011-04~ 2027-04
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